How I Achieved Actual Freedom May 05, 2008 GARDOL: Please bear with me. Looking at the long list of CRO’s, you will find this one at the top: ‘Richard is not the first to be free from the human condition’. A niggling point to some ... RICHARD: This is an apt place for some background information: in the middle of October 2003 several people, most of whom were also writing to a Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti forum, all began writing to The Actual Freedom Trust mailing list with a similar theme: AEST). • [Respondent No. 55]: ‘Just checked your website and bio. It’s all nice enough, but I don’t get how you think what you’re talking about is unique’. (Thursday, 16/10/2003 11:07 PM AEST). • [Respondent No. 56]: ‘I have a question for Richard. I find your claims that you were the first to attain an actual freedom from the human condition a little hard to take. My question is how do you know this to be true without having met every single person alive or dead?’ (Friday, 17/10/2003 2:12 PM AEST). First of all, it will be noticed that they are numbered sequentially (53, 54, 55, 56) and that the emails are likewise dated (15th, 16th, 16th, 17th). Second, before responding a simple check of the IP address, from whence those emails were routed (a university address), evidenced that the striking similarity of theme was not just a chance grouping but a concerted effort. Third, a later perusal of the then-current messages on the Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti forum, where with many a chortle they discussed their enterprise amongst themselves, showed that one person (Respondent No. 53) had orchestrated the entire affair. Fourth, in essence what was being advanced was an academic epistemological argument – which was consistent with the university-based email addresses – wherein no consideration of the extraordinary experiencing itself was ever evinced ... on the contrary it was dismissed out of hand. Fifth, the lack of importance being placed upon the extraordinary way of knowing is readily ascertained by the fact that up until then – six years after first going public – queries about how it was known that an actual freedom from the human condition was new to human experience/human history were answered, on each and every occasion, with the ‘for as far as can be ascertained’ type of reply (the regular way of knowing). Sixth, that egocentric/egotistic preoccupation (upon who was first), which exercised the minds of those particular respondents, is not at all important – it is simply the fact that somebody has to be the first in any field of human endeavour – as what is important is the discovery itself (an actual freedom from the human condition). Lastly, experience has shown it is usually the case that those having that self-centred fixation (on the discoverer) are not interested in what is of importance (the discovery). GARDOL: ... (including me at first) but it became more important as I examined it more
completely. So let’s start at the top of the page you find when you click the first CRO. RICHARD: Just so there is no misunderstanding, then, here is what that word indicates:
As going beyond spiritual enlightenment (as described in detail on the page the surreptitiously-snipped link in the above exchange opened to) undeniably qualifies as being out of the usual or regular course or order and/or of a kind not usually met with – as in exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare, unique, singular, or unconventional – there is really nothing of a troublesome nature (as in full of, characterised by, or causing a disturbance of the mind or feelings, such as worry, perplexity or vexation) intrinsic to that extraordinary experiencing in or of itself. As to why Gardol would want to say, then, that he found something troublesome about that experiential evidence is exposed immediately below. GARDOL: He says he ‘knew even before becoming actually free that this condition was entirely new to human experience while still alive’. And he knew this because as he travelled deeper and deeper into ‘spiritual enlightenment’, he found himself in ‘virgin territory wherever the (psychic) eye would look’. RICHARD: That is just an out-and-out fabrication ... it is clearly and unambiguously reported, in the above exchange, that Richard knew this because of many experiences of going beyond spiritual enlightenment. Gardol’s worse-than-cheap trick of slyly shifting the focus onto the text which follows the word ‘furthermore’ – which means ‘in addition, additionally; moreover, esp. used when introducing a fresh consideration in an argument’ according to the Oxford Dictionary – so as to make out that it is the main extraordinary evidence is so deceitful it almost beggars description. What is written in the above passage he quoted is quite specific:
Needless is it to add that that, in order to go beyond spiritual enlightenment, identity in toto goes into abeyance. GARDOL: While in other places on the Actual Freedom website Richard rails against the cunning entity that inhabits human beings ... RICHARD: As a timely interjection, before Gardol goes on, here is a (misattributed) passage he chose to quote later on in this diatribe of his:
And here is what Gardol had to say further above:
Moreover, given that the entity Gardol goes on and on about (below) is none other than the identity who, as a direct result of those extraordinary experiences/ that experiential evidence, altruistically ‘self’-immolated, in toto, for the benefit of this body and that body and every body, there is no way the epithet ‘cunning’ could have any application ... as is made obvious on the page the surreptitiously-snipped link in the above exchange opened to. Viz.:
