Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 58
VINEETO: Other issues took more inquisitiveness, attentiveness, guts and intent to look at the uncomfortable dark side of ‘me’ in order to get to the bottom of reoccurring emotional reactions. For instance, when I first met Peter I had a lot of male-female issues that caused me to get upset which could only be resolved by me finding out the facts of the matter and then letting go of my various idea, opinions, beliefs and feelings around being a woman, i.e. my social identity of being a woman. Another area that needed extensive exploration had to do with my feelings of love and
loyalty for my former spiritual teacher. I began to inch my way into slowly questioning the sensibility of being loyal in the face
of blatant contradictions between his teachings and his behaviour and his promises and the actual outcome of practicing his
teachings, but for a while each time someone else said something against him I flared up, so much so that for the first 3 months
Peter and I agreed to not talk about ‘the war’. It was clear for me that this could only be a temporary measure and I steadily
proceeded with finding out the facts of the matter despite my reoccurring feelings of fear, doubt, suspicion, defensiveness,
treachery and abandonment that this course of action could sometimes create. Those feelings only permanently disappeared when I
managed to irrevocably let go of my identity of being a follower, a member of the clan, a worshipper and lover of a Godman, a
New-Age goody-two-shoes and a spiritual seeker and believer. (…) RESPONDENT: Yeah Vineeto, you are just soooo different now aren’t you? You dumb slut,( and I say that with the utmost affection and love for my fellow human being, no matter how much misery they make for themselves) you haven’t changed one fucking iota. VINEETO: Your fly is open, No. 58. VINEETO: Other issues took more inquisitiveness, attentiveness, guts and intent to look at the uncomfortable dark side of ‘me’ in order to get to the bottom of reoccurring emotional reactions. For instance, when I first met Peter I had a lot of male-female issues that caused me to get upset which could only be resolved by me finding out the facts of the matter and then letting go of my various idea, opinions, beliefs and feelings around being a woman, i.e. my social identity of being a woman. (...) RESPONDENT: Yeah Vineeto, you are just soooo different now aren’t you? You dumb slut, (and I say that with the utmost affection and love for my fellow human being, no matter how much misery they make for themselves) you haven’t changed one fucking iota. VINEETO: Your fly is open, No. 58. RESPONDENT: You wish. Keep dreaming. VINEETO: Contrary to what you wish I wished, the point I am making is that whenever I write to this mailing list you are reading with the wrong organ. VINEETO: Other issues took more inquisitiveness, attentiveness, guts and intent to look at the uncomfortable dark side of ‘me’ in order to get to the bottom of reoccurring emotional reactions. For instance, when I first met Peter I had a lot of male-female issues that caused me to get upset which could only be resolved by me finding out the facts of the matter and then letting go of my various idea, opinions, beliefs and feelings around being a woman, i.e. my social identity of being a woman. (…) RESPONDENT: Yeah Vineeto, you are just soooo different now aren’t you? You dumb slut, (and I say that with the utmost affection and love for my fellow human being, no matter how much misery they make for themselves) you haven’t changed one fucking iota. VINEETO: Your fly is open, No 58. RESPONDENT: You wish. Keep dreaming. VINEETO: Contrary to what you wish I wished, the point I am making is that whenever I write to this mailing list you are reading with the wrong organ. RESPONDENT: Au contraire, my dear duped & deluded follower of yet the latest and yet greatest saviour to all mans and womans ills. All you have been doing these last 10 years is listen to and quote some Dick. It follows then that I am reading with the correct organ. VINEETO: It is also apparent that you think with the wrong organ. VINEETO: Other issues took more inquisitiveness, attentiveness, guts and intent to look at the uncomfortable dark side of ‘me’ in order to get to the bottom of reoccurring emotional reactions. For instance, when I first met Peter I had a lot of male-female issues that caused me to get upset which could only be resolved by me finding out the facts of the matter and then letting go of my various idea, opinions, beliefs and feelings around being a woman, i.e. my social identity of being a woman. (…) RESPONDENT: Yeah Vineeto, you are just soooo different now aren’t you? You dumb slut, (and I say that with the utmost affection and love for my fellow human being, no matter how much misery they make for themselves) you haven’t changed one fucking iota. VINEETO: Your fly is open, No 58. RESPONDENT: You wish. Keep dreaming. VINEETO: Contrary to what you wish I wished, the point I am making is that whenever I write to this mailing list you are reading with the wrong organ. RESPONDENT: Au contraire, my dear duped & deluded follower of yet the latest and yet greatest saviour to all mans and womans ills. All you have been doing these last 10 years is listen to and quote some Dick. It follows then that I am reading with the correct organ. VINEETO: It is also apparent that you think with the wrong organ. RESPONDENT: Which ever organ you are referring to, consider yourself correct. VINEETO: I am pleased that you recognize the fact that whenever I post something
