Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List With Correspondent No. 112 RESPONDENT: I’m new to this site and to ‘Actual Freedom’ and so I have no idea of site etiquette. RICHARD: It is not at all surprising that an actual freedom from the human condition be new to you as it is entirely new to human experience/human history. RESPONDENT: I’ve read much of what is on the site and am wanting to know if there is anything happening along these lines in the Northern Rivers area in person, as in groups, meetings or cups of coffee. RICHARD: No, this forum is the only venue for discussing matters pertaining to what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. Speaking personally, I currently live a very simple lifestyle and intend to keep it schedule-free ... I am retired and on a pension and instead of pottering around in the garden I am pottering around the internet as the whim takes me. Besides which, there is nothing to be gained by talking to me in person anyway as everything has already been put into words many times over ... and it is the words which convey, be it spoken words, printed words, or words appearing as pixels on a monitor. (...) RESPONDENT: Prior to finding this site, I was exploring on my own, a third alternative and was thrilled to see others doing the same. RICHARD: As you specifically say (further above) that an actual freedom from the human condition is new to you just what third alternative would that be, then? RESPONDENT: It appears that ‘someone’ is unwilling to chat online or in person, so I will try another tack. RICHARD: Presumably you are referring to the last line of your initial e-mail to this mailing list. Viz:
Just because no one responded either on Saturday PM/Sunday AM or on Sunday PM/Monday AM it does not necessarily indicate an unwillingness to do so ... did it not occur to you that, being a holiday weekend, it could simply be a case of being otherwise engaged? RESPONDENT: I agree with Richard in one of his writings that the master needs to make himself available 24/7 to show all that he is practicing what he is saying, in the flesh. RICHARD: What those writings are actually about is the archetypal masters’ practice of formal
discourse and monologue, once or twice a day, and thus not being able to be [quote] ‘scrupulously observed by their disciples,
twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, to ascertain the validity of their Divine State’ How that can be translated into meaning being available 24/7 to show the six billion peoples on this planet that what is said is being practiced simply defies sensibility. RESPONDENT: I invite you to have a coffee with me, Richard. RICHARD: As there is no correspondence whatsoever between a one-off partaking of a coffee and being
scrupulously observed, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, so as to have the validity of what is reported/ described/
explained ascertained you would be well-advised to abort that tack and come about RESPONDENT: I’m new to this site and to ‘Actual Freedom’ and so I have no idea of site etiquette. RICHARD: It is not at all surprising that an actual freedom from the human condition be new to you as it is entirely new to human experience/ human history. RESPONDENT: OK, I need to be clearer. I am not new to the essence of what you call ‘actual freedom from the human condition’... RICHARD: And the essence of an actual freedom from the human condition is ... what? RESPONDENT: ... I’m just new to how you interpret it. RICHARD: I do not interpret an actual freedom from the human condition ... I report/ describe/ explain it as-it-is. What issues forth from this keyboard in regards life here in this actual world comes immediately from direct experience ... there is this which is happening and the words write themselves in accord to the very thing being referred to as it is occurring – they are coming directly out of actuality – and not from some nebulous interpretation such as you would have be the case. * RESPONDENT: I’ve read much of what is on the site and am wanting to know if there is anything happening along these lines in the Northern Rivers area in person, as in groups, meetings or cups of coffee. RICHARD: No, this forum is the only venue for discussing matters pertaining to what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. RESPONDENT: Thank you, I wasn’t sure. RICHARD: Speaking personally, I currently live a very simple lifestyle and intend to keep it schedule-free ... I am retired and on a pension and instead of pottering around in the garden I am pottering around the internet as the whim takes me. Besides which, there is nothing to be gained by talking to me in person anyway as everything has already been put into words many times over ... and it is the words which convey, be it spoken words, printed words, or words appearing as pixels on a monitor. RESPONDENT: I’m not interested in your personal affairs, Richard ... RICHARD: All I am doing is providing an explanation as to why this mailing list is my chosen means of discussing matters pertaining to what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site. RESPONDENT: ... [I’m not interested in your personal affairs] just how you relate from the actual. RICHARD: Here is what that word can mean:
