An Examen of “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” Part Six.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: But in almost 500 pages, the word “heterosexual” is used only 24 times {31}, and isn’t even indexed.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {31}Editorial Note: It becomes evident that the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay is referring to the authorised English translation, published some three years later, of the seventh, enlarged and revised, edition of “Psychopathia Sexualis” by neurologist Prof. Charles Gilbert Chaddock (1861-1936). It can be accessed online at the following URL. Viz.: As a search for “hetero” in the 432 pages of this November 1892 English translation shows it is used 25 times all told—appearing as “heterosexual” in one instance, as “hetero-sexuality” in another, and in its hyphenated form “hetero-sexual” on twenty-three occasions—it becomes evident the aspirant arguer has no direct knowledge of how this neoteric medico-legal signifier is actually “used” by either Dr. Krafft-Ebing (in any of his twelve German editions) or by Prof. Chaddock (in his English translation of the seventh edition) and is just regurgitating some ‘queer-centric’ talking-points they read or heard elsewhere (and is not referring to the printed or scanned text on the pages of the actual book itself). Incidentally, a search for “homo” in the text itself (i.e., exclusive of the index and chapter titles) shows it is used on 78 occasions; 76 of which are hyphenated. In the original German publication, of this 7th edition, neither of the terms are hyphenated and the German phrase rendered into English by Prof. Chaddock as “the hetero-sexual instinct” (“ die heterosexuale Empfindung”) more properly translates as “the heterosexual feeling”. It can be accessed online at the following URL. Viz.:To proceed: as the medico-legal study “Psychopathia Sexualis” (i.e., ‘Psychopathy However, what is significant—although its import has passed the aspirant arguer by, of course, due to uncritically absorbing ‘queer-centric’ disinformation[ *]—is that very non-indexing of the neoteric medico-legal signifier “hetero-sexual” in that influential volume.
The reason why the newly-coined signifier for fecund other-sex sexuality (a.k.a. the “normal sexual instinct” or “natural sexual instinct”) “isn’t even indexed” is because the “Psychopathia Sexualis” medico-legal study is indeed a “catalogue of sexual disorders” and fecund other-sex sexuality was not, is not, and never will be, classified as a sexual disorder. (To even entertain any such notion for a moment is just too silly for words). (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: That’s because Krafft-Ebing is more interested in “contrary sexual instinct” {32} (“perversions”) than “sexual instinct”, the latter being for him the “normal” sexual desire of humans.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {32}Editorial Note: First of all, and for what it is worth, a computer-search with the search-string “contrary sex” returned 129 hits whereas “normal sex” returned 48 hits (and “abnormal sex”: 21; “natural sex”: 9; “unnatural sex”: 6; “perverse sex”; 52).Second, the adjective ‘contrary’, in the term “contrary sexual instinct” above, is primarily a matter-of-fact word (i.e., non-judgemental) meaning diametrically opposite. Viz.:
The noun ‘perversion’ essentially has two connotations which, and mayhap inevitably, readily become indistinguishable: the adjectival “perverse” and the verbal “pervert”—(both of which stem from the Latin pervertere, ‘to turn the wrong way’; from per-, ‘by’ + vertere, ‘to turn’)—with the former essentially connoting “to turn away (from moral or civil law); misconduct” and, in this context, the latter essentially connoting “to turn away (from normal sexual practice); abnormal”. Dr. Krafft-Ebing draws a distinction between perversion (as a disease) and perversity (as a vice). Viz.:
Basically, the word’s primary connotation became perverted (pun intended), in popular usage, from its matter-of-fact (i.e., non-judgemental) meaning due to there being a preponderance of peoples for whom any deviation from the norm was perverse (nuance not being a prominent feature in their stock-in-trade). Third, as the “Psychopathia Sexualis” (i.e., ‘Psychopathy of Sex’) is primarily a medico-legal study of what was then classified as psychopathic sexuality (a.k.a. morbid sexuality) it is not at all remarkable that Dr. Krafft-Ebing would be “more interested” in what the book’s title clearly refers to—and which “contrary sexual instinct” readily denotes—than the “normal sexual instinct” which infecund same-sex sexuality is contrary to. What is worth remarking on is the aspirant arguer’s usage of “sexual instinct” in lieu of “normal sexual instinct” (which features in the medico-legal study on 48 occasions) and thus requiring an otherwise unnecessary tacked-on remark “...the latter being for him the “normal” sexual desire of humans” to clarify. Viz.:
