Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘A’ with Respondent No. 2
RESPONDENT: After so much of what you write about the wonderfulness of living, etc., I inject ‘he obviously hasn’t had to deal with a teenager’. Don’t write me back that you are blissfully swimming in a house full of them. RICHARD: No, I do not have a house full of children Actually, I had a wonderful time. I never sent any of my children to full-time school until aged eleven-twelve (so as to avoid the inevitable indoctrination cunningly disguised as socialisation) and taught them at home instead. With the freedom from authority that this brings the children and I were able to be ‘best friends’, in those latter years of parenthood, as I was thus able to experience them as fellow human beings living this life for the very first time. Consequently I had no need to be a disciplinarian, which is the invidious position parents usually place themselves in, as in my early years. Being radical as I am, we travelled all over the east coast of Australia for some years before heading west and, after some time there, going to India. By this time my second-eldest son had ‘left home’ and obtained work and my youngest daughter decided to live with her mother. Thus my nine year old daughter accompanied me on an exhilarating trip through Singapore, Madras, Delhi and up into the Himalayas where we rented a stone hut about one hundred kilometres from the Nepalese/Tibetan border in Northern India. She thoroughly enjoyed everything. I currently live on the most easterly point of the Australian seaboard in a small village called Byron Bay. I have an affinity for the small-town life as I was born and raised on a dairy farm in the south-west of Australia. RESPONDENT: Seriously, I am really interested in what you are saying. RICHARD: I am genuinely glad to hear this, because I write not only for myself but for my fellow human being. This is my position: We are all fellow human beings who find ourselves here in the world as it was when we were born. We find war, murder, torture, rape, domestic violence and corruption to be endemic ... we notice that it is intrinsic to the human condition ... we set out to discover why this is so. We find sadness, loneliness, sorrow, grief, depression and suicide to be a global incidence ... and we gather that it is also inherent to the human condition ... and we want to know why. We all report to each other as to the nature of our discoveries for we are all well-meaning and seek to find a way out of this mess that we have landed in. Whether one believes in re-incarnation or not, we are all living this particular life for the very first time, and we wish to make sense of it. It is a challenge and the adventure of a life-time to enquire and to uncover, to seek and to find, to explore and to discover. All this being alive business is actually happening and we are totally involved in living it out ... whether we take the back seat or not, we are all still doing it. I, for one, am not taking the back seat. Despite of the fact that every single human being has had at least one pure consciousness experience (PCE) in a peak experience – and usually more – in their lifetime, they somehow can not differentiate between that experience of apperception (wherein ‘I’, the thought and felt ‘being’, temporarily quits the scene and the actual world becomes apparent) and their pre-conceived notions that everyday reality is an illusion disguising some metaphysical ‘Greater Reality’. The Glamour and the Glory and the Glitz of the Altered State Of Consciousness has a tenacious grip upon the minds and hearts of a benighted humanity. It is indeed strange, to the point of being bizarre, that so many persons will turn their backs on the purity of the perfection of being here – of being alive – at this moment in time. Here in this actual world, which is where this flesh and blood body is living anyway, is the peace that everyone says they are searching for. All that is required is that one comes to one’s senses – both literally and metaphorically – and spend the rest of one’s life without malice and sorrow. One will then be blithe and benign. I have no doubts that actualism is for any body and every body ... any body, that is,
who is willing to go all the way into what is possible for a human being to actualise. And what is possible is a purity that is
way beyond normal human expectations; actualism is vastly superior
To actually see the enormous suffering – the massive confusion and untold misery that there is in the ‘Human Condition’ – places radical accountability upon each and every person to do something now. It is to no avail to hope for some Divine solution for the Sacred has had tens of thousands of years to fix things up ... and it has not happened. As being Holy has not worked it is up to oneself to fix oneself up. Be alive – completely alive – as this moment in eternal time and as this place in infinite space is happening. It requires a startling audacity to evince what is possible ... to dare to live life fully. If I can do it then anyone can. I was not someone special ... I had an ordinary birth and upbringing. I went to an ordinary school and took an ordinary job. I went into an ordinary marriage and had an ordinary family. All one gains by waiting for some God to step in is yet more waiting. Is not the evidence of thousands of years of people being on one’s own sufficient to demonstrate that one must do it oneself? Reach out and extend oneself ... live like one has never lived before. I look forward to hearing from you again. RESPONDENT: If I had not had a PCE just recently I wouldn’t know what you were talking about. As I read what you say, I say, yes that’s it – that’s what was going on and I wasn’t there! Impossible to put over to someone in words – so unusual – yet so, so real. A lot of words now make sense – like emptiness. RICHARD: I am pleased to hear that not only have you had a PCE recently, but that you can remember it as well. Most people can not and need a lot of prompting to retrieve it from their memory. If you would care to describe it in as much detail as possible and send it to me, I would appreciate it very much. I will include here a description of such an event, written by a woman from The Netherlands, for your perusal and comments.
