Selected Writings from Peter’s Journal on Fear The essential method was to undertake a total investigation into anything that was preventing me from being happy and harmless now – after all, the point of living is to be happy and harmless now, not at some time in the future, or at some time in the past. The question to ask myself was, ‘How do I experience this moment of being alive?’ Now is, after all, the only time I can experience being happy. Any emotion such as anger, frustration or boredom that is preventing my happiness now, has to be traced back to its cause – the exact incident, thought, expectation or disappointment. At the root of this emotion is inevitably found a belief or an instinctual passion. The ruthless challenging, exposing and understanding of these beliefs and instinctual passions actually weakens their influence on my thoughts and behaviour. The process, if followed diligently and obsessively, will ultimately cause the beliefs to disappear completely and the instinctual passions to be greatly minimized. The idea, of course, is to eliminate the cause of my unhappiness, ‘me’, so that I can experience life at the optimum, here, now. It soon presents success incrementally, as freedom from these beliefs and instinctual passions will indeed inevitably result in increased peace and harmony for myself and in my relating with those around me. The method does bring up fear and resistance, because one is dismantling one’s very ‘self’, those very beliefs one holds so dearly. It sounds so simple, but most people who had talked to Richard were not even willing to
take a small step along the way. Most people would seemingly like their life to be better, but faced with the prospect of actually
having to do something themselves, or having to change the way they are, they soon turned away, only to re-run the ‘tried and
failed’ methods. Of course, the major fear is that it will work and the identity will go in toto! For me, I just figured that I
had ‘nothing left to lose’; it was either a slow, miserable, painful, death-like life or a quick death of what I saw as the
problem – the ‘self’ or ‘psychological and psychic entity’ within. The layer of programming beneath the social identity is the instinctual self – who we ‘feel’ we are, consisting of a primitive sense of self and the survival instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire, instilled by blind nature to ensure the survival of the species. This instinctual programming has been held as inviolable and unalterable, and, as such, has remained un-investigated up until now. The only superficial ‘tinkering’ that has been undertaken to date has been to emphasise the so-called ‘good’ instinctual passions of nurture and desire and repress the ‘bad’ instinctual passions of fear and aggression. The social application of morals and ethics provides the ‘carrot and stick’, but police, laws and armies are ultimately required to keep the instinctual passions in check. The whole of our supposedly civilised world is still, at the very core, based on the suppression and control of these primitive instinctual passions. When this veneer of suppression or control substantially breaks down we have riots, wars, anarchy and genocide resulting. Actual Freedom offers for the first time the experiential evidence that this
instinctual programming can not only be radically altered, but completely eliminated. The price paid is a complete eradication of
one’s identity – the alien psychological and psychic entity within the body. This eradication allows an actual freedom from
the instinctual passions that are evidenced as the Human Condition of malice and sorrow. Being free of malice and sorrow, one is
able, for the first time, to be actually innocent, pure, perfect and benevolent, to wallow in the sensual delights of the actual
world – this paradisiacal magical physical universe. In my case I was challenging and dismantling my very maleness – ‘being a man’ and all that it entails.
I was actually eliminating a significant part of the psychological and psychic entity within me. This may appear simplistic and
easy, but to understand that ‘I’, the ‘self’ who I think and feel I am, is made up of nothing other than these societal
beliefs and instinctual passions, and then to actively challenge them, and dismantle them, such as to actualize a change in
one’s behaviour, is a process that most lack the courage to tackle. I was actively and knowingly dismantling and eliminating
part of my ‘self’, and I was to tackle not only my fears but the atavistic fears of billions before me who lived with this
same fear. This fear is felt most strongly as a fear not only of leaving the herd and striking off on one’s own, unprotected,
but of being actively ostracised and punished by one’s peers. This is, in the end, doing it ‘cold-turkey’, against all of
society’s values and morals, and without the salve of the spiritual – but it works. What Richard was saying was daunting, bewildering, a complete reversal of all I had understood up until then! But a few things appealed: he was saying that if you make your goal in life to be happy and harmless then you will succeed given sufficient intent. Then it is possible for a man and woman to live together in peace and harmony, and then peace on the planet will be possible. Well, since the spiritual path had sort of petered out and was leading in ever-confusing circles, I thought what the hell! The alternative was to go back to ‘comfortable and numb’ again (which was actually uncomfortable and tortured underneath), so I decided to plough on. (...) Often it all felt too much as yet another wave of fear swept over me, but three things kept me going. One was the memory of the purity and perfection of the peak experience I had had some ten years previously – and I was beginning to have similar experiences again, little reminders of my goal. The second was my intent. I wanted to live as I had experienced in a pure consciousness experience. I had arranged my life in such a way that I could devote almost the whole of my time to this investigation, whether being with Richard and Devika, Vineeto, or taking the time to contemplate by myself. I was also reading prolifically to investigate what was the current wisdom on a wide range of the Human Condition. I soon found myself obsessed, so fascinating was it to discover, for myself, exactly what it is to be a human being. Therapy had been like fiddling with the parts, rearranging the furniture to suit the particular beliefs of the therapist. Here I was taking the whole package apart – stripping away and delving deeper than I ever had before. It occurred to me that no wonder nearly everyone else who had come across Richard had run for the hills! Peter’s Journal, ‘God’ Fear welled up in me as I realised I no longer believed in the Spiritual – it was obviously just the religion of the East, and religion had obviously failed in the East as it had in the West. After thousands of years, nowhere is there peace on earth or happiness. But I knew I could not just believe Richard either. The enormity of it all was beginning to dawn on me. Nobody could help me. I could only rely on the facts, my own intelligence and experience. But the facts were undeniable. And a fact is a fact, whereas a belief is only a belief. In short it meant everybody else has got it wrong and I have got it right. I knew that would place me as a heretic – the very people who are persecuted and burnt at the stake! Besides, what about all those years of belief and faith – how could I have been such a fool! Pride reared its ugly head, but I recognised it as the same pride that had bound me to the spiritual path in the first place and had given me a feeling of superiority. I then realised the connection between pride and humility, so subtly hidden beneath the ‘good-ness’ of the spiritual world. In the end I came to realise that I would be a greater fool to continue pursuing something that didn’t work, simply because everybody else was! It was useful to see Vineeto also struggling with exactly this same pride, as I often saw something in someone else that was relevant to turn in on myself. In the end I realised it was my life, and to worry about what other people thought is not to be free – and freedom was the very thing that I was after. Peter’s Journal, ‘God’
I remember it struck me at one point that this effortless, almost constant, experience of calmness was vastly superior to any blissful meditative state, with all its struggle, torture and temporary fickleness. I also reached a stage where I felt torn apart, as though there were two of me inside. One who believed in the spiritual world – the world of spirits – and was hanging on to it for dear life, and the other me who was simply this body with its physical senses, a delicious calmness and a sense of wellbeing that had replaced the neurosis and swirling roller-coaster of emotions. I was split apart, and it felt like past and future – the person I had been and the ‘whatever I was becoming’ – as layers were falling off me. But despite all the facts I was still reluctant to completely let go of God. And the reason was becoming glaringly obvious to me, not just a theoretical understanding. I knew what it meant by now. Believing in God, or some Thing, or some Energy meant that I had always abdicated the responsibility of how I was as a human being and therefore would never take the necessary steps to fix myself up. I trusted or hoped that someone or something else would do it one day. If there was no God, then the responsibility was mine. Nobody can fix me up but me. Of course! Peter’s Journal, ‘God’ The fear that I faced at the start of this process of ridding myself of a psychic entity, and on the way through was psychic fear – fear that was present in my psyche. It is the very same fear that ruled my every action and thought for most of my life. The: ‘what does that person think of me?’, ‘what am I going to do next?’, ‘what if something goes wrong?’ – the instinctual passion of fear I was born with. The fear we transform into doubt, and more doubt. I remember calling it the ‘what if’ syndrome at some point. In the face of it the most usual reaction is to freeze – not do anything. I saw it as a bit like when you drive along a country road and a rabbit appears on the road. Blinded by the headlights he freezes, and splat – dead rabbit. The only difference for me when I met Richard was that wobbling around in doubt or freezing in fear meant simply more of the same – prolonging my ‘normal’ life of suffering and confusion. The suffering of knowing that something was seriously wrong in my life but staunchly denying it out of pride, or hoping that the latest guru or belief would work, when deep inside I had already seen it wouldn’t work. The confusion I was in at the time was because I had seen ‘behind the curtain’ of the spiritual world. I had seen the Gurus for what they were, and I had started to see that it was all the same ‘old time religion’. The facts didn’t gel with the beliefs and there was a certain discord; a ‘Something’s not quite right’ – not that I knew what it was at the time. (...)
