Australian Bird Photos ~ Pelican

Sound: Pelican




Pelican at Sunset

Pelican at Tuckean Broadwater


Pelicans on a Fishing Trip

Pelican Water Ballet

Pelican 'Chat'

Pelican Couple with Young

Young Pelican finding his balance

Pelican and Young Pelican Nursery
Young Pelican paddling by  Feeding in Synchronicity

Pelican Family Life

Pelican Family Life

Young Pelican in Waterbird Gathering Pelicans line up

Teaching the Young how to feed

Pelican Hostel
Pelican Fishing Pelican 'Hygiene'
All the Waterbirds on one Tree Pelican March
Pelicans parading at Tuckean Broadwater ... and at Swan Bay

At Brunswick River

At North Creek
Pelican in Suburbia Pelican high up
Pelican Full Frontal Pelicans resting on a post

Pelican in flight Pelican in flight
Pelicans Riding the Thermals Pelican Tandem
