The Actual Freedom Trust Mail Out‘Direct Route’Mail Out 7 Richard to Subscriber No. 18 SUBSCRIBER NO. 18: LOONY CULT – RICHARD: G’day No. 18, What on earth was the editor, of one of the two official newspapers in Rockland County (located 19 kilometres north-northwest of New York City), a weekly newspaper with a circulation of 3,941 copies, thinking upon reading the following invitation on the announcement page (such as to inspire email registration, and thus subscription to the mail-out list of a ‘LOONY CULT’ of all things, by his deliberative action of typing out and sending an email to the advertised address)? Vis.:
The email address for the mail-out facility is: Please direct all queries and requests for clarification of this long-awaited public announcement to that email address’. Ha ... just what will those 3,941 good citizens of Rockland County think when they find out that their editor – their editor, mind you, and not just the publisher with his musings – has finally flipped and joined the mail-out list of a ‘LOONY CULT’ of all things, eh? SUBSCRIBER NO. 18: GO DO SOMETHING NORMAL ... RICHARD: Hmm ... do you mean go do ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ like killing one’s fellow human beings by the millions, with the blessing and full support of the state (which includes those 3,941 good citizens of Rockland County), perchance? Perhaps if I were to put it this way: given that in the last 100 years 160,000,000 normal people were killed by their normal fellow human beings doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, in wars alone, there is the distinct possibility that the same or similar way of doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ will happen in the next 100 years ... that is, some peoples now living and some peoples not yet even born, are going to go do ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ and kill (or be killed by their fellow human beings doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’) in some battle, some conflict, some hostilities, created solely by human beings doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, at some place on this otherwise fair planet we all live on. In monetary terms, world-wide military spending, by human beings doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, for the year 2003, for example, was $997.2 billion. For instance: there are 24 ‘major’ wars (wars with more than 1,000 casualties) currently occurring amongst peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ as you read this – wherein people are actually killing and wounding and maiming, by doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, and being killed and wounded and maimed whilst doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ – and 22 ‘minor’ wars (wars with less than 1,000 casualties) also occurring amongst peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ and 22 recently concluded or suspended wars, also amongst peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’. Furthermore, all the murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence by peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, and child abuse and sadness and loneliness and grief and depression and suicides by peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ (in the last 100 years an estimated 40,000,000 normal people killed themselves), will continue on unabated unless radical change occurs: someone, somewhere is being murdered, by someone doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, and someone, somewhere is doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ by murdering, as these words scroll past you; someone, somewhere is being tortured, by someone doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, and someone, somewhere is doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ by torturing (as detailed by ‘Amnesty International’), right now; someone, somewhere is doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ by being beaten up and someone, somewhere is doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’ by doing the beating, in yet another case of domestic violence, at this very instant; somewhere some child is being brutalised, by someone doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, and being thus frightened out of their wits, in yet another case of child abuse, by human beings doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, at this very moment; and such suffering, as sadness, loneliness, grief, depression, and so on, by peoples doing ‘SOMETHING NORMAL’, is going on in uncountable numbers of utterly miserable lives all around the world ... and yet you see fit to shout out (in full caps cyber parlance), at your fellow subscribers to this ‘LOONY CULT’, to ‘GO DO SOMETHING NORMAL’? Are you for real, No. 18? SUBSCRIBER NO. 18: ... AND SHUT UP WITH YOUR FANTASY. RICHARD: ‘Tis not a ‘FANTASY’ but a fact that the already always existing peace-on-earth is now apparent for more than just one human being (which always was, arguably, just a ‘freak of nature’ occurrence) and there is now no way of stopping yet more and more outbreaks of individual peace-on-earth happening, from now on, as this entirely fresh era to human history ushers in a new epoch of human experience. Put simplistically (for emphasis): war is over, No. 18, if ‘you’ (the identity within) want it to be. Regards, Actual Freedom Trust Home Page
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