Vineeto’s Correspondence to the Actual Freedom List
VINEETO: Hi everybody, I thought something write-worthy would happen when I would go back to my old job for holiday-replacement! Now I have had three days of enjoyable time there in the ‘lion’s den’, the place of spiritual conviction and where everybody feels connected with and responsible for everybody else. I enjoy working with figures and numbers, the facts of a company’s incomes and outgoings. I enjoy the play of daily interactions with people whom I have nothing to do with anymore on an emotional basis. But today, something has slightly changed. Irritation happens once or twice a day. I lay awake at night for hours thinking nothing in particular but enough to stay awake. Then an old friend of commune-times, whom I wanted to send a book, rang in the early morning hours. And suddenly, doubt became quite obvious, churning my guts, turning my stomach, running up and down the walls of my brain: What if they – which means ‘humanity’, but particularly all the people that I have known in the past 10 years – are right and I am wrong. Now, examining what that means I found: what if emotions never quite totally disappear, are not 100% eliminable, and I will stay in this state of, being happy most of the time, but can never quite rely on it?! Looks a serious threat, doesn’t it? What if it only happened to Richard as a freak of nature or a consequence of his being enlightened, but I will only be able to eliminate 95% of my self and then always live with the possibility that doubt, fear or all the other emotions and instincts can come back with revenge? Those doubts remind me of the concept about enlightenment where I had learned you have to leave at least 50% chance to the Grace of Existence and wait – and in most cases nothing happens! Of course, this doubt is fed by seeing all those people around me, believing, trusting, hoping and continuing their suffering. Obviously I got again trapped in this spiritual concept. Reading back I can see ‘I’ have to die, ‘me’ has to die, only then those doubts will never return, nor will any other of the emotions. As long as I want to enjoy the good times, there will also be the quivers of worry and doubt, irritation, bitchiness and sorrow. Now that insight sets fear in motion, of course, but I know I have found the bottom line. I’ll see how long it will last! VINEETO: To be free one must be determined to die (disappear). From the side of the Human Condition that is how it looks like, and it is scary. From the side of actual freedom or in a pure consciousness experience however, it is simply a drama played out, the final drama with all the ‘parts’ of the ‘self’ acting out their particular bits. What started a few days ago as an ordinary flu with its usual symptoms in throat, nose and chest brought up my fear of old age and death, which I experienced as a fierce tension in the solar-plexus with nausea, pain and upsets. Looked very real this way. This morning I watched an English film about Nazis, called ‘The Night of the Generals’, different characters of leading officers in Germany and France during the last year of the war. The murder trial still went on 20 years later. Many of the particular German traits and beliefs I could recognise and identify in me, the generals just had them a bit exaggerated. And the ‘good’ guys did as much harm as the ‘bad’ guys. Being right, loyal, obedient, their heroism, viciousness and the lust for power, believing in good and bad and authority as such – just not having it quite defined as to which is right and which is wrong ... And then, of course, the universal sorrow about all the terror of war... All this has to die, irrevocably. And seen from the side of the actual world, I have always been here, done what I have done, the Human Condition is just a passionate phantom, in the process of being dismantled, diminished and eliminated, while ‘I’ am trying to stage the dramatic stories. It is an incredible fascinating time to experience this happening! VINEETO: The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term:
VINEETO: Hi everybody, Om.Com [our server] seems to have some trouble with their telephone company. They might switch to another company and say it may take them 10 days to do so. So if you don’t hear from all of us who are connected through Om.Com, that’s why. VINEETO: Hi everybody, there is some new, freshly update correspondence on our web-site: VINEETO: Hi, Good to hear from you. You have asked: RESPONDENT A1:‘I forgot to say ... and what about someone like me who does not have a partner, where do I fit in in being free? BTW... Happy New Year ... it’s nice to hear from you again ...’ VINEETO: Actual Freedom has nothing to do with having a partner or not. Just Peter and me have described our experiences on the path to freedom as we did it, in a partnership. But you might have noticed the conversation on the list, Alan or No 3 are exploring freedom by themselves and for themselves. It may look different or even more difficult in the beginning, but everyone has to discover it for themselves anyway. Don’t let yourself be stopped by not having a partner. Peter did not make me free nor did I do anything for him. It was very helpful to talk to others about what is happening and ‘how am I experiencing this moment of being alive’ – and that’s what we have the mailing-list for. We all look like fools when we learn something new, so that consideration is not really worth to stand in the road, although I know from my own experience that pride can be such a stumbling block, again and again. When you start with the question ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive’ you will find different kinds of reasons, emotions, moods that keep you from ‘feeling good’. Richard has described the method really well in his article And then you start off exploring into your psyche, finding out about your hopes, expectations, complaints, assumptions how things should be, ideals and whatever else. Once I got the knack I had actually good fun exploring. I found that instead of having feelings about a useless hope or dream I could decide to actively abandon that dream, cut it out of my psyche and come back here, into this moment with its magnificent sounds, colours, tastes and interaction. Each time it was like an operation, but the ‘losses’ made me happier and happier, because what I lost was actually the very cause for the present misery or anguish. Yes, it is true, in many issues I checked myself out with Peter, but anyone or anything can trigger an emotion, a resentment and there I went, investigating again into the cause of my emotion. Even the weather can be a good ‘thermometer’: do I get pissed off when it rains? Do I wait for sun to make me happy? Do I blame the weather for not wanting to be here? It does not matter where you start and it is only you who can make you free, a great arrangement, isn’t it! So let me know how you are going... VINEETO: So you found us on the web? and joined the mailing list – welcome. RESPONDENT A2: Fascinating writings I discovered while browsing the web one boring night at school. I’ve been a student of Course in Miracles, but had a lot of suspicions about this ‘ego-bashing’ that comprises the bulk of the text. Also wasn’t too keen on the idea that Jesus was the channelled author ... and didn’t care. But of all my investigations, you are the first to suggest that even the soul itself is not so benign as we’ve come to believe. VINEETO: Yes, the first, and according to Richard’s extensive investigations the only bunch of people to say so. Hence our description of ‘A New, Non-spiritual, Down-to-earth Freedom’. Richard has been the first who was not contented with his enlightenment but who, in 11 years of thorough investigation, came to see through the delusion that enlightenment actually is. Once I was able to look past my objections and see the radicalness of this new approach, it made eminent sense to me that not only the ego, but also the soul, our feelings, instincts and imagination are part of the ‘self’ that is responsible for all the malice and sorrow both in me and in the world. But you will discover that when you have time to read a bit into Richard’s web-site. RESPONDENT A2: But it is still a bit tricky to hear you referring to ‘I’ even after all this ‘self’ annihilation you’ve been through. Maybe our language simply cannot convey the essence of what you are really saying...but I sure ‘sense’ the legitimacy of it. VINEETO: Richard put it like this:
And in another conversation:
Peter has explained it quite well in our Looking forward to hearing from you. VINEETO: Hi everybody, What do you think about the latest scientific discovery...?
VINEETO: Diagram based on the research work of Professor LeDoux (,referred to in Peter’s and Vineeto’s posts.
VINEETO: Hi Everybody, Some interesting article I found in the news today. This ‘laughing-disease’ may be infectious and could very well be caught over the internet by reading, particularly by applying and experimenting with iconoclastic and heretical new non-spiritual methods... I wonder what scientists would find in my brain...
VINEETO: Hi Everybody, There has been such good writing lately in both Peter’s and Richard’s latest correspondence with paragraph upon paragraph of accurate descriptions of what actualism and Actual Freedom are all about. As the self-appointed librarian I wish there were adequate ‘exhibition rooms’ in order to not have those words disappear in the vastness of the website. Yesterday I found in Richard’s latest correspondence a description of the self in action that I found so excellent and brilliant in its accuracy and preciseness that, in view of our latest discussions about emotions on the list, I will post it here.
‘Pushing away’ and ‘grasping’ – these are indeed the two opposite actions that I observe as ‘me’, the ‘self’ in action, depending on the emotion that is arising at the time. And in this very description of the ‘primitive self structure’ there also lies the solution for catching the bugger and moving closer towards self-immolation. To stop pushing away bad, fearful, angry and sorrowful feelings and to stop grasping the good, loving and blissful feelings leaves ‘me’ with nothing to hang my hat on – an absolute fascinating experience when put into practice. There is a quality of suspense when I not let feelings take me on a ride, be they ‘good’ or ‘bad’, a thrill of doing the unfamiliar, an aliveness that is experienced just before popping through into the actual world in a PCE. The other fascinating observation was that refusing to go along with any emotion in one direction – ie fear – the temptation then appears to draw me into the opposite direction – i.e. feeling on cloud nine. Considering that instinctual passions and chemical reactions in the brain go hand in hand the pairing of emotions makes sense because to counteract a strong fear the amygdala will pump a strong dose of chemicals producing ecstatic feeling in order to overcome the fear to ensure one’s survival. In order to permanently get rid of the bad feelings, at the same time I will have to examine and get rid of the accompanying good feeling as well. Peter said it well in his recent letter to mailing list B:
Contemplating further I realized that to stop pushing away and stop grasping might at first look similar to the Buddhist practice of ‘neti-neti’, ‘neither this nor that’. The approach of Buddhists and all other meditators is to remove the self from the source of trouble which at the same time removes one from the experience of the sensuousness of being alive. Spiritualism moves away from sensate and affective feelings in order to not be here while an actualist questions and eliminates affective feelings because they prevent me from being here, being the senses-only experiencing the delight of being alive in this actual perfect abundant magical world. But Buddhists are exercising a technique to remove themselves, to dis-identify and finally to dissociate from either this or that feeling, implying that there is a true self, which they want to keep, that can remove itself from this or that feeling or thought. In actualism the emotion is experienced by neither repressing nor expressing, neither pushing nor grasping and thus one is able to examine it in reflective contemplation so as to explore the very nature of this emotion. One does not remove the self from the emotion but whittles away at the self which is the very program producing the emotion in the first place. This process, if undertaken diligently and persistently, will inevitably lead to self-immolation. Actual Freedom lies 180 degrees in the opposite direction to all religious practice and belief. Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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