The Actual Freedom Trust Mail Out‘Direct Route’Mail Out 2 Richard to Justine JUSTINE: [...] You know me through my surface mail dated 2nd May 2009, wherein I had requested your kind permission for the then enclosed attachment ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’ to be printed and freely shared with others. Your written permission was granted vide your letter dated 19th May 2009. The printing of the book is still pending due to lack of financial resource. I am sending this mail for some other good news. [...] RICHARD: G’day Justine, I will respond to the ‘some other good news’ portion of your email in a separate reply (as it relates to what you wrote in a follow-up email). * What I would like to discuss with you is the hold-up in the printing of your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book as I was quite taken with your prosody (inasmuch whilst versification of that nature can be quite charming, in itself, your particular style and way with words added a rather unique dimension) and am keenly interested in having your twenty-five thousand words printed and freely distributed soonest. To briefly explain why: I am of the opinion (and it is only an opinion) that where actualism will take on a noticeably expansionary effect – such as to become well-known – will be on the Indian Sub-Continent. And I am of this opinion for a number of reasons: primarily because, whilst India is the second most populous nation on the planet, it is a democracy with a proper market economy (decentralised) as contrasted to China, an autocracy with centralised economic system (a command economy) masquerading as a market economy, which is intrinsically fragile and thus prone to an internal collapse ... as per the example of the former USSR. Consequently, as I am thus of the further opinion (and it too is only an opinion) that India will continue to prosper, were China to over-reach itself and spend years in turmoil recovering (again as per the example of the former USSR), and that it may very well become the dominant global force economically, militarily and culturally, and that it will fill the void left by the ailing financial system of the USA (currently about $43 trillion dollars in debt on the back of a $14 trillion dollar economy). Please note that, even if none of the above scenarios ever came to pass – and the USA somehow recovers – there is no stopping India, now, as its sheer population size means an ever-increasing economic power for years and years to come (and with economic power comes military might and with military might, as per the Roman Empire for a classical instance, comes cultural hegemony. Which is where actualism comes in: just as the western nations (the currently dominant Anglo-Sphere in particular) have experienced the failure of their religio-spiritual/ mystico-metaphysical system, in the face of a burgeoning materialism, to provide meaning to life so too will the eastern nations become increasingly disenchanted with the failure of their religio-spiritual/ mystico-metaphysical system to provide meaning to life. Bear in mind that the raison d’être of actualism is the already always existent meaning-of-life being made apparent (the already always existing peace-on-earth is a fringe benefit/a side effect) and then this opinion of mine will make much more sense. While the western nations are flirting with the eastern religio-spiritual/ mystico-metaphysical system the obverse is simply not the case (eastern nations are not embracing the western religio-spiritual/ mystico-metaphysical system) and the ever-growing materialism of the east will surely create a demand for meaning which simply cannot be found in either materialism or spiritualism. Also, as modern nations become evermore weary of technological warfare – if only for its astronomical monetary cost (as per the USA example) – that fringe benefit/ side effect of the potential for delivering global peace and harmony will become increasingly attractive as well. Last, but not at all least, I have a particular regard for both the Indian Sub-Continent and its peoples. When I went to India, in 1984, I went with a one-way ticket and the intention to stay indefinitely (commonwealth citizens could stay for 49 years, if I remember correctly, without a visa in those days). Because the exchange rate worked handsomely in my favour I rented a residence, in a tiny hamlet about 2,000 feet above Almora, for what amounted to small change and was quite happy to see out my days there. Watching the sun rise on the soaring mountain peaks far, far above me (I was only about 7,000 feet up) was simply spectacular ... such as to never tire of it. And then, communal violence escalated to the point that all commonwealth citizens had to have a visa like anyone else; after six months, then, I returned to Australia (after being stuck in New Delhi for some time, that is, during the rioting in the days following the assassination of the then prime minister). Only just recently – a couple of weeks ago – I entertained the notion for the very first time, when looking online at houseboats on the 1500 kilometres