What is remarkable about it is the none-too-subtle implication that both infecund same-sex sexuality and fecund other-sex sexuality are equally classifiable as a “sexual instinct” (i.e., as a heritable sexuality)—along with the implicit ramification that the normalcy of fecund other-sex sexuality is thereby reduced to a mere “being for him” category vis-ŕ-vis the “sexual desire” of humans (i.e., reduced to being a subset of procreative human sexuality)—whereby the term “contrary sexual instinct” is stripped of its explanatory power (despite the vast majority of humankind being of the fecund other-sex sexuality, since time immemorial, and hence the complemental “normal sexual instinct” for around 99% of the population at large). Essentially, the aspirant arguer wants 100% of the population to all agree that both infecund same-sex sexuality and fecund other-sex sexuality are now ‘the norm’. Viz.:
Or, in other words, the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay wants 100% of the population to all agree that a ‘new normal’ should prevail. Viz.:
And thus does the regularisation and normalisation of a ‘truthiness’ version of infecund same-sex sexuality proceed apace. Viz.:
And last, but not at all least, the aspirant arguer’s tacked-on remark—(vide: “...the latter being for him the “normal” sexual desire of humans” above)—serving also as a set-up for their next tactic, further below, and following on from what was otherwise a pointless comment, anyway, is more suggestive of a mind interested in naming-and-blaming than it is in comprehension-and-contemplation. The marked lack of appreciation for the very fecundity which is the raison d’ętre of other-sex sexuality is quite apparent
here inasmuch without that complemental “normal sexual instinct” being in situ for the vast majority of humankind—a
majoritarian normalcy self-evident all throughout the sexually-bipartite animal kingdom—the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay would not
even be here (let alone able to be critical of that which brought them into being, in a flesh and blood body, in the first place) on this otherwise
paradisaical (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: “Normal” is a loaded word, of course, and it has been misused throughout history. Hierarchical ordering leading to slavery {33} was at one time accepted as normal, as was a geocentric cosmology.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {33}Editorial Note: As the word “normal” (in the generic “normal sexual
instinct” and/or “natural sexual instinct” usage) is not, of course, “a loaded word” in that
context Indeed, it is one thing to say that it is “a loaded word” insofar its usage has changed as societal values progressed, over the course of centuries, yet it is another thing entirely to taint the generic “normal sexual instinct” (a classificatory term serving as a benchmark for what terms such as “contrary sexual instinct”, “abnormal sexual instinct”, et alia, refer to) via unnecessarily associating it with “hierarchical ordering leading to slavery” in the guise of offering same as an example of such a change in cultural mores. And the reason it is an unnecessary association is because what the generic “normal sexual instinct” phrase refers to—the
instinctive means whereby humankind is both present and has futurity—has no such “hierarchical
ordering” vis-ŕ-vis what terms like “contrary sexual instinct”, “degenerate sexual instinct”, et alia, reference as those classifications
stem not from societal mores, but, rather, on departures from that normal kind Furthermore, slavery was not an “hierarchical ordering” either—and neither was the nescience regarding “geocentric cosmology” for that matter—as slaves were totally excluded from the social order (be it class or caste), of which serfs or peasants were the lowliest, as that practice originated as a strategic (and profitable) alternative to massacring captives defeated in battle insofar as an enemy is less likely to ‘fight to the death’ if they know in advance that surrender will result in slavery rather than slaughter. Besides which, as the word “normal” (in the generic phrase “normal sexual instinct”) is interchangeable with the word ‘natural’ (as in the generic phrase “natural sexual instinct”), anyway, its usage reflected the way things intrinsically are, organically, independent of any socio-cultural modification, just as to refer to “abnormal weather”, for example, is to refer to a departure from the way things intrinsically are geographically—as in whatever weather patterns are typical or characteristic to a particular place and season—and, as such, is interchangeable with the term “unseasonable weather”. Put succinctly: the generic phrase “normal sexual instinct” (just like “natural sexual instinct”) is not, and cannot ever be, a value judgement. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: It was only by questioning the foundations of the consensus view that “normal” phenomena were dethroned from their privileged positions {34}.{cont’d after next ...} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {34}Editorial Note: Just as the generic phrase “normal sexual instinct” (just like “natural sexual instinct”) is not a value judgement—being instead reflective of the way things intrinsically are organically—its usage is not a matter of consensus of opinion, and thus liable to change, either. To be specific: it is not due to any “consensus view” that fecund other-sex
sexuality is the instinctive means for humankind being present, and having futurity, simply because it is a biological fact—it is just the way
things intrinsically are in nature—in the same way as it is a biological fact that, definitionally And no amount of argufying can alter facts one iota. The reason why the courtship, coupling/mating, and bonding of males and females everywhere—impelled by the instinctive
