The Actual Freedom Trust Mail Out‘Direct Route’Mail Out 8 Peter to Subscriber No. 12 Hi No. 12, SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Hi Peter/Vineeto (and Richard), This mail-out facility is only for those ready and willing to join the three of us here in this actual world ... and sooner rather than later. I understand that you mean by ‘join the three of us’ – as in stepping out of the ‘real world’ ... not necessarily travelling all the way to Australia? PETER: Spot on. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: If so, I can say that i am not without reservations/ trepidations, but they seem to be going through a strange cycle hopefully towards being benign. The news is truly sensational (and the way in which the whole thing evolved in the past few months, since Richard’s returning to the mailing list). Questions: – was there any ‘turning over in the brain stem’ kind of activity during the event – for Peter and Vineeto? PETER: No. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: ... or any such physiological occurrence? PETER: No SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Would you be referring to the actualism writings as that of the identity ‘Peter’ and ‘Vineeto’ as distinct from what you are now? PETER: I see that I am already making the distinction in what I have to report particularly so as to define my pre-actual freedom identity-dominant corporeal body with the post-actual freedom free-from-identity body that I am now. I find, however, that I am not pedantic in making such distinctions all of the time as I assume that those who have subscribed to this mail out would have done sufficient homework (both by reading what has been written and by their own experiential knowledge of the topic) to understand the distinction for themselves. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Also, would you claim that it was the identity ‘Peter’ (and ‘Vineeto’) that deserve the praise for such a release? PETER: What I find cute is that such praise is but a posthumous epitaph on a fictitious gravestone of an ethereal identity that had no actual, physical existence. As such, I can readily claim for the identity ‘Peter’ that there can be no monument high enough, big enough or grand enough to mark ‘his’ achievements and ‘his’ contribution to the eventual dissolution of humanity as we know it. ‘RIP lad ... Well done’. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: I appreciate your sharing of experiential knowledge, thanks & cheers PETER: An absolute pleasure, No. 2. As you may have noticed, it’s all such fun, here in the actual world. Cheers ... Peter Mail Out 30 Peter to Subscriber No. 12 SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Hi Peter Thanks for your reply ... many interesting things have been happening on my side too after your arrival/establishment of direct-route mail-out. PETER: As a suggestion, perhaps you could share the interesting things that have been happening (assuming they are good things) with others on the Yahoo group. The best thing you can do for your peers is to tell them of your down-to-earth success stories as such stories will be of use to those who have their own doubts as well as for those who have a habitual (empathetic?) tendency to take on the doubts of others as though they were their own. * SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Hi Peter/Vineeto (and Richard),
I understand that you mean by ‘join the three of us’ – as in stepping out of the ‘real world’ ... not necessarily travelling all the way to Australia? PETER: Spot on. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Further to this note: I am currently living a normal lifestyle (as opposed to living in the seas/Connivuum – which would be fun too!) in a normal setup (employed/family etc.). I don’t see that an actual freedom necessarily entails giving up all these external attributes (how one relates to them is a different story altogether... passionately or sensibly :) ). Would you agree? In other words, it is possible for a person like me to come to senses without changing the setup around too much (if done judiciously)... PETER: I do agree. I led a normal lifestyle up until the time I became actually free – I lived with a female companion, I worked in the market place in order to earn money for food, clothing, shelter and a few choice toys to play with. I shopped for food, cooked meals, cleaned house, spent time doing any necessary maintenance on shelter and toys and spent as much time as possible either doing nothing or doing the things that I enjoyed most. Since becoming actually free I now do all of the above exactly as I did before, the only difference being that I now live in a 3-person convivium – the convivium only came in to existence when both Vineeto and I became free (a 2 person convivium can hardly be called a convivium) * SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: Also, would you claim that it was the identity ‘Peter’ (and ‘Vineeto’) that deserve the praise for such a release? PETER: What I find cute is that such praise is but a posthumous epitaph on a fictitious gravestone of an ethereal identity that had no actual, physical existence. As such, I can readily claim for the identity ‘Peter’ that there can be no monument high enough, big enough or grand enough to mark ‘his’ achievements and ‘his’ contribution to the eventual dissolution of humanity as we know it. ‘RIP lad ... Well done’. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: That lad was a dedicated, hard working and a go-getter, we all know that :). PETER: If you had met that lad before ‘he’ discovered the words and writings of an actual freedom from the human condition you may well have described him as an aimless lazy drifter. If this is how you see the lad as an actualist it may well be indication of what putting the actualism writings into action can do for a man or woman. I know for ‘him’ it was ‘the only game in town to play’. * SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: I appreciate your sharing of experiential knowledge, thanks & cheers No. 12 PETER: An absolute pleasure, No. 12. As you may have noticed, it’s all such fun, here in the actual world. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: And paradoxically, that over abundance of fun and effortlessness is what seems to scare the identity... why so? :). PETER: You might find my recent answer to No. 6 (mail-out 26) useful in considering your own answer to this question. SUBSCRIBER NO. 12: But looks like all these walls made up of fears, dreads, over-arching sorrow [coming from the unknown beyond the boundary] can be bypassed on the wide and wondrous path I guess. PETER: You might find my recent answer to No. 24 (mail-out 28) useful in answering this question, in particular –
Cheers … Peter Continued on Mailing List ‘D’: No. 19 Actual Freedom Trust Home Page
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