Richard’s Correspondence On The Actual Freedom Mailing List With Correspondent No. 91 RESPONDENT: [quote] ‘For thousands of years, human beings …’. [endquote]. [quote] ‘Now, for the first time ...’. [endquote]. Hmmm ... Did a minute read and let’s see ... [quote] ‘Actual Freedom has nothing to do with the traditional spiritual path of transcendence and avoidance ...’. [endquote]. Basic Buddhist mindfulness meditation stresses involvement with life. RICHARD: Well now ... that is what comes of only doing [quote] ‘a minute read’ [endquote], eh? Here is the full text from which you quoted (with the snippets your minute read enabled you to draw such an invalid comparison from highlighted for convenience):
First of all, the buddhistic mindfulness meditation does not ... (a) stress genuine freedom, peace and happiness ... and (b) does not eliminate the genetically-encoded instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire (the root cause of human bondage, malice and sorrow) ... and (c) does promise a mythical ‘freedom’ in an imaginary life-after-death (‘Parinirvana’) ... and (d) is not a new, non-spiritual method ... and (e) does not produce an actual freedom from the instinctual animal passions, here and now, on earth, in this lifetime ... and (f) does not offer a step by step, down-to-earth, practical progression to becoming actually free of the human condition of malice and sorrow ... to be both happy and harmless. More to your point, however, Mr. Gotama the Sakyan’s mindfulness meditation is primarily about detachment/ dissociation from life – all existence is Dukkha due to Anicca (impermanence) and Dukkha comes from Tanha (craving) for Samsara (phenomenal existence) – and any meditation technique which stresses involvement with such is anything but what Mr. Gotama the Sakyan taught. RESPONDENT: [quote] ‘Enhancement of ‘good’ emotion ... denial of ‘bad’ emotion via sublimation’. [endquote]. Again, basic Buddhist mindfulness meditation embraces all good and bad emotion. RICHARD: By way of example I need only point to the four Apramanas
RESPONDENT: [quote] ‘Pure consciousness experience ....’. [endquote]. Read Nisargadatta ... better description. RICHARD: I read what he has to report – very carefully – quite a few years ago and nowhere is a description of a pure consciousness experience to be found anywhere (let alone a better one than on The Actual Freedom Trust web site). RESPONDENT: Look dude, it’s good that you achieved ‘Appreciative Awareness’ or whatever ... RICHARD: The term, as you would know had you done more than a minute read before reaching for the keyboard, is ‘apperceptive awareness’ (unmediated perception). RESPONDENT: ... but what is the point of sounding like a fourth rate salesman who doesn’t read? RICHARD: Hmm ... have you ever heard of the expression ‘hoist by his own petard RESPONDENT: Tsk, tsk, Aussies. RICHARD: As [quote] ‘tsk, tsk’ [endquote] represents a sound expressing commiseration, disapproval, or irritation, according to the Oxford Dictionary, it would appear that you are indeed embracing both good and bad emotions in your (non-buddhistic) mindfully meditative involvement with life. Incidentally, just because some peoples are currently residing on a land mass called Australia it does not necessarily mean they are what the colloquialism ‘Aussies’ refers to. RESPONDENT: Sorry to put my thumbs down. RICHARD: There is no need to apologise ... they are your thumbs, when all is said and done, and what you choose to do with them is your business. RESPONDENT: Hmm ... this Richard ... he probably has reached constant pure awareness ... RICHARD: Ha ... them damn’ thumbs just cannot help popping up, eh? RESPONDENT: ... or maybe not. RICHARD: Then again ... thumbs can be such indecisive digits. RESPONDENT: His crude play of words unease me ... like a mail order ad ... alarm bells ringing all over the place. RICHARD: Well now ... that is what comes of only doing [quote] ‘a minute read’ [endquote], eh? RESPONDENT: For some people here I suggest you study Western philosophy ... so one can think, read, write and argue clearly, logically. RICHARD: Oh? Like asking, perchance, what the point is of sounding like a fourth rate salesman who does not read, right after demonstrating that (1) the mindfulness meditation you are flogging is not what Mr. Gotama the Sakyan taught and (2) you have no idea, even, of what apperceptive awareness is? Viz.:
RESPONDENT: [For some people here I suggest you study] NLP ... with the same reasons above. RICHARD: May I ask? Are your e-mails a practical demonstration of what being able to think, read, write and argue clearly, logically, thanks to Western Philosophy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is really like? RESPONDENT: And read this [snip link to a ‘Myths of Meditation’ website] so that one don’t get too carried ... away. RICHARD: As nowhere on The Actual Freedom Trust web site is it even implied, let alone explicitly stated, that an actual freedom from the human condition can be achieved via mindfulness meditation – quite the contrary in fact – there is no need whatsoever to post warnings about same. May I ask? Are you right-handed or left-handed (or both even)? Just curious. RETURN TO THE ACTUAL FREEDOM MAILING LIST INDEX RETURN TO RICHARD’S CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
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