attraction to, and of, the other sex—has been, and is, both natural and valued (i.e., both “normal” and
“privileged”), is because, for all bipartitely-sexual animals,
procreation takes place when the haploid male gamete (spermatozoa) successfully fuses with the haploid female gamete (ovum), thereby restoring
two full sets of chromosomes in a new organism⁽*⁾, via that specific act of other-sex sexual fecundation
(Incidentally, both artificial insemination and invitro fertilisation mimic that instinctive other-sex sexual process). And the reason why its complemental nuptials (i.e., marriage or spousal equivalent) have also been both natural and valued
(a.k.a. “normal” and “privileged” further above)
is because, with humans being bipartitely-sexual, the ongoing complementary presence Moreover, were the fecundative other-sex sexual proclivity—the ongoing instinctive experience of being of the fecundous
other-sex sexual predisposition as a consistent state or condition—ever cease to exist then so too would the human race (with the last of the
then-elderly citizens⁽*⁾ having no succeeding generation to look out for them in their old age as they did, in turn, for their progenitor
and progenitrix just as those procreators did, in turn, for their progenitors and progenitrices
Also, had lunacy prevailed in extremis and infecund same-sex sexuality had ever become ‘the norm’—as in, constituting something like 99% of the population[§] as has more or less been the case for fecund other-sex sexuality stretching back as normalcy into prehistoric times—and unreasoningly valued (i.e., “privileged” as above) via some cockeyed irrationality, the human race would have died out way back when.
Hence the normative valuing of fecund other-sex sexuality over infecund same-sex sexuality
(NB.: with something like 99% of the population being
moronically labelled “privileged” In summary: what the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay has been “questioning the foundations” of has its apparitional origins in the (historically beleaguered) ‘queer-centric’ social constructionist Weltanschauung. Thus what the aspirant arguer wants “dethroned”, and the
“privileged position” it occupies done away with, is really nothing other than a projected
‘queer-centric’ social constructionist apparition anyway which—!abracadabra!—subsists spectrally in a (historically beleaguered) ‘queer-centric’
social constructionist worldview and is most likely to be located, wraithlike, right where their latest dial-a-definition identity is situate (as to
increate the one is to automorphically spawn t’other Therefore, re-educational screeds such as this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay—which are nothing other than a ‘queer-centric’ social constructionist ploy to somehow or another have what the generic phrases “normal sexual instinct” and “natural sexual instinct” refer to expunged from their Weltanschauung tout-de-suite—are actually an exercise in futility. tl;dr: their (self-inflicted) ‘problem’ begins and ends at home. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: For Krafft-Ebing, normal sexual desire was situated within a larger context of procreative utility{35}, an idea that was in keeping with the dominant sexual theories of the West. {cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {35}Editorial Note: Au contraire ... starting from the very first paragraph on page one, Dr. Krafft-Ebing makes it abundantly clear that both “normal sexual desire” and “procreative utility” are situated within—and indeed underpin—the larger context of the higher, nobler feelings in “a world of beauty, sublimity, and morality” whereupon, having overcome that natural sexual instinct, inspiration and material can be drawn from “an inexhaustible spring” for higher enjoyment, for more earnest work, and for the attainment of the ideal. Further to this point: Dr. Krafft-Ebing goes on to say that Dr. Henry Maudsley (1835-1918) rightly calls “the sexual feeling the foundation for the development of the social feeling” inasmuch sexuality, being the most powerful factor in both individual and social existence, is the strongest incentive to the acquisition of property, to the foundation of a home, and to the awakening of altruistic feelings—first for a person of the opposite sex, then for the offspring, and, in a wider sense, for all humanity—and, thus, “all ethics and, perhaps, a good part of aesthetics and religion depend upon the existence of sexual feeling” and, moreover, the sexual life leads to “the highest virtues”, even to the “sacrifice of the ego”. As learned support for the above Dr. Krafft-Ebing quotes Dr. Maudsley: “Were man to be robbed of the instinct of procreation and all that arises from it mentally, nearly all poetry and, perhaps, the entire moral sense as well, would be torn from his life” (from “The Physiology of Mind”; 1873). As all of the above is on the first one-and-a-half pages of “Psychopathia Sexualis” it is quite telling how the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay completely passes it by. Viz.:
Just as a timely reminder, here, again, is what the aspirant arguer had to say regarding the above:
There is a distinct possibility the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay has not even opened the book (let alone read-and-digested even the first two pages of this 432-page volume). (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: In the Western world, long before sex acts were separated into the categories hetero/ homo {36}, there was a different ruling binary: procreative or non-procreative.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {36}Editorial Note: First of all: as the “sex acts” which nowadays fall under the rubric “homosexual” were prevalent as far back in time as historical sources go—and beyond into prehistory—it is pointless to speculate about what might or might not have transpired “long before” then. (If the aspirant arguer is referring to anywhen prior to May 6th 1868—which is quite likely given their bent—then it is apposite to once again point out how it was a closet “homosexual”, who separated the “sex acts” into the categories “Homosexuale”/ “Heterosexuale”, and not those dastardly ‘breeders’). Second, as religion played a central role in earlier times then any moral division in behavioural patterns was more of a carnal-divine nature (e.g., worldly-heavenly) than anything else. And, third, the buzz-word “binary” basically means “consisting of, indicating, or involving two”, in its adjectival sense (e.g., ‘bipartite’, ‘twofold’; ‘biform’; ‘duplex’), and “a whole composed of two” as a noun (e.g., ‘a binary star’), according to Webster’s College Dictionary, as well as referring to “a numeration system based on digits 0 and 1” (i.e., ‘binary notation’ or ‘binary code’). There is no prize for guessing who co-opted the word “binary” for use in separating the “sex acts” into the categories “hetero/ homo” because, again, it was not those dastardly ‘breeders’ (who naturally think in terms of the 50-50 male-female divide, as constituting the two parts of a whole, all throughout the sexually-bipartite animal world) because a 99% and 1% ratio barely even registers for the vast majority of humankind. Put succinctly, it is an absurd misuse of what a word representing “a whole composed of two” quite obviously means. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: The Bible, for instance, condemns homosexual intercourse {37} for the same reason it condemns masturbation: because life-bearing seed is spilled in the act. While this ethic was largely taught, maintained, and enforced by the Catholic Church and later Christian offshoots, it’s important to note that the ethic comes not primarily from Jewish or Christian Scriptures, but from Stoicism.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {37}Editorial Note: First of all, biblical sources do not condemn [quote] “homosexual intercourse” [endquote], as such, as that misappropriation of the traditional intromissive penile-vaginal term “sexual intercourse” (as per the ‘homo-sexual intercourse’ phraseology) is part of a modern-day attempt to regularise and normalise—through a concerted and sustained public relations indoctrination campaign quite out of proportion to the numerical minoritarian status of those males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion—what is otherwise known as ‘sodomy’, ‘buggery’ and the ilk. Moreover, as the example of “life-bearing seed” being
“spilled in the act” (i.e., the example of onanism) is specifically instanced by the aspirant
arguer so as to illustrate the reason for the condemnation of the caricatural same-sex impersonation of “sexual
intercourse” (i.e., of the intromissive penile-vaginal coitus) it is pertinent to point out that its primary source is the biblical
“Genesis 38:9” passage As the fifth century BCE predates the third to second centuries BCE of the earliest Stoicism (‘Early Stoa’) by at least two centuries then the aspirant arguer’s insistence that “the ethic” (i.e., the condemnation of males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion engaging in forever-barren same-sex imitative sex acts) “comes not primarily from Jewish or Christian Scriptures, but from Stoicism” is quite odd. Moreover, why is it “important to note” just who the condemnation of males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion engaging in forever-barren same-sex imitative sex acts primarily comes from? Further to that query—and given that the rubric “Stoicism” covers three periods (‘Early Stoa’, third to second centuries BCE; ‘Middle Stoa’, second to first centuries BCE; ‘Late Stoa’, first to second centuries CE)—what period of Stoicism did that “ethic” condemning the infecundous same-sex imposturage of fecundous other-sex sexual union stem from? (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: As Catholic ethicist Margaret Farley points out, Stoics “held strong views on the power of the human will to regulate emotion and on the desirability of such regulation for the sake of inner peace” {38}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {38}Editorial Note: As that part-quote says nothing about any condemnation of males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion engaging in forever-barren same-sex imitative sex acts by “Stoics” (to advocate the utilisation of willpower to “regulate emotion” hardly qualifies as condemning the caricatural infecundous same-sex imposturage of fecundous other-sex sexual union) the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay did appear to be barking up the wrong tree, here, on first sight. Howsoever, the context from which that part-quote was excerpted reveals the full story. Viz.