And how I give an account of an actual freedom from the human condition is with words ... and it is the words which convey, be it spoken words, printed words, or words appearing as pixels on a monitor. RESPONDENT: I have yet to meet, in the flesh, anyone who is actual for any length of time. RICHARD: That would be because an actual freedom from the human condition is entirely new to human experience/ human history. RESPONDENT: You claim to be and so I was curious. RICHARD: I did not go public just to satisfy your – or anyone else’s – curiosity. RESPONDENT: To me, words are not actual. RICHARD: Presuming you mean that words referring to an actual freedom from the human condition are not an actual freedom from the human condition, then ... of course they are not. RESPONDENT: They can only refer to the actual, talk about the actual. RICHARD: Again, presuming that you mean words can only refer to an actual freedom from the human condition, then ... of course they can only do that. RESPONDENT: I see that they come close and are important in initiating communication about what is actually happening in the moment in relating to another. RICHARD: Words do not only initialise communication about an actual freedom from the human condition ... they are the very communication of it. RESPONDENT: What is also important to me is being in someone’s presence in that moment, with the words, experiencing what is there rather than just reading out of the present, even though I may respond to those words in that moment. RICHARD: I will first draw your attention to what you have to say further below:
The identity in residence all those years ago, not being privy to your wisdom, went blithely ahead and gladsomely ‘self’-immolated, in toto, for the benefit of this body and that body and every body ... therefore there is no [quote] ‘presence’ [endquote] for you to be in or experience. * RESPONDENT: Prior to finding this site, I was exploring on my own, a third alternative and was thrilled to see others doing the same. RICHARD: As you specifically say (further above) that an actual freedom from the human condition is new to you just what third alternative would that be, then? RESPONDENT: Again, as I said above, I didn’t say that I was new to an actual freedom from the human condition. RICHARD: All I can go by is what you write ... this is what I was referring to:
The words ‘Actual Freedom’ are a shorthand way of referring to an actual freedom from the human condition. RESPONDENT: Well, if yours is the third, then maybe mine is the fourth. RICHARD: In which case your thrill at seeing what others were doing had nothing to do with what is really happening, eh? Viz.:
Incidentally, actualism – the third alternative to either materialism or spiritualism (or any variation thereof) – never has been, nor ever will be, mine. RESPONDENT: There is no need to eliminate anything. Just by being present, as the universe as this flesh and blood body, and experiencing everything that I encounter, fully, in that moment, allows any adjustment to be made as a natural by-product. RICHARD: As it is impossible for an identity to ever be present [quote] ‘as this flesh and blood body’ [endquote] perhaps you may be inclined to rethink your ‘there is no need to eliminate anything’ assertion? RESPONDENT: It appears that ‘someone’ is unwilling to chat online or in person, so I will try another tack. RICHARD: Presumably you are referring to the last line of your initial e-mail to this mailing list. Viz.: [Respondent]: ‘I look forward to hearing from someone’. [endquote]. Just because no one responded either on Saturday PM/ Sunday AM or on Sunday PM/ Monday AM it does not necessarily indicate an unwillingness to do so ... did it not occur to you that, being a holiday weekend, it could simply be a case of being otherwise engaged? RESPONDENT: Is this really an ‘actual’ response or is it an actualist response/ reaction? RICHARD: It is a prosaic explanation (that just because no one responded either on Saturday PM/ Sunday AM or on Sunday PM/ Monday AM it does not necessarily indicate an unwillingness to do so) and a straightforward question – which you are yet to answer – relating to a possible reason why no one did respond in that short time-span. For example, as I was out boating during that period, I did not sit down at the computer until late Tuesday night/ early Wednesday morning ... and even then I had other e-mails to respond to as well. RESPONDENT: It seemed to affect Vineeto the same way. RICHARD: Presumably you are referring to this:
Now, whilst I cannot speak for Vineeto, it is not obvious from her response that she was affected at all ... let alone being reactive. RESPONDENT: Lighten up, guys. RICHARD: What is heavy about either response (such as to prompt you into offering such unsolicited advice) when, by your own admission, your assumptive words came out of impatience? Viz.:
* RESPONDENT: I agree with Richard in one of his writings that the master needs to make himself available 24/7 to show all that he is practicing what he is saying, in the flesh. RICHARD: What those writings are actually about is the archetypal masters’ practice of formal discourse and monologue, once or twice a day, and thus not being able to be [quote] ‘scrupulously observed by their disciples, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, to ascertain the validity of their Divine State’ [endquote]. RESPONDENT: Thanks for telling me what those writings are actually about, Richard. RICHARD: All I did was re-present the exact-same words from those writings. RESPONDENT: All I have is your online writings. RICHARD: Indeed ... and they are the exact-same words I re-presented above. RESPONDENT: I don’t know what is actually going on. RICHARD: What is actually going on is what those exact-same words say ... to wit: that the validity of Divine State cannot be readily ascertained at formal discourses and monologues, once or twice a day, as its requires scrupulous observation, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, before its flaws become apparent. RESPONDENT: Only you know whether you are telling the truth. RICHARD: No, I have been closely observed, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, and not once in 13+ years have ever been found to be even irritable (for example) let alone angry ... whereas the Divine State cannot stand such continuous close inspection. * RICHARD: How that can be translated into meaning being available 24/7 to show the six billion peoples on this planet that what is said is being practiced simply defies sensibility. RESPONDENT: I said nothing about six billion people. RICHARD: What does [quote] ‘all’ [endquote] refer to in your neck of the woods, then? Viz.:
More to the point, those writings you referred to specifically say [quote] ‘their disciples’ [endquote] ... the word ‘all’ is your interpolation. RESPONDENT: Just one invited you to coffee and the other six billion minus one, can do what the like. RICHARD: And, as there is no correspondence whatsoever between a one-off partaking of a coffee and being scrupulously observed, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, so as to have the validity of what is reported/ described/ explained ascertained you would be well-advised to cease trying another tack and turn completely around (aka ‘come about’ in nautical terms) and run with the wind. In other words, as this forum is the only venue for discussing matters pertaining to what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site you will get nowhere fast with your current line of approach. RESPONDENT: How do you eat an elephant, Richard? RICHARD: I have no intention of eating an elephant ... were such a thing ever to happen it would be one bite at a time.
RESPONDENT: I invite you to have a coffee with me, Richard. RICHARD: As there is no correspondence whatsoever between a one-off partaking of a coffee and being
scrupulously observed, twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, so as to have the validity of what is reported/ described/
explained ascertained you would be well-advised to abort that tack and come about RESPONDENT: Scrupulous observation doesn’t need 24/7, Richard. RICHARD: As I lived that/ was that Divine State, night and day for eleven years, I intimately know that scrupulous observation twenty-four-hours-a-day, day-in-day-out, is indeed required before its flaws become apparent. RESPONDENT: I just used one of your quotes ... RICHARD: You did nothing of the sort ... you misconstrued what those writings are about (and even then misapplied that misconstrual) and then said that you agree with them. RESPONDENT: ... and you appear to be taking it literally. RICHARD: There is no [quote] ‘appear’ [endquote] about it ... I do indeed take what you say literally. RESPONDENT: I don’t need 24/7, I can usually get what I’m looking for in the space what it takes to drink a cup of coffee. RICHARD: Yet what you are looking for is not, repeat not, what those writings are about. RESPONDENT: From your writings I know that you sail and thus familiar with nautical terms, yet I am rudimentary and don’t quite get what you are saying at the end. RICHARD: All I did was take you up on your [quote] ‘I will try another tack’ [endquote] preamble so as to let you know, in kind, that you are heading in the wrong direction with your current line of approach. RESPONDENT: I wasn’t expecting any wind. RICHARD: Ha ... in order to try another tack there does need to be wind to propel you (else you would be becalmed). RESPONDENT: Where’s it coming from, Richard ... RICHARD: In terms of the direction you are wanting to go ... it is coming from dead ahead (hence ‘taken
aback’ RESPONDENT: ... and is it ‘actual’? RICHARD: It is metaphorical (just as ‘another tack’ is). RESPONDENT: Richard have you been know at some other time as Sri Richard? RICHARD: No ... I neither went to the 1973 Aquarius Festival at Nimbin nor have I ever lived at Tuntable Falls. RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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