Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 90
RESPONDENT: (…) It was pretty interesting to see how a bonafide free person from the human condition looks like. I wonder if another actually freed male would find it more sensible and practical to grow a large, dense beard or would decide to be more clean shaven. Maybe it is an Australian thing for older men to grow their facial hair out ... I don’t know. Would an actually free woman probably decide to not shave her legs and such? Maybe Richard, Peter, and Vineeto could answer this. VINEETO: An actual freedom and a virtual freedom is a freedom from the human condition, a freedom from the instinctual passions of fear aggression, nurture and desire that give rise to human malice and sorrow. In what way does this freedom from malice and sorrow have anything to do with shaving one’s beard or legs? RESPONDENT: Richard, I read somewhere on the site that a large portion of ‘Richard’s Journal’ was actually co-written by Irene. What chapters were co-written by Irene (if you can remember)? VINEETO: In Richard’s Journal, all paragraphs in italics are Irene’s writing. RESPONDENT: Richard, I read somewhere on the site that a large portion of ‘Richard’s Journal’ was actually co-written by Irene. What chapters were co-written by Irene (if you can remember)? VINEETO: In Richard’s Journal, all paragraphs in italics are Irene’s writing. RESPONDENT: Yes, I was aware of that ... however this is the quote of Richard that made me think that possibly Irene’s contributions weren’t only in italics: Richard, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List, No. 16, 25.7.2003 VINEETO: Well, I can’t help you with that – that is only known to Richard.
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