Vineeto’s Correspondence Correspondent No 11
VINEETO: The human condition is indeed a disease shared by everyone and once you make a start in moving out of it you become a threat to everyone’s status quo. Of course I was enthusiastic of having finally found the solution to the human dilemma and in the beginning I wanted to tell everyone, specially my fellow seekers, but I soon learnt that they were not interested, in fact they felt threatened by my discovery. Their very worldview was at stake by what I told them and quite naturally they chose to stick to their worldview. RESPONDENT: I was wondering how I was going to, or even wanted to, let go of some long held friendship, but it seemed to be happening naturally as I have began to lose interest in former paradigms. VINEETO: Yes, that was my experience as well. I had simply less and less in common with former friends and acquaintances and when I gave up my fondness for sorrow there was hardly anything left to ‘share’. I am still amazed how truly fond people are of their worries and their sorrow and how often they fight tooth and nail to keep them alive. * VINEETO: From my own experience remembering a PCE, or inducing a fresh one, should be at the top of your laundry list. You could take a day off normal life to spend in nature and maybe read some of the introductory descriptions at each chapter in Richard’s Journal while you are all by yourself with no one around to reinforce the old ‘you’. With as much an open mind as possible you may be able to experience the world the way Richard experiences it. Be your eyes, your ears, your skin, and your other senses instead of looking out (as me) through the eyes, listening through the ears and sensing via the skin. The more you experience your surroundings as a physical body only the closer you come to experiencing the delight and sensual abundance of being here and from there it is but a short jump to slip out of ‘your’ skin and experience everything unmediated, directly, without separation. RESPONDENT: This is advice I will be concentrating on as I agree with you about a PCE. I think until then I will be struggling to ‘get out of my head’, ‘though I recognise there are other benefits along the way most of my understanding of Actual Freedom is intellectual. VINEETO: Whereas the application of the actualism method is, particularly in the first years, affective. You pay particular attention to which *feelings* are preventing you from being carefree and innocuous. This is the quote from Richard I had in mind –
* VINEETO: … What I gained was the most reliable friend, myself, as I learnt to stop blaming and beating up myself and started to like myself. It was not only a bad habit I had to get rid of but also the natural consequence of cleaning up my grotty self into a person delighted being alive. RESPONDENT: Now that sounds like something worth striving for. (: VINEETO: Yes, as you have probably guessed, cleaning up my grotty self was an essential prerequisite for living with Peter in ongoing peace and harmony. * VINEETO: I found that some ‘habits’ of my conditioning were so deeply ingrained that mere intellectual understanding did not change me. RESPONDENT: Yea, I think I will need a JCB digger to get to some of mine. No, no, you don’t need a JCB digger. The habits become apparent like empty Coke can on the surface of a lake when you start shining the light of awareness on what prevents you from being carefree and innocuous. What sometimes takes guts and determination is to stop doing and thinking and feeling habitually in the old familiar ways learnt early in life and shared by all of one’s peers and friends. * VINEETO: I had to look at the feelings that were connected with some particular conditioning, become aware of the generally accepted morals and ethics surrounding it and the fear imbedded in it, become aware of the perceived danger of stepping outside of society’s norms and then, when I’ve seen and experientially understood it all, take one bold step out of it. This is of course true for many different conditioned behaviours, opinions, beliefs and feelings. RESPONDENT: It seems to me if I keep on keeping on, follow your advice, especially what you said above and be sincere, it can only be a matter of time before I get a PCE. Right? /: VINEETO: Right. The sincerity particularly applies to all the various feeling nuances that are going on behind the screen of (rationalistic, even apparently sensible) thinking, so to speak. RESPONDENT: I don’t know if there is any connection, but recently I had an insight, while contemplating on something about the self, as to how women have been treated over the centuries. How they were subservient to men, and how there was always a threat of violence there that they were defenceless against even from their so-called loved ones. I could actually feel the fear. VINEETO: Yes, women were treated badly but so were men. At the beginning of my inquiry into the female socialisation I had to come off my high horse of the indignant victim of the so-called stronger sex and admit that in many ways men have just as much burden to carry – they are held responsible for providing food and shelter for the family, they have to go to war when their country is attacked, and recently, with the rise of feminism in the richer countries, they are in the process of loosing much of their overt power without gaining the covert power that women have always held over the stronger sex. RESPONDENT: Another insight while asking the question was the feeling that I was self obsessed. VINEETO: You then may be able to relate to what Peter described in his journal –
