Actual Freedom – Definitions


Ubicate/Ubiety; Unadulterated; Unawakened

Uncomprehendingly; Unhealthy; Unheralded; Universal

Unmarried/Spinster/Old Maid; Unsustained; Untenable; Upanishads


[Dictionary Definitions]:
• ubicates (v.): third-person singular simple present of ubicate. ~ (Word-Sense Online Dictionary).

• ubicated (v.): simple past and past participle of ubicate. ~ (Word-Sense Online Dictionary).

• ubicating (v.): present participle of ubicate. ~ (Word-Sense Online Dictionary).

• ubicate (v. ubicates, ubicating, ubicated intr.v. uncommon): 1. to take up residence (in a place) to lodge (somewhere) [e.g.]: “I am much intrigued as to whether that word Serendipity (Serendippy in its participial form) in Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀ for September 16 was found in some old dictionary or is a reaction to the Anchoret’s ubicating in a hen house at Auriesville”. (pp. 19-20⁽⁰¹⁾, To the Editor: ‘Anchoret in the Belfry’, “America Magazine”, Vol. 50; America Press, 1934): 2. (tr.v.; rare): to locate; to find and specify the location of; [e.g.]: “The introduction begins by ubicating the Desano people and providing a very brief set of ethnographic comments. They live on the Vaupés river in Colombia, are patrilineal, and have a sex gendered language”. (pp. 100-102, “Review of Desano Grammar”, Paul Proulx; 2003, ‘International Journal of American Linguistics’ LXIX, No.1). [origin & history; cf. ubication; ultimately from ubi, ‘where’].~ (Word-Sense Online Dictionary).

• ubication (n.): the condition or fact of being in, or occupying, a certain place or position; (synonyms): location; whereness; ubiety; (word usage): location is a particular point or place in physical space whereas ubication is the fact or condition of being in, or occupying, a certain place, position, or location; [e.g.]: “And this [the soul ever fixing itself upon indivisibility] is the reason why we attribute the nature of substance to all our notions: if we see a thing white, or black, or do, or suffer, or be in a place, or in time; presently in our apprehensions we conceive these modifications of the thing, like substances; and accordingly we call them by substantive names, whiteness, action, ubication, duration, &c”. (pp. 58-99⁽⁰²⁾, Chapter Five: ‘Proofs our Soul is Incorporeal’, in “A Treatise of Man’s Soul”, by Sir Kenelm Digby, 1603-1665; printed in the year 1645, London). [origin & history: an adaptation of the New Latin ubicātiō, Spanish ubicación,‎ Portuguese ubicação, from the assumed *ubicō, Spanish ubicar‎, from the Classical Latin ubi, ‘where’].~ (Wikipedia English Dictionary).

• ubiety (n.; pron. yew-bay-yit-ee): the state of existing and being localised in space; the property of having a definite location at any given time; [e.g.]: “Strictly speaking, an unembodied spirit, or pure mind, has no relation to place. Whereness, ubiety, is a pure relation, the relation of body to body. Cancel body, annihilate matter and there is no here or there”. (Prof. Benjamin Franklin Cocker, “Handbook Of Philosophy”; 1878, Courier Steam-Printing House, page 72⁽⁰³⁾). [origin: first recorded in 1640-50; from Latin relative and interrogative adverb ubi, ‘where, where?’ + -ety, variant (after -i-) of -ity]. ~ (Random House Unabridged Dictionary).

• ubeity (n.): the state of being in a definite place; whereness; ubiety. [from Medieval Latin ubeita(t-)s, ubeity, from Latin ubi, ‘where’].~ (Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia).

• ubication (n.; rare): 1. situation; position; local relation; place of rest or lodgment; 2. ubeity; whereness; [e.g.]: “Rodrigo de Arriaga (‘Cursus Philosophicus’,1639) suggests that the board affects the upper weight, which it does not touch, by determining its ubication or whereness”. (Prof. William Whewell, “History of the Inductive Sciences”, 1837; vol. II., book VI, chap. II, sect. V, page 45⁽⁰⁴⁾). [= Spanish ubicacion = Portuguese ubicação from Latin ubi, ‘where’; probably for *cubi, *quobi, from qui, ‘who’, ‘quid’, ‘what’ + -bi, a locative suffix].~ (Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia).







Here is an example of what the word ‘unadulterated’ refers to in that ‘Library’ webpage quote:

[Richard]: ‘(...) here is the way those three words, in the term ‘pure consciousness experience’ (PCE), are used:

1. The word ‘pure’ is synonymic with ‘unadulterated’, ‘uncontaminated’, ‘unpolluted’, and so on.

2. The word ‘consciousness’ describes the condition of a body being conscious (the suffix ‘-ness’ forms a noun expressing a state or condition).

3. The word ‘experience’ refers to a sentient creature participating personally in events or activities.

Thus a PCE is the condition of a flesh and blood body being conscious sans an adulterant, a contaminant, a pollutant, and so on – specifically the identity in toto (both ‘I’ as ego/self and ‘me’ as soul/spirit) ...’. ( correspondence/listaf101.htm#03Oct05).



• uncomprehendingly (adv.): in an uncomprehending manner (=‘lacking comprehension or understanding’). [etymology: uncomprehendingly]. ~ (Wiktionary English Dictionary).


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘unhealthy (noun): harmful or not conducive to health; insalubrious; unwholesome; dangerous to life; having bad or unpleasant effects; detrimental; imprudent’. (©1998 Oxford Dictionary).


unheralded (adj.) 1. {not acknowledged or acclaimed}: unknown, unrecognised, unsung, unnoticed, unpublicised, unacclaimed, unproclaimed; [e.g.]: “They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers”; 2. {not anticipated or announced beforehand}: unexpected, out of the blue, surprise, unforeseen, unannounced; [e.g.]: “The complete reversal of this policy was unheralded”. [curly-bracketed insert added] ~ (Collins English Thesaurus).


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘universal: of or pertaining to the universe ...’. (Oxford Dictionary).

Unmarried/Spinster/Old Maid:


[Dictionary Definition]: ‘unsustained: not sustained; esp. not supported materially or as valid, correct, etc.; unsustainable: adj’. Oxford Dictionary).


[Dictionary Definitions]: 

• ‘being such that occupation or habitation is impossible’. (American Heritage® Dictionary).
• ‘describes a situation that cannot continue as it is’. (Cambridge Dictionary).
• ‘not able to be occupied; (of an office, position, etc.) not able to be possessed or enjoyed’. (Oxford Dictionary).


the Upanisads – principally the Mandukya, Brhadaranyaka and Chandogya Upanisads

See pp. xlvii-vii of ‘Gaudapada-Karika’ by Prof. Raghunath D. Karmarkar; ©1953 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona.




The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

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