Vineeto’s Correspondence Correspondent No 19
VINEETO: Hi, RESPONDENT: I have written a brief summary of my current stage in actualism practice. Can you, Peter or Richard comment on any aspect of it? I will appreciate any comment, short or detailed. VINEETO: Given your request for a comment I will respond to a few things that I noticed in your excellent blog. RESPONDENT: I now regard rationality and attentiveness the two necessary and sufficient factors which can eliminate malice and sorrow in a human being. Rationality itself is of great use, and when used on oneself (via the ability of reflection, being aware of one’s own mind), it can be effectively used to become happy as well as harmless. VINEETO: The method of actualism that I have practiced with success is not based on rationality although being sensible can be misunderstood as being rational. The actualism method is to be attentive to the quality of being alive particularly, and especially in the beginning, with regards to one’s feelings. These feelings are not to be suppressed (or rationalized) but recognized as what they are – agents and expressions of ‘me’, the instinctual identity. Feelings are the best way to know and understand one’s identity – in order to leave it behind. Also actualism is not against feeling but its aim is to enhance the felicitous/ innocuous feelings while minimizing both the good and the bad feelings, which feed and aggrandize the identity. In other words, when I am happy and harmless there is no problem, ‘I’ have no reason to strut the stage. RESPONDENT: I do not fully understand, or accept, Richard’s no-prior-psychic-footprints explanation of his status as the first free man on earth. He is though, the only person (as far as I have been able to ascertain, though I am open to new evidence) who is saying, or has ever said, the gist of what is presented on the Actual Freedom website. VINEETO: The explanation about no prior psychic footprints is experiential and can probably only be understood experientially. When I had some major altered states of consciousness at the start of applying the actualism method I came to understand a lot about the phenomena of the psychic world because in an altered state the emotions are aggrandized and therefore easy to see. Because human beings are a congregational lot and all afflicted with the same human condition, their emotions, even past ones, hang in the air, so to speak. This is particularly the case for the aggrandized emotions of enlightened beings with their feeling-based ‘wisdom’ and ‘truth’. In an altered state of consciousness, particularly when it’s not the first time, it is possible not to be completely swamped by those grand feelings but to stay focussed on acquiring information about the human condition, about altered states, about the psychic world and about the nature of these altered states. As I understand it, Richard, in his ongoing altered state of consciousness (enlightenment) was psychically looking for a signpost to the actual world which he had so often experienced in his PCEs and he simply could not see any footprints out of the quagmire that would have indicated that someone had found the solution to the human condition before him; hence his confident statement that nobody had tread this territory before. For me the best proof that an actual freedom is entirely new to human consciousness is the fact that so few people are interested in and able to grasp its radical and unique nature – an actual freedom is indeed a totally new paradigm and there is nothing familiar to it except the memory of one’s own PCEs. RESPONDENT: I do not understand, or accept, how in a PCE it becomes apparent that the universe is eternal and endless. VINEETO: When ‘I’ am absent then one is able to contemplate the universe in a non-self-centred way and when the boundaries of self-centredness fall away then it is possible to grasp, via contemplation, that the universe has always been here and will always be here and that by the very nature of physics there cannot be an outside to the physical universe. There cannot be nothing at the edge of a limited universe and if there was something then that is still the universe. Equally there cannot be nothing before the beginning of the universe or after the end of the universe – the physical laws of nature state that there is no such thing as creation ex nihilo. Physical matter is eternal, it transforms, it perpetually changes but it does not disappear and the universe it simply all of physical matter. Spiritualists make god endless and eternal and then this god creates a limited universe out of nothing, but that fairy story lies outside the laws of physics. The problem for ‘self’ is that in an endless and eternal universe there is no centre, no edge, no reference, no time-frame – there is not even an up or a down, an east or west, no right or wrong, forward or backward, where one could orient one’s place in, one’s importance or non-importance, one’s significance or non-significance. In an endless universe I am no-where in particular and at no-time in particular, in short I am utterly lost in relation to the real world orientations. It’s a very scary proposition for a ‘self’. In actuality orientation is simple – I am here in space and I am now in time. RESPONDENT: I doubt, for want of evidence, that Actual Freedom is possible for another human being. VINEETO: Doubt is only a feeling. If one man can do it then anybody can do it – he only proved that it is possible. Look how many people climbed the Everest after the first couple succeeded. Time will bring the evidence but why not be evidence yourself? * PS: Thanks for asking, I enjoyed the write. VINEETO: Thanks for pointing out the errors on the website, it is very appreciated. I have read a few more things on your web log and enjoyed it very much. I particularly liked your correspondence with the 2 Buddhists. In light of that my differentiation between rational and sensible was probably unnecessary. I have different associations with the word ‘rational’ such as the rationalist movement in many countries and the attempt by most people of being rational by suppressing when they are being emotional (as in rationalising). So please forget the first paragraph of my post and I hope you can make sense out of the rest. * RESPONDENT: I did not mind at all your interpretation of the word rationality as in rationalism/ scepticism, I meant it as a free use of one’s intelligence and thinking capacity. But I did not think I needed to correct this communication gap as I know it was the word-being-used which was the issue and not what I meant by the word.
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