Isn’t it great to be no longer obsessed with other people but with finding out how ‘you’ tick, you being the only person you can change? RESPONDENT: If you get a chance I would like your opinion on this unusual audio programme by my good friend Fintan Dunne. VINEETO: Your ‘good friend Fintan Dunne’ has a nice sonorous voice but the content of his dissertation is deeply steeped in mysticism and metaphysics. (…) RESPONDENT: Yea, I know, what I meant to write was ‘my good, but quirky, friend’, Fintan Dunne. Great character all the same, he reminds me of the famous film star, Groucho Marks. LOL. VINEETO: If you knew he was deeply steeped in mysticism and metaphysics why did you ask my ‘opinion on this unusual audio programme’? RESPONDENT: Good question. I think it was because Fintan weaves pseudoscience throughout his work, which he does very well, to makes some of it sound rational. I just wanted to hear an opinion from the Actualist point of view. VINEETO: Don’t you know that an actual freedom is utterly non-spiritual? RESPONDENT: Of course, it doesn’t stop me from, unconsciously, slipping back into it, (spiritualism) sometimes. Do you recall how difficult it was to take this journey alone, and don’t forget you had two mentors to turn to. I have only one ... you LOL VINEETO: Ok. Here is a hint. Whenever somebody suggests that for whatever reason he believes in an immortality of some kind, he must be talking about his belief in a *spirit* that supposedly survives the death of the physical body. * RESPONDENT: Addendum – I just remembered that Neo-tech talks about an inner world. If I had the inclination I would look at it again to check the context, may do in future. VINEETO: If you don’t have ‘the inclination to look at it again’, why did you asked *me* to listen to Fintan’s metaphysics if immortality in order to give you my comment? In other words, a thorough understanding just where, how and why your own favourite worldview is spiritual and metaphysical is paramount for removing the impediments to your direct experience of actuality. RESPONDENT: So simple, but a gem of wisdom VINEETO: The reason I mentioned it is because I found that I used to consider my own favourite worldviews as true and factual and not as beliefs at all. Only when I began to question what I considered to be true and factual did I find out how superstitious and gullible I had been. * RESPONDENT: I was thinking about your last e-mail. I cannot see how Neo-tech is ‘spiritual’. It may well be within the human condition, but spiritual? I don’t think so. As for The Matrix, I use that to remind me of some of the concepts Richard, and yourself, propounds without comparing if that is possible. For instance, an early scene in the film, which I told you about, shows, metaphorically, the ‘reptilian’ brain being programmed. I don’t see it as a science fiction film, as Richard does, but as a metaphor, and a commentary on the nature of reality. (…) Addendum – I just remembered that Neo-tech talks about an inner world. If I had the inclination I would look at it again to check the context, may do in future. VINEETO: If you don’t have ‘the inclination to look at it again’, why did you asked *me* to listen to Fintan’s metaphysics if immortality in order to give you my comment? RESPONDENT: Don’t understand your question. Fintan, who I haven’t had contact with recently as our interests no longer align so I understand your point about losing friends seems almost natural, has got nothing to do with Neo-Tech, although I understand you may see that they share the same metaphysics... but I don’t think so, they certainly wouldn’t. VINEETO: Ah, there is my misunderstanding. As you mentioned the term Neo-tech out of the blue, and as I haven’t come across this philosophy before, I thought Fintan’s pseudoscience was based on neo-tech philosophy. * VINEETO: (…) And from the Neo-Tech website (founder Frank R. Wallace) – <snipped quotes and my comments> RESPONDENT: I don’t think I want to go into a point by point discussion about Neo-Tech, nor am I an apologist for it, but I have read the comparisons, or the differences, you point out. It was something that had a strong influence on me for some years, but I left it behind a while ago – before I came across Actual Freedom. However, I do see the benefits of understanding the difference between that and Actualism. Seems to me an understanding of the difference lets one know what mistakes one could, and may have, made through misunderstanding. If I am being honest I would have to say Neo-Tech did contribute to forming my pre Actualism worldview but now all I want to do is get on with my journey into understanding Actual Freedom. The disinclination I spoke about was the thought of going over old ground in detail. VINEETO: The cunning part in Neo-tech philosophy is that it attacks spiritualism while it all along suggests to apply the spiritual technique of dis-association. To explain – in order to have a ‘relationship’ with oneself one needs to split oneself into at least two selves and in order to believe in an absolute order of good and evil there needs to be a higher authority, inner or otherwise, who ‘knows’ what is right and wrong, good and evil. RESPONDENT: To be fair to Neo-Tech they do say the 114 concepts are the stand alone basis of their matrix... There is one point I will address, not because it is a Neo-Tech concept but because it just seems like common sense to me. That is...
