Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 44
VINEETO: Hi, RESPONDENT No 23: Hi No 44 I have not understood your example of qualitativeness however as that as (yet) is not been ‘coined’ as valid AF-terminology but as to your assumption that actualists are confused about something i have yet to find out about what that is. <snip> It is the functioning of the genetically encoded survival program that all humans have in common. If the words on the AF-site are read with both eyes open it becomes apparent that ‘I’ as being referred to as the Ego or the soul is in fact being described as feeling (as an identify) itself hence. Hence feeling is not only a ‘feature’ but the very essence of what is called ‘I’ in AF. ^note as repeatedly you have appealed to the readers to pay attention to the case you think you have against Richard and his mmm ‘duped minions’ I think at this point it’s worth to mention that on this list although you claim not to do so you are likely to be regarded to be presenting a spiritual (way of dissociation) approach^ Although these so-called ‘cult busting’ sessions have an entertaining quality (as you have presented yourself rather flamboyant) and perhaps can lead to a sensible dialogue at some point; nevertheless the goal of participation on this list has been stated clearly: To free oneself from Malice and Sorrow aka from living on the human condition ‘tis not a small thing what is being attempted here. And many subscribers are generally surprisingly reluctant to admit that Actual Freedom is a whole new ballgame. RESPONDENT: Good grief, No 23. I can barely penetrate your writing, and from what I can make out, I’d agree with you that you are quite confused. You can’t even seem to read carefully, much less write. Such unintelligible gibberish hardly merits serious attention. At least Richard is more or less coherent. I suggest you just go back to sleep in whatever state you’re in that fancies blathering as language and darts at shadows, ‘cultbusters’ and Spiritualists. VINEETO: I noticed that you recently posted a link to the list of your own compilation of J. Krishnamurti’s early teachings complete with your own emphasis added. With regard to your post – is the ‘qualitativeness’ of your response to No 23 the result of putting J. Krishnamurti’s teachings into practice? The reason I ask is because my experience on the spiritual path lead me to question the yawning gap between the noble ideals of the spiritual teachings and how they are put into practice by the venerated enlightened teachers themselves and their loyal followers. Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer |