Vineeto’s Correspondence Correspondent No 6
VINEETO: Hi, RESPONDENT: Great to hear from you. I am doing very good down here in Tasmania. It’s a very lovely city, with a beautiful harbour, great mountains, lot’s of nature, a little bit European, like my hometown, it’s much colder than Byron. We just made a three-day mountain walk in the wilderness and camping in the snow. Just wonderful with astonishing views and nobody else around. I am back to normal and totally surprised about the ability of my mind, or should I say subconscious mind, to have me run crazy all over the planet. But I must say the whole experience seemed to have changed a few things in me, I am more peaceful and loving. I am playing housewife, gardener, shopper, cook, etc., enjoying the most simple life. I have more or less given up on my job search; it looks very unlikely to catch a job here, which could be a bit of fun. I am not much interested in seeing people, so being here suits me well for the time being. VINEETO: Good to hear that you ‘back to normal’. I take it that this ‘ability’ of your mind to have you ‘run crazy all over the planet’ is something that you choose to have, for whatever reason. Once you choose to find out the reason it eventually stops being ‘subconscious’. RESPONDENT: My partner is happy to have me here, and I am happy to be here with her. But it’s not always just nice and a lot of drama is happening sometimes. Human nature!!!! VINEETO: I had thought that because your partner really liked Peter’s Journal and the idea of living together with a man in peace and harmony, equity and intimacy, that both, you and her, might be inclined to start a similar experiment as did Peter and I, sorting out the gender issues and power plays and the other emotions, conditionings and beliefs, that keep you from living together peacefully and happily, every day. It’s curious, the people I have talked or written to who were interested in Actual Freedom often bemoaned that they did not have a partner with whom to do the exploration into the Human Condition. Personally, as you can read in our journal, I had found our joint adventure a great help and inspiration – not to mention immense fun – to discover the workings of ‘ human nature ’, the Human Condition, together with someone as eager and motivated as myself. And the success is always instant, the liberation obvious, the fun and intimacy palpable and the sex scrumptious, ever-fresh and luscious. Just to water your mouth a bit more, I quote what Peter wrote to a correspondent just two days ago:
* VINEETO: How did you find Richard’s Journal? Have you given up after the first chapter because it is so dense and choc-a-block full with unknown words? RESPONDENT: I am enjoying reading his journal and I am still at it, as I am reading different books at the same time. VINEETO: Just a suggestion – because Actual Freedom lies 180 degrees opposite to all spiritual beliefs, as you might have understood from your meeting with Richard – it is definitely less confusing to read Richard’s Journal by itself, without mixing it with other writings. Words might look similar – and being spiritually conditioned one easily translates Richard’s words into meaning something spiritual. After all, the spiritual world is all one knows – with the rare exceptions of a pure consciousness experience. To interpret the actual into something ethereal, supernatural or spiritual would be missing the point completely. Personally I had to read the journal, particularly certain paragraphs and passages, many times over until I got my first glimpses of the non-spiritual actual and down-to-earth nature of what Richard is saying. Further I had long discussions with Peter about it, doing a reality check by comparing my understanding and opinion with his. Now it all looks obvious and transparent, but back in my spiritual days, some of Richard’s words fitted my beliefs, convictions, feelings and intuition, and some just didn’t make sense until I questioned all of my own beliefs, one after the other... The story of what happened when I popped through the thick clouds of beliefs and saw
the actual world for the first time, you will find in * VINEETO: Just in case you are still interested in a freedom so different from
the spiritual pursuit – there is the option of subscribing to the mailing list through the web site: RESPONDENT: Well I am interested, but I just found out that my computer is much to slow for the internet, as I used it so far only for email. But I will try if I can access your website. VINEETO: I found my investment in a good computer and good Internet access one of the most important and fun things in my life today. It is such a delight to be informed, up to date, a pleasure to use my thinking capacity for research, design, information and communication. Again this is the opposite attitude to my spiritual years when I buried my head in the sand, didn’t want to know what went on in the world and practiced fervently not to think. Now I don’t have to hide away from the world as it is and people as they are – it is all part of being alive, challenge and fun, thrill and delight. In case you don’t make it to the website and still want to join the mailing list, here is the subscription address: (no longer operating as of 6.9.2006) * VINEETO: I was just curious how you are doing down in Tasmania. RESPONDENT: I am happy you were curious. VINEETO: Of course, I am curious. I have found such a treasure with this third alternative, such an easy way to be both happy and harmless, to fulfill my highest and purest aspirations and be sensible and sensuous at the same time, that I still cannot comprehend why only very few people are interested in such way of life. Everybody fervently and fearfully holds on to their emotions and beliefs, their spiritual group, their safe suffering, while right under their very noses there is perfection and paradise available, if only one wants it. Your partner seemed thrilled by our story and you were at least impressed by what you heard, so I am naturally curious what becomes of this initial interest. One day, somewhere, there will be another Peter and Vineeto to become pioneers in an actual freedom, exploring and living peace on earth. Cheers to you and your partner
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