In at least one solar system, this astonishing universe has manifested an event of no little significance, by providing a fresh opportunity for carbon-based life-forms to emerge out of itself … and thus matter becomes animate matter …


Earth as seen from Apollo 17 spacecraft.


This shimmeringly blue planet exudes a humid and nutrient-rich atmosphere that is the primordial womb of the only life that is so far known to exist …

All Space photographs courtesy of NASA/STScI


The circumstances on earth were ripe for amoeba to grow ...

Photograph courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


... and begin the now-inevitable progression of conscious animate life – as distinct from vegetative life.

Photograph courtesy of Nook Dallas from


The multiplicity of organisms that has developed and redeveloped has done so through the biological feed-back mechanism of the primal creature’s involuntary response to environmental dictates. Their ‘life-successful’ reactions are genetically encoded as automated survival instincts …


So abundant and luxuriant is carbon-based life on the planet that it is estimated that there are currently between 2 and 4.5 million individual animal and plant species on the planet …



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Introducing Actual Freedom

The universe, life and what it is to be a human being