The Actual Freedom Trust Mail Out‘Direct Route’Mail Out 4 Vineeto to Subscriber No. 10 Hi No. 10, SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Hi Peter and Vineeto! Of course I must ask this: Is the imaginative faculty gone? No more images? VINEETO: Gone. No more images. Hardly any thoughts either unless required. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Could you describe any differences (no matter how subtle) between actual freedom and PCE’s? VINEETO: It’s not subtle at all. The PCE always had a ‘WOW’-factor, which happens when the identity (in abeyance) comments on this body’s experience of the actual world. In an actual freedom this ‘WOW’-factor is absent – everything is just ordinary and magical at the same time. In a PCE I always knew (apart from the very first PCE) that this experience would eventually fade whereas an actual freedom is forever and can therefore be explored far deeper and infinitely further (literally) than any PCE ever could. A PCE has a static quality to it as the identity is in abeyance and temporarily ‘allows’ this flesh and blood body a brief glimpse into the actual world whereas an actual freedom is the dynamic vital in-depth and forever ongoing experience of the magic quality of actuality each moment again. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: This ‘sweetness’ that is talked about is still affective? So, it is as close as a feeling-entity can be to actual freedom, but it is not as close to actual freedom as a PCE? VINEETO: Peter wrote in his report – Peter: ‘a sweetness that was palpable rather than feeling based. I heard the words ‘This is not only for me, this is for everybody’ as I was literally being bathed in this sweetness.’ I reported that ‘I had known this sweetness from previous occasions – one such experience happened during the video-shoot of the ‘Out-from-Control’ DVD we present on the website. This sweetness always accompanied an experience (...) that I was close to my destiny and an awareness that what I am doing/ longing for is not merely for my ‘peace of mind’, but that it is for everybody, for every single man, woman and child on the planet – for peace on earth.’ This experience of sweetness is about being close to one’s destiny (actual freedom) whereas a PCE is a glimpse into the actual world that can happen anywhere/ anywhen on the path/during the process to one’s destiny. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Upon now being actually free, do you think you could have gotten there quicker? If so, what could you have done to facilitate this event sooner? VINEETO: I could not have gotten there quicker otherwise I would have. However everyone else now can get there quicker based on Peter’s and my report of the ease of how it all happened. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Are there any differences between your experience of actual freedom and Richards? VINEETO: Today, on January 14, 2010 Peter is 15 days old (as an actually free human being), I am 9 days old and Richard is 17 years old. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Does anyone have any thoughts on why the brain stem thing did not occur? Perhaps certain parts of the brain were so barely functioning the brain did not take it as a ‘major event’? Thanks! VINEETO: According to Richard, now with this new information, the turning over in the back of the neck was obviously only connected to him becoming enlightened. Some other enlightened Beings have reported similar occurrences. Cheers Vineeto Mail Out 14 Peter to Subscriber No. 10 Hi No. 10, PETER to No. 1: ‘What I have discovered since becoming actually free from the human condition is that the motivation to do whatever I can to bring about peace on earth amongst my fellow human beings still burns within me – not as a burning passion but rather as a physical compulsion, something that literally ‘flows in my veins’ as it were. When I was contemplating on this, I initially felt this compulsion as being located in the heart rather as one would feel a burning passion. I soon remembered having watched a time-lapse video of the early formation of a foetus and watching the cells magically transform into backbone cells and align themselves such they formed an initial basic structure upon which myriad upon myriad of other similarly transformed specific-purpose cells would eventually arrange themselves over many months until a brand-new, unique, never been seen before human being was ready to emerge from the womb and begin the process of living an independent life. After the rudimentary microscopic backbone was formed, one of the very next cell types to transform from the next cell divisions were heart muscle cells, each one of which twitched such that as they began to collect together they eventually formed a pulsation or beating whole – the beginnings of a human heart, the essential blood pumping organ that gives vitality to a human body. Hence my description of my compulsion as something that ‘flows in the veins’ as it were, since the heart is a collection
of self-articulating cells, the nature of the formation of which is inconceivable even when being so privileged to witnessing it happen. The ‘in
my veins’ description more closely describes the only conclusion that I have been able to come up with – it’s in fact my destiny to have this
compulsion in that it is what the universe born me to do’. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: This part has me somewhat puzzled. I recall Richard saying ‘If I am driven by some force – no matter how Good that force be – then I am not actually free.’ While I’m not suggesting this ‘compulsion’ of yours is the same thing as what Richard is talking about. Of course I know your expertise in regards to both actualism practice and Richard’s writings. I’m just concerned that a ‘compulsion’ does sound like being driven by a force (even if only a physical force). If you could shed any more light on this Peter, I would appreciate it. PETER: Given that this is an almost identical question to one already posted by a recently-unsubscribed mailing list member I shall bump it to the top of my list of questions to be answered. I understand your puzzlement but first I think it will be useful for readers to put the above passage into the context of the broader issue of the doing of caring by posting what I had written prior to the sentence containing the particular word that concerns you – ‘compulsion’.
