Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 11 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Continued from Mailing List ‘AF’: No. 49 Re: Question to Richard RESPONDENT: If the essence of who I am is formless as you say on your website, then how can you see it and describe it as a beautiful rosy pearl nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host in its shimmering nacreous shell? RICHARD: G’day No. 11, You are obviously referring to an email exchange of ours, on this forum, over 2 & 1/2 years ago. Purely for the sake of clarity in communication I will re-present it in full. Viz.:
And, again for reasons of clarity in communication, in a follow-up email I expanded somewhat upon that which lay so gorgeously exposed, completely unprotected, a little after the witching-hour on that revelatory and empowering (to again utilise the jargon) night in mid-1987. Viz.:
Now, back to your question (about how can that which is essentially formless be seen and described as a beautiful rosy pearl and etcetera): first and foremost, the seeing is neither a retinal percipience – as in, the seer –> the retinae –> the seen – nor a dichotomous ‘inner’ perception (as in, the seer –> the seen) as the seer *is* the seen ... or, rather, there is only the seen (‘There is only That’). (In short, ‘seeing’, in my above words ‘the seeing is ...’, is being used in its figurative sense). Second, as that which is formless (as in, timeless and spaceless, ethereal and supernal, immaterial and incorporeal and so on) is not only neither existent nor non-existent, but is not neither existent nor non-existent either, then my lustrous pearl analogy serves to convey the ethereal radiant beauty of that which is devoid of any personality whatsoever – utterly non-egoic in any way, means or manner (aka, void) – and, thus, totally ‘other’, resplendently supreme, sacred and absolute. (In short, ‘seen’, in my further above words ‘... there is only the seen’, is also being used in its figurative sense). Lastly, as all my words and writings are informed by the post-parinirvana/ mahasamadhi condition known as an actual freedom from the human condition, it must be stressed that the ongoing experiencing, night and day, for the eleven years 1981-to-1992 was *not* of being a (capitalised) ‘Self’ or ‘Being’ – ‘God’ or ‘The Creator’ by whatever name – but of having gone behind that, in the first few weeks or so, into that which all such gods and goddesses arise out of or are grounded in. (In short, that whence all avatars and buddhas emanate). Viz.:
* I am also stressing this so as to address the mis-information/ dis-information bruited abroad by a pretermitting whippersnapper whose main function in life is, it would seem, to be a mouthpiece for a once-failed Singapore businessman he publicly identifies as Mr. John Tan (he may as well have said ‘John Smith’ or ‘Joe Citizen’). Ha ... this is all such fun! Regards, Richard. Re: Richard you should add my account of a four hour PCE to your website RESPONDENT: 1. I cannot imagine what Spirit is, so is it nothing? Sorry I just realized I been deluded for years. And I am awakening from a dream. According to Einstein, ‘every human being experiences themself in a limited space and time.’ He was onto the truth but he was not in the actual mind, for there is no time in the actual reality, it is an eternal moment in which we live and in which we die. A single moment in time is what can only be perceived. According to Walter Russel, ‘All matter is moving accross ‘space’ to register the electrical potential at the place of its birth where it belongs.’ I don’t think he’s talking about a physical place here. Since I cannot imagine why matter would be searching for a physical place, I will therefore reject it, for it has no application to the living world itself. ?**&( I am no longer living the ‘truth’, I am actually experiencing the actual moment. My words and thinking are clearer, and this is an account of what is called a PCE or pure consciousness experience. There is no ‘me’, ‘myself’, or ‘I’. This is the only way to effect the peace and harmony with others. It was all a big diversion ‘me’, ‘Myself’, or ‘I’ was living for years. Apparently the belief in immortality is a hope or a belief, it is therefore not actual fact. The moment is what is actual and eternal. This is a glimpse of the battle with myself ended. The ‘I’ was an illusion or entity that inhabitted this body. 2. Awakening from a dream Life is experienced and it is like a dream. I am currently experiencing the actual moment for the first time. You might notice my words or tone is changed. This is an effect of what I am experiencing – the actual. It is a moment where I am not harmful to myself in any way. I.e. I am not suffering for any sake at all. The feeling being is not messing up the moment. Edit: I am now studying how I can keep this moment of being alive. 