Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List with Correspondent No. 55 RESPONDENT: Just checked your website and bio. It’s all nice enough, but I don’t get how you think what you’re talking about is unique. To me, you seem to be on a well-trodden path. RICHARD: And what ‘well-trodden path’ would that be, then? RESPONDENT: Just checked your website and bio. It’s all nice enough, but I don’t get how you think what you’re talking about is unique. To me, you seem to be on a well-trodden path. RICHARD: And what ‘well-trodden path’ would that be, then? RESPONDENT: Well goodness, where to start? You are aware of the old Zen saying about mountains and rivers? Or the endlessly repeated admonitions of modern-day Advaita folks like Wayne Liquorman about how ASC’s aren’t it, and there’s No Way? Or the Dzogchen teachings linked with Tibetan Buddhism about how ordinary mind is the Way? RICHARD: As none of the above even remotely resemble the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition I would suggest checking the web site again ... in particular the very first sentence on The Actual Freedom Trust home page (immediately below the logo) before doing so. I mention this because it is only when the import of that very first sentence sinks in is it possible to read what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site with both eyes open. ‘Tis only a suggestion, mind you. RICHARD: As none of the above even remotely resemble the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition I would suggest checking the web site again ... in particular the very first sentence on The Actual Freedom Trust home page (immediately below the logo) before doing so. RESPONDENT: Before doing what? RICHARD: Before checking the web site again (as in your ‘just checked your website and bio’ introduction) RESPONDENT: What were you about to say there, but thought the better of it? RICHARD: I was neither about to say anything nor thought the better of something ... perhaps the passage would read clearer this way:
RESPONDENT: Anyway, you can assert all you want ... RICHARD: If I may point out? That sentence is a statement of fact ... not an assertion. RESPONDENT: ... the plain fact is, you’re saying nothing different from what Zen, Dzogchen, Advaita and several other systems, Eastern AND Western, say. RICHARD: Hmm ... as it would appear that the explanation as to why that very first sentence is of import, which I wrote in my prior e-mail, has passed you by I will re-present it here:
It will save you a lot of needless repetition of the ‘Tried and Failed’ ancient wisdom in any future e-mail if you do. RICHARD: ... perhaps the passage would read clearer this way: ‘as none of the above even remotely resemble the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition I would suggest checking the web site again ... paying particular attention to the very first sentence on The Actual Freedom Trust home page (immediately below the logo) before doing so’. RESPONDENT: Anyway, you can assert all you want ... RICHARD: If I may point out? That sentence is a statement of fact ... not an assertion. RESPONDENT: You are talking about the sentence: ‘It is possible ...’? RICHARD: No, I am referring to the very first sentence on The Actual Freedom Trust home page (immediately below the logo) ... and the reason why I suggest paying particular attention to it is because it is only when the import of that very first sentence sinks in is it possible to read what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site with both eyes open. Otherwise you will be needlessly repeating the ‘Tried and Failed’ ancient wisdom in any future e-mail. RICHARD: I am referring to the very first sentence on The Actual Freedom Trust home page (immediately below the logo) ... RESPONDENT: What ‘A New and Non-Spiritual Down-to-Earth Freedom’? RICHARD: Yes, and the reason why I suggest paying particular attention to it is because it is only when the import of those very first words sinks in is it possible to read what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust web site with both eyes open. * RICHARD: Otherwise you will be needlessly repeating the ‘Tried and Failed’ ancient wisdom in any future e-mail. RESPONDENT: OK, how about this then? Zen, Dzogchen, Advaita, all clearly say ASC’s aren’t It, all say ordinary, fresh perception without self-sense is the Way, the way of non-spiritual, down-to-Earth freedom (with or without caps). RICHARD: Hmm ... yet what they offer is an old, spiritual, away-from-the-world salvation – not a new, non-spiritual, down-to-earth freedom – as evidenced by Mr. Gotama the Sakyan (circa 400-500 BCE) having this to say about where the mystical solution to all the suffering which epitomises the human condition lies:
In short it is a totally away-from-the-world non-experienceable realm in that it has nothing to do with the physical whatsoever: ‘neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor wind’ (no physical world); ‘neither this world nor the next world’ (no more rebirth); ‘neither earth, nor moon, nor sun’ (no solar system). In other words: a state of dissociation (‘vippayutta’ RESPONDENT: OK, one last try: can you say a ‘turning word’? Can you say something fresh, un-defensive, something that doesn’t come from ‘Richard’? RICHARD: Nothing on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site comes from the identity who parasitically inhabited this body all those years ago (it has all been written since that illusory/delusory presence altruistically ‘self’-immolated in toto for the benefit of this body and that body and every body) thus what is typed out about life here in this actual world is a description coming immediately from the direct experience of this perpetual moment in eternal time at this seamless place in infinite space – there is this which is happening and the words form themselves in accord to the very thing being referred to as it is occurring – thus being already always fresh they are an active catalyst which will catapult the reader, who reads with all their being, into the magical wonder-land this verdant and azure planet actually is. Then actuality speaks for itself. RICHARD: Nothing on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust web site comes from the identity who parasitically inhabited this body all those years ago (it has all been written since that illusory/ delusory presence altruistically ‘self’-immolated in toto for the benefit of this body and that body and every body) thus what is typed out about life here in this actual world is a description coming immediately from the direct experience of this perpetual moment in eternal time at this seamless place in infinite space – there is this which is happening and the words form themselves in accord to the very thing being referred to as it is occurring – thus being already always fresh they are an active catalyst which will catapult the reader, who reads with all their being, into the magical wonder-land this verdant and azure planet actually is. Then actuality speaks for itself. RESPONDENT: It’s important for you to believe that you are in THAT condition right now, but nothing you’ve said to me has given me any confidence that you are. (...) I doubt very much whether you’re in THAT condition right now. RICHARD: That would be because I am not and never will be – I lived that/was that, night and day,
for eleven years and experientially found it wanting – and if you had actually read what is on offer on The Actual Freedom Trust
web site you would be cognisant of the fact that an actual freedom from the human condition is beyond spiritual enlightenment ...
and thus not be needlessly repeating yourself e-mail after e-mail Put simply: it was only when what I then called ‘The Absolute’ (aka ‘Ground of Being’, Truth, Being, Presence, THAT, and so on) became extinct – via altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto – that this actual world became apparent. There is only this actual world. RICHARD: Put simply: it was only when what I then called ‘The Absolute’ (aka ‘Ground of Being’, Truth, Being, Presence, THAT, and so on) became extinct – via altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto – that this actual world became apparent. There is only this actual world. RESPONDENT: What a touching story! Those terms refer to the state of no-self, dolt: they refer to what’s still there when the self is gone ... RICHARD: Okay ... in regards to ‘what’s still there when the self is gone’ here is what you stated on the 18 October 2003 (‘There is nothing but THAT. You are THAT’) looks like in those ‘state of no-self’ terms:
That is what is still there when the *ego-self* is gone ... this is what is here when *identity in toto* is gone:
Which is why I reported (further above) it was only when what I then called ‘The Absolute’ (aka God/Goddess, Truth, Being, Presence, THAT, and so on) became extinct – via altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto – that this actual world became apparent. There is only this actual world. RESPONDENT: Those terms refer to the state of no-self, dolt: they refer to what’s still there when the self is gone ... RICHARD: Okay ... in regards to ‘what’s still there when the self is gone’ here is what you stated on the 18 October 2003 (‘There is nothing but THAT. You are THAT’) looks like in those ‘state of no-self’ terms: [for example] ‘There is nothing but The Absolute. You are The Absolute’; ‘There is nothing but God. You are God’; ‘There is nothing but Goddess. You are Goddess’; ‘There is nothing but Truth. You are Truth’; ‘There is nothing but Being. You are Being’; ‘There is nothing but Presence. You are Presence’; ‘There is nothing but THAT. You are THAT’. [end examples]. That is what is still there when the *ego-self* is gone ... this is what is here when *identity in toto* is gone: ‘There is only this actual world’. Which is why I reported that it was only when what I then called ‘The Absolute’ (aka God/Goddess, Truth, Being, Presence, THAT, and so on) became extinct – via altruistic ‘self’-immolation in toto – that this actual world became apparent. There is only this actual world. RESPONDENT: ‘There is nothing but x’; substitute for ‘x’ any term ... RICHARD: Okay ... as you say ‘any term’ here is what I report looks like under your schemata:
Now, as this actual world is the world of this body and that body and every body, the world of the mountains and the streams, the world of the trees and the flowers, the world of the clouds in the sky by day and the stars in the firmament by night, and so on and so on ad infinitum, what you are saying is that you are everything that physically exists ... whereas I say I am this flesh and blood body only (sans identity in toto). There is no such self-aggrandisement, as you propose, here in this actual world as the pristine purity of the actual ensures that nothing ‘dirty’ can get in, so to speak, thus I only get to meet flesh and blood bodies here (there is no identity in actuality). And this is truly wonderful. RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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