to this mailing list you read and think with your reproductive organ. It explains not only the tastelessness of your reply but
also the incoherence and non-relevance of it to the content of my original QED. RESPONDENT: Especially those interested in claims of unmoderated mailing lists, getting the facts correct, and walking their talking. Does anyone remember Richard originally saying that the asian tsunami of dec 26, 2004 was NOT the deadliest tsunami on record? If I can recall correctly, I believe he cited some tsunami that struck Japan which killed 100,000, and that the current one only killed 80,000. I pointed out that if he was up on the latest news available, via the world wide web, that the current estimate of 150,000 was most certainly greater than 100,000. Richard than rationalized his mistake by saying the impact of 100,000 in 1700AD was certainly of greater ‘affective’ impact than even 150,000 today. No 23 then pointed out that due to the global reach and speed of the internet that this current event would affect way more people considering that in 1700AD only a very localized region would even know what happened and that today billions would be know and thus be affected. (…) This unmoderated mailing has the most interesting effect of being tampered with by someone. I wouldn’t know who, but I do think that the Big Three should take the responsibility for what’s cooking here and the ultimate responsibility should lie with Richard as he is the CEO. I would say that at least 5 posts have been deleted and I only offer my memory that my above recollection is correct. I may be mistaken and if I am, I apologize now and I will apologize profusely later but I have been unable to find the relevant posts by either me, Richard or No 65. All inquiries and comments are welcome. I will consider silence, aka taking the 5th, from the BIG THREE, to be an act of indictment and guilt. VINEETO: RESPONDENT No 37: I actually see the ‘malice and sorrow’ for myself on a daily basis in the most common places. Look around attentively and you will see it, and you just might wonder how you have put up with it for so long? Which may lead you to wonder why you would continue to put up with it? RESPONDENT To No 37: If there is something I can do about something, I will. There is nothing I can do about any malice or sorrow in my life except to place one foot in front of the other. VINEETO: There is indeed something you can do about it, as is evidenced by the reports of correspondents on this mailing list – the question is if you want to. What you can do is that you pay attention to how you are experiencing this only moment you can actually experience being alive, i.e. when you pay attention to whatever feeling it is you are feeling right now. If for example you become aware that you are feeling suspicious that you are the victim of a conspiracy this very awareness itself should enable you to *not* express your suspicion unless you have demonstrable factual proof. This way you do something tangible to reduce malice and sorrow (expressing unfounded
suspicions only adds to the malice in the world which in turn only adds to the sorrow in the world), and by doing so make a
practical contribution towards peace on earth in the only way you can. As an added benefit you also do away with the humiliation
of having your suspicions exposed as being groundless and of having to ‘apologize profusely’ RESPONDENT No 37: I actually see the ‘malice and sorrow’ for myself on a daily basis in the most common places. Look around attentively and you will see it, and you just might wonder how you have put up with it for so long? Which may lead you to wonder why you would continue to put up with it? RESPONDENT to No 37: If there is something I can do about something, I will. There is nothing I can do about any malice or sorrow in my life except to place one foot in front of the other. VINEETO: There is indeed something you can do about it, as is evidenced by the reports of correspondents on this mailing list – the question is if you want to. What you can do is that you pay attention to how you are experiencing this only moment you can actually experience being alive, i.e. when you pay attention to whatever feeling it is you are feeling right now. If for example you become aware that you are feeling suspicious that you are the victim of a conspiracy this very awareness itself should enable you to not express your suspicion unless you have demonstrable factual proof. RESPONDENT: Your suggestion has been noted. And it is an intelligent example. However in this case I was not suspicious that I was a victim of a conspiracy. VINEETO: Ah, so if you were not feeling suspicious then by the way you phrased