of canals and backwaters extending virtually the entire length of the State of Kerala, on the Malabar Coast, of the (quite plausible) possibility of shifting operations to the Indian Sub-Continent, were the MSV Actualis project to once again languish for the lack of funding, as the quickening of this epoch-change recently unleashed cannot be contained. For instance: * All of which brings me back to your lack of financial resource: given the way the currency exchange rate works handsomely in my favour (today, the 13th of January, 1 AUD = 42.1586 INR, for instance) what would an amount of, say, one thousand Australian dollars (forty two thousand Indian rupees) do towards bringing your estimable project to fruition? After all, it needs only one spark, properly struck, to start a virtual wildfire, eh? Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• For anyone not yet informed: the way this mail-out system basically operates can be found at the bottom of this web-page: Mail Out 5 Richard to Justine JUSTINE: You know me through my surface mail dated 2nd May 2009, wherein I had requested your kind permission for the then enclosed attachment ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’ to be printed and freely shared with others. Your written permission was granted vide your letter dated 19th May 2009. The printing of the book is still pending due to lack of financial resource. I am sending this mail for some other good news. RICHARD: I will respond to the ‘some other good news’ portion of your email in a separate reply (as it relates to what you wrote in a follow-up email). What I would like to discuss with you is the hold-up in the printing of your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book as I was quite taken with your prosody (inasmuch whilst versification of that nature can be quite charming, in itself, your particular style and way with words added a rather unique dimension) and am keenly interested in having your twenty-five thousand words printed and freely distributed soonest. To briefly explain why: [...snip...]. All of which brings me back to your lack of financial resource: given the way the currency exchange rate works handsomely in my favour (today, the 13th of January, 1 AUD = 42.1586 INR, for instance) what would an amount of, say, one thousand Australian dollars (forty two thousand Indian rupees) do towards bringing your estimable project to fruition? After all, it needs only one spark, properly struck, to start a virtual wildfire, eh? JUSTINE: (...) If I could get your suggested financial assistance, I will be happy and grateful to u, to print my book ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM, in a matter of few days, and will see that it is distributed freely, without profit motive, to all possible agencies in India. RICHARD: G’day No. 4, Excellent ... if you could provide all the details Before you do provide such details, however, I have a proposition you may find to be of mutual benefit ... especially so as you asked me to [quote] ‘please protect these abbreviations (...) with your own legal protective, and needed ownership of intellectual property rights’ [endquote] in your follow-up email. All of my words and writings are legally owned by The Actual Freedom Trust in perpetuity – I relinquish all copyright ownership the moment they are published under that imprimatur (whilst retaining authorship accreditation and editorial rights) – and they are thus fully protected by the copyright laws, in place under international agreement, as are rightfully due to such a legally registered business name and legal entity. In a similar manner, if you find this proposition agreeable, you could transfer copyright ownership (while retaining authorship accreditation) to The Actual Freedom Trust via a signed, notarised statement to that effect; however, and here comes the ‘but’, in order for subsequent publication under that imprimatur – ©The Actual Freedom Trust – any and all of your words and writings would require vetting/ scrutinising for accuracy/ reliability when rigorously compared with the original text they were sourced from. Now, normally I would not be prepared to do this (any such close attention of mine would usually be more beneficially directed towards generating my own prose) but as I have a vested interest – of both a benefactory nature and in promulgating actual freedom – in bringing your project to fruition I would be only too happy to do so. Furthermore, I would then be in a position to provide a written endorsement, for inclusion as a preface for instance, thereby certifying accuracy and reliability. Please note I would not be writing/ re-writing anything at all – it is your particular style and way with words which appeals to me – but would only be pointing out any inconsistencies and/or errors, each fully referenced to the website for your due consideration, such as I appended as examples in a footnote to the printed letter sent to you, by the directors, dated Tuesday 19th May 2009 (entitled ‘Re: Essence Of Actual Freedom Booklet’ when sent in its email form on Wednesday, 20 May 