Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 83
VINEETO: You wrote at the end of your post – RESPONDENT: P.S. You are free to post this on the website if you wish, I have as yet not decided if I would like to be in the discussion group or not. Again I appreciate when/if you have the time to respond to this email. VINEETO: Given that you gave the permission I will post my answer to the Actual Freedom mailing list. Welcome. RESPONDENT: Thanks for the email. To be honest I was pondering whether or not to join the discussion list. I haven’t decided as yet. Several things have occurred to me since writing you the first email. The main thing I noticed was that I played down the occurrence of the event that happened at the back of my brain – if was at the top of the neck, bottom of the brain – it was exactly what Richard described as a ‘turning over’ of something in the brain stem. I have had this experience and much has changed since. Like I mentioned the ‘deprogramming’ – all this is occurring at a fast rate and my actions are totally factually based as before. I know that No 81 is having conversations with the group online to question the language being used by yourself ‘matter and energy’. He came to me at breakfast to talk about his ideas about this and to explain it to me. To be honest if the turning over in the back of the brain is the process to AF, then I think I am in AF and am actually now removing all the ‘old behaviour’ that I had. VINEETO: It is pertinent to note that Richard described having this experience of ‘something turning over’ when he became enlightened, not when he became actually free –
RESPONDENT: I think my experience is a little different to yourself and Richard and Peter because you all had a longer period to ‘deprogram’ over years. I think in my case it has happened much quicker – in a period of a couple of weeks because I was brought up to be happy and harmless and my experiences of the world is really done through the eyes of a child and with naiveté and so in a way I was given less to decondition – I just turned 30. I have written this in my diary this morning and was wondering if you could show it to Richard to see if his interpretation of AF is the same: ‘I explained to No 81there are 3 things that I can be compared with a computer in terms of my functioning When I am asleep, my senses are on HIBERNATE and take a longer time to come online When I am awake and not thinking then my senses are on STANDBY When I am functioning and doing a task because of discomfort of the body, or out of necessity, then my senses are ON and my hypothesis is when my senses are off – either they are not functioning (e.g. to be blind) or I am dead. The only thing is that to get from STANDBY to ON is only necessary when I need something.’ VINEETO: I have forwarded your post to Richard as requested. RESPONDENT: So this is what I have been thinking over the course of the morning: What I found is that when I am on STANDBY, I feel that I am not different from anything in the whole Universe – not in terms of material, but in terms of something that is not describable. When I go from STANDBY to ON, there needs to be a question that is asked, such as if I am slouching in STANDBY mode, then my back may ache and I will automatically correct my posture, but the asking of the question ‘How can I reduce my slouching posture?’ is the first part of the process of switching myself ON – it is task orientated. After speaking with No 81 this morning, I would say that the problem of all religions doesn’t come from this idea of being in this state/ place of STANDBY and relishing this moment of wonder, but rather it comes when I get switched on by asking ‘What am I?’ If you can ask Richard to test the following out like I have this morning, then we may be able to discover something – and we can test whether I am in AF or VF. VINEETO: Going by my own experience I would not rule out the possibility of some
sort of an Altered State of Consciousness experience. You may be interested in this link to RESPONDENT: If Richard just sits there without thinking anything – then when I did this, I felt no thoughts, I just heard things – so my senses were operating, but I was not ‘interpreting’ them, it was just sensations, but sensations that were not given meaning – they were things that could not be given names or words attached to them. Then when No 81 asked me ‘What were you experiencing’ I switched myself ON and tried to communicate, however it is at this moment that all ‘interpretations’ come into play. I initially had no words for it, so I said I was the body, but then I realised I could not be. In the moment of being in STANDBY I was like everything else in the Universe. There is no label here. I cannot be the body, this comes from the interpretation I gave it when I switched from STANDBY to ON. VINEETO: When I have a pure consciousness experience which is a ‘self’-less experience I have no doubt that I am indeed this body and I have no problems to put labels on the sensate experiencing of this body. RESPONDENT: You can ask Richard to try the same experiment as I did. I sat there with my eyes closed. A porcelain cup was in front of me. I touched the cup and did nothing to interpret the cup, I asked no questions. By doing this I could not tell you the shape, form, temperature, size or anything of the cup, I could not even tell you it was a cup or that there were sensations. So in this state/place, no words could be applied to what it was that was being experienced as there was no experience. It is when coming from STANDBY to ON, that you can conclude, that if all you could do was touching or hearing that you are the body. But at this particular moment I would probably disagree with you and say, actually no, in my experience it is something that I cannot say in words. No 81 tells me that the word for this is ‘Brahma’. I am not interested in the words to explain it, but from what he describes it seems to be accurate, but it is also a term and one that in this STANDBY state/place makes no sense because it is an experience that cannot be experienced – I could not say what I was. If Richard could also look into this I would be grateful, as I am not sure that saying that he is the body is actually it... VINEETO: I have forwarded your post to Richard as requested but it is pertinent to point out that actualism is utterly non-spiritual and that Actual Freedom is diametrically opposite to any of the altered states of consciousness. RESPONDENT: If we continue with my experience so far, I see what makes sense to me is that all religions and so on came into being when someone was in AF and said, ‘What is this state that cannot experience itself?’ and all the ideas came out of this ... and this is where all the people get into conflict because it is all concepts, models and hypothesis. VINEETO: As an actual freedom from the human condition is something entirely new to human experience – no one has previously discovered that one can change human nature such that one can free oneself from the instinctual passions as well as from one’s social identity – an Actual Freedom cannot be the foundation of ‘all religions’ for it is the antithesis of all religions. What is the foundation of all religions is the experience of a permanent Altered State of Consciousness whereby ‘I’ as ‘Being’ expand into ‘the Greater Self’, also described as becoming One with the Divine, the Truth, God-Consciousness, the Absolute, etc. RESPONDENT: To be honest, if I am in this state of AF (and I think I am, I am just ‘delayering, disrobing, deprogramming’ old habits that are in play) then I like this state of STANDBY so much that I am not really interested in doing much else than staying in it – maybe this is what the others (the people in the ‘ancient’ past) got wrong when they got to this stage, maybe they got too caught up in the ideas caused by their instincts that they couldn’t stay in this wonderful place ... they thought there must be a better one. VINEETO: Yes, they got it wrong in that they remained stuck in the glorious
affective experience of ‘Self’-aggrandizement. Richard, who lived in an Altered State of Consciousness for eleven years,
described this bane of humankind in RESPONDENT: If you could pass on the exercise to Richard I would be grateful, then maybe we can see if we are both in AF and if he could see what he thinks about my experience. I think that the old religions have got the metaphysics right but what does this all help when you can’t enjoy the place where you are one part of the whole of the Universe? Also it may be as time goes on that my experience in STANDBY extends to ON as the delayering continues. VINEETO: It may be of interest to you that in a ‘self’-less experiencing of the universe, either in a temporary PCE or a permanent Actual Freedom there is no such thing as meta-physics – in the actual world there is simply no room for any human-created escapist fantasies. All there is, is the physical universe in all its splendour. RESPONDENT: Several things have occurred to me since writing you the first email. The main thing I noticed was that I played down the occurrence of the event that happened at the back of my brain – if was at the top of the neck, bottom of the brain – it was exactly what Richard described as a ‘turning over’ of something in the brain stem. I have had this experience and much has changed since. Like I mentioned the ‘deprogramming’ – all this is occurring at a fast rate and my actions are totally factually based as before. I know that No 81 is having conversations with the group online to question the language being used by yourself ‘matter and energy’. He came to me at breakfast to talk about his ideas about this and to explain it to me. To be honest if the turning over in the back of the brain is the process to AF, then I think I am in AF and am actually now removing all the ‘old behaviour’ that I had. VINEETO: It is pertinent to note that Richard described having this experience of ‘something turning over’ when he became enlightened, not when he became actually free –
RESPONDENT: Please go to
This is what happened to me, and from the above I have assumed that this is the ‘final’ condition required to be in AF. Is this not the case as nothing more is mentioned in the guide? Perhaps I should also ask if there is a different type of ‘turning over’ between the ‘enlightened Richard’ and the ‘AF Richard’ and if so, perhaps you can amend the guide to reflect this? VINEETO: In Richard’s article ‘A Brief Personal History’ the link to which I provided to you in my last post, Richard described in detail both his experiences – becoming enlightened and becoming actually free. Given that he is the only one who has become actually free so far, his is the only description of someone becoming actually free from both ‘self’ and ‘Self’ that we have to go by. …. As the ‘physical ‘turning over’ of some kind’ happened to Richard when he became enlightened there are obviously other criteria to take into consideration if one wants to genuinely determine if one has become actually free or not. As it is your experience it is obvious that nobody can do this assessment for you. This snippet from Richard’s correspondence might also be of interest to you –
* RESPONDENT: So this is what I have been thinking over the course of the morning: What I found is that when I am on STANDBY, I feel that I am not different from anything in the whole Universe – not in terms of material, but in terms of something that is not describable. When I go from STANDBY to ON, there needs to be a question that is asked, such as if I am slouching in STANDBY mode, then my back may ache and I will automatically correct my posture, but the asking of the question ‘How can I reduce my slouching posture?’ is the first part of the process of switching myself ON – it is task orientated. After speaking with No 81 this morning, I would say that the problem of all religions doesn’t come from this idea of being in this state/ place of STANDBY and relishing this moment of wonder, but rather it comes when I get switched on by asking ‘What am I?’ If you can ask Richard to test the following out like I have this morning, then we may be able to discover something – and we can test whether I am in AF or VF. VINEETO: Going by my own experience I would not rule out the possibility of some
sort of an Altered State of Consciousness experience. You may be interested in this link to RESPONDENT: I also don’t believe I am in any ASC, ‘I’ have never more been here! VINEETO: Considering that you describe your experiences as –
– it seems somewhat strange to ask Richard to comment on an experience that you yourself cannot accurately describe in words, let alone label.
Richard is very clear throughout all the descriptions of his experience of an actual
freedom from the human condition that he is the physical body and nothing but the physical body Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer |