Peter: The soul is the big one! For what is a human being without a soul.
Ancient Wisdom has it that a body without a soul is but an animal. A body without a soul is inhuman and evil.
Seems pretty impressive for something that does not factually exist. The
instinctual programming of the amygdala or primitive brain includes a primitive animal self that is most highly developed in the primates. This
self in relationship to other members of the species is most evident in apes and chimps and leads us to see in them human behaviour at a less
sophisticated level of operation.
Fear, aggression, nurture and desire are seen operating unimpeded by developed
intelligence, which simply translates to apes and chimps being less cunning and less efficient in killing than the human animal. We think them
cute when they display instinctual nurture but are in denial of the mounting evidence of rape, murder, infanticide and war in chimps and apes
that are the result of instinctual fear, aggression and desire.
This very-same primitive self, complete with its automatic survival program,
operates in humans, but we manage to divide the instinctual passions into two groupings – the good passions and the evil ones. The self that
is the good instincts we term ‘me at my core’, the ‘real me’, or my ‘very soul’. We simply deny the existence of fear, aggression,
nurture and desire, as it is usually too shocking to contemplate these aspects within us. Thus we are usually ‘overcome’ or ‘overwhelmed’
by anger or violence or despair, for that is what appears to happen when instinctual passions surface. The amygdala automatically responds to a
threat, real, perceived or imagined, and the hormones automatically flow – flooding the neo-cortex and away we go… Murder, rape, revenge,
despair, torture, war, etc., all occur in a ‘blind’ rage – be it hot or cool.
As if this wasn’t enough of a heritage, we then have the universal fairy-tale of
a life after death for this very-same soul, and the same instincts are then bought into play in defending this belief; for the soul – ‘me’
at my core – believes it is fighting for its very life (its life after death). Thus humans not only fight for real things like territory and
food but we add fighting for causes, beliefs, ideals, rights and dreams to the list.
Fearing for survival is our main pre-occupation, and fighting for survival is our
main occupation. Such is the Human Condition.
Good to be rid of a soul – and all that it represents – as far as I’m
concerned. Everybody regards it as inconceivable to be without a soul but next time you have a peak experience have a good look around and see
if you can feel one in operation. If you can, it’s not a Pure Consciousness Experience. In the PCE, as if by miracle, the soul and the ego,
the self in total, disappear from consciousness, and if it can happen once, why not more times, and why not 24 hrs. a day every day?