2009). Lastly, I do not expect to find very many inconsistencies and/or errors as your breadth and depth of understanding and, thus, comprehension is quite remarkable (hence my keen interest in having your twenty-five thousand words printed and freely distributed soonest). * JUSTINE: I will be glad to represent AF, on your behalf in this part of Asia, with your kind permission, guidance, and goodwill. RICHARD: Thank you for your kind offer to represent actual freedom, on my behalf, in that part of Asia. * JUSTINE: I was delighted with your mail, beyond all belief. Long live u Richard sir. RICHARD: Ha ... as I often say, and not just jokingly, I would like to out-live the oldest-on-record human being – a woman in France who died at 122 after a lifetime of wine, cigarettes and chocolate – your delighted expression of longevity regard is welcome. (And, although your courtesy is appreciated, please drop the ‘sir’ salutation as you will find me to be not a person to stand on ceremony). Regards, Richard. Mail Out 11 Richard to JustineJUSTINE: G’day Richard, 1) Thanks. I will send in a subsequent mail, my bank particulars. [Addendum]: The Banks here are closed for two days. I don’t know the SWIFT code. I will collect it on Monday, and I will give my Bank Account details to you. RICHARD: G’day Justine, Sure ... there is no immediate hurry as I am still to go through your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book in order to ensure accuracy and reliability, when compared with the original text which your verses are sourced from, and that may take several days. Speaking of which: is the manuscript you enclosed as an attachment to your surface mail, dated the 2nd of May 2009, the same one you said, in your previous email, can be printed as a book in a matter of few days? If not, could you send me the final manuscript, via email, so I can get started? JUSTINE: 2) I agree to yr kind proposal of getting legal protection through ©The Actual freedom Trust. That will be the ultimate protection. Personally, I hate legal tussles. RICHARD: Okay ... if you could transfer copyright ownership, at your convenience, to The Actual Freedom Trust via a signed, notarised statement to that effect it will expedite the printing of your book. JUSTINE: 3) I hope the Trust will be bit lenient, in vetting my blank verse poetical prose style. RICHARD: As I said previously: I will not be writing/re-writing anything at all – it is your particular style and way with words which appeals to me – but will only be pointing out any inconsistencies and/or errors (with each fully referenced to the website for your due consideration). Also, it is not a matter of leniency or otherwise but, rather, ensuring accuracy and reliability for the benefit of our fellow human beings. JUSTINE: 4) Of course, I will be glad to carry out your esteemed and valuable corrections. RICHARD: Thank you. JUSTINE: 5) If I could get your Preface, it will be a honour for me. RICHARD: I appreciate your tribute ... I was very pleased indeed, when you sent your manuscript last year for publishing permission, to find that somebody completely unknown to me had been able to successfully distil the essence of my millions of words – scattered hither and thither throughout a near-labyrinth of a website – into twenty-five thousand succinct words. What was also of particular note was the way in which the selections you made reflect what is obviously of importance to both yourself and to the peoples of the Indian Sub-Continent in general (the nuances of which are something somebody born and raised in another culture can rarely be fully cognisant of). JUSTINE: 6) Thanks for yr complements for my understanding of AF. RICHARD: I guess they were compliments, in a way, yet it was more a statement of the obvious (as far as I am concerned, anyway). JUSTINE: 7) ‘Sir salutation’ is dropped. RICHARD: Ha ... I can see we are going to get along very well, No. 4, very well indeed. JUSTINE: 8) Kindly prompt and guide steps in this project, from yr alert actuality, as I am bit indolent, ignorant (not street smart), living too much within. RICHARD: Although I am yet to form an itinerary I plan on travelling to India in the near future (I have commitments here until the end of the next month and after that my calendar is free of engagements) so if we could arrange to meet sometime, whilst I am there, then any such prompting and guiding steps, if still required, would surely be easy to work out in person. ‘Tis a quarter of a century since I was last there and it pleases me to return. Regards, Richard. Mail Out 22 Richard to Justine JUSTINE: I will send in a subsequent mail, my bank particulars. [Addendum]: The Banks here are closed for two days. I don’t know the SWIFT code. I will collect it on Monday, and I will give my Bank Account details to you. RICHARD: Sure ... there is no immediate hurry as I am still to go through your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book in order to ensure accuracy and reliability, when compared with the original text which your verses are sourced from, and that may take several days. Speaking of