Actual Freedom – Definitions


Paradise; Terra Actualis


paradise (n.): 1. often capitalised, Paradise): the Garden of Eden; 2.(a.) in various religious traditions, the Edenic or heavenly abode of righteous souls after death; (b.) according to some forms of Christian belief, an intermediate resting place for righteous souls awaiting the Resurrection; 3. (a.) a place of great beauty or happiness; [e.g.]: “They saw the park as a paradise within a noisy city”; (b.) a state of delight or happiness; [e.g.]: “The newlyweds have been in paradise for months”; (adj.): paradisal, paradisaic, paradisaical, paradisiac, paradisiacal; (adv.): paradisally, paradisiacally, paradisaically; (word history): from an etymological perspective, at least, paradise is located in ancient Iran—for it is there that the word paradise ultimately originates—as the old Iranian language, Avestan, had a noun pairidaēza-, ‘a wall enclosing a garden or orchard’, which is composed of pairi-, ‘around’, and daēza - ‘wall’; the adverb and preposition pairi is related to the equivalent Greek form peri, as in ‘perimeter’; daēza - comes from the Indo-European root *dheigh-, ‘to mould’, ‘to form’, ‘to shape’; the Zoroastrian religion encouraged maintaining arbours, orchards, and gardens, and even the kings of austere Sparta were edified by seeing the Great King of Persia planting and maintaining his own trees in his own garden; a Greek mercenary soldier, Xenophon, who spent some time in the Persian army and later wrote histories, recorded the pairidaēza-, ‘surrounding the orchard’, as paradeisos, using it not to refer to the wall itself but to the huge parks which Persian nobles loved to build and hunt in; this Greek word was used in the Septuagint translation of Genesis to refer to the Garden of Eden, and then Latin translations of the Bible used the Greek word in its Latinised form, paradisus; the Latin word was then borrowed into Old English and used to designate the Garden of Eden; in Middle English, the form of the word was influenced by its Old French equivalent, paradis, and it is from such Middle English forms as paradis that our Modern English word descends. [Middle English paradis, from Old French, from Late Latin paradīsus, from Greek paradeisos, ‘garden’, ‘enclosed park’, ‘paradise’, from Avestan pairidaēza-, ‘enclosure’, ‘park’; from pairi -, ‘around’ + daēza-, ‘wall’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary).


Terra Actualis:

This high-brow way of saying ‘the actual world’ was first-coined in jest (in February 2012) to illustrate a point. Viz:

February 19 2012.

CLAUDIU: (...) anyone could have discovered it [an actual freedom from the human condition] before you and arrived at the same place – you just happened to be the first – and anyone still can discover it ...

RICHARD: I am interjecting mid-sentence here only to point out that when someone discovers something then everyone else thereafter utilises that person’s discovery ... they do not, each and every one of them thereafter, discover it.

Just to illustrate: when the aeroplane you are on lands in Australia are you really going to say, when you alight and set foot on the tarmac, that you have discovered Terra Australis Incognita?

Similarly, the actual world – hereafter known as Terra Actualis (to coin a unique name for it) – is already discovered, and, as a direct consequence, is increasingly becoming populated.

CLAUDIU: ... and arrive at the same place, even without coming in contact with the actual freedom website or with you or Vineeto or any actualist at all.

RICHARD: As the discovery that the instinctual passions/the identity formed thereof can be dispensed with requires sapience (a.k.a. sagacity or intelligence) in their stead then what you are saying, in effect, is that although it took 100,000 years for Homo Sapiens to evolve, to the point that one of them could figure out how to have that happen, each and every one hereafter still has to evolve to that point of figuring out for themselves.

Put simplistically, as the already always existing peace-on-earth is located in the already always existing Terra Actualis (ha ... used it already) then what has been required all this while is access to it, non?

Hence a totally new way of being conscious (a completely original consciousness) for all humankind to avail themselves of. ~ (Richard, List D Correspondence, Claudiu, 19 February 2012). (opens in new window).



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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