However, if I am imposing into your private and personal space, then it does not matter ... and I will understand. RESPONDENT: If I had not had a PCE just recently I wouldn’t know what you were talking about. As I read what you say, I say, yes that’s it – that’s what was going on and I wasn’t there! Impossible to put over to someone in words – so unusual – yet so, so real. A lot of words now make sense – like emptiness. RICHARD: I am pleased to hear that not only have you had a PCE recently, but that you can remember it as well. Most people can not and need a lot of prompting to retrieve it from their memory. If you would care to describe it in as much detail as possible and send it to me, I would appreciate it very much. RESPONDENT: Here is a description, you may have already seen it as I posted this in to another mailing list before: ‘Went to New England last month – there is a lighthouse and a small parking area out on a peninsula – sitting there in the car – two geese flew from left to right across the front of the car about 20 feet out and 20 feet or so above the water – about eye level. As I remember afterward – there was no time – just the geese flying – their dark eyes, beautiful and wonderful – along with a verbal WOW from me – but I wasn’t there – just this timeless happening’. My guess is the mind relaxes and doesn’t think so much. The point is that I – the ‘you’ referred to by J. Krishnamurti below – remembered it. The experience was all – I wasn’t engrossed in the experience at the time – I really wasn’t there. Only afterward did I (thought) reflect on it This was a one of a kind experience for me. I can’t explain the realness of it to anyone and don’t try (you’re an exception because you understand). The timelessness of it was astounding (after it was over) and me not being there can’t be described. The experience does make it easier to see in the moment the emptiness of everything. However, nothing has ever been as real as that timeless time. (Krishnamurti said: ‘Have ‘you’ ever noticed when ‘you’ are in a state of complete attention the observer, the thinker, the centre, the ‘me’, comes to and end? In that state of attention thought begins to whither away’.) RICHARD: I am interested in this topic as I had the first PCE that I could remember in 1980 ... and that triggered of memories of similar incidents in my child-hood. I had one when I was eight years old and had locked it away, out of sight, for twenty six years. It proved to be the turning point of my life ... and it can be for others as well. It is possible to live like that, twenty four hours a day, for the rest of your life. This I call an actual freedom. It is here on earth, in this life-time, as this body. Everybody that I have spoken to over the last eighteen years – everybody – has had at least one PCE. It is a universal experience common to all humans from all walks of life. It is objectively authentic, unlike religion and spirituality which require belief and faith, and is the genuine peace-on-earth we have all been looking for. It is what gives rise to such expressions as: ‘There must be more to life than this’. Nevertheless, as I said before, people do not usually remember them easily. This is because, in a PCE, there is no ‘I’ to record the memory on the affective ‘tape-recorder’, for the PCE is not a matter for the emotions and passions. All other (normal) memories have an affective component ... which is why there is nostalgia and sentimentality in people’s reveries. Life is great, is it not! RETURN TO LIST ‘A’ CORRESPONDENCE INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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