Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 22 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Subject: Re: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement RESPONDENT No. 4: I’ve felt for a few months now that something is brewing; some sort of change is afoot. The rational part of me figured it might be merely a projection of ‘my’ own personal change of heart/ mind ... but another part of me senses that it’s bigger than that, as if a threshold is about to be crossed ... and it isn’t just personal any more. RESPONDENT: There was a counter-strike in the upper levels of the Psyche. The head was taken out of the network, probably the feminine being that Richard was talking about, a sort of ‘machine’ ... RICHARD: G’day No. 22, You are quite close to the mark, actually, although it was not – repeat not – a counter-strike (be it in the upper levels of the human psyche or not) as that is not possible for a person with absolutely no power, or powers, whatsoever. What was taken out of the network – a psychic web connecting all feeling ‘beings’ – was the anti-actualism/ pro-spiritualism blockage/ diversion created by my second (de jure) wife’s ‘presence’ ... as in ‘her’ very ‘being’ (which is ‘being’ itself). RESPONDENT: ... the way is open for the consciousness mutation to be implemented on a global level. RICHARD: Indeed so ... via happy and harmless (affective) ‘vibes’ and felicitous and innocuous (psychic) ‘currents’. (I have oft-times said that is where the real power-play occurs). RESPONDENT: I’d estimate a few years, probably decades to take root ... RICHARD: My estimate (and that is all it is) is a global peace and harmony – as in the (methodological) still-in-control/ same-way-of-being virtual freedom Peter and Vineeto so delightfully established and wrote so prolifically about for their fellow human beings – within my lifetime. As my genitor is a hale and hearty 98 years old (albeit a trifle deaf and with diminished vision), and my progenitrix a 90 year old who is quite miffed at having her driver’s licence taken from her upon reaching that age, this means some period during the next 30-40 years. (Although I often not just jokingly say I would like to out-live the oldest-on-record human being ... a woman in France who died at 122 after a lifetime of wine, cigarettes and chocolate). RESPONDENT: ... there are a number of people interested, maybe vitally interested, that are in a position to enable radical change on an exponential basis. RICHARD: Yes, what No. 2 described elsewhere as [quote] ‘an ambassador of humanity’ It has therefore been decided that the guest cabin on the MSV Actualis will be known as the ‘Ambassadorial Suite’ with a brass plaque affixed engraved with the words ‘The Respondent No. 4 Memorial Cabin’. Ha ... the boy from the farm is having so much fun, here in this actual world of sensuous delight, playing at the game of being a mature adult. Regards, Richard. Subject: Re: A Long-Awaited Public Announcement RESPONDENT No. 4: I’ve felt for a few months now that something is brewing; some sort of change is afoot. The rational part of me figured it might be merely a projection of ‘my’ own personal change of heart/ mind ... but another part of me senses that it’s bigger than that, as if a threshold is about to be crossed ... and it isn’t just personal any more. RESPONDENT: There was a counter-strike in the upper levels of the Psyche. The head was taken out of the network, probably the feminine being that Richard was talking about, a sort of ‘machine’ ... RICHARD: You are quite close to the mark, actually, although it was not – repeat not – a counter-strike (be it in the upper levels of the human psyche or not) as that is not possible for a person with absolutely no power, or powers, whatsoever. What was taken out of the network – a psychic web connecting all feeling ‘beings’ – was the anti-actualism/ pro-spiritualism blockage/ diversion created by my second (de jure) wife’s ‘presence’ ... as in ‘her’ very ‘being’ (which is ‘being’ itself). RESPONDENT: Hmm ... interesting ... more to the point that aspect of ‘Being’ that is known as the Holy Ghost, the feminine side of the Absolute. RICHARD: The feminine manifestation of The Absolute as Love Agapé. Specifically, in her words, Matriarchal Love (as in
superior to Patriarchal Love in her eyes) when she became That/ was That ... to wit: The Goddess all humankind had been expecting RESPONDENT: Is your second wife still alive? RICHARD: No, she died at 11.25 AM (AEDST) on Saturday, 14 November, 2009. RESPONDENT: (pardon if any indiscretion, no need to answer). RICHARD: Sure ... I am only providing both the date and the time because of the significance of the events which
transpired soon after; although I was not advised of her death until the following day RESPONDENT: There was a power-play at the top of the Earth power structure as a result of which the global configuration was changed for centuries to come ... RICHARD: What you characterise as ‘a power-play’ was the result of an anti-actualism/ pro-spiritualism blockage/ diversion created by my second (de jure) wife’s ‘presence’ – as in ‘her’ very ‘being’ (which is ‘being’ itself) – having never been there, in the first place, upon her physical death (there is no psychic web/ psychic network/ psychic power-plays/ psychic etcetera, in actuality). RESPONDENT: ... and actualism has a vital role to play in this new configuration, it will probably take center stage in the selection pressures that will be applied. RICHARD: Upon the inevitable implosion of both spiritualism and materialism actualism will have never been, either (there never has been any spiritualism/ materialism/ actualism, here in this actual world, nor ever will be). RESPONDENT: I had a direct encounter with something somewhere above 8,000 m (psychic equivalent) following which that something was destroyed. RICHARD: In which case the analogy of a volcanic plug, previously holding the mountain from imploding in upon itself (having never been upon her physical death), might be most