Vineeto’s Correspondence to Mailing List C Correspondent No. 9
VINEETO: Hi, RESPONDENT: It’s very interesting. These guys No. 1 and No. 10 really hate you! Human condition or what? VINEETO: Yes, the Human condition is interesting. We are very, very good in watching and observing it in other people. We are not so good in observing or watching it in ourselves. It’s like learning to twist one’s head around and apply everything that one sees in others to oneself, it takes a bit of training. But that’s how I have learned about the Human Condition. Whenever I watch anything in others that would evoke some kind of emotional reaction in me, be it spite, hate, jealousy, comparison, inferiority, superiority, pity, anger, annoyance or anything else, I would turn my attention around and look at me. The Human Condition applies to everyone, including oneself. It is the software of instincts and social programming we are equipped with. It is delete-able. RESPONDENT: Ha, ha, ha ... If you are noticed my real intentions in my previous post, you are actually worth of anybody’s respect. My previous post was full of shit. Pure egoistic exercise. Sorry but how can I resist the opportunity to be a great, wise one from time to time. If my intentions were totally honest that post would be for your eyes only, not for the mailing list crowd. VINEETO: I like your sincerity about yourself. It is a good start to take stock, and see what you want to change in you, isn’t it? RESPONDENT: Still I expected an answer from you, but I am very much surprised with your reply. I expected something like ‘Go to hell’ or one sincere and juicy ‘Fuck you asshole’... VINEETO: What you call a ‘sincere and juicy fuck you’, I call spite. This re-labelling with the new-age language is really designed to confuse everyone. RESPONDENT: ...and I expected it directly to my e-mail address, but what we have here: a very kind intelligent and loving person or a person lost in the sea of his own thoughts. So much lost that he isn’t able to see a simple provocation when is there! VINEETO: What’s the point of answering a provocation with a ‘fuck you’, as you suggest. It was a good question of yours, after all. Provocations don’t have any effect on Peter or me – and we had a great deal of provocation in this business of trying to ‘tickle’ people into being happy and harmless. RESPONDENT: My ego is 100 tons weight. I want to make it perfect cause it hurts, man. It hurts very much! So sorry, man. Most things you said in your reply make sense. I’m honest now. The exercise is over now. Why should I lie to you. I will probably never see you. You probably know very well that everybody has a very unique and very complex personality, and if I want to know something about your personality, your ego, it is only to forget at least for few minutes my own monster. VINEETO: Part of those 100 ton-ego is also that you beat yourself up for it. It is of no use. Much better, to see your actions, what you said, done or thought, and do it better next time. The trouble with the ego is that you can never make it perfect. You can only dismantle it bit by bit and eliminate everything it consists of. And not only the ego, but the soul, the emotions and instinctual passions as well. Then you are as perfect as the rest of the universe. This is exactly what we are discussing on this list now – to live one’s life happy and harmless, perfect and pure. RESPONDENT: As far as Osho is concerned I don’t know. I really don’t know. As I said some few week ago, I have never seen the man. I read a few of Osho’s books and that’s all. I read every one of Carlos Castaneda’s books three times, but on the Castaneda related mailing list I met only close-minded people. From my life experience I learned only one important thing: Everything is totally uncertain and everything happens always opposite from my expectations. I want to be simple. I want to simply love the woman. But which woman, man! Every woman who loved me had so many problems (not with me) inside her head that sooner or later love became only a habit, something on the last place on the life’s list of priorities. And I’m full of shit. So how can somebody expect from me or anybody to take care of their shit. Of course, I want to help if I can, but in my life I never met a single person which REALLY wants to admit that ‘I need help’. Everybody just says: ‘I need money, I need love, I need compassion, I need sex, I need drink, I need drugs, I need this, I need that ...’ VINEETO: The great thing is, that you are the only person who can help yourself. That’s what makes everything so easy. Once you understand something in you, once you find a piece of ‘shit’ in you, as you say, you can clean it up – bit by bit. And a cleaned up you will then be good company, good fun to be with... RESPONDENT: If you are that person, if you said ‘I NEED HELP’ and some Richard was there for you, what to say, you are very lucky, and I honestly salute you and wish you all the best in your life. I wish you all the best in your fight for truth or whatever you call it ... VINEETO: As far as I am concerned I can only say, I did it myself. Yes, Richard shared his expertise and taught us the method, but that is now available for everybody, here on the net. But I had to do it myself, I had to clean myself up. It was sometimes scary and sometimes arduous, but it has been, and still is, such a thrilling and rewarding adventure ... and it has made me happy and harmless. It is not a ‘fight for truth’, it is telling our story and saying that everybody who wants to can do it. It is a fact that peace and harmony is possible on earth. Good fun to talk to you.
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