VINEETO: When ‘I’ disappear there is no relationship at all, let alone business. The only business I do is trading some of my time in exchange for some token to pay for food, clothes, shelter and toys. RESPONDENT: Are you not identifying, and partaking in, the very essences of business? VINEETO: For clarity’s sake – the identity (who would do the identifying) is the alien lost, lonely and very cunning entity inside the flesh-and-blood body who imagines to be in control of what is happening. He or she forms itself from the instinctual passions into an emotionally driven ‘being’ that you can easily observe in action in others and in yourself. When I trade some of my time in exchange for some token to pay for food, clothes, shelter and toys I am simply doing what is sensible and practical for this body to survive (food, clothes, shelter) and what this body enjoys (toys, certain events and enterprises) but as little as possible I let my emotions (my identity) interfere with the course of action and interaction. That’s what makes business so easy and the interaction with people so enjoyable. Neither do I have the illusion of having ‘conscious control of existence’ as the Neo-tech philosophy suggests nor do I partake in ‘metaphysics’ when trading my time for money. RESPONDENT: I hesitate to mention it on the strength of one e-mail because I think debate by e-mail, which I don’t really like [exploring new ideas and learning... great!], can lead to misunderstandings (i.e. AF Mailing List). For instance I know my sense of humour and irony doesn’t come over well via e-mail. Well? It doesn’t come across at all! VINEETO: I learnt early in my communications on the internet that humour hardly comes across when talking about the human condition. While I much enjoy and appreciate the humour in Richard’s writing, I often found other people’s humour not funny or they misunderstood a humorous comment from me. Apart from humour often being culturally conditioned and variable it can also be an easy excuse for malice, derision, a cover for embarrassment or can be used as a means to slide over an uncomfortable topic. In the end I decided to take all that was said on face value and refrain from humorous comments myself so as to be less misunderstood. RESPONDENT: Haven’t said all that I interpreted your e-mail, rightly or wrongly, as testy (which is confusing for me, coming from as it did, an Actualist) especially where Neo-Tech was concerned, … VINEETO: I was neither ‘headstrong, impetuous, rash or aggressive’ RESPONDENT: … not that it bothered me, but it does lead to an interesting question, can someone in virtual freedom still have feelings of irritation? VINEETO: Personally it would have bothered me because if the other cannot walk the talk then there is nothing to learn. This was one of the first things I checked out and made sure when I met Richard and considered his report of experiences for myself. Being virtually free I can get irritated at times as the entity inside this body is only weakened, not extinct but I now have the choice not to act on irritation or other feelings when they arise – and I always choose not to act on them. RESPONDENT: For me, Neo-Tech, Fintan or anyone else expounding their philosophy, are usually sincere people trying to make sense of the world they find themselves in, it is no big deal to me what they be lie ve. But I am probably misinterpreting your ‘feelings’, if that’s what they are. (: VINEETO: The way you put it reads to me that people who fervently believe in what they believe are sincere because they haven’t yet developed any doubts about what they believe. According to this definition it is sincere people who fight wars against other sincere people based on the strength of their belief. It may be ‘no big deal’ to you but considering that those beliefs are driven by the underlying instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire, any form of religious tolerance is not going to stop people from killing each other. What is required is to stop believing altogether and the way to do this to find out the facts of the situation. RESPONDENT: Thought I would touch base with you. I have been immersed in study of AF for weeks now – still no PCE, guess I must still be doing something wrong. VINEETO: I have no recipe for having a PCE but I know that naiveté is essential – and assuming that ‘I must still be doing something wrong’ is not going to support your naiveté to come into play. I once described a PCE to be a glitch in the system, almost like something gone ‘wrong’ in the normal way one is used to seeing and experiencing things. You may remember how you saw the world with childlike eyes when you were very young, how nothing had its absolute place and meaning yet, how surprises could still happen … and they can still happen now … Richard describes it as allowing oneself to slip out from control. RESPONDENT: It is true what Richard says about it not being for the weak of knee, I really don’t know how you three, especially Richard, got through this. VINEETO: Personally, with the knowledge that everything else had failed (and I had many years of resultless searching to prove it) and a goodly dose of naiveté and, when I knew what I was aiming for, stubbornness, of course. RESPONDENT: At the moment it feels like I have been hit with a ‘psychic storm’. VINEETO: Ah, yes, I think I know such storms. The more you inquire into your ‘self’ and the more