DefinitionsManumit; Manumission‘manumit[from Latin manumittere, lit. ‘send out from one’s hand’]: release from slavery; release
from bondage or servitude; set free.’ (Oxford Dictionary).
• [generally]: freedom from personal bondage or servitude; the condition of not being confined; liberation. • [specifically]: released from slavery (from being owned as property) or servitude (from the state of
being a slave or a serf); affranchisement. • [historically]: the action of being released from enslavement or thralldom by the will of the owner or
master; voluntarily set free as distinct from the mandatory enfranchisement and/ or affranchisement wrought by emancipation acts
of parliaments or other governing councils. The word manumission is very useful, on occasion, as to be manumitted is to be freed: the word freed stresses
being autonomous, the complete absence of being ruled; the word autonomous emphasises independence in self-governance (managing,
piloting, conducting); the word independence implies a standing alone, a lack of disempowering interference. ‘manumission: [from Latin manumittere, lit. ‘send out from one’s hand’]: release from slavery; release from bondage or servitude; set free.’ (Oxford Dictionary). The word manumission (release from control/ wilfully set free) refers to the historical action of being
released from thralldom or enslavement by the will of the owner or master – voluntarily set free – as distinct from the
mandatory enfranchisement and/or affranchisement wrought by emancipation acts of parliaments or other governing councils.
• manumit (tr.v.; manumitted, manumitting, manumits): to free from slavery, servitude or bondage; emancipate; (n.): manumission, manumitter. [Middle English manumitten, from Old French manumitter, from Latin manūmittere, from manū, ablative of manus, ‘hand’ + mittere, ‘to send from’]. ~ (American Heritage Dictionary). The word manumission (release from control and/or wilfully set free) refers to the historical action of being released from thralldom or enslavement by the will of the owner or master – voluntarily set free – as distinct from the mandatory enfranchisement and/or affranchisement wrought by emancipation acts of parliaments or other governing councils. • generally, manumission refers to freedom from personal bondage or servitude; the condition of not being confined; liberation; • specifically, manumission refers to released from slavery (from being owned as property) or servitude (from the state of being a slave or a serf); affranchisement; • historically, manumission refers to the action of being released from enslavement or thralldom by the will of the owner or master; voluntarily set free as distinct from the mandatory enfranchisement and/ or affranchisement wrought by emancipation acts of parliaments or other governing councils. It is a very useful word to know as to be manumitted is to be freed: the word freed stresses being autonomous, the complete
absence of being ruled; the word autonomous emphasises independence in self-governance (managing, piloting, conducting); the
word independence implies a standing alone, a lack of disempowering interference. The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.
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