3. Love Agape ‘08 Love agape is heightened awareness. I do not have to suffer or feel remorse for ‘myself’ any-more. Because on this very day, I became self-less and now I can make others happy. It was on this very day – 02/06/08 – that I first experienced a PCE or pure consciousness experience without the use of a drug. I shoveled the driveway with joy and thus speed. Then I went over to my neighbor’s house and did their driveway. The wheather over here is snowing heavy, but it did not affect my decision to go out and meet others. Sharing myself with others is not a painful experience anymore. Because I am not suffering for no kind of invisible being anymore. RICHARD: G’day No. 11, Could you provide an introductory paragraph to the above? Such as the events leading up to – and immediately prior to – your experience; for instance, did the recent email exchange of ours play a part, invoke something, set off a train of thought, bring up something deep, profound, and so on? Also, could you provide an afterwards paragraph ... as in how your life is experienced now as compared with before? Last, but not at all the least, how about some descriptive words of what actually took place during your experience ... such as your ‘shovelled the driveway’ reference to 2008? In other words, what were you doing, physically, for all of those four hours? Regards, Richard. Re: Question to Richard ( please answer) RESPONDENT: If the essence of who I am is formless as you say on your website, then how can you see it and describe it as a beautiful rosy pearl nestled coyly amidst the delicate fleshy tissue of its host in its shimmering nacreous shell? RICHARD: You are obviously referring to an email exchange of ours, on this forum, over 2 & 1/2 years ago. Purely for the sake of clarity in communication I will re-present it in full. Viz.: [...snip...]. Second, as that which is formless (as in, timeless and spaceless, ethereal and supernal, immaterial and incorporeal and so on)
is not only neither existent nor non-existent, but is not neither existent nor non-existent either, then my lustrous pearl analogy serves to convey
the ethereal radiant beauty of that which is devoid of any personality whatsoever – utterly non-egoic in any way, means or manner (aka, void) –
and, thus, totally ‘other’, resplendently supreme, sacred and absolute. [...snip...]. RESPONDENT: Existent and non-existent are one? RICHARD: G’day No. 11, If by ‘one’ you mean the two faces of the same coin then, yes, existent/ non-existent are one; mystical literature often mentions how the polar opposites continue to subsist (as complimentary poles) in awakenment/ enlightenment. Indeed, one of the appellations used to describe that integration of the divine/ diabolical divide upon transcendence, wherein the opposites unite without ceasing to be themselves, is the phrase ‘coincidentia oppositorum’ (coincidence of opposites). Another term is ‘complexio oppositorum’ (union of opposites). The (mystical) experience of being both existent and non-existent, simultaneously, is a god-experience (goddess, if feminine). But behind the god/goddess-experience (‘behind’, not beyond) is That which is not only neither existent nor non-existent, but is not neither existent nor non-existent either. This double-negation is not just a fancy play of words but a precise depiction of that which is, essentially, ineffable (as in, no attributes to speak of). RESPONDENT: Also, can you describe how one initiates the act of penetration into one’s being? RICHARD: Yes, and I can do no better, for now, than to confirm the selection made by a discerning reader in an earlier
post (#14009 RESPONDENT: Richard, God is real? RICHARD: If you are using ‘real’ as it is used in actualism terminology – unlike the dictionaries I draw a
sharp distinction between the word real and the word actual With no God (or gods and goddesses) to meddle in human affairs any longer one walks freely, as this flesh-and-blood body only, in the already always existing peace-on-earth. Regards, Richard. Re: affective vibes are real RESPONDENT: Richard, you asked:
Who are you to say which is illusion and which is not? RICHARD: G’day No. 11, It is not a case of [quote] ‘who’ [endquote] it is I am to say which is illusion and which is not but, rather, what I am ... namely: this flesh-and-blood body only (i.e., sans identity in toto/the entire affective faculty). Therefore, the following is a report/ description/ explanation direct from actuality. Viz.:
Regards, Richard. P.S.: Another way of saying ‘sans identity in toto/the entire affective faculty’ would be to say, for example, sans (1) feeling-being and (2) emotions and passions and (3) affective vibes and (4) psychic currents and (5) the ‘psychic network’ and (6) the psyche itself. RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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