your original post * VINEETO: This way you do something tangible to reduce malice and sorrow
(expressing unfounded suspicions only adds to the malice in the world which in turn only adds to the sorrow in the world), and by
doing so make a practical contribution towards peace on earth in the only way you can. As an added benefit you also do away with
the humiliation of having your suspicions exposed as being groundless and of having to ‘apologize profusely’ RESPONDENT: It was no humiliation at all. It was my pleasure to apologize and apologize profusely. VINEETO: The point of this thread was that you assured No 37 that ‘if there is something I can do about something, I will’ whilst conveniently assuming that ‘there is nothing I can do about any malice or sorrow in my life’. VINEETO: However, as numerous correspondents on this list have confirmed, fact is that there is indeed something one can do about ‘any malice or sorrow’ in one’s life and I then gave you an example of how it works in practice. Of course, if you prefer to avoid discussing the issue by denying that you had the feeling in question then that is your business but it is disingenuous to go about pretending that the only reason you are malicious and sorrowful is that there is no solution to ending the malice and sorrow in your life. There is. RESPONDENT No 75: Have you encountered a situation where people want to test your ‘harmlessness’ by poking, trying to be mean etc. in real lives? VINEETO to No 75: Whenever people ‘test my harmlessness’ they often do so in order that they can then judge my behaviour according to their idea of harmlessness – being meek (in religious terms) or being a pacifist (in secular terms). (…) The real life that is this mailing list is an exception of course, but then again, if one dares to stick one’s head up above the parapet, there will invariably be those who delight in throwing brickbats – such is human nature. You might also have observed that pointing out a fact that pulls the rug from under someone’s precious belief often raises their hackles and as such is considered to be an act of aggression in the believer’s eyes. Whilst I would not choose to take someone’s beliefs apart in ‘real life’, as you call it, this mailing list is up front about being a non-spiritual mailing list and has been specifically set up ‘to assist in elucidating just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition’. As such this list is the very place to openly question and actively investigate all of the spiritual/philosophical beliefs, worldviews and psittacisms that pass for wisdoms and truths within the human condition so as to be able to make a clear-eyed investigation and assessment of the facts of the matter. (…) In short – I learnt to keep my mouth shut about abandoning beliefs, about
becoming happy and harmless and about ‘self’-immolation and consequently the people I meet nowadays rarely feel threatened by
what I do or say and therefore rarely treat me differently to everyone else. Mostly they are far too concerned with their own
lives to even want to know what I am doing, let alone ‘test’ my harmlessness. RESPONDENT: You dum dumb slut ... have you not learned a dum dumb thing in all your years on this verdant azure paradisaical 3rd stone from the sun of a planet yet? You have redefined the definition of pathetic! You have conveniently parsed out a few beliefs you refer to as spiritual or religious meanwhile leaving belief intact, alive and well. Belief is belief is belief no matter what label you schtick on them. You cannot get rid of belief... you have only replaced some with others... and now these are the ones Dic has discarded on your doorstep and doorstop and you are stuck with them whether you like it or not. You cannot exist without belief. Your entire existence is dependent upon belief. And not only that but you haven’t even discarded your spiritual or religious beliefs despite your proclamations to the contrary. Belief is spiritual and religious in nature and in its origin as are you. You are not separate from your beliefs and you never shall be. Money is spiritual. Money is religious. Money is based on belief. VINEETO: Ha, this reads like the Magna Carta à la No 58 –
There is only one thing that Your Grace has overlooked in His all-inclusive declaration which is that if this declaration is indeed the Truth, then it would reasonably follow that the declaration itself is also only a belief and therefore dependant on someone believing it. In other words, just because you have swallowed this belief hook, line and sinker (‘you cannot get rid of belief... you cannot exist without belief’) does not mean that I do. I can get rid of my beliefs and I did, and so can everyone else. In the same vein, your belief that I am a ‘dum dumb slut’ is a primitive