So, as the full quotation above refers to the ‘Stoic Platonism’ of such thinkers as “Musonius Rufus, Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius” then it was during the first and second centuries of this current era, known as the ‘Late Stoa’ period, that the Stoic condemnation of males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion engaging in forever-barren same-sex imitative sex acts stems from. (This means it comes 600-700 years after the biblical “Genesis 38:9” passage). Therefore, even the full quotation does not establish the aspirant arguer’s claim that “the ethic” (i.e., the condemnation of males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion engaging in forever-barren same-sex imitative sex acts) “comes not primarily from Jewish or Christian Scriptures, but from Stoicism” (and neither does it explain why it is “important to note” that even if it were to be true) as the “Christian Scriptures” stem from the same period and the “Jewish Scriptures” have been dated to circa 600 BCE. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Musonius Rufus, for example, argued in “On Sexual Indulgence” that individuals must protect themselves against self-indulgence, including sexual excess {39}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {39}Editorial Note: The following is an extract from an article about Mr. Gaius Musonius Rufus from the online “Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy”. Viz.:
Again, none of the above—a blanket proscription (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: To curb this sexual indulgence, notes theologian Todd Salzman, Rufus and other Stoics tried to situate it “in a larger context of human meaning” {40}—arguing that sex could only be moral in the pursuit of procreation.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {40}Editorial Note: Here is that part-quote in full:
Once more, none of the above confirms the aspirant arguer’s claim that “the ethic comes not primarily from Jewish or Christian Scriptures, but from Stoicism” (and neither does it explain why it is “important to note” that even if it were to be true) as the “Christian Scriptures” stem from the same ‘Late Stoa’ period and the “Jewish Scriptures” have been dated to circa 600 BCE. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Early Christian theologians took up this conjugal-reproductive ethic, and by the time of Augustine, reproductive sex was the only normal sex {41}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {41}Editorial Note: And here the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay carries on regardless as if their claim that “the ethic comes not primarily from Jewish or Christian Scriptures, but from Stoicism” has been established by those part-quotes (when even the full context does no such thing). (And neither do those full quotations, even, explain why it is “important to note” such a claim). Given the “Christian Scriptures” stem from the same ‘Late Stoa’ period, and the “Jewish Scriptures” have been dated to circa 600 BCE, then the Christian ‘Old Testament’ (a.k.a. the Judaic ‘Torah’)—upon which the ‘New Testament’ inextricably situates itself—remains the primary source of the biblical condemnation of the caricatural same-sex imposturage of intromissive penile-vaginal mating by males of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: While Krafft-Ebing takes this procreative sexual ethic for granted, he does open it up in a major way. “In sexual love the real purpose of the instinct, the propagation of the species, does not enter into consciousness”, he writes {42}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {42}Editorial Note: As that quoted half-sentence has been taken out of its context—so as to appear as if supportive of this ‘queer-centric’ “procreative or non-procreative” theme being developed helter-skelter in the preceding paragraphs—it is essential to copy-paste an extensive range of text (with that half-sentence highlighted for convenience) so as to inject a modicum of intelligibility into this part of the aspirant arguer’s essay. Viz.:
Thus, far from the half-sentence quote being about Dr. Krafft-Ebing taking that “procreative sexual ethic” for granted—let alone opening it up in a major way—it can be readily seen that he is talking about a carnal-divine division betwixt the “sexual sphere” and the “religious sphere” (as in, between “sexual love” and “religious love”, that is) and how the love in both spheres is “mystical, transcendental” whereafter, immediately following-on from that latter word, he elucidates such numinous sublimity by explaining how “in sexual love” the real purpose of “the [sexual] instinct” (the propagation of the species) “does not enter into consciousness” because the strength of “the [sexual] desire” is greater than any “consciousness of purpose” could create. (It is as if the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay does not know what the words “mystical, transcendental” refer to). Furthermore, as that half-sentence in its context is written in a descriptive manner (i.e., how things literally operate)—and not in a prescriptive manner (i.e., how things ought to operate)—it cannot even be claimed that he is, somehow or other, doing anything other than just that. Lastly, not only is it unscholarly to mislead the reader in this manner—the reader who does not check quoted text against source material that is—it is downright deceitful to the layperson readership at large. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: In other words, sexual instinct contains something like a hard-wired reproductive aim—an aim that is present even if those engaged in ‘normal’ sex aren’t aware of it {43}.{cont’d after next ...} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {43}Editorial Note: First, and just to up-date the objectivity record even further again: as well as granting the ab initio mundi nature of fecund other-sex sexuality its objectivity (as per the candid “heterosexual sex is clearly as old as humanity” admission) and according coition its objectivity (as per the honest “indeed, we wouldn’t have survived this long without it” agreement), plus further conceding the objectivity of the very drive which causes coitus to take place (as per the frank “sex is something that appears hardwired into most species” acknowledgement)—which drive’s objectivity is elsewhere endorsed by labels such as “natural sexual instinct”, “normal sexual instinct” (a.k.a. “the hetero-sexual instinct” in 1892), etcetera—as well as reconfirming its ab initio mundi nature and granting the objectivity of the word “sexual” in doing so (as per the graphic “there have always been sexual instincts throughout the animal world (sex)” admittance), the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay now accords objectivity to the very purpose of this other-sex sexual drive (as per the explanatory “sexual instinct contains something like a hard-wired reproductive aim...that is present even if those engaged in ‘normal’ sex aren’t aware of it” sentence). To proceed: this objectively-existent “sexual instinct” with its objectively-existent “ hard-wired reproductive aim” is why that objectively-existent “old as humanity” male-female sexuality (impelled as it is by the objectively-existent “hardwired into most species” instinctive attraction to, and of, the other sex) was and is “natural” as well as “normal” inasmuch those persons engaged in male-female coital union—(such as some native tribes-peoples two or so thousand years ago, who were yet to make the connection between coition and conception-gestation-parturition, and the far-distant hunter-gatherer ancestors of each and every person of each and every ethnicity currently populating the planet)—need not necessarily be aware that in coitising![]() ![]() ![]() Ain’t life grand! (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Jonathan Ned Katz, in “The Invention of Heterosexuality”, notes the impact of Krafft-Ebing’s move. “Placing the reproductive aside in the unconscious, Krafft-Ebing created a small, obscure space in which a new pleasure norm began to grow” {44}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {44}Editorial Note: Well, well, well ... so, the unscholarly misleader and layperson deceiver was none other than the ubiquitous Mr. Katz, eh? Viz.: [emphases added; italics in original]. (page 21, “The Invention Of Heterosexuality” by Jonathan Ned Katz; 1995, Dutton; 2007, UCP, Chicago). ![]() First of all, Mr. Katz’s assertions regarding “A hyphen between Krafft-Ebing’s ‘hetero’ and ‘sexual’...” as well as “His hetero-sexual...” and including “Krafft-Ebing’s term hetero-sexual...” are a dead giveaway that he has not checked the accuracy of Prof. Chaddock’s English translation against Dr. Krafft-Ebing’s German original inasmuch the hyphenating was purely a feature of the English edition as Dr. Krafft-Ebing did not hyphenate the German word (videlicet: “heterosexuale” and “heterosexualer” and “heterosexualem” and “heterosexualen” as already re-presented earlier). Thus what Mr. Katz is basing his fantastical “newly spliced sex-difference” conjecture upon looks something like the following (for example) when in accord with reality. Viz.:
Second, that aforementioned distinct possibility—of the aspirant arguer not having even opened the book—has now become highly probable (insofar as they are most likely just lifting their ‘talking points’, so to speak, directly from Mr. Katz’s ‘bizarro-world’ book of bull). Third, this reduces the author of this ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay to being something more akin to a
scrivener Last, but not at all least, it demonstrates the perils inherent in relying on secondary, or even tertiary, sources without
checking the validity of quotes and footnotes against primary source material (as well as how disadvantageous it is not being truly an author—as per
its Latin origins (auctor, ‘creator’, from auctus, past participle of augēre, ‘to create’) that is—and thence generating
authentic To proceed with Mr. Katz’s fantastical conjecture: as the world population went from 1.4 billion in 1886 to 7.3 billion in
2017 it is quite obvious that—despite Dr. Krafft-Ebing allegedly placing “the reproductive” (whatever
that substantivised As for Dr. Krafft-Ebing allegedly creating “a small, obscure space” in which
“a new pleasure norm” began to grow it is immediately obvious that the wily Mr. Katz, just like the
scrivener (i.e., the
ex-arguer), ignores entirely the carnal-divine context of that half-sentence quote because when Dr. Krafft-Ebing refers to “the
higher, nobler feelings” being awakened, which, notwithstanding their sensual origin, “expand into a world of beauty, sublimity,
