Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)


Vineeto’s Correspondence

with Milito on Discuss Actualism Forum

March 30 2024

Claudiu: As what started as a quick follow-up but led to some questions, can I share pieces of or all of the following on the forum? I think it’s relevant to his queries about what Richard was sensing before you abdicated the guardian. (

Milito’s question: I agree with you about pure intent being actually existing and forgive me if I’m not following you but this started with my curiousity surrounding the event where one second Richard could sense Vineeto existentially then the next he couldn’t. That is why the question was posed, what is it he was sensing one instant, then no longer able to sense the next?

Could it be that the abdication of the guardian was the elimination of the last vestiges of any perceivable ‘presence’ in Vineeto? If so, then the question arises: Richard cannot feel vibes. So what is the non-affective content of presence? I dunno I thought it might be the sum total of all the social mores and psittacisms

VINEETO: Here is the text of mine Milito is referring to –

[Vineeto to Srinath]: After the abdication of the guardian I was one day ready to allow myself to *fully (and permanently) experience the spatial infinitude of the universe*. Here is the description of what happened –

[Vineeto]: “The next significant event happened a week after my completion [the abdication of the guardian]. It began with an eerie sensation in the head as if my brain was being operated on whilst being fully conscious. After about 15 minutes or so there was a sensation as if my brain was being scattered throughout the universe. When I recovered from the experience itself enough to find out what actually happened, I noticed that I had lost my centre of reference (a discovery that left me quite disconcerted for about 2 weeks a week). Richard reported that in the days before he was able to existentially sense me as being close, very close, right in front of his eyes, so to speak, but that after this event he has been no longer able to sense me existentially. The direct result of losing the boundaries of my localized reference during this ‘brain-scattering’ event is that I am permanently apperceptively aware of the infinitude of the universe as infinite space, eternal time and perpetual matter.” Private Correspondence, November 29, 2010

I remember a similar profound disorientation (for a short period of time) after allowing to fully understand and experience the temporal infinitude of the universe. (Actualism, Actualvineeto, Srinath, 01 January 2019) [emphasis added]

Two corrections to Milito’s perception -

It was not that “one second Richard could sense Vineeto existentially then the next he couldn’t”. It was that “Richard reported that in the days before [“I had lost my centre of (spatial) reference”] he was able to existentially sense me as being close, very close, right in front of his eyes, so to speak, but that after this event he has been no longer able to sense me existentially”.

So the ceasing of Richard’s existential sensing of me is directly related to me having “lost my centre of (spatial) reference”, i.e. I was no longer a boundary-creating centre of consciousness who could be sensed existentially.

The second correction to Milito’s question is that this ceasing of existential sensing is *not* related to me having abdicated the guardian as I clearly stated in that email what it related to. “The abdication of the guardian” was *not* “the elimination of the last vestiges of any perceivable ‘presence’ in Vineeto”. In fact, after that event of the guardian abdicating I existentially looked around, so to speak, expecting Richard to be where I was (existentially) but he was nowhere to be found. I was on my own. Hence it was clear that I had further to go to reach a full actual freedom.

I am pleased Milito’s question has crystallized this aspect of existential sensing because it has become clear that, when on certain occasions a fully free person is sensing another existentially – be they feeling beings approaching the actual world or newly free persons with a social identity, or even without a social identity as I had been in the few days after the abdication of my guardian – this sensing is always related to the *boundary-creating centre of consciousness* which that person still maintains. Once I had lost this there was nothing available for Richard to existentially sense.

I read through the exchanges you quoted and find that they don’t directly relate to Milito’s question. It would only confuse the issue.

Cheers Vineeto


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