you pay attention to how you feel, the more sensitive you become to what is in you and around you, at least at first. Then, in the process of understanding and abandoning most of my feelings and emotions I slowly became less interested in these phenomena as such (because I had looked at them from all sides already many times before) and consequently I became less interested in and sensitive to other people’s psychic outpourings to the point that I now often miss their arrows, their malicious hints and even their sarcasm. I just notice that what they are saying does not make sense. (Mind you, it is often advised not to say this out loud.) RESPONDENT: It’s a long story, but someone appeared out of my past – out of the blue – and accused me of everything, from being responsible for everything that has gone wrong in her life, to child abuse. I must admit AF is helping a lot, and I am getting a lot of insights, about ‘self’, from the ‘drama’. VINEETO: Good on ya. Women are generally masters in staging the psychic drama while I have seen men often deny that psychic vibes even exists and that they have them at all. Consequently those unconscious vibes hit a sensitive environment much stronger than when you are already aware of what’s going on inside of you. RESPONDENT: P.S. I was reading what Richard said about death and not being able to achieve actual freedom without it, could you expand on this? VINEETO: Life in the universe depends on starting and ending to be the way it is. We would have no food if it wasn’t for the death of other plants and animals, there would be no development, no evolution without death and birth. Think about it if everyone lives forever, people could not procreate, or the earth would be hopelessly overpopulated. Apart from that the very thought that my life would go on forever, would take all appreciation out of being here now. Life would be very serious indeed because there is no death to let the game be over. Life would be a very serious affair because whatever I do will matter unto eternity. Here is what Richard says –
And –
RESPONDENT: I have also been reading your article ‘Exploring Death & and Altered States of Consciousness’, which I thought was excellent. VINEETO: Thank you. The article consists of bits of cobbled-together descriptions of various experiences and contemplations on the topic that I wrote down in my first year of exploring actualism. * RESPONDENT: After asking you the question about death I went back to your article and came across this...
VINEETO: Did I write that? It’s not bad … I did have a time when I endlessly poked into the mystery of death but finally had to give up. Death is simply the end and what’s important is not the end but how I experience life before the end. Death is a good reminder that I don’t have forever to grasp the mysteries of life, I can’t postpone the exploring and finding forever and a day – I better become free while I am still alive and kicking. VINEETO: I have no recipe for having a PCE but I know that naiveté is essential – and assuming that ‘I must still be doing something wrong’ is not going to support your naiveté to come into play. RESPONDENT: I think my comment was a knee-jerk reaction to what was happening in my life – the physic storm I mention. But, hey, I may never have a PCE or arrive in Virtual Freedom, not to mention Actual Freedom, however, over the past six to nine short months, I have derived many advantages from Actual Freedom. VINEETO: And yet further down you describe perfection pretty well (your second last paragraph). RESPONDENT: I am less irritable, have becoming less ‘self’ cantered, understand people better and it seems to me that I have packed years of (un)learning about ‘self’ into those months. I am not saying it has not been tough sometimes, but it has also been lots of fun, as I write in my book it has the WOW (world of wonder) factor. * VINEETO: Personally, with the knowledge that everything else had failed (and I had many years of resultless searching to prove it) and a goodly dose of naiveté and, when I knew what I was aiming for, stubbornness, of course. RESPONDENT: Yes, I am going over the AF definition of naiveté, as until now I defined it as silliness, or gullibility, which in this part of the world means ‘stupidly. VINEETO: Well, being naïve could on occasion make you look a fool in the eyes of real-world cynicists, including your own. * VINEETO: Then, in the process of understanding and abandoning most of my feelings and emotions I slowly became less interested in these phenomena as such (because I had looked at them from all sides already many times before) and consequently I became less interested in and sensitive to other people’s psychic outpourings to the point that I now often miss their arrows, their malicious hints and even their sarcasm. I just notice that what they are saying does not make sense. (Mind you, it is often advised not to say this out loud.) RESPONDENT: LOL, Just before I started this e-mail, someone came in and started on about a programme on TV last night about a Psychic, who by her account was ‘amazing’. I did see about five minutes of it, and could understand how she thought this. Anyway, she started asking me pointed questions about what I believed, like ‘do you not believe your Mother is watching over you’? I was mostly replying in words of one syllable, i.e. yes or no. At one stage she, getting ‘hot under the collar’ asked ‘you mean you think all it says in the Bible and the Koran is wrong’? ‘Yes’ I said ‘180 degrees wrong’, she ended the conversation with: ‘that is so sad’, I am really surprised at you’. Usually I would have got in there with all guns blazing, but this time I just felt amused, and uninterested in what she did, or didn’t believed. VINEETO: Good hey? When I mentioned not being ‘interested in and sensitive to other people’s psychic outpourings’ I was talking about the invisible feeling-aspect of the psychic vibes which goes on all the time when humans communicate. Becoming aware of your own feelings and psychic currents you increasingly become aware of how invisible vibes and psychic currents are thrown ‘at’ you and that often helped me understand my own weird reactions or ‘gut-feelings’ in conversations, when the content did not make these readily apparent. * RESPONDENT: It’s a long story, but someone appeared out of my past – out of the blue – and accused me of everything, from being responsible for everything that has gone wrong in her life, to child abuse. <snip> Let me just clarify this a little, because for all you know I could be a reincarnation of Jack the Ripper (:. When she was talking about child abuse, I think she was meaning mental, or physiological abuse, it was a very cunningly constructed letter. VINEETO: I never thought Jack the Ripper would be interested or even able to have had communications like these … RESPONDENT: While I am on this subject, and I realise I could be reading too much into this, but it seemed to me this attack on my ego and ‘self’, for that is what it was, was a hell of a coincidence when I had been working to slim ‘self’ down, this attack had me validating, and reinforcing it. VINEETO: Reinforcing the ‘self’ or reinforcing the conviction that actualism is beneficial to you? In case you meant the first let me tell you that ‘slimming down one’s ‘self’’ has many layers and aspects and your adversary inadvertently did you a favour by bringing out the more hidden, more raw instinctual aspects of ‘you’ in order for you to become aware of them. * VINEETO: Women are generally masters in staging the psychic drama while I have seen men often deny that psychic vibes even exists and that they have them at all. Consequently those unconscious vibes hit a sensitive environment much stronger than when you are already aware of what’s going on inside of you. RESPONDENT: When you talk about ‘psychic vibes’ what exactly do you mean? Or could you direct me to somewhere on the site were this is discussed? Being a Rosicrucian student for so long I have my own idea, or is it the Rosicrucian idea, anyway, the ‘psychic body’ and how it affected us was discussed frequently. VINEETO: Essentially the psyche is nothing but one’s emotions and feelings arising out of the instinctual passions. Some people refer to the psyche as their soul, their (immortal) spirit or the seat of their (psychic) powers. There is quite some material about the human psyche on the website under * RESPONDENT: I was reading what Richard said about death and not being able to achieve actual freedom without it, could you expand on this? VINEETO: Life in the universe depends on starting and ending to be the way it is. We would have no food if it wasn’t for the death of other plants and animals, there would be no development, no evolution without death and birth. Think about it if everyone lives forever, people could not procreate, or the earth would be hopelessly overpopulated. Apart from that the very thought that my life would go on forever, would take all appreciation out of being here now. Life would be very serious indeed because there is no death to let the game be over. Life would be a very serious affair because whatever I do will matter unto eternity. RESPONDENT: About two weeks ago, it was around the time I asked you the question about death, I was driving through a forest, not thinking about anything in particular, just concentrating on driving and soaking in the view, when I had this blinding insight about death and how ‘the universe was experiencing itself as a human being’. I don’t have the words to explain it in detail, the nearest I can get to it is; I knew for a few seconds that once ‘self’ has gone the commonly asked questions about death are no longer relevant. Everything was perfect. VINEETO: It would be worth the effort to find the words to remember, describe and note down this experience in detail because it can give you a guideline for what it is you are looking for. RESPONDENT: P.S. Just out of curiosity, are Richard and Peter doing any writing at the moment? VINEETO: Peter does no longer write at all and Richard only responded to one