and morality” from which “inexhaustible spring” comes the “awakening of
altruistic feelings” (awakened and felt for, first, a person of the opposite sex, then for the offspring, and, in a wider sense, for all
humanity) such that “the sexual life” thus leads to “the highest virtues”
possible—even to the “sacrifice of the ego” no less—he is most certainly *not* talking about any such
turpitudinous Quite frankly, both the scrivener (i.e., the ex-arguer) and their deceiver-in-chief mentor could not be more wrong (i.e., in error) if they tried. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: The importance of this shift—from reproductive instinct to erotic desire—can’t be overstated, as it’s crucial to modern notions of sexuality {45}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {45}Editorial Note: Whilst it is indubitably true that “modern notions” of the state or condition having the form or character of sex (i.e., “sexuality” as per dictionaries as distinct from the social-constructivist “sexuality” of those post-modern bull-artists) are different from when religious bodies and hereditary royalty held sway over the citizenry at large—and vastly different from the “fire and brimstone” notions of fundamentalists of any ilk—nevertheless, those “notions” being referred to are the public notions (instituted typically by a small but powerful coterie of influential avant-garde activists with access to the switches and/or levers controlling cultural values and/or societal standards) and not necessarily the private notions (read: ‘intuitions’) which each and every individual constituting that citizenry-at-large intuitively know, hence affectively feel, thence cognitively envisage, and, thereafter, physicalise privately in their domestic domain. Thus those “modern notions” are really long-held ‘private notions’ which have become ‘public notions’ via the gradual loosening of what is publicly permissible—(which public permissibility, in and of itself, stems from private permissibility gaining public acceptance anyway)—during the democratising transition from religious bodies and hereditary royalty holding sway, over the citizenry-at-large, to electoral restraint on governance, via universal suffrage, by that citizenry-at-large. Therefore, as any such soi-disant[†] “shift from reproductive instinct to erotic desire” is but a public shift in espoused principles & values and/or morals & ethics—there has been no corresponding private shift as such (because peoples in general are, typically, continuing with how they already were privately anyway)—then its “importance” can indeed be “overstated” as nothing much of a substantive nature has changed per se.
In summary: what was underground—forced underground by religious edict and/or royal fiat—has become overground. (What is known as ‘a permissive society’ is a society which does openly what was previously done secretly). (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: When most people today think of heterosexuality, they might think of something like this: Billy understands from a very young age {46} he is erotically attracted to girls. One day he focuses that erotic energy on Suzy, and he woos her. The pair fall in love, and give physical sexual expression to their erotic desire. And they live happily ever after.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {46}Editorial Note: It is simply not true that “from a very young age” human beings understand they are “erotically attracted” to the other sex as any such sexual attractivity has its onset at and/or during pubescence. Even so, a 2009 study of forty-four countries world-wide revealed the average age of first-time coitus to be eighteen-and-a-half years (ranging from Malaysia at twenty-three years to Iceland at fifteen-and-a-half years) despite the mean age of menarche—the initial onset of menstruation—having dropped from fourteen years, in fifteenth century Europe, to thirteen years globally in the twentieth-first century. Also, as there is no mention of either (1.) nuptials (i.e., marriage or spousal equivalent) or (2.) any progeny (neither a child nor children) or (3.) any kith-&-kin (extended family and neighbourhood community) in the above narrative it is highly questionable whether “most people today” think of “heterosexuality” like that. In fact, simply by changing the prefix “hetero-” to the “homo-” prefix, and the “-y” suffix of the first name to an “-ie” suffix, as well as affixing the letter “s” before the pronoun “he” three times, the result is not at all surprising in view of who dreamed it up. Viz.:
It is the automorphism Quite simply, persons of the fecundous other-sex sexual predisposition instinctively know—thus affectively intuit hence cognitively envisage—quite differently about a girl-meets-boy a.k.a. boy-meets-girl type narrative than persons of an infecundous same-sex sexual persuasion do inasmuch any kind of and-they-live-happily-ever-after ending is almost entirely dependant upon those other-sex sexual spouses having lived-out what they are instinctively driven (a.k.a. genetically programmed) to do for therein lies their way-of-life fulfilment and thereat be their mores-and-folkways satisfaction and thereupon is their everyday-lifestyle contentment. In view of the clamorous “anti-discrimination” agitation and vociferous “marriage-equality” activism for the (thereby