macho conjecture apparently based on your personal feelings towards actualism in general and women in particular – there
exists no proof whatsoever that I am indeed that and yet you are driven to endlessly repeat this unsubstantiated drivel RESPONDENT: Money is spiritual. Money is religious. Money is based on belief. VINEETO: Given that you are on record as being an online gambler RESPONDENT: What is money other than a piece of paper or metal or now plastic or a bit that flows through wires/cables and now money is even light travelling through optical fibers. Money works because of belief, because of faith that it is worth something when in actuality it is a piece of worthless inert matter. VINEETO: This argument is so trite it beggars description. When you give the checkout girl in the supermarket a fifty-dollar note she knows exactly what it is worth and so do you. Money and its value has nothing to do with belief and faith – it has all to do with the agreed upon buying power of the currency. RESPONDENT: The world and your existence is dependent upon belief and faith. VINEETO: Not so. The world existed and did just fine before I was born and will continue to exist and do just fine after I die. Equally my existence has nothing to do with either mine or anyone else’s belief but with the fact that my father’s sperm fertilized my mother’s egg about 19,277 days ago. RESPONDENT: Your proclamations that you have no spiritual or religious beliefs are bullshit. VINEETO: According to the Magna Carta à la No 58 that is – I experience life differently. No spiritual or religious beliefs interfere with my enjoyment of being alive. RESPONDENT: You have been conned, duped by your latest guru and you have eaten up his faecal matter like there is no tomorrow and you are a missionary proselytising his faecal matter for all the desperate, deluded and gullible. VINEETO: Ha, I have verified Richard’s reports with my own experience, not just once but many times and I found my experience consistent with everything he reports. Have you verified the facticity of the meta-physical teachings of your champion U.G. Krishnamurti with your own experience? RESPONDENT: You work all day for money... you spend your most precious commodity, all your time, working for money, which is based on spirit and belief ... and then you have the stupidity to say you have ridded yourself of such beliefs. VINEETO: I am not working all day every day but I do work some of my time to earn the means to pay for the necessities of life, as most people do. This exchange of services for goods – money being the agreed means for each and every barter – has nothing at all to do with beliefs and all to do with trade and mutual agreements. But there is certainly a range of beliefs and feelings people have around money and I had to investigated many of them myself on my way to becoming free from the human condition. This is how I have described it elsewhere –
RESPONDENT: Give it up... you should disappear into a cabin in the woods like your boss … as far away from people as they are, as possible. VINEETO: Face it No 58, despite your dire warnings and persistent discouragements actualism is here to stay. RESPONDENT: Wake up ... before your time is up. VINEETO: I did and got rid of my spiritual beliefs and my social identity – when are you going to follow your own advice? RESPONDENT No 32: What was not there in those experiences was the experience of infinitude.... so I thought maybe there are others who can remember if this element was present. VINEETO to No 32: An excellence experience is not a ‘self’-less experience which explains why one remains trapped within the confinements of ‘me’ – ‘I’ will always remain separate from my surroundings and cannot possibly experience the boundless expanse of matter in infinity and eternity. To describe how I am experiencing it now, in a PCE – in infinitude ‘I’ have no existence. RESPONDENT: who gives a shit about infinitude? I mean really! fuck infinitude! VINEETO: Ah, even if you tried really, really hard, No 58, it could not be done – it’s way too big. RESPONDENT: Infinitude ain’t gonna pay your bills, put food on the table, earn your living in this society ... unless you can sell that useless concept to those who have more than enough food & shelter ... VINEETO: No, the experience of infinitude does not pay your bills … but if that’s what you are after then there are plenty of places to teach you about how to ‘pay your bills, put food on the table, earn your living in this society’. Adult education classes or learning a trade come to mind. An actual freedom is for those who have mastered those skills and are still not content with their life as it is but I can also say that an intelligence freed from the impetuous drive of the instinctual passions is far more easily capable of putting food on the table and a roof over one’s head than an intelligence crippled by the instinctual passions. RESPONDENT: If there is such