apposite. RESPONDENT: I would describe it as the top of the pyramid. RICHARD: The capstone of that pyramid – The Absolute – having never been, upon the extinction of ‘Being’ itself (aka the grandiose identity/ the aggrandised affections indwelling via having possessed this flesh and blood body) in 1992, only remained apparently existent per favour an anti-actualism/ pro-spiritualism blockage/ diversion created by my second (de jure) wife’s ‘presence’ ... as in ‘her’ very ‘being’ (which is ‘being’ itself). RESPONDENT: I can’t electronically discuss this any further as the matter is much more complex and contains extremely sensitive issues. RICHARD: Okay ... I might say this much, though: did Mr. Franklin Jones’ physical death in 2008 signify the last of fully enlightened/ fully awakened (as in fully deluded/ fully hallucinated) ‘Beings’ to bestride the real-world ... to be meddling in human affairs, to incredible ill effect, for all these millennia now past? Put differently, why are the subsequent crop of so-called enlightened/ awakened beings of the just-add-water-and-stir variety? * RESPONDENT: ... the way is open for the consciousness mutation to be implemented on a global level. RICHARD: Indeed so ... via happy and harmless (affective) ‘vibes’ and felicitous and innocuous (psychic) ‘currents’. (I have oft-times said that is where the real power-play occurs). RESPONDENT: I’d estimate a few years, probably decades to take root ... RICHARD: My estimate (and that is all it is) is a global peace and harmony – as in the (methodological) still-in-control/ same-way-of-being virtual freedom Peter and Vineeto so delightfully established and wrote so prolifically about for their fellow human beings – within my lifetime. As my genitor is a hale and hearty 98 years old (albeit a trifle deaf and with diminished vision), and my progenitrix a 90 year old who is quite miffed at having her driver’s licence taken from her upon reaching that age, this means some period during the next 30-40 years. (Although I often not just jokingly say I would like to out-live the oldest-on-record human being ... a woman in France who died at 122 after a lifetime of wine, cigarettes and chocolate). RESPONDENT: That’s French blood backed by french lifestyle ... RICHARD: Whereas my progenitors have English/ Scottish blood backed by a British/ Australian life-style. RESPONDENT: I’d be interested to know when was the last time she had sex. RICHARD: Hmm ... as male-female sexuality and intimacy (actual intimacy = no separation) is the genesis of family and thus the very core of civilisation itself there will be many words forthcoming, in the years ahead, on that very subject. For instance: having successfully established a co-authorship agreement, with a (currently nameless) convivialist, for my
first foray into fiction-writing, the novel I initially signalled four years ago As the most dynamic sexually intimate association is a trio the format I nowadays have in mind is book with two front covers, and thus no back cover, where the reader can choose which protagonist to identify with – a male or a female – by the simple expedient of which cover illustration appeals (the one depicting either two men and one woman or two women and one man) and turning the book over accordingly before opening. (It would be the identical story-line, either way, with only a gender-perspective difference). Alternatively, were such a book to be too physically heavy due to my tendency towards prolixity, two separate versions could be offered for sale (on the mass market). * RESPONDENT: ... there are a number of people interested, maybe vitally interested, that are in a position to enable radical change on an exponential basis. RICHARD: Yes, what No. 2 described elsewhere as [quote] ‘an ambassador of humanity’ Ha ... the boy from the farm is having so much fun, here in this actual world of sensuous delight, playing at the game of being a mature adult. RESPONDENT: Ah, Respondent No. 4 ... always willing to sacrifice himself for the benefit of humanity. RICHARD: ‘Tis an in-joke relating to how, on the fifth and last day of his visit (with Peter and Vineeto only), he
said on arrival he had left ‘Respondent No. 4’ behind Hence the word memorial. RESPONDENT: Although on second thought, that looks more like nepotism writ large. RICHARD: Oh, you are yet to see just how large preferential treatment Here is a clue: current population estimates indicate there are about 6.5 billion ‘feeling beings’ crippling the intelligence of/ primevally in charge of/ initiating the actions of 6.5 billion flesh and blood bodies. * Speaking of which, I see you posted the following, recently: Jan 4, 2010 2:14am). The very fact I have absolutely no power, or powers, whatsoever means there are no battles to be fought – be they of the fire-breathing dragon-slaying variety or otherwise – so when you have either destroyed all such phantasmagoria or, preferably, come to your senses you will find that, with The Absolute having never been, upon the extinction of ‘Being’ itself (aka the grandiose identity/ the aggrandised affections indwelling via having possessed this flesh and blood body) in 1992, any such ‘Supreme Being’ (God/ Goddess by whatever name) only remained apparently existent per favour an anti-actualism/ pro-spiritualism blockage/ diversion created by my second (de jure) wife’s ‘presence’ ... as in ‘her’ very ‘being’ (which is ‘being’ itself). Also, and in regards to Richard being the most advanced human on planet earth, it will no doubt be quite a surprise, then, to be informed that this naive boy from the farm writing all these millions of words, this big kid with adult sensibilities tapping with two fingers at this keyboard, is perpetually aged circa 14 years (à la the ‘Peter Pan’ chronicles for example) until physical death. There is no need for a ‘fountain of youth’/ an ‘elixir of life’ in actuality ... here only innocence prevails. Ain’t life grand! Regards, Richard. RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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