So Cro’s fear was the fear of an animal, and very real – the fear of survival; the survival instinct. But we present-day humans are also ‘wired’ with that very same instinct to survive and as such are forced to go on repeating the same patterns even if it is no longer necessary – even if it is harmful to ourselves! I see this in documentaries of animal behaviour – some of the great migrations in animals are actually suicide runs where birds will fly for thousands of kilometres over areas of good feed and climate to go to some particular spot, and only a tiny percentage survive. But the pattern is repeated again and again and again – for generations and millennia. And it is not only taught to the siblings but comes pre-wired as an instinct. Similarly I was born with a set of instinctual passions that in present times are not only redundant but are actually harmful in that they cause malice and sorrow in me. Blind nature – the animal instinct in me – cares not for my happiness and wellbeing: in fact, it is the very cause of my misery and pain! Of course it gets a lot more complex than that, because humans have a highly sophisticated brain, able to reflect and communicate, and also a rudimentary ‘self’. This ‘self’ has developed into a cunning and perverse entity, layered with beliefs, myths, morals, fears, fairy stories, gods and devils. The psychic world was born and flourished in fear and superstition, peddled by the witches, shamans, priests and God-men. A world of spirits – the spirit-ual world of Good and Bad. The world of ritual and ceremony, prophecy and divination, belief and faith, charms and omens. Supreme in this world on the side of the Good are the saints, popes, and the Enlightened ones, not to mention a few thousand Gods. And a continual battle is fought against Evil, the non-believers, the heathens and the godless. It is all fought out in the ‘cosmos’ – some sort of ancient mythical version of cyberspace. And it is fought over vast eons of time in alternate universes, on different planes or astral dimensions. The Heaven I was told about as a kid – and thought to be silly – has nothing on this! The whole world is increasingly becoming a psychic battleground as New?-Age bookshops, and the magazines, therapists and gurus provide the ammunition. They are selling medicine and remedies for fear, while at the same time actively fuelling people’s fears, as it is good business to do so. The predictions and prophecies of doom and gloom, the stories of suffering and mental anguish are insidiously spread, reinforced and embellished to actively promote and maintain fear. Peter’s Journal, ‘Fear’ However, I found, as each of these fears was investigated, contemplated upon, made sense of, and understood completely, the belief that supports the fear wilts in the face of facts. And each of these fears then disappears, one by one, demolishing the bricks forming the illusionary ‘wall of fear.’ I simply keep going to where I want to go and the fear melts away – remarkably leaving no emotional scars. It is, after all, just an illusion; the instinctual, primitive ‘self’ hanging on for dear life – silly bugger!
This meant beginning to letting go of control, having confidence that I, this body, will simply do whatever is required to sensibly maintain my existence. Of course. The experience of effortless ease and delight that I am increasingly experiencing on this path to freedom serves only to emphasise that the fearful and aggressive entity in me is both senseless and destructive. ‘I’ am definitely the only thing in the way of my freedom.
To live in this unemotional state of bare awareness permanently is possible if ‘I’ and its inherent psychological instinctual fear eventually disappear. Peter’s Journal, ‘Fear’
But the danger was to let it fester into doubt. Doubt is the very ‘self’ rearing its ugly head again! In the end I knew that whenever fear would come up, I was on the right track – I was tackling fear, wearing it out. And, of course, it is but a mirage that soon disappears, and I never had more than I could deal with at one time. But do be beware of doubt – the alternative is to freeze in the headlights and suffer a slow fearful death as the years ebb by. Get it over with quick, was my motto. And what an adventure! It beats parachute jumping. The fear of survival that we emotionally experience appears real but it is only the fear of survival of the psychic and psychological entity within the body. It is nothing but an elaboration of the base animal fear inherent in the rudimentary ‘self’ that we are born with. Exactly as a dog or any other animal will lash out and fight or cower in fear, so do we. The challenge for human beings now is to rid ourselves of these behaviour patterns and the key is to recognise, understand and eliminate this instinctual fear from our brain. These instinctual animal behaviour patterns are located in what is commonly termed the lizard brain. So what we are talking about is an actual disconnection from this part of the brain. Such that the lizard brain becomes redundant and obsolete in humans. Rather like the appendix which, as I understand, is now a redundant organ left over from our grazing days. Richard personally experienced it as a physical disconnection from the lizard brain – ‘Like the turning over of a long playing record’, but to never, ever to turn back again. Extraordinary! And what ‘I’ am able to do is to prepare and facilitate the possibility of that happening in me. To lay the ground-work with sincerity and honesty. To eventually self-immolate. To die as a ‘self’. It is fascinating beyond belief to be aware that a re-wiring is occurring in one’s own brain. To know and experience that it is possible to change Human Nature. Definitely the adventure of a lifetime! Peter’s Journal, ‘Fear’ Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless Peter’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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