a thing, it cannot exist outside one’s skull, like god. VINEETO: Ha, this is where you are on the wrong track – infinitude is all around in this non-concentric universe. It’s what’s inside one’s skull, namely a parasitical identity consisting of emotions and passions and beliefs and psittacisms, that prevents one from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and tangibly experiencing the infinite dazzling variety and eternally changing array of physical matter – mineral, vegetative, animal and conscious animal matter – in this infinite universe. RESPONDENT: If there is such a thing, it lies forever beyond your realizations ... there are no direct experiences … all experience is mediated by knowledge … knowledge is not individual or the domain of an individual. VINEETO: How can you be sure that what you so confidently propose is not merely an experience mediated by someone else’s ill-informed ‘knowledge’? To propose that ‘knowledge is not individual’ makes nonsense of all of the discoveries of individual human beings that have seen human beings emerge from cowering in caves to become the most successful animal species on the planet. RESPONDENT: It is global/universal ... it has been given to us by those before us & those before them. And where they got it from, no one can ever know. VINEETO: Despite what everyone ‘universally’ wants you to believe, there is a way of sensibly and sensately ascertaining a fact which has nothing to do with the ‘knowledge’ that ‘has been given to us by those before us & those before them’. Not so long ago it was globally believed that the earth was the centre of the universe and that the sun revolved around the earth, a belief that has been made redundant by empirical facts to the contrary. RESPONDENT: You are only interested in this handed down word, infinitude, from some self-declared wise man, because you think it can solve all your problems … keep dreaming … there is no infinitude without the knowledge that is programmed to see such a thing … infinitude can only be a reflection of knowledge looking at itself and as such it is limited, not infinite … VINEETO: Nope, I don’t need to rely on anyone’s word, I have plenty of my own ‘self’-less experiences to go by – I know infinitude for a fact. I for one don’t rely on the ‘knowledge’ that ‘where they got it from, no one can ever know’ – in this case the ancient ‘knowledge’ based on fear, ignorance and superstition that the world was finite, i.e. that it must have been created by a mysterious Force or Being of some sort, a ‘knowledge’ that has spawned over one thousand individual Gods that human beings believe in and fear the wrath of. RESPONDENT: It is knowledge dreaming that it is infinite ‘you’ are only a collection of knowledge … ‘you’ can never see anything beyond what you already know. VINEETO: If you like to remain in the confines of your chosen belief that you ‘never see anything beyond what you already know’, that is entirely your choice – I am only reporting that you don’t have to if you don’t want to. You can leave the apparent safety of the herd and start to stand on your own two feet, reliant only on your own experience of how ‘you’ tick and you own experiential discoveries. RESPONDENT: Richard says all emotion is deleted ... but he doesn’t act that way. Someone who had no emotions would not answer questions and communicate with his highly valued fellow man in the manner he does... but we all notice he has gone AWOL from his own list. Thankfully. I always told him, he should get lost & stay lost. Finally he has taken my advice. VINEETO: Did you also tell the sun to rise this morning? RESPONDENT No 93: Can you identify what went wrong, and are you still trying? Did you get to a stage where you could live with gay abandon (so to speak) without harming yourself or being dangerous to others? RESPONDENT No 38: Nothing really went wrong, it just didn’t go right. The goal of being happy and harmless just seems contrived (not that there’s anything wrong with it). I’m more interested in pulling the curtain from all illusions, good bad or ugly. The reductionist approach works... eviscerate everything that isn’t true, and what remains is by definition truth. Clues to this come from many sources. At this point I think I am no longer particularly harmful to myself or others ... VINEETO to No 38: I wonder what would happen if you abandoned what you call ‘not
being particularly harmful’ and replaced it with being sincerely appreciative of your fellow human beings instead? RESPONDENT: Is this nitpicking with your fellow human beings words, your demonstration of ‘being sincerely appreciative of your fellow human beings instead’ of not being particularly harmful? VINEETO: In what way is it ‘nitpicking’ to point out that the way No 38 chooses to conduct his conversations (a way he defines as ‘not being particularly harmful’) is a far cry from being actually harmless? In other words, isn’t it obvious that a cynical and sarcastic outlook on life and a cynical and sarcastic attitude to what others choose to do with their lives prevents one from being unconditionally happy, let alone harmless? RESPONDENT: Do as I say, not as I do? That does seem to be one of the hallmarks of actualism. VINEETO: As I was not nitpicking your accusation of ‘do as I say, not as I do’ has no basis. The reason I responded to No 38’ post was because I know from years of dabbling on the spiritual path that it is easy to be seduced onto the slippery slope to solipsism without even noticing that this is where the practice of the various techniques of Advaita, Zen, reductionism, etc. lead to. I sure would have appreciated at the time had someone given me the information that is now available here on this mailing list and on the Actual Freedom Trust website. RESPONDENT No 38: (…) At this point I think I am no longer particularly harmful to myself or others. VINEETO to No 38: I wonder what would happen if you abandoned ‘not being particularly harmful’ (snipped examples) and replaced it with being sincerely appreciative of your fellow human beings instead? RESPONDENT: Is this nitpicking with your fellow human beings words, your demonstration of ‘being sincerely appreciative of your fellow human beings instead’ of not being particularly harmful? VINEETO: In what way is it ‘nitpicking’ to point out that the way No 38 chooses to conduct his conversations (a way he defines as ‘not being particularly harmful’) is a far cry from being actually harmless? In other words, isn’t it obvious that a cynical and sarcastic outlook on life and a cynical and sarcastic attitude to what others choose to do with their lives prevents one from being unconditionally happy, let alone harmless? RESPONDENT: Do as I say, not as I do? That does seem to be one of the hallmarks of actualism. VINEETO: As I was not nitpicking your accusation of ‘do as I say, not as I do’ has no basis. The reason I responded to No 38’ post was because I know from years of dabbling on the spiritual path that it is easy to be seduced onto the slippery slope to solipsism without even noticing that this is where the practice of the various techniques of Advaita, Zen, reductionism, etc. lead to. I sure would have appreciated at the time had someone given me the information that is now available here on this mailing list and on the Actual Freedom Trust website. RESPONDENT: First of all ... one of the hallmarks of actualists, as demonstrated by its founder & his followers on this list, is not to decifer ones intended intent from the content of ones words ... it is to read into it what is good for promoting their actualism prosletysing and to defend their adopted dogma. And it is this reading into what is good for your agenda, that is cynical & sarcastic. You may wish to examine your own cynicism & sarcasm if you think it prevents one from being unconditionally happy, let alone harmless. VINEETO: The problem with maintaining a cynical/ sarcastic outlook on life is that it means that it is impossible to recognize sincerity in others because one is continually busy demeaning others in order to feel superior to others. I learnt very early on in my acquaintance with actualism that I needed to drop both my gullibility and my cynicism and rekindle my naiveté if I wanted to even understand anything about becoming free from the human condition, let alone proceed. It may make me look like a fool in many a cynic’s eye but that is a small price to pay for being able again to see the world with those fresh, curious, vitally interested and naive eyes as I did in my childhood years. You yourself had a short glimpse of the attraction of naiveté and an insight of the
burden of cynicism and mistrust RESPONDENT to Richard: You are most certainly a probity cop when it suits your agenda. i.e., your previous companion Irene, got her virtually free license revoked upon the demise of your relationship. T’wasn’t that true? It is written somewhere in your voluminous petty archives … I will not search for it … if you deny it, you lie only to yourself & your flock of sheep who await the very next breath you fake. VINEETO: Such ploy is akin to me saying that it is true that No 58 masturbates all day and buys his companions at … it is written somewhere in your 1057 emails written to this list … I will not search for it … if you deny it, you lie only to yourself & your audience who await the very next breath you fake. You might as well admit that your genre is cyber fantasy and poison pen fiction – it would solve the mystery as to why you are always so way off the mark in your allegations. RESPONDENT to Richard: You are most certainly a probity cop when it suits your agenda. i.e., your previous companion Irene, got her virtually free license revoked upon the demise of your relationship. T’wasn’t that true? It is written somewhere in your voluminous petty archives … I will not search for it … if you deny it, you lie only to yourself & your flock of sheep who await the very next breath you fake. VINEETO: Such ploy is akin to me saying that it is true that No 58 masturbates all day and buys his companions at … it is written somewhere in your 1057 emails written to this list … I will not search for it … if you deny it, you lie only to yourself & your audience who await the very next breath you fake. You might as well admit that your genre is cyber fantasy and poison pen fiction – it would solve the mystery as to why you are always so way off the mark in your allegations. RESPONDENT: Vineeto to Irene: ‘while I am still in the process, living in Virtual Freedom, a state which, as you know well from your own experience, is not irreversible.’ VINEETO: It was Irene (as Devika) who had described her experience of life in