politically-correct) legalisation of an amative Once again, the scrivener has performed a sterling public service act, and on the ʙʙᴄ website no less, for the whole world to potentially see ... to see revealed in all its gaudy glitz. ’Tis verily the age of minoritarian rule. (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Without Krafft-Ebing’s work, this narrative might not have ever become thought of as “normal”. There is no mention, however implicit, of procreation {47}.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {47}Editorial Note: First of all, what the scrivener is essentially referring to (albeit with an atypical boy-meets-girl narrative) is how the prevalence of arranged marriages is not as wide-spread as it was in earlier times—which is especially common in nations where the transition, from religious bodies and hereditary royalty holding sway over the citizenry-at-large, to electoral restraint on governance by that citizenry-at-large, has not only been accomplished but has been established for more than at least one generation—such that marriageable individuals themselves make their own cohabitational arrangements. To blandly state that without Dr. Krafft-Ebing’s “Psychopathia Sexualis” medico-legal study then “this narrative” (i.e., the atypical narrative—the demonstrably gender-neutral ‘queer-centric’ yarn about an unmarried, childless and triply-erotic twosome living amatively ever after—further above) might not have ever become thought of as “normal” is such a stretch as to be highly risible. Moreover, to follow-up that cock-and-bull yarn
Golly, if this level of fraudulent fantasy keeps up the scrivener might even try telling the reader next how Dr. Krafft-Ebing brought about a fundamental revolution in thinking about sex by defining normal sexual instinct (libidinosity) according to erotic desire (concupiscence). (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Defining normal sexual instinct according to erotic desire {48} was a fundamental revolution in thinking about sex.{cont’d after next ...}. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {48}Editorial Note: As the “normal sexual instinct” (i.e., lustful (End Editorial Note). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {... cont’d from before}. • [Mr. Ambrosino]: Krafft-Ebing’s work laid the groundwork for the cultural shift that happened between the 1923 definition of heterosexuality as “morbid” and its 1934 definition as “normal” {49}.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {49}Final Editorial Note: As no such “cultural shift" ever took place in the decade between an aberrant 1923 dictionary definition and a regular 1934 dictionary definition then any posited “fundamental revolution” in thinking about sex—and about sexuality as well mind you—which putatively laid the groundwork for that spurious societal change is just as fallacious. (Any “posit” spawned by Mr. Katz has become automatically suss, by now, as he lost the last remaining shreds of credibility way, way earlier in this examen). There are, however, at least six distinct major events which transpired, historically, about which there can be no doubt: (veteran’s pension, old-age pension, widows pension, sickness benefit/ insurance, unemployment benefit/ insurance, disability pension, single parent pension/ benefit) brought about unprecedented income security and an end to unnecessary want. (6.) The shift from the agrarian revolution to the industrial revolution to the technological revolution—with all the gains in medicinal knowledge, hygiene, sanitation, vaccinations, etcetera, and freedom from want in regards water, food, housing, clothing, medicine, etcetera—and the corresponding population growth and increasing affluence enabled what began in the Renaissance Period to finally reach its long-term fruition during the last two or three generations. To try to pin any such “fundamental revolution” and/or any such “cultural shift” onto one man—and on Dr. Krafft-Ebing no less!—over an 11-year period (1923 to 1934) is an exercise in absurdity if there ever was. As the scrivener’s revisitation of their pretermitting 1923-1934 “Merriam Webster” pseudo-argument—a graceless exercise in futility in which the enormity of the deceit such exclusory focussing seeks to perpetuate is exposed—brings to an end their second section this is as good a place as any further on, in their other two sections, to cease commenting as what followed on hereafter was paragraph after paragraph of more of the same fashion, as the above, such that the aspirant arguer’s argument cannot possibly progress from the nowhere it is has persistently remained at. And the takeaway message of this essay? None other than what is encapsulated in the image-caption already quoted. Viz.:
This entire ʙʙᴄ-hosted essay is solely about an increated Also, these peoples who present their faux-arguments ’Tis such a simple adage, too (a child of five readily comprehends they cannot, and do not, eat the word ‘bread’ as it is only its real-world referent which the word signifies which can, and does, provide nutriments and thus satisfy their appetite).
Ain’t life grand!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • An examen of “The Invention of ‘Heterosexuality’” Contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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