Peter’s Correspondence on Mailing List C Correspondent No 2
PETER: Hi Here-Now, RESPONDENT: ‘There are two worlds. One is on the outside, the other is on the inside. They are two only for the ignorant, they are two only because you have not yet seen the unity, because the ego is standing between the two like a dividing line. Once the ego evaporates, disappears, there is only one world. Then it is neither subjective nor objective, neither outer nor inner, but to begin with we have to accept the state in which we are; hence I say there are two worlds. I mean for you there are two worlds – the outside world and the inside world. To enter into ultimate truth first one has to explore the inner. And we all explore the outer we begin with the wrong step. Then everything else goes wrong. If the first step is wrong then everything else is going to be wrong. You have to find your inner source of light first. Explore it – and it is one of the most ecstatic adventures, in fact, the most ecstatic adventure. No other adventure can be compared with it, everything falls short. Even going to the moon or to Mars falls short. It is nothing compared to the journey that Jesus made or Buddha made. They are real adventurers.’ PETER: I disagree so thought I would butt in on your poetry and give you another definition of here-now for your consideration. It’s a bit radical admittedly but it could be worth considering for someone who is vitally interested in here-now and how to get to being here permanently. The first bit is the dictionary definition: – In this place or position. In this world; in this life; on earth.
Maybe this is of interest to you ... ... if not, click ‘delete’. Oh, I just can’t help myself, I just can’t stand it when anyone decides to decipher, translate, re-read or rewrite, rethink or redo anyone’s writing to satisfy their egos or to show off their ‘critical’ thinking. That was one of the reasons I got off this list ages ago, because if I wrote something to the list, to me, once I click it on, it’s gone, it no longer exists for me, it’s like clouds, one puff and they're gone, whatever words I shared my heart with, I had and have absolutely no interest in arguing, granted that someone else hear might, but it’s such a drag to be clicking on these silly criticisms and I’m sure to do it again, a beautiful poem was sent, if someone cannot read it with open eyes and heart, just delete it. Oh, I seriously dislike commentaries upon commentaries upon commentaries. Oh, I just can’t help myself, I just can’t stand it when anyone tries in any way to decode what they think that I’m saying when in fact, I may not even know what the hell it is I’m saying, just like this little note right here. Amen, sistahs and brothers, and come again and thank ye all who came to heah the preacha preach her song! PETER: Just a little comment on what Mr. Watts has said, RESPONDENT: In a certain sense Zen is feeling life instead of feeling something about life. Alan Watts PETER: It is another of those poems that clearly point to the spiritual path as being a feeling path to an ‘inner world’. One becomes a ‘watcher’, ‘feeling’ one’s way in the world and as such is cut off from the direct sensate experience of the actual world that is ever-present – under our very noses. To ‘feel’ life is not the same as fully living life, exactly as ‘thinking’ about life is not the same as fully living life. To be actually here is to be here in this moment of time, which is the only moment one can experience anyway. To be actually here is to be in this place which is no-where in particular in the infinitude of the physical universe. Coming from no-where and having no-where to go, we find ourselves here in this moment in time, in this place in space. To be here is to be the universe experiencing itself as a human being. For those who are interested, below is a fuller explanation of the three ways that we humans experience life – cerebral (thought), affective (feeling) and sensate (senses). Dictionary definitions are given in italics for clarity.
The human brain is the most sophisticated development of this extraordinary universe. Not only does it see, hear, smell, taste and touch with its nerve tentacles or sense stalks, but it can think, cognitize, reflect and communicate, and be aware of itself doing all these things. It also comes in a pretty neat body-packaging, able to move freely and easily and perform an amazing amount of dexterous activities. The prime activity of human animals that sets them apart from other animals is their ability to think and reflect. Unfortunately this same faculty is the source of so much suffering and angst given the insidious influence of animal instinctual passions sourced in the primitive reptilian section of the human brain. Given our genetically inherited instinctual self is overlaid with an instilled social identity, so much of our thinking is self-centred producing a relentless avalanche of neurosis. These thoughts are most often backed up by emotional memories of past hurts, fears, doubts, aggression, etc. which produce chemical responses in the body, giving rise to deep feelings and passions which only further add to our confusion. This self-centred neurosis is identified in the East as the problem with humans but they attempt to eradicate only half of the problem. Eastern religions aim to eradicate the ego (who we think we are), while ignoring the soul (who we feel we are). The resultant attack on, or repression of, all thoughts and thinking (not just the self-centred neurosis) results in the complete denial of intelligent thought such as can be readily seen by the East’s lack of technological progress, appalling poverty, repression of women, theocratic empires, etc. This attack on sensible thought is a traditional, ancient, spirit-ridden approach to what is essentially a neuro-biological problem. The spiritual search is a search for one’s roots and one’s original self which involves identifying with one’s primitive ‘self’ sourced in the amygdala – one’s soul or essential on-going instinctual genetic heritage. Having found, and become identified with, this ‘source’, one has found and identified with the ‘source of all’ – or God, by any other name. This backward-looking primitive approach is to favour, enhance and indulge in the instinctual passions, giving full reign to nurture and desire and translating them into the imaginary passions of Divine Love, Divine Compassion and Immortality. One transcends fear and aggression by regarding them as Evil or a ‘necessary’ temporal period of earthly suffering from which one is only ultimately freed after physical death. Having found, and become identified with, this ‘source’, one has found and identified with the ‘source of all’ – or God, by any other name. This flight into myth and fantasy is but a discovery and cultivating of an ‘inner’ imaginary hiding place as a desperate attempt to escape from being factually aware of earthly human malice and sorrow that arises from the instinctual passions. It equates well with the childhood trick of huddling under the blankets and creating one’s own imaginary world, the only difference being the adult spiritualist’s ‘safe world’ exists solely in their heads and hearts – it has no place in actuality. We now know that the instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire are sourced in the primitive brain and are but the component parts of the single-pointed genetic programming instilled by blind nature purely in order to ensure the survival of the species. To continue to seek solace and succour in the ‘good’ half of the feelings arising from these animal passions while denying and transcending the other ‘bad’ half is to both deny intelligent thinking and modern empirical scientific research. Given that God is but the figment of passionate imagination (a radical thought) then human beings’
only possibility of living in peace and harmony is intelligent, sensible, non-spirit-ridden, down-to-earth apperceptive thought (another radical
thought). To date most people have trouble even considering one radical non-populist thought, let alone two in a row – still it’s early days. Physical sensibility other than sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell. The condition of being emotionally affected or committed; an emotion (of fear, hope, etc.). Emotions, susceptibilities, sympathies. A belief not based solely on reason; an attitude, a sentiment. Oxford Dictionary The three ways a person can experience the world are: 1: cerebral (thoughts); 2: sensate (senses); 3.
affective (feelings). The arising of instinctually-sourced feelings produces a hormonal chemical response in the body, which can lead to the false
assumption that they are actual. Given that the base feelings are malice and sorrow (sadness, resentment, hate, depression, melancholy,
loneliness, etc.) we desperately seek relief in the ‘good’ feelings (love, trust, compassion, togetherness, friendship, etc.). To live life as
a ‘feeling being’ is to be forever tossed on a raging sea, hoping for an abatement to the storm. Finally, after a particularly fierce storm,
one ‘ties up in port’ to sit life out in safety or putters around in the shallows, so as not to face another storm again. We are but victims
of our impassioned feelings – but they can be eliminated. Feelings are most commonly expressed as emotion-backed thoughts and, as such, we can
free ourselves of their grip upon us.
As can be seen from the definitions the word sense has two distinct meanings (a, b and c, d), but in the emotional turmoil of real life, or the fantasy meta-physical world of spiritual life, the distinction is rarely, if ever, discerned. The first two definitions point to a practical, pragmatic view or sense, such that a tree is a tree, the universe is infinite, when you die you die, the sky is blue, and this is the only moment you can experience being alive. The world, as perceived by the body’s senses, the ‘stalks’ of the brain, is a physical one only. The physical senses of the brain allow us the sensual feel of touch (the skin of another), the aromatic delight of smell (a frangipani at dusk), the complexity of sight (colour, light, movement, depth, focus), the variety, intensity and layering of sounds and tastes. Further, the human brain has an awareness of this sensorial input and can think, reflect and communicate with others. The brain, when freed of the dominance of ‘self’-centred feeling and thought and the chemical based instinctual passions, is able to function with startling clarity and common sense and the faculty of apperception – the mind’s ability to perceive itself – comes to the fore. This sensate-only experience is known as a Pure Consciousness Experience – a temporary state of ‘self’-lessness. The ability of the brain to function sensibly – as in definition (b) – is essential for the individual and collective functioning of human beings and is seen in operation in the superb objects, systems and in operation of services, communication, trade, transport, etc. in the world. The second pair of definitions points to a different scenario, a different perception of the universe. This definition alludes to an emotional, feeling and cerebral (thought) perception of the world – the perception of the psychological and psychic entity within the flesh and blood body. With the continual operation of instinctual feelings of fear, aggression, nurture and desire combined with one’s social identity of morals, ethics and values, one is forever ‘feeling’ or ‘thinking’ one’s way in any place, at any time and with all other people. As such, we are continually psychically afraid of the world. We tend, when operating in a psychic-instinctual mode, to see everything as though coated in sorrow or malice. Our only relief is to add a coating of beauty, ‘spirituality’ or gratitude in order to make our perception a tolerable one. But one can never ever make any sense of the world this way, for it is all seen and experienced as either a ghastly nightmare, or a beautiful dream, depending on one’s feelings or thoughts at the time. As a social identity we are instilled with a perception of the world alluded to in definition (d). We are thus bound to having a moral or ethical interpretation or perception of things, people or events – relentlessly evaluating everything as good or bad, right or wrong. The consequences of the human brain functioning under the influence of instinctual passions, emotions, feelings, nightmares and dreams is most clearly seen in all the wars, rapes, murders, tortures, corruption, depression, suicides, etc. that continually plague Humanity. The consequences of the human brain functioning under the influence of socially instilled morals, ethics, principles, values and psittacisms is most clearly seen in all ethnic conflicts, religious persecutions, ethical disputes, fights for rights, demands for justice and retribution, etc. that are used as a justification to indulge in war, rape, murder, torture, etc. There is now a practical down-to-earth solution, such that will bring an end to this madness. When
actually freed of a psychic and ‘self’-oriented affective and cerebral sensing of the world – the ‘who’ one thinks one is and the ‘who’
one feels oneself to be – one can’t do anything other than perceive the world directly, sensately, sensuously and sensibly. To experience the
physical universe without the emotions of fear and aggression is to continually delight and wonder in amazement at it all. One at last comes to
one’s senses, both figuratively and literally.
Peter’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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