I do agree that the word compulsion could be taken as meaning a feeling-based drive as per a dictionary definition – ‘the action, or an act, of compelling, the condition of being compelled, coercion, obligation’ – but it can also mean – ‘an irresistible impulse to behave in a certain way.’ What I was trying to convey by the use of the words ‘something that literally flows in my veins as it were’ was far more than these usual definitions. What I was trying to explain was that the burning passion I had in regard to caring for my fellow human beings whilst still being a feeling being has now been transformed by an actual freedom into an actual caring for my fellow human beings.. Curiously, this is currently exemplified by the delight I have in typing these words knowing that they may be of help to others who are searching for a way to be free from the human condition. It may also be useful to tell a story of my pre-meeting-Richard days which may well explain my wanting to listen carefully to
what Richard had to say about bringing about peace on earth and to be inspired not only by his words but also by the actual caring the then-only
actually free person demonstrated and continues to demonstrate day-in, day out for 17 years now I spent my childhood years on the ‘wrong-side’ of city where the divide between the wealthy classes and the working classes had a pronounced east-west divide and it was only upon going to the centrally located university did I come upon the privileged classes. The university ran a five-year bachelor course in architecture and had decided to introduce a break year after 3 years in an effort to reduce the dropout rate. Just prior to this break year, my father’s brother happened to be in Australia at the time on a holiday with his family from England where he had gone before the war in order to make his fortune as it were. In a spontaneous act of generosity (inspired perhaps by his brother, my father having died only a few years prior) he offered to pay my fare to London so that I could work there. I duly found myself, a gauche and gullible lad, a passenger on a cruise ship bound for Naples via Durban – very much the odd one out amongst a small group of privileged sophisticated classmates all heading for work in England as I was. The first port of call was Durban – then an affluent coastal city in apartheid-times South Africa. My classmates decided to rent a car so as to visit a nearby game reserve and I duly tagged along. Soon after piling into the rear seat the driver inexplicably tried to turn right in the path of an oncoming bus and a collision occurred. The police arrived and quickly hustled us back to a nearby police station where an officer was quick to reassure us that we were in no trouble at all and that the bus driver (the ‘black’ bus driver) would lose his job because of the crash. Shortly after I left the group and wandered off on my own and soon began to notice other signs that all was not well in this part of the world – the bus shelters had signs that all said ‘white only’ with the ‘blacks’ clearly meant to stand in the rain, the restaurant owner who, when asked where the toilet was, gave me a key to a ‘whites only’ toilet alongside of which was a patch of open bare ground for the ‘blacks’ and, most disturbingly, I noticed a little black boy looking longingly through a gap in the perimeter fence of a ‘whites only’ amusement park/fun fare on the esplanade. Thus it was that I serendipitously came to have a taste of but the fringe consequences of a long, long history of the degradation, humiliation and brutality resulting from a long human tradition of one group of men, women and children enslaving other men, women and children for their own personal use and abuse. On to England and then to Europe where I discovered a whole continent where literally every square metre had human blood spilt upon it by the actions of other human beings in regional battles, territorial wars, tribal feuds, crusades, sieges, pillages, plunders, pogroms, rapes, murders, robberies. inquisitions, persecutions and the like that stretch back in human history for thousands upon thousands of years. On my way back overland to Australia I was shocked as I travelled through Eurasia to find myself transported back into the darkness of medieval times where men openly carried arms and women were only fleetingly seen in public as shrouded shadows. And then on to the Indian subcontinent where the gap between the wealthy and healthy and poor and diseased was painfully evident – in my face, as it were, as leper children in Madras would wave the rotting stumps of what was left of their hands in the face of this young Western traveller in the hope of coaxing a few rupees from him for a good meal that night. In thinking of these experiences during the ensuing years, I also came to see that much of the work that ‘good’ people do to supposedly help their fellow human beings in fact does the opposite – it ensures that they remain ensnared in poverty, trapped within persecutory regimes, doomed to poor health and shortened lives, continue to be ravaged by disease and so on. What particularly comes to mind is the fact that certain NGOs are distributing hoes and ‘traditional’ seeds to African farmers so that they can continue their barely-subsistence farming practices rather than supply them with the labour saving machinery and modern scientifically cross-bred disease-resistant varieties of grains and legumes that have ensured an abundance of food in the West and most of the East; that they are supplying solar panels so that villages can have at least one light in one house at night rather than giving them power stations and a power distribution grid so that not only every house can have lights, but refrigeration, heating, air-conditioning, computers, internet access, televisions, etc. but also that they can then have Western-standard medical centres and hospitals; that they are supplying pedal powered water pumps rather than installing modern large scale water storage and distribution networks so that every man, woman and child can have clean, healthy water on tap. These experiences so early in my life have never left me – I could never repress these memories, ignore them, sublimate them, rationalize them away, turn my back on them nor dissociate from them. And because of this I was primed to listen with both ears when Richard talked about actual freedom and (provided that it is taken up by a sufficient number of people) its ensuing side-effect of peace on earth between human beings. This simple act of listening to what he was saying combined with my innate caring led inexorably to my actualist days’ ‘burning passion’ or obsession – ‘doing whatever I can to bring about peace on earth amongst my fellow human beings’ – an obsession which has now been transformed since becoming actually free into an actual caring for all of my fellow human beings. Now each one of you who happens to be reading this post on this mail-out list has the immediate potential to play a pivotal role in bringing about peace on earth for all of your fellow human beings by activating your own near-actual caring. Cheers … Peter Mail Out 15 Vineeto to Subscriber No. 10 Hi No. 10, VINEETO: You wrote this morning (Re: Congratulations / For Vineeto 17.1.2010) – SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Hi Vineeto, As I am aware very much of the unique opportunity Peter, you and Richard are making here, I would like to make my intentions clear as to not blow this opportunity by having some of my questions ‘blown off’ (as in ignored for being taken as a questioning of your/ Peter’s integrity). VINEETO: I haven’t doubted your intentions in regards to the questions you have asked. I simply haven’t got around (until now) to answering them. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Your ‘To explain’ paragraph below is a wonderful description of just what we are doing here. VINEETO: On re-reading the ‘to explain’ paragraph you may notice that it is not ‘mine’ but was written by Richard. As No. 2 has kindly confirmed (Yahoo list message 8755), we are indeed quite distinct and different people, not only Peter and I but also Richard and I. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ok, to the point: my questions, are written with the intent that I can clear up for myself any misunderstandings about these actually free reports both for my benefit, the benefit of every single person who will ever come in contact with me for the remainder of my life and for every single human being who will ever read all this. sincerely, VINEETO: Yep, you got it – this is about peace on earth, and a down-to-earth peace at that – for everybody. * VINEETO: Now to your previous post (More Questions, 15.1.2010) SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Could you describe any differences (no matter how subtle) between actual freedom and PCE’s? VINEETO: It’s not subtle at all. The PCE always had a ‘WOW’-factor, which happens when the identity (in abeyance) comments on this body’s experience of the actual world. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ah, No. 10 be puzzled again. How can the identity comment on the PCE when it is in abeyance? Or are you saying this: 1)PCE happens, 2) self comes back and comments on PCE, 3) PCE starts again (or it doesn’t start again). VINEETO: [Dictionary Definition]: Abeyance: A state of suspension or temporary disuse; dormant condition liable to revival. Oxford Dictionary I am not suggesting that the PCE stops and starts but that experiencing the crass difference between being normal (remembered by the suspended identity) and experiencing the actual world in a PCE expresses itself as the WOW factor which is not there when one is actually free. There is simply no such comparison in an actual freedom (everything is just perfect) unless one listens to normal people that is. * VINEETO: In an actual freedom this ‘WOW’-factor is absent – everything is just ordinary and magical at the same time. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Yes that makes sense. Though I’m still wondering how you and Peter know you are actually free when Pamela had a 5-month PCE and came back to being a affective being. VINEETO: I am aware that you have also asked this question in several previous emails – Richard will reply to it elsewhere. What I can say for now is that at the moment when time stood still forever (because the identity that kept count of real-world time had disappeared) I knew exactly what had happened. The stillness was so stunning, so solid and so self-explicatory as to be utterly magical and I was very well aware that there was no identity sitting somewhere in the back corner like in a PCE. It was an altogether different experience to a PCE, the finality of it was undeniably evident. I would even go this far to suggest (as it has been the case for me) that once one becomes sufficiently aware of an identity still present in a PCE (albeit in abeyance) a full-blown PCE is no longer possible.(*) For that reason alone I was utterly certain that what I was experiencing was not a PCE – it never even occurred as a possibility. (*) Editors note: What Vineeto meant by the confusing term “a full-blown PCE is no longer possible” is that when being sufficiently aware of an identity still present in a PCE one is always aware that the PCE will end and that one’s identity will eventually return to being in control. * VINEETO: A PCE has a static quality to it as the identity is in abeyance and temporarily ‘allows’ this flesh and blood body a brief glimpse into the actual world whereas an actual freedom is the dynamic vital in-depth and for-ever ongoing experience of the magic quality of actuality each moment again. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ha, your blowing my mind. lol. A PCE is static while an actual freedom dynamic? I was always under the impression that a PCE and an actual freedom were essentially the same experience save for one being temporary and the other permanent. Though, I do think I can sort of fathom what you mean here. If you could elucidate this any further though, it would be appreciated. VINEETO: It’s quite simple – during a PCE the identity is in abeyance and as such the identity does not change during a PCE and not necessarily after. Until the identity has done his/her job of willingly abandoning ‘self’-control and thus becomes free from the human condition, the corporeal body will remain enslaved by his/her emotional/ instinctually driven whims. In an actual freedom this body simply does, and enjoys doing, whatever needs to be done including doing the next thing that obviously needs doing so as to enable other human beings to enjoy the same freedom, magic and perfection as this body does. * SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: This ‘sweetness’ that is talked about is still affective? So, it is as close as a feeling-entity can be to actual freedom, but it is not as close to actual freedom as a PCE? VINEETO: Peter wrote in his report – Peter: ‘a sweetness that was palpable rather than feeling based. I heard the words ‘This is not only for me, this is for everybody’ as I was literally being bathed in this sweetness.’ I reported that ‘I had known this sweetness from previous occasions – one such experience happened during the video-shoot of the ‘Out-from-Control’ DVD we present on the website. This sweetness always accompanied an experience (...) that I was close to my destiny and an awareness that what I am doing/ longing for is not merely for my ‘peace of mind’, but that it is for everybody, for every single man, woman and child on the planet – for peace on earth.’ This experience of sweetness is about being close to one’s destiny (actual freedom) whereas a PCE is a glimpse into the actual world that can happen to anyone at any time anywhere/ anywhen on the path/ during the process to one’s destiny. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: So this sweetness being ‘palpable rather than feeling based’ is to mean that it is a mostly sensate sweetness? VINEETO: I think Peter has answered that one already in his post to No. 9 * SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Are there any differences between your experience of actual freedom and Richards? VINEETO: Today, on January 14, 2010 Peter is 15 days old (as an actually free human being), I am 9 days old and Richard is 17 years old. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ha, and your all about 14 year old in actual age? I’d like to know if that is similar. VINEETO: Of course. Nothing is taken seriously and we are having heaps of fun. Ah, and real-world rules don’t apply. :) * SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Does anyone have any thoughts on why the brain stem thing did not occur? Perhaps certain parts of the brain were so barely functioning the brain did not take it as a ‘major event’? Thanks! VINEETO: According to Richard, now with this new information, the turning over in the back of the neck was obviously only connected to him becoming enlightened. Some other enlightened Beings have reported similar occurrences. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ha, then I’ll be leaving the nape of the neck thing to No. 7 then. Knock yourself out man! It is very pleasing to know Vineeto, by the way, that no one need ever go through enlightenment in order to be actually free. You and Peter have put that furphy to rest! Thank you both! VINEETO: To say that it has been a pleasure would be the understatement of the year. Cheers Vineeto Mail Out 15 Vineeto to Subscriber No. 10 Hi No. 10, VINEETO: I haven’t doubted your intentions in regards to the questions you have asked. I simply haven’t got around (until now) to answering them. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: The reason I wrote this is not because I have taken the non answering of my
questions as a doubting of my intentions per se, but that I became concerned about that after reading your response to No. 3 VINEETO: I did not make any assumptions about No. 3’s intentions or mental states. Here is what I wrote – No. 3, 16.1.2010). When I responded to No. 3’s ‘I had guessed at St Peter, but the busty Sanyasin too? :-)’ saying that ‘I am none too sure if your addressing Peter as ‘St. Peter’ and Vineeto as ‘the busty Sanyasin’ is a bad attempt at humour or a dimly disguised dig’ I was suggesting that No. 3’s line was either ‘a bad attempt at humour’ (‘a joke that is not funny, given his smiley after the sentence) or, if that was not the case ‘a dimly disguised dig’ (dimly disguised by a smiley while alluding to Peter being the first pope after Jesus – an allusion so way off the mark as to be bizarre – and me being a ‘busty’ (an entirely irrelevant adjective in regards to an actual freedom) ‘Sannyasin’ (a straight lie as I had stopped being a Sannyasin a couple of months after I met Richard, twelve years ago, and had written extensively about that fact). Interestingly enough No. 3 later admitted in a post to No. 1 that it was indeed a dig in order to ‘test’ us out and as such his denial that he had no intention at having a gibe was a straight out lie) –
Of course, with his intention to be offensive (as a ‘test’) in mind he readily mistook my response as being the confirmation he was looking for – that I was taking offence and therefore not actually free. The only thing I can say that if he made his ‘harmlessly funny’ remark funny I would not have to guess that it might have been a dimly disguised dig! SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Then No. 3’s questioning about the *possibility* of some aspect of your experience being like a ASC was taken as him questioning your, Peter, and Richard’s integrity. I didn’t take his question that way at all. I took it as a person with a active, inquisitive mind trying to clarify something in a direct way. VINEETO: You must have then equally overlooked what we clearly stated in the ‘terms and conditions’ for this mail-out facility – that this mail-out facility is only for those ready and willing to join the three of us here in this actual world ... and sooner rather than later. Such a person does not fritter away the given opportunity with being ‘an inquisitive mind’, as you quaintly put it, but is eager to use the opportunity given to find out as much as possible how to become actually free from the human condition. Any attempt to steer the discussion back into commonly raised objections of the spiritual genre is simply a waste of everyone’s time, including their own, particularly given that they had ample opportunity to settle those questions when the Actual Freedom mailing list was up and running. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Now, I’m of course open to the possibility that you and Richard have picked up on something that I’ve missed in No. 3’s responses. I’m just saying that it did not occur to me to take them the way you did, which made me concerned that you were *taking my questions* the ‘wrong way.’ Obviously I don’t know for sure what is going on in No. 3’s head any more than I know what is going on in yours, I just wanted to be clear that my intentions are about clarifying things so I can get to a out-from-control virtual freedom as quickly as possible so I can become free for my sake and the sake of all those around me and who will ever read my writing. VINEETO: In the weeks before I became free all I wanted was to become free – nothing else was of any importance, not what other actualists on the list were saying, not what my family or clients would say, not even what would happen after I became free. My focus was single-pointed and without that single-pointed intent I would not have become free. To leave humanity (everyone of them) behind is the penultimate step to an actual freedom – without doing that you will go around in circles forever and a day. * VINEETO: As No. 2 has kindly confirmed (Yahoo 8755), we are indeed quite distinct and different people, not only Peter and I but also Richard and I. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: LOL. Yes indeed. No. 2’s reports by the way have confirmed (as far as I’m concerned) a number of things about you three as I have a very high confidence in his ability to evaluate you all and report back in a honest, sincere and perceptive manner. No. 2’s reports were a game changer for me. In fact, they were invaluable in order to be open to your and Peter’s awesome news. VINEETO: Apparently not enough confidence as you still chose to give credence to No. 3’s non-sensical gibes and snipes. * VINEETO: Now to your previous post (More Questions, 15.1.2010) SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Could you describe any differences (no matter how subtle) between actual freedom and PCE’s? VINEETO: It’s not subtle at all. The PCE always had a ‘WOW’-factor, which happens when the identity (in abeyance) comments on this body’s experience of the actual world. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ah, No. 10 be puzzled again. How can the identity comment on the PCE when it is in abeyance? Or are you saying this: 1) PCE happens, 2) self comes back and comments on PCE, 3) PCE starts again (or it doesn’t start again). VINEETO: [Dictionary Definition]: Abeyance: A state of suspension or temporary disuse; dormant condition liable to revival. Oxford Dictionary. I am not suggesting that the PCE stops and starts but that experiencing the crass difference between being normal (remembered by the suspended identity) and experiencing the actual world in a PCE expresses itself as the WOW factor which is not there when one is actually free. There is simply no such comparison in an actual freedom (everything is just perfect) unless one listens to normal people that is. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: This seems to be indicating that I’ve slightly misunderstood what a PCE is as I’ve always thought a PCE meant there was no self whatsoever during its occurrence. Neurologically I assumed that whatever parts of the brain that kept the sense of self going (with feelings and all) became shut off/ inactive. I did not know the self was still active (i.e. being able to ‘remember’ as stated above). So, there is in fact a suspended identity sitting back remembering and commenting *during* the PCE? VINEETO: It appears that I will have to revert to only use Richard’s word ‘abeyance’ in future when referring to the absent ‘self’ rather than using my own description (sitting in the corner) as this caused you to imagine all sorts of strange scenarios. Richard wrote about the ‘(barely perceptible) pall’ in a PCE as distinct to an actual freedom –
* VINEETO: What I can say for now is that at the moment when time stood still forever (because the identity that kept count of real-world time had disappeared) I knew exactly what had happened. The stillness was so stunning, so solid and so self-explicatory as to be utterly magical and I was very well aware that there was no identity sitting somewhere in the back corner like in a PCE. It was an altogether different experience to a PCE, the finality of it was undeniably evident. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ok, the experience (now your ongoing experience for weeks) was/is different than a PCE. While I of course have not had this experience, I can now get a better understanding of why your convinced that your in a irrevocable actual freedom. Knowing you (via your writing and particularly the confirmation of No. 2’s reports) to be a sincere, honest and perceptive person, I am fairly confident that if you say you ‘know I’m actually free’ then you are. Though, in about a year from now that fairly confident assessment will be a utterly confident assessment. :) To be clear, I take your description of your experience at face value (i.e. you, Peter and Richard have confirmed you are both experiencing like him). My question is solely on the issue of permanence. Vineeto: Needless to say that this ‘(barely perceptible) pall’ mentioned in Richard’s quote above does not exist in my everyday experience. * VINEETO: I would even go this far to suggest (as it has been the case for me) that once one becomes sufficiently aware of an identity still present in a PCE (albeit in abeyance) a full-blown PCE is no longer possible. (*) For that reason alone I was utterly certain that what I was experiencing was not a PCE – it never even occurred as a possibility.(*) Editors note: What Vineeto meant by the confusing term “a full-blown PCE is no longer possible” is that when being sufficiently aware of an identity still present in a PCE one is always aware that the PCE will end and that one’s identity will eventually return to being in control. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: This is illuminating. So, is it that the identity still being present in a PCE was not discussed in the prior actualist writings (or if it was, it was not given much emphasis) because this factor was not noticed clearly during your and Peter’s early stage virtual freedoms? That fact that it never even occurred to you that it was a PCE is a clear report of the difference and I appreciate this clarification. VINEETO: You may find that Richard has written about it on at least 2 occasions on the actual freedom list while you were subscribed (the quote above is one such instance). * VINEETO: A PCE has a static quality to it as the identity is in abeyance and temporarily ‘allows’ this flesh and blood body a brief glimpse into the actual world whereas an actual freedom is the dynamic vital in-depth and for-ever ongoing experience of the magic quality of actuality each moment again. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ha, your blowing my mind. lol. A PCE is static while an actual freedom dynamic? I was always under the impression that a PCE and an actual freedom were essentially the same experience save for one being temporary and the other permanent. Though, I do think I can sort of fathom what you mean here. If you could elucidate this any further though, it would be appreciated. VINEETO: It’s quite simple – during a PCE the identity is in abeyance and as such the identity does not change during a PCE and not necessarily after. Until the identity has done his/her job of willingly abandoning ‘self’-control and thus becomes free from the human condition, the corporeal body will remain enslaved by his/her emotional/ instinctually driven whims. In an actual freedom this body simply does, and enjoys doing, whatever needs to be done including doing the next thing that obviously needs doing so as to enable other human beings to enjoy the same freedom, magic and perfection as this body does. SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Ok, that will have to suffice then. I’m still surprised by the self lurking in the background part. Which does pretty much make clear the difference, I just never really considered that before. VINEETO: Ok, has this now cleared your questions on this topic? Cheers Vineeto PS: Please note that Richard dropped the term ‘peak experience’ many years ago and only used the term ‘pure consciousness experience (PCE), to the point that we changed all previous mentioning of it on the website for clarity’s sake, because ‘peak experience’ had been used in a confusing manner by humanists and philosophers. Given that the PCE is the most important guiding experience for an actualist from which they attach a golden clew to their destiny, is seems of utter importance to me that there be no confusion about the experience itself. Mail Out 35Vineeto to Subscriber No. 10 Hi No. 10, SUBSCRIBER NO. 10: Greetings actually free people! I recall Richard writing that Pamela had mistaken actualism for spiritualism. My question is at what point did Pamela start practicing actualism? What I’m wondering specifically is *how long* did Pamela practice actualism before becoming actually free? I’m guessing it was considerably less than the 12-13 years of Peter and Vineeto. If this is the case, I would find that considerably inspiring and motivating and I assume so would many others. thank you VINEETO: As you might recall, Richard has always maintained that the actualism method is what one does *in the meantime*. There is no need to procrastinate any longer, now that the way of becoming actually free has been proven to be a smooth and easy transition. Cheers Vineeto Continued on Mailing List ‘D’: No. 12 Actual Freedom Trust Home Page
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