Here is a useful word:
GARDOL: ... here he takes the insight of his own cunning entity as a fact. RICHARD: No, here (in the above passage Gardol quoted) Richard clearly takes the experiential evidence of going beyond spiritual enlightenment, with identity in toto in abeyance, as the fact ... a description of which is on the page which the surreptitiously-snipped link in the above quoted exchange opened to. Here is a useful word:
GARDOL: Moreover he admits the basis of this fact lies in the perception of his (the cunning entity) own ‘psychic’ eye. RICHARD: No, he reports that the basis of this fact lies in the many experiences of going beyond spiritual enlightenment (where identity in toto is in abeyance) before becoming actually free of the human condition (where identity in toto is extinct). And, even more to the point, he already knew six months prior the commencement of the path, which would eventually lead to an actual freedom from the human condition, that such a freedom was entirely new to human experience. Here it is again (from the oh-so-conveniently omitted third CRO):
It goes with saying, of course, that identity in toto is in abeyance during a PCE. GARDOL: Where else does he accept anyone’s psychic insights? RICHARD: A search through all his writings for the words [quote] ‘psychic insight’ [endquote] returns nil hits ... as it is a term Gardol confected, a scant three sentences ago, it is no wonder. Besides which, that (parenthesised) word – specifically inserted only to emphasise that it was not the physical eye – could have just as equally been the word ‘transcendental’, for example, or‘ supernatural’, for another example, or ... or even ‘apotheosised’, for yet another example, would have served just as well. GARDOL: He asserts over and over that this event establishes the fact that no one – ever – came to actual freedom before him. RICHARD: He asserts no such singulary thing ... he reports (1.) that he already knew, from a four-hour PCE prior to the commencement of the path which would eventually lead to an actual freedom from the human condition, that such a freedom was entirely new to human experience ... and (2.) that because of many experiences of going beyond spiritual enlightenment, before becoming actually free from the human condition, he also knew this condition was entirely new to human experience ... and (3.) that he additionally knew, from penetration deeper and deeper into the state of being known as spiritual enlightenment, that no one had ventured thus far before. GARDOL: He did not need any more proof than this. RICHARD: As he reports having also conducted regular research (as in ‘scouring the books’ for instance) for 20+ years, to no avail, that assertion can only be a rhetorical flourish. Here is a useful word:
GARDOL: What makes the cunning entity inhabiting Richard at that time so special that it can establish a fact like this? RICHARD: Golly, it is scattered all throughout the multitudinous religio-spiritual/ mystico-metaphysical literature that esoteric knowledge is directly attainable in the apotheosised field of consciousness popularly known as spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment. Viz.:
As Gardol made it known, on numerous occasions in his manifesto, that he became enlightened nearly two years ago surely that is not news to him, too? GARDOL: What makes the psychic eye of his parasitic entity so special that it could establish this fact? I did not understand ... RICHARD: Hmm ... an enlightened being, for nearly two years, who does not understand that metaphysical knowledge is directly attainable in that apotheosised field of consciousness, eh? Feb 25 2009 Update (eleven months later): In the could-not-care-less section of his ye-shall-know-them-by-their-fruits comeback, on the 18th of January 2009, Gardol quite glibly ... um ... honks about how he could not care less that his experience, which he now retrospectively sees as [quote] ‘an extended run of unity consciousness’ [endquote], provides no access to the metaphysical knowledge (as detailed above) which is directly attainable in the apotheosised field of consciousness popularly known as spiritual enlightenment/ mystical awakenment. Viz.:
An attitude like that renders the value of what struck him (immediately below) as metaphorically equivalent to what -273.15° represents on the Celsius Scale (or what -459.67° represents on the Fahrenheit Scale). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May 05, 2008 GARDOL: ... and it struck me as very contradictory and inconsistent. RICHARD: As it is not at all contradictory and inconsistent (let alone ‘very’) then Gardol’s deceitful, fraudulent, cherry-picked, sneaky, misleading and remarkably ignorant sledgehammer-and-blowtorch attempt to repudiate just one part of the whole website and enterprise splutters to an ignominious standstill before it can even begin to taxi down the runway. And the remainder of Gardol’s diatribe is but more of the same ... so convinced is he, by whatever it is which strikes him, that three-quarters of the way through he no longer considers it necessary to (however ineffectually) argue his case but instead deems the following throwaway comment, appended to three successive quotes, to be all what is required for that sledgehammer-and-blowtorch repudiation:
Here is a useful word:
| Contents | Part One; Section Three | RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom
Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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