persistent questioner (see in his RESPONDENT: Subject title: ‘I am Me (:’ VINEETO: Spiritualists use the word ‘Me’ to describe their higher ‘Self’, their true Soul. I am not sure if that is really what you wanted to convey. * RESPONDENT: First I would like to sincerely thank you again for the time and patience you have taken with my queries and correcting some of my misunderstandings, about AF. I have learned so much from our exchanges. Between the two books, the site and your e-mails I think I now have enough to be going on with. I know now most of the questions I ask can be found on the AF site. I would still like to keep in touch (holding the possibility of getting to Australia to meet you all some day) from time to time and keep you informed of my progress and experiences, of which there has been a couple recently (below), along the wide and wonderful path. VINEETO: You are very welcome to keep in touch and keep me informed and I’ll be looking forward to meeting you should you ever decide to travel to Australia. * RESPONDENT: But, hey, I may never have a PCE or arrive in Virtual Freedom, not to mention Actual Freedom, however, over the past six to nine short months, I have derived many advantages from Actual Freedom. VINEETO: And yet further down you describe perfection pretty well (your second last paragraph). RESPONDENT: I think more integrated thinking on my part is called for. (: Yes, that was an amazing experience. VINEETO: To me, as I described it before, the sudden entry into the actual world was always quite a revelation, at least the first few times. I was not even aware that the actual world existed, so wrapped up I was in my own little creation of ‘my’ world in which I lived all the time. It then also became clear why people have such difficulty in understanding each other – everyone lives in their own little world created by their own ‘self’, all the time and these worlds may overlap but are not the same for everyone. The very fact that there is an actual world, an objective world, that exists independently of what people think and feel about it gave me great confidence and reassurance and my life-long search for ‘truth’ appeared suddenly in a completely different light. * RESPONDENT: Since then there was an instance were I experienced myself as a body only, it lasted about as long as Richard’s previous partner described her first experience of this. She wrote, in Richard’s Journal, that it lasted as long as it took her to cycled across an intersection on her bike. It seemed I was aware of my self (body) from all directions. Wonderfully weird feeling. Another one was when reading what Richard was writing about the Universe, the experiment where he talks about setting aside the self for the moment. Well, I had an profound experience of being utterly safe, which I never felt before. It was like everything in the universe was ok (you know, I just got a vague memory of a PCE I had when I was younger, as I wrote that last sentence. WOW. I remember, at that time, repeating an old axiom,: ‘God is in his heaven and everything is right with the world.’). VINEETO: Reinforcing the ‘self’ or reinforcing the conviction that actualism is beneficial to you? RESPONDENT: I meant the reinforcing self, so you answered my question. VINEETO: O.k. * RESPONDENT: About two weeks ago, it was around the time I asked you the question about death, I was driving through a forest, not thinking about anything in particular, just concentrating on driving and soaking in the view, when I had this blinding insight about death and how ‘the universe was experiencing itself as a human being’. I don’t have the words to explain it in detail, the nearest I can get to it is; I knew for a few seconds that once ‘self’ has gone the commonly asked questions about death are no longer relevant. Everything was perfect. VINEETO: It would be worth the effort to find the words to remember, describe and note down this experience in detail because it can give you a guideline for what it is you are looking for. RESPONDENT: It was an understanding that once the ‘self’ had gone then there was only the universe with all it’s ebbs and flows, giving rise to life, and we as bodies experiencing this, or the universe experience itself, were part and parcel of this magical existence. There is then nothing to fear or worry about, and this includes death, transition might be a better word, … VINEETO: The word ‘transition’ is generally used to indicate that the immortal soul transits from one state to another whereas I know as a flesh-and-blood body only that death is the end – the only transition will be from flesh to ashes (when cremated) or from flesh to earth (when eaten by worms). RESPONDENT: … will think about that. Sorry, I am still not translating it the way I want to. When I get it I will send you the results. I think that is nearly all, just a couple of random thoughts you may be interested in... I am finding that some of my close friends are becoming more and more interested in AF. I find it amusing to watch their faces as ‘the penny drops’. Mostly, these people, like myself, have been steeped in mysticism most of their lives and, like I was, quite disillusioned, but you only find this out when they are questioned about how they are progressing and what benefits they have received from ‘The Teachings’. I said to a friend, just yesterday we haven’t got the benefits promised, not because we didn’t understand but because they don’t work. You know Vineeto, he, again like myself, had never thought of this, he was quite shocked as he entertained this thought. Amazing to watch the reaction. (: VINEETO: It is delightful to suddenly see one’s world, and maybe that of others, open up from the vague but firmly believed (and often fiercely defended) castles in the clouds including their moral and ethical shackles and obligations and begin to perceive and experience more and more the actual world which is tangible, sound, always here and utterly safe – as there is no fear here in this actual world or any other unsavoury emotion for that matter.
Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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