which: is the manuscript you enclosed as an attachment to your surface mail, dated the 2nd of May 2009, the same one you said, in your previous email, can be printed as a book in a matter of few days? If not, could you send me the final manuscript, via email, so I can get started? JUSTINE: G’day RICHARD, 1) In India there is a saying like this: ‘A short prayer penetrates the heaven’. Osho Rajneesh once said about J. Krishnamurti: ‘What JK spoke for 60 years around the world, can be written in one side of a Post Card’. One year back, I too was verbose with Actual Freedom insights. Now my clarity of A.F. is CRISP, CLEAR, and instantaneous in perception. One may even read my book in a single sitting, with absorption and may be with shock. I have arranged the theme in an Indian Taste for Mantras, axioms as are in the verses of Vedas and Upanishads, that have ruled India for centuries. A.F. themes CAN be presented in that format. It is arranged in such a simple way, that will provoke one to think and make it sink in the sub-conscious. It will do wonders in one’s lives, in a very short time. One’s life will change inevitably. I have avoided redundancy. 2) Herewith I am attaching my NEW precise version that I want to publish as a Book in LARGE fonts (most Indians are semi-blind by wrong food habits) with high quality papers with many color photos of Nature, Ocean, Hills, Flowers, as your Web site is enriched with. Also I will include the two MINI versions that I sent to you two days back. It will carry your valuable PREFACE. My Author’s Note will be as follows: There is one wonderful and FREE man living on this earth, in our time. His name is RICHARD. He is a rare gift of Nature to this ailing Humanity. You can acquaint with him through his massive website There are more than 4 million golden words in his website. The language may be bit tough and weary, because he cares more for accuracy and fact, in a world of ambiguous religious philosophies. I have lived his thoughts and found PEACE, HAPPINESS, and HARMLESSNESS. He is unique. I am sure, Nature has deliberately sent him here where PEACE is at risk any moment. He doesn’t claim to be a Prophet or even as a teacher. I enjoyed his enormously huge mountain of words, and made it crisp in few words as an Outline of Actual Freedom, that reveals the central spirit of his message. May you all find PEACE! 3) Soon I will send on surface mail my letter of giving copy right to A.F. Trust. 4) If I get the monetary assistance, I will start working with the hired technical people immediately. 5) You may please go through the attachment and suggest me the alterations which I may gladly and gratefully do before it goes to the Press. 6) I may consult with u, at each step, for proper execution of this delightful and pleasant task, of publishing the ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’. RICHARD: G’day Justine, Thank you for sending me the new, precise version of your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book four days ago. I have just now finished going through it (looking for inconsistencies and/or errors), in order to ensure accuracy and reliability when compared with the original text which your verses are sourced from, and will return it as an attached HTML file to a private email as soon as I post this to the mail-out list. I have formatted the HTML file as a table with three columns: in the left column is your original wording; in the right column is my suggested wording (in the few verses it was called for); in the centre column is Richard’s original (referenced) text for those few verses, such as which your original wording is sourced from, plus an associated comment from me explaining why they were deemed appropriate. It was pleasing to find so few inconsistencies and/or errors and the majority of the errors/ inconsistencies are quite minor, anyway (some just a matter of preference). The only major error (apart from an over-emphasis on the topic of alcohol) is in regards the nature of time: eternal time (aka absolute time), unlike time in the real-world (aka relative time), does not move – as in ‘this moment has no duration’ for instance – and is epitomised by a vast stillness. Time in the real-world, being the subjective experience of the identity within, is never still – as in ‘this fleeting moment’ for example – inasmuch a real-world moment (aka ‘the present’) is sandwiched between a (rapidly) receding past and an (inexorably) approaching future. * I am yet to similarly go through the two mini versions you sent to me, two days prior, because it makes sense to wait until you have digested my suggested changes, have made whatever alterations you see fit (based upon both the original, referenced text and my explanatory comments) and have then sent me your final, duly considered version for my own final appraisal, as you may very well make some alterations to them also (based upon my suggested changes to the new, precise version of your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book). Then, provided everything is to our mutual satisfaction, I will compose a suitable written