Virtual Freedom Editorial note: see also on the same topic RESPONDENT to Richard: Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? And just in case you were interested – I am not yet blue in the face. Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? Still not blue ... and no cows VINEETO: Go fishing, No 58. You have run out of something sensible to say a long time ago. RESPONDENT to Richard: Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? <snipped repetition> Still not blue ... and no cows VINEETO: Go fishing, No 58. You have run out of something sensible to say a long time ago. RESPONDENT: You are implying I once had some sensible to say. Thanks V ! VINEETO: Yes, I thought you did once, shortly after you came to this mailing list –
Unfortunately for you, this ‘Change of Heart’ never had a chance to get off the ground as you soon reverted back to the more familiar attitude of cynicism, slander and defeatism. RESPONDENT: If your boss was able to answer simply & directly, as he says he does, and not play his clever lawyer debating word games, I would not have to ask him multiple times. A simple yes or no response was requested. You still fishing for that mirage bequeathed by your latest master who replaced your previous master and the one before that? VINEETO: You know just a well as I do that there is no ‘boss’, no ‘master’ or any other kind of dominion in actualism and this fact is exactly what attracted me to it after I finally admitted and recognized that I had been sold a dummy by Mr. Rajneesh and his empty promises. In actualism I can verify for myself in a pure consciousness experience, and I have done so many times, that Richard’s report of the actual world is indeed factual and that the actual world is right here for anyone to experience when ‘I’ and ‘me’ disappear from the scene. Once I experienced the actual world for myself I was able to stand on my own two feet and rely on my own attentiveness, my own investigations and judgment. Of course I am also keen to learn how to incrementally and permanently diminish the dominance of ‘me’ and who better to learn it from than the person who has already succeeded in the task and living it for 24hrs a day. Just as for learning how to drive I had chosen someone who knew how to drive, for learning m professional skills I had chosen someone who was an expert in accounting procedures and for learning to repair computers I chose someone who already knew the ins and outs of computers. As for Richard not answering the questions you ask – you know perfectly well (unless you are mentally challenged) that your questions are leading questions, made up of lies and distortions and cannot be answered with a yes or no as they are. It is telling that you have to resort to such measures in lieu of honest and straightforward discussions in order to support your case in your self-appointed job as the watchdog for newcomers at the door to actual freedom. From what you write, for you the problem for human beings is not that there are wars and murders and suicides and rapes and child abuse but instead you’ve devoted your life to warn people from learning how to become happy and harmless. Such is the perversity of the human condition. RESPONDENT to Richard: Are you or are you not the 1st person ever to be free of the human condition? Are there others? <snipped repetition> Still not blue ... and no cows VINEETO: Go fishing, No 58. You have run out of something sensible to say a long time ago. RESPONDENT: You are implying I once had some sensible to say. Thanks V ! VINEETO: Yes, I thought you did once, shortly after you came to this mailing list –
