Peter’s Correspondence on Mailing List C Correspondent No 7
PETER: Hi, As response to RESPONDENT: Not to give it any negativity or judgement but I get a weird feeling reading your email. It’s hard to express this in words but I feel the question ‘and what will we be doing after the next 15 years...’ comes a little close to what I felt. PETER: For me, if I’m still alive in 15 years, I’ll be happy and harmless. RESPONDENT: Just a simple question, maybe you can spare some time to answer it. What motivates you to spend so much time writing to all these people here? PETER: I have posted several replies in the past, which you may have missed in your deleting –
From another post –
From another post –
From another post –
So, I delight in reporting to others that the path to a new, non-spiritual, down-to-earth, Actual Freedom works. Cheers ... ... Peter. P.S. – I notice on another post that came in this morning you complained that I didn’t answer your question. You were the next on the list, so to speak – I generally run a few days behind with my replies. As it is my pleasure and not my business I tend to kick back a bit... PETER to No 11: The Enlightened Ones, having found God and Love, are compulsively driven to
spread their message and to gather their disciples. It is intrinsic that if one discovers the Truth then one is impelled to teach it. Truth does
not exist without the teachings. They are in effect teaching their versions of the Truth, but a Truth must be told, must be passed on, otherwise
it withers. And the one who teaches the Truth has the power and authority, for people are hungry for the Truth with its promise of salvation,
bliss and immortality. RESPONDENT: Dear Peter and anybody else following these (endless?) discussions: I can do no other thing than totally disagree with this. Not only does Truth need the existence of teaching, nor are there personal versions or other version of Truth, but to claim that an Enlightened Being has the urge to teach and that his bliss is the others who praise him for it is utter BULLSHIT to me. Enlightenment nor Truth are bargains or business for which rewards are to be expected. Neither is there any need to claim Enlightenment or anything Beyond. PETER: Normally I just answer to posts in the order I receive them but your last post intrigued me so much I am willing respond out of order – I have got no idea what you are saying to me here. By the ‘bullshit’ -bit you are obviously pissed off – but at exactly what, I am at a loss. Maybe you could enlighten me about your position on the matter of how you see the Truth and Enlightenment. RESPONDENT: As far as all the other writings over the past months I don’t feel like commenting since others are already so busy doing that but I wonder why my simplest of simple question still remains unanswered. I sent this question to you personally but now I’ll give it out to the whole list just to expose what is not true. If you know truth why all these words and so many discussion? Simple question, isn’t it? Let me add a second one, why didn’t you answer this question? Third: does this mean there is still a motive or purpose? PETER: Exactly what is it you are ‘exposing’ – the fact that it took me three days to reply to you? The fact that you wrote to me privately? The fact that I might have some hidden motive or purpose other than what I have stated? That I really am Enlightened and are gathering cyber-disciples so we can all go to some cyber-heaven when the apocalypse comes? So you are obviously pissed off in this post and yet your reply to my answer to your ‘simple question’ is as follows –
Are you for real? Just what I am I to make of all this. Is your last post pure sarcasm? One post you are exposing me and telling me that what I am saying is ‘BULLSHIT’ and the next post is sprinkled with thank you’s, enjoyments and love. I can only think that this is similar to the Sannyasins I would see all ‘lovey-dovey’ in the ashram and would see them half an hour later abusing some rickshaw driver. I remember when I saw that I behaved this way. I was working on the Samadhi one day in the ashram ... I wrote about it in my journal and it is relevant to much that goes on in the list in postings usually signed ‘love’ ...
But it is possible to free yourself of malice ... if you are interested, that is. RESPONDENT: I sent this question to you personally but now I’ll give it out to the whole list just to expose what is not true. If you know truth why all these words and so many discussion? Simple question, isn’t it? Let me add a second one, why didn’t you answer this question? Third: does this mean there is still a motive or purpose? PETER: Are you for real? Just what I am I to make of all this. Is your last post pure sarcasm? One post you are exposing me and telling me that what I am saying is ‘BULLSHIT’ and the next post is sprinkled with thank you’s, enjoyments and love. I can only think that this is similar to the Sannyasins I would see all ‘lovey-dovey’ in the ashram and would see them half an hour later abusing some rickshaw driver. RESPONDENT: No I am not sarcastic and I am for real. Exposing what is not true has nothing to do with you but I’m sorry you took it that way. I never abused anybody in my life nor do I feel the need to. Freeing myself of malice is no question nor goal for me since there is no malice and there hasn’t been for considerable time. Neither can malice be expected. I was not pissed off but I strongly disagree on what you said about that whomsoever found truth would feel the urge to find disciples and ‘preach’ ie teach. But anyway disagreement to me is not that I don’t enjoy what you are doing on this list. Discussion is never bad since everybody is forced to at least make up his own ‘mind’ instead of consoling him/herself with borrowed knowledge. So, I am for real, you misunderstood by words you mistook but since this is media which goes no further than only words and not feelings I can’t blame you, couldn’t happened to a nicer fellow, English would say. PETER: So I ‘mistook’ your words, I ‘misunderstood’, but you can’t ‘blame’ me, but you are sorry ‘I took it that way’. I guess you have therefore ‘exposed’ me anyway – to prove that it was me that got it wrong. How did you manage to free yourself of the instinctual drives of fear and aggression that are at the root of all human malice? Do you mean you never get angry, peeved, upset, impatient with someone, annoyed with a bad driver, niggled if someone butts in, and do you manage this while living and working with other people? Just curious. With regard to your statement – RESPONDENT: Discussion is never bad since everybody is forced to at least make up his own ‘mind’ instead of consoling him/herself with borrowed knowledge. PETER: Yes, this level of discussion usually involves talking about things on a ‘surface level’ and then maybe taking on board what someone else has said as a bit of one’s ‘self’. Sort of a ‘that sounds good’ – I’ll add it to my bag and maybe re-arrange things a bit to ‘clip it’ on to ‘me’. This sort of response is most evident in the New Dark Age where yet another ‘new’ ancient knowledge sweeps through town. Feng Shui is one that comes to mind – all of a sudden relationships haven’t been working because the Chi has been flowing out the back door or into the toilet seat (if you left the lid open). It is all simply a re-arrangement of one’s ‘self’. For me, I was Peter the husband, father and architect and when that ‘me’ collapsed in a weeping heap ‘I’ became Prabhat, the Sannyasin. The taking of a new name was symbolic of taking on a new identity and boy ... was I proud to be with the ‘Master of Masters’. I simply took on the Eastern spiritual philosophy with all its mythical tales, all passed down for millennia. The sort of discussion we are attempting to have here is one that investigates and exposes all the ‘borrowed knowledge’, Wisdoms, psittacisms and beliefs. And it is not only confrontational to dig deeper, it is downright threatening. It is life-threatening to the ‘self’ – the who you ‘think’ you are and who you ‘feel’ you are that in fact consists of nothing more than this ‘borrowed knowledge’, overlaying a primitive instinctual self. It is so scary that most people will not even begin the process of a serious discussion of these matters – blindly flapping that they already ‘know’ it all, this is ‘nothing new’, it’s just another ‘truth’, they have no beliefs or ‘borrowed knowledge’, they have found an ‘authentic self’ or a Divine self, an unconditional Love or even a ‘no-self’ self. For me, when it was scary or confrontational I knew it was ‘me’ who was feeling scared, or fearful. It was fear in my body and I wanted to be free of fear. The only way to be free of fear is to get rid of ‘me’ who was fearful. When I met Richard and understood that what he was offering meant the end of me, I plunged right in. I figured ‘I had nothing left to lose’ except more of what I knew was a second-rate life, and then I’d die. To be free of fear – happy and harmless, benign. Anything but even begin to question ‘what’ it is to be a human being. The lost, lonely, frightened and very, very cunning entity that is ‘me’ desperately avoids any discussions that are at all scary, preferring to ‘play in the shallows’. Maybe one day we can begin to dig a bit into the Human Condition rather than snorkel around the surface wondering whether these are safe waters to swim in. They are not – they are anathema to the very ‘self’ – the seat of malice and sorrow within us. But dare to eliminate the ‘self’ and ... hey presto! – the actual world of delight, perfection and purity is immediately apparent and obvious. That which we so desperately seek in the ‘inner’ spirit-ual world with a synthetic ‘feeling’ of love or Love is actually here – a direct palpable intimacy with things, events and people. It was here all the time, only ‘my’ very existence was preventing me, this flesh and blood body, from being here. The only way I can be here in the actual world is for ‘me’ to self-immolate. And it’s the journey of a lifetime ...
Peter’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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