endorsement, for inclusion as a preface, thereby certifying accuracy and reliability. At which point I will also electronically transfer the funds, from my bank account to your bank account, so that you can start working with the hired technical people and get the printing process underway. * Also, thank you for the email copy of your surface mail letter transferring copyright ownership (while retaining authorship accreditation) to The Actual Freedom Trust. The wording is entirely satisfactory. And I look forward to further consultation, at each step, for the proper execution of what is indeed this delightful and pleasant task of publishing your ‘Essence Of Actual Freedom’ book. Regards, Richard. P.S.: In regards to your later (confidential) private email: as the details of such matters as you mention in respect to publishing your book (and, potentially, further publications) are best discussed in person – which details are of no concern, of course, to the general public – it would please me if we could meet up within a couple of weeks, or so, after I arrive in India around the end of next month (February). Suffice is it to say for the nonce that, taking into account my vested interest (of both a benefactive nature and towards promulgating actualism throughout the east) in the encouragement of creative enterprise, there is a quite understandable tendency for me to look favourably upon a course of action such as you indicate therein. Further to this end I will be interested in exploring what might be most beneficial – such as looking into what is involved, for instance, in setting-up an Indian Connection with The Actual Freedom Trust (an Indian Actual Freedom Trust perhaps) – to facilitate matters pertaining to the various legal, financial, technical, distribution and general business aspects of publishment and promulgation. Mail Out 36 Richard to Justine JUSTINE to Vineeto: You know me through my surface mail dated 2nd May 2009, wherein I had requested your kind permission for the then enclosed attachment ‘ESSENCE OF ACTUAL FREEDOM’ to be printed and freely shared with others. Your written permission was granted vide your letter dated 19th May 2009. The printing of the book is still pending due to lack of financial resource. I am sending this mail for some other good news. RICHARD: I will respond to the ‘some other good news’ portion of your email in a separate reply (as it relates to what you wrote in a follow-up email). [… snip …]. * JUSTINE to Vineeto: As it is, I had absorbed Mr. Richard’s AF stuff, with OBSESSION, for few years. Two years back, spontaneously, there appeared a sentence in my mind. It was, ‘ACTUAL HAS NO VIBES’. My whole being took it up, every breath, day and night, even during sleep for these two years. On 4-1-2010, as I got up from my bed by 3-30 AM I was so happy to see that ‘I have all the time in the world’. This persisted the whole day, whatever I was doing, it persisted the next day and it is so solidly so this moment too. There is no way for it to disappear, except when my physical body is bound to disappear in death. Otherwise, even if it disappears, I will be seeing that it seems disappeared. I feel very blessed. Also, I congratulate you and Mr. Peter for having got the confirmation from Mr. Richard that both of you have fully entered the Actual. RICHARD: G’day Justine, Well, I am finally able to respond meaningfully to the above ‘some other good news’ portion of your initial email (which you sent to this direct-route mail-out list on the 13/01/2010) after having now met with you for an extended period, in your home environment in India, and having been thus able to personally ascertain that you are indeed actually free of the instinctual passions/ the identity formed thereof. The significance of that date – the 4th of January (the day after Vineeto herself became actually free) – lies in it not only making you the third person after me to be here in this actual world but for being the first person to free themselves without having either interacted with me physically beforehand or having been in my presence at that very moment. To say that I am pleased is to put it way too mildly as this means that an actual freedom can be conveyed solely by the written word (in print or pixels) and/or by the spoken word (on tape or video). I have written of the importance of this factor before (in a mouse-hover/ click-hold ‘Tool Tip’ within ‘Vineeto’s Description’ on the ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage): Vis.:
It is doubly pleasing that you were born and raised in an entirely different culture to mine, No. 4. This is also an apt moment to re-present the following exchange:
* I look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration – such as setting-up a legal entity (an Indian Actual Freedom Trust for instance) for the printing, publishing and distribution of your inimitable writings – in the months and years to come. Regards, Richard. Continued on Mailing List D: Justine Actual Freedom Trust Home Page
Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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