Vineeto’s Correspondence on Mailing List D Correspondent No 5
VINEETO: Hi No 5, VINEETO to No 1: No 1, this is such a silly comment that I was tempted to send in a reply. I have been reading on the list since months, but never wrote. RESPONDENT No 1: Teehee. Of course, it was silly. I meant it to be silly. See how silliness has value, for it challenged you to respond, rather that just passively stand in the limelight. ‘Standing passively in the limelight’ is a contradiction in terms – there is no limelight where I am standing. And to claim your silliness as valuable purely on a basis that it evoked a response is even more silliness, if not blatant hypocrisy. * VINEETO: Personally, I can understand what Richard writes, and the longer I read the easier it is for me to understand his explanations about animal instincts, the human condition and a way to peace-on-earth. I am applying the method that he has described on the list many times since two years, with great success. RESPONDENT No 1: What successes are you achieving using a method based upon Richard’s explanations? I have never really seen a ‘method’ in Richard’s madness, although, there may be one. All I’ve even seen in Richards writings is ‘back slapping’ for being a free, happy, harmless, flesh and blood body living in a veritable garden of paradise where there is no love, no compassion, and an absolute belief that there is no such happening as God or other dimension besides the human body which he is. VINEETO: There is a very effective method indeed. But only those who are appalled by their own malice and tired of their own sorrow are interested in finding out about it and are moved to apply it to their own lives. I was simply tired of emotions all together, because when I was driven by emotions and instinctual passions I could not avoid wanting to hurt others or feeling that others were hurting me – so I took up the offer of getting rid of the instinctually driven entity altogether. RESPONDENT: I am sorry since you started using the word ‘silly’ for another woman I use it for you with freedom without any fear of hurting you (since I know you have no emotions and won’t be at all hurt). VINEETO: I did not say I have no emotions – I said
It is something entirely new in human history that the possibility exists that one does not merely settle for transcending the ego – as age-old practice has been throughout many countries and religions – but that one can examine and eliminate the very root cause of human malice and sorrow, the animal instinctual passions themselves. Once I had established satisfactory evidence that one can indeed get of one’s emotions and passions entirely, I took up the offer and went full steam ahead. RESPONDENT: Yes, silly it is that you think you are free of your limbic system without any clear real medical limbectomy. You are lying to yourself. VINEETO: As I have never said that I don’t have any emotions at all, your argument is missing the point. You are right insofar that one cannot simply decide that from tomorrow onwards I won’t have any emotions anymore. However, by investigating feelings and emotions and the underlying instinctual passions – instead of merely watching one’s thoughts – it is very well possible to diminish the ‘self’ to the point of almost non-existent and it is the ‘self’ that is producing and maintaining feelings, emotions and instinctual passions. When I consider what has already disappeared out of my life in terms of the malice and sorrow that I felt and inflicted on others, and when I look at the obvious change that happened by meticulously taking apart my identity bit by bit – then a complete extinction of my ‘self’ is not at all far-fetched. If I can achieve to live happily and harmlessly without being run by my emotions and driven by my instinctual passions (without having a ‘amygdala-ectomy’), then it is possible for everybody who wants to. RESPONDENT: It’s like telling myself I don’t hear voices and don’t see colours since I have altruistically ‘decided’ not to see them anymore! For god’s sake can’t you see the insanity of such a claim?? One cannot stop hearing voices unless s/he cuts his ears off, are you van Gogh? VINEETO: Of course you cannot altruistically ‘decide’ not to have emotions and then they will just disappear by magic – I have never said this. But one can extent one’s awareness and consideration for others to the extent that it becomes one’s sole aim in life to be actually peaceful – to do no harm to one’s fellow human beings, as in not instinctually feeling aggression towards others, not instinctually feeling sorrow for others, not being blindly driven to nurture others and not being blindly driven to desire power over others. But first one needs to change one’s focus from self-realization and self-aggrandizement to becoming ‘self’-less, which is not good news for those who are on the spiritual path. RESPONDENT: You say you cut your emotions to be free of their suffer (I was tired of them) ... I am sorry how could you do that without having the emotion of ‘wanting to be free of emotions?’ So you see? Emotions are not that bad, they tell you how to stop your suffering. VINEETO: Indeed. Back when I was run by emotions and driven by instinctual passions I was still searching for peace and happiness and I had not found it after many years on the spiritual path. In fact, I found that I was moving further away from the world and that I was becoming more fearful and more isolated from people who were not part of my particular spiritual ‘club’. I was further away from being able to live with a man in peace and harmony and sexual enjoyment was becoming even more hampered by spiritual conditionings. The only solution then was to go even deeper into my inner world via meditation and only relate to those with the same belief-system, but this retreating and withdrawing did not match with what I had expected from life. When I came across Richard, my burning desire to be free was still intact – it had not been worn out by my spiritual years. I was simply ready to try a solution that seemed eminently sensible, far more fun and down-to-earth. Its results now exceed my wildest dreams. Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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