Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 105
VINEETO: Welcome to the Actual Freedom mailing list. RESPONDENT: Finally, I have surfaced for air after snorkelling into the depths of the ‘human condition’ – and what a different world it is. Brighter; and more exciting yes; but also puzzling as I try to integrate new concepts I fished out from the depths, (some weird looking fish down there). Nevertheless, I am looking forward to exploring this new, exciting world. (What is it about the word new most people don’t get?) VINEETO: Ha, you seem to be my type of guy … RESPONDENT: I think my puzzlement is understandable because of the fact that after more than thirty years steeped in spiritualism; for goodness sake I opened a ‘New-Age’ Bookshop in the middle of a ghetto in Belfast during the civil war, (70s) how evangelistic is that? (Although less, I notice I am still doing it. I expect I will grow out of it :) Anyway, the shop reached great heights – about six feet I think with a little help from some fertilizer mix, a good metaphor I suppose. <Sigh> As soon as I began to understand, even a little of what Richard was reporting about his experiences, I was not only gob smacked I was hooked. What he was saying just seemed to resonate deep within me and sounded so obvious. This lead to me questioning my reasoning, (I was a Rosicrucian student, aka a walking question mark, for nearly thirty years) was I being too naïve? I don’t usually accept claims of new discoveries so quickly; I usually put them through rigorous examination before I accept even the hypothesis. But here I was jumping head first into something so radical; most ‘sensible’ people would give a wide berth to. VINEETO: Isn’t part of the ‘rigorous examination’ to see if/that it works in practice? RESPONDENT: When I first came across AF I had a really strange reaction… I laughed on and off for three days, at the thought of how I had looked down my nose (without realising it, well, maybe sometimes I did realise it :) at the religionists, (I had read Any Rand’s books) while heading in the same direction, i.e. being ‘saved’ or enlightened. I suddenly got, that because I wouldn’t accept what everyone else was accepting I was just given different/same programme. LOL. Another strange thing happened about this time, for five mornings before I came across a site that had a discussion about AF, I awoke with a terrible feeling of dread… not like me. Coincidence? I don’t know. However, and having said all the foregoing, I think I was in Richard’s neighbourhood anyway. Let me explain. I am a fan of that amazing movie: The Matrix, (In fact I was in the process of writing a book on it, called: Decoded, when I came across Actual Freedom and had to stop to reassess everything) which took me to another level of understanding the nature of reality and how it affects us in the so-called real world. I could/can see lots of clues in the film that points in the direction of a world beyond the real, which would give us three worlds... the Matrix… the Real… and the Actual. VINEETO: As I haven’t seen the movie – what is the difference between the Matrix and the Real for you? RESPONDENT: Even before this, I wrote a book that, again, questioned the reality of the world we live in, this time from the prospective of history. (It is causing quite a stir in my neck of the woods) It is here but I am not trying to sell anything as it is out of print until I can get my head on right again. I don’t know how much of this amazing new world I can explore before I expire. VINEETO: I wonder why you say ‘before I expire’ – is death imminent or are you expressing the insight that you, like anyone, could be hit by a bus at any moment? RESPONDENT: I see it as turning a giant Oil Tanker with only me on the bridge; it is going to take me some time to get it going 180% in the opposite direction, and to shake of life-long programming. VINEETO: In my experience some programming shook off fast as a result of a stunning realization while other parts of programming took a lot of nibbling and whittling away until all that remained to do was terminating a bad habit. RESPONDENT: There is one question I would like to ask, and that is: what if after asking the question there doesn’t seem to be, or one cannot be found, any trigger for the dark mood, for instance? VINEETO: Sometimes there is no trigger, just a dark mood, generated by the instinctual passions. RESPONDENT: What is the next move? VINEETO: All the more reason to drop the dark mood, isn’t it? RESPONDENT: Or is it just practise? I am not sure if I have constructed this question properly, but I will let it stand. VINEETO: Yep, a lot is just practice, focus and determination. Sometimes, however I did find the reason for the dark mood after it happens a few times in a row and am then able to cut it at its core. RESPONDENT: Just one last thing, I have to agree with No 60 (?) I don’t find much humour on this list; everyone seems to be very, very, somber. VINEETO: Aye. And you described well why. RESPONDENT: Opps, I just got an insight while writing this (I still think in pictures) of an agitated crowd standing at the entrance to a ‘wide and wondrous path’ discussing with each other as to how to proceed and I breeze past to enjoy this amazing journey. LOL. Funnily enough, in occult lore they are called ‘dwellers in the rose garden’ or something like that. It refers to people who have reached a certain point in their journey and are content to stay there. Ok, a generalization, but you know what I mean. VINEETO: I like your first metaphor – it is very descriptive – ‘I breeze past to enjoy this amazing journey’. Life is so much fun once I willingly agreed to ‘my’ diminishment and ‘my’ demise because … what else to do with this nagging feeling that ‘I’ am a fraud no matter what I do and how I disguise myself. What else to do with the insight gained from the PCE that the only salvation for ‘me’ is to be exposed and disappear in toto. The journey can be rocky at times, to say the least, but boy, it’s never boring and it always gets better and better. RESPONDENT: Fun and Peace to All. VINEETO: Fun and peace to you too.
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