Unfortunately for you, this ‘Change of Heart’ never had a chance to get off the ground as you soon reverted back to the more familiar attitude of cynicism, slander and defeatism. RESPONDENT: Lets just say, I, for a moment there, questioned a way, (what you call cynicism, what I call a healthy questioning of authority or anything), that was natural to me and tried on ‘your’ way because you promised something if I would change. I very quickly found out that the hypocrisy of you, your mate & your leader was no different than that of every other system, philosophy, religion, teaching, teacher, etc. So, rather than saying, ‘I blew it’ ... it is you 3 who blew it and continue to blow it. VINEETO: Already long before I discovered actualism I had began to grasp the fact that making other people responsible for the way I feel and act is detrimental to my becoming free from society’s restrictions and control. Actualism gave me the full understanding that the only person I can change, and need to change, in order to become free is ‘me’ and combining this understanding with the tool of the actualism method has resulted in life nowadays being delightful and easy and other people’s feelings and fantasies are very rarely able to interfere with the way I experience being alive. In other words – even if (note ‘if’) Richard, Peter and Vineeto were as hypocritical as you would like to make them out to be, which they are not, you would be ill-advised, misguided, injudicious and imprudent to make this the reason, or rather the excuse, for the way you choose to live your life. Don’t you know that you can always find someone amongst the 6 billion people on the planet who apparently gives you cause and reason for being cynical, slanderous and defeatist, or pissed off, angry, furious and murderous, not to mention sad, sorry, depressed or suicidal? Even if you believed your own reasoning that actualists were the cause for you discarding the option of rekindling your naiveté, fact is that you are always the one who is making the choice of how to be and what to do with your life, for better or for worse. RESPONDENT No 48: Like every person, except for the ones living in virtual or actual freedom, I am emotional when it comes to money. It seems like a good idea to establish an income that comes in with very minimal/no work so that if I become unable to work, I can still pay for what I need. My question is for those in virtual/actual freedom, what is the investment vehicle and strategy that creates this kind of income, that makes the most sense? RESPONDENT: Good luck ... and please please please ... do not seek financial advice from this site. Humanity is littered with spiritual seekers seeking financial advise from their spiritual advisors &/or giving the shirts off their backs to their greedy spiritual advisors. VINEETO: You are lying through your back teeth, No. 58, and you know it. You have been subscribed to this list for years and as such you know very well that actualism is about an actual freedom from the spirit being inside this flesh-and-blood body. By its very nature, an actual freedom is the very opposite of anything spiritual. Your contributions to this list have been reduced to presenting one fabrication after another about actualists and actualism which you maintain and defend until you have so much egg on your face that even you cannot help but notice it and then you just invent another cock-and-bull story. And why? To promote your defeatist attitude VINEETO: Your contributions to this list have been reduced to presenting one fabrication after another about actualists and actualism which you maintain and defend until you have so much egg on your face that even you cannot help but notice it and then you just invent another cock-and-bull story. RESPONDENT to No 23: Vineeto has gone full circle & she’s gone nowhere. VINEETO: Ha, it only looks ‘full circle’ ‘gone nowhere’ to someone who hasn’t yet learnt to count to three. Let me spell it out for you – one: materialism, two: spiritualism, third alternative: actualism. Repeat – one, two, three – not so difficult after all, isn’t it? RESPONDENT to No 23: She was bequeathed a divisive, hateful, us against the world, Nazi lineage; she rejected that & went 180 degrees opposite to a love everyone, fuck everyone, the world is one philosophy via Osho and now she is back to a divisive actualists vs everyone else philosophy. VINEETO: As for your stereotype fantasy of my ‘divisive, hateful, us against the world, Nazi lineage’ let me inform you that my father was a life-long supporter of the communist / socialist party and my mother was born and brought up in an Eastern European country which had been occupied by Germans before and during the Second World War. Besides, all German people of all ages were thoroughly de-Nazified via Allied re-education programmes in the decades after the war, so if you are looking for Nazi-mentality you will find it more frequently outside of Germany. The hoary objection of ‘a divisive actualists vs everyone else philosophy’
has been raised, answered and refuted many times over, collected on RESPONDENT to No 23: 60 years ... VINEETO: You just proved my point again that you have been reduced to presenting one fabrication after another about actualists and actualism. This one is so far off the mark as to be risible – 60 years ago my parents were both still teenagers and were yet to meet each other. RESPONDENT to No 23: … and she hasn’t moved a step. VINEETO: As far as I am concerned, I am very pleased with the progress I made becoming virtually free from malice and sorrow. It is your conviction and your practice not mine that moving a step is impossible –
Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer |