Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 24 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Continued from Mailing List ‘AF’: No. 03 Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RESPONDENT No. 6: (...) Okay, I want to be free and will like to set up a meeting with an AF person. Is there is way to do that? RICHARD: Yes, there is indeed a way to do that: simply take fresh advantage of my public invitation to you, on this very forum (made on Monday, Dec 14, 2009), for a personal meeting and fly to Australia at a date of your choosing. After all it was, and still is of course, an ‘open invitation’ (as in a blank cheque) for you to come to Australia ... [...snip...]. Given that you say ‘I want to be free and will like to set up a meeting’ I am going to make it clear up-front that there is no guarantee being made here – be it either expressed or implied – other than to say that, when the conditions are ripe, magic happens. For instance, a couple of months ago a person of Indian birth and upbringing flew into Coolangatta Airport late one night on a prearranged agreement to meet in person so as to talk about her life and to gain clarity in her life-style/ her livelihood situation. Less than 24 hours after landing she was actually free of blind nature’s instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof. In other words, the person who landed at the airport (that feeling-being who needed to gain clarity in her life-style/ her livelihood situation) vanished without a trace, in a matter of seconds, the following afternoon. RESPONDENT: Hi Richard, Perhaps you could also consider offering blank cheques to people like Gardol. After all, ‘its beginning to look a lot like Christmas’.:) Anyways good to see you’re still frolicking around. RICHARD: G’day [No. 24], Ha, yes, I am indeed still frolicsome – albeit entirely sincere all the while (which sincerity evidently needs to be restated for the sake of those who so conveniently overlook that salient fact in their zeal to vilify the phantom ‘Richard’ which automorphism convinces them has a reality out-side of their passionate imagination) – as has been the case for nearly two decades now. (I have snipped out the latter section of my above email, where I refer to having seen many a frisky lamb/ frolicsome calf turn into sedate sheep/sombre cattle, as maturity takes its toll, per favour the instinctually affective programme all sentient beings are genetically endowed with, purely for the sake of emphasising just what the recent kerfuffle on this and other online forums is all about ... to wit: my report about how a ‘feeling-being’ had vanished without a trace, in a matter of seconds, less than 24 hours after landing at a nearby airport late one night on a prearranged agreement to meet in person). And my above response to those ‘I want to be free and will like to set up a meeting’ words – which I, of course, took at face value (it would have been quite ludicrous to assume, then, that the person who wrote them did not mean what their very own made-public words clearly conveyed) – was also entirely sincere. Indeed, I was delighted to read those ‘I want to be free and will like to set up a meeting’ words because of having earlier-on been made cognisant, by the person I addressed my response to, of a dramatic turnabout, regarding her previously declared intent to fly to Australia back in December 2010, and it certainly seemed apparent (upon reading those words and thus writing my response) that the self-inflicted emotional/ psychological drama she had been needlessly subjecting herself to for the last 12 months had come to an end. But, obviously not, eh? (Incidentally, I was not cognisant of the extent of that self-induced drama until reading through her replies to your posts on the matter). In order to explain just what the recent kerfuffle, on this and other online forums, stems from – and this latest kerfuffle is currently shaping up to be the mother of all kerfuffles so far – I will first draw attention to the following:
Thus all the wild talk about how (for example) a person actually free from the instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof (albeit pictured as that phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate imagination) is capable of ‘committing a crime causing harm’ and ‘capable of murdering someone’ – such that someone she evidently trusts as being a rational adviser has personally warned her how she ‘might have to face grave consequences’ upon flying to Australia – all stems from ‘me’ being confused about ‘my’ presence and, in conjunction with that instinctive drive for biological survival, thus linking ‘my’ survival with the body’s physical continuation. It is this simple: a flesh-and-blood body is perfectly safe in regards flying to Australia on a prearranged agreement to meet in person (apart from the regular hazards associated with flight of course) and it is only ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) who is at risk. And as the transition from the real-world to this actual world is a seamless transition – all what happens is that an illusion is no more (somewhat analogous to Santa Claus, et al., ceasing to appear real upon the illusion being exposed) – it is thus all much ado about nothing ... literally! It is quite magical, though. Regards, Richard. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P.S.: Oh, in regards to your ‘offering blank cheques to people like Gardol’ you may have overlooked the five-billion-other-people-first pre-condition he put upon playing his part in bringing about a global peace and harmony and/or assisting in making apparent the already always existing peace-on-earth for more than just the handful of daring pioneers so far.
Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RICHARD: [...]. In order to explain just what the recent kerfuffle, on this and other online forums, stems from – and this latest kerfuffle is currently shaping up to be the mother of all kerfuffles so far – I will first draw attention to the following:
RESPONDENT: Hi Richard, given that the instigation of the ‘kafuffle’ is claimed by Respondent No. 6 to do with the initial incorrect attribution of posts by [Sock Puppet ‘SA’] to her, I think it would be helpful if you could share how it is that you managed to ascertain that Respondent No. 6 and [Sock Puppet ‘SA’] are indeed one and the same. RICHARD: G’day No. 24, In order to do that I first have to explain how it is that I have known, all along, the
physical identity of the person who, ghoulishly identifying as my deceased second wife, Devika (aka Irene), made public details of what is
generally considered to be of a confidential and/or private nature – bank account numbers, full names and addresses, medical details and so on
and so forth – such as to immediately put into jeopardy (as had been already well-explained in Message No. 5387 These confidential and/or private details also included the (purported) full name and address of a frail, half-blind, half-deaf 99-year old man – he will turn a 100 in a few weeks’ time if he lives that long (his wife of 90+ years died only a few weeks ago) – who has done nothing other than happen to be my biological progenitor. (Incidentally, I have spent years deliberately distancing myself, publicly, from any blood-related persons for this very reason ... but that is another matter). That the wording of that (purported) full name and address had the peculiar abbreviation ‘S/O’ (designating ‘son of’) betwixt the two names it readily informed me that the person ghoulishly identifying as my late wife had access to a rather unique paper document as nothing of that nature is recorded on my hard drive. The fact that this person got my blood group wrong told me they had access to a photo-identity card I carry on my person, which has the words ‘Donor A’ on it to indicate my consent for all organs and tissues (the letter ‘A’ signifies ‘All’) to be available for transplant at physical death, and thus does not represent a blood group, as nothing of that nature is recorded on my hard drive. The fact that this person published the name, telephone number and medical practice address of the doctor who prescribed the
tablets I take thrice-daily, to manage an otherwise debilitating lower-back ailment dating back to 24-years of age (see Message No. 5402 All this and more (that this person published my privately online work-in-progress ‘Personal Web Page’, for example, with the assertion it had showed up in an internet search-engine (which it does not) demonstrated it to be someone to whom I had personally given a pre-release preview) not only told me that my computer’s security system had not been compromised – meaning that my hard-drive on my computer here in Australia had not been hacked into by electronic means – it also told me precisely who it was who was deliberately, systematically, and with malice aforethought, conducting the most massive invasion of privacy this forum has ever seen. * Thus, when the person belatedly identifying as [Sock Puppet ‘SA’] posted Message No. 10530 And that ‘I will like to’ phrasing is common to both of the Online ID’s/Internet Aliases you have asked me about in your above query. Viz.:
Incidentally, during the computer-search for those above instances it became conclusively evident that nobody else had ever used that particular phrasing ... everybody else posting during that period (2008-2010) used the regular ‘I would like to’ phrasing. The following 4 points are worth noting:
* What concerns me is that someone she evidently trusts as being a rational adviser has personally warned her how she ‘might
have to face grave consequences’ (Message No. 10563 Now, in view of the quite public nature of my renewal of that ‘blank cheque’ invitation of Dec 14th 2009 (which was itself a public invitation), it makes no sense at all that this person she evidently trusts as being rational would even consider for a moment – let alone actually warn her – in such a manner. It is, quite simply, just not rational at all. Perhaps if I were to spell it out graphically: there is a person, as yet unknown – or even persons, maybe, also as yet unknown – who are frightening her, scaring her out of her wits, almost, by the look of it, so as to advance their own agenda ... namely: their crusade to rid the planet of actualism/actual freedom. For she is their ‘Star Witness’ (so to speak) in their clandestine campaign to discredit and/or destroy ‘Richard’. And I say clandestine because the directors of The Actual Freedom Trust have been aware for quite some time of emails being privately circulated containing all manner of made-up stuff about ‘Richard & his associates’. * So, what to do, eh? * Look, as I have been actually free of the human condition for nearly two decades now (this is my 20th year come Oct/Nov) any ‘fatal flaw’, to use a cliché, would surely have shown up by now; furthermore, as Vineeto has been in the same condition as I am for over a year now (15 months since Oct 2010), all those tired old arguments about me, formulated via ‘reading between the lines’ or ‘seeing the picture not the pixels’ and so on and so forth, cannot – and quite evidently so – be even considered applicable anymore. So, here is a point for the ‘vocal detractors’ to ponder: just pause to consider for a moment (if you can) just what it would mean if you are wrong – have been wrong all along – and that actualism/actual freedom is indeed as it is reported/described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust website. Because what it means is that you have treated an innocent man (and a war-veteran at that) in a most inconsiderate/uncaring way – resulting in both his personal security and his physical safety having now been put into jeopardy – and you are all going to have to live with that fact for the rest of your lives. And this means every single one of you who have played a part in driving/promoting/ supporting this bizarre campaign. Put simply: your highly-prized and much-touted empathy (not to even mention compassion) sucks ... and sucks big time. You have all shown me your true colours. Regards, Richard. Re: Just who is taking license to trifle with life of people? RESPONDENT No. 6 to Respondent: [...] whatever I have written on this forum should be sufficient for anyone interested in humankind at large and their own predicament to question and inquire about what I know and have expressed as the sinister side of ASC-cum-Actual Freedom. A state of altered state that is as delusional as any other and can prove to be dangerous as the person in such a state does not recognize or is aware of the delusional fantasies he/she can manifest. [...]. If ASC-cum-Actual Freedom was the real deal I would have been the happiest person on this earth and would have written and explained and demonstrated unabated about it. You cannot even fathom how much. But, I cannot keep up with a lie or a delusional game, when the facts of it being an ugly, sinister Altered state whence the person is so deluded that even if he is shouting, abusing, or torturing a person, he is unaware of it. Not just unaware but actually thinks of it to be the accurate and correct line of action. [...]. Let me clear your presumption: I had absolutely no suspicion of Richard at all, when I met him. In fact, it was the very opposite. [...]. I had no suspicion of Richard at all while it was unfolding in front of me. And even then, for a long time I kept on denying what was obvious and apparent because I could not believe that a person could be so deluded, so cold-blooded in his wheeling and dealings. This man, who proposes to be free of human condition turned out so deeply entrenched in it that it was unbelievable. RESPONDENT: [...] The challenge to live close to a PCE or excellent experience is a valid one and well established. RESPONDENT No. 6 to Respondent: Who says that it is a valid one of well established, whereas I challenge it as an extensive self delusion – where the experience is elevating but ultimately delusional in nature, that is why it is unstable and does not last long. It is just another form of ASC. An ASC that poets and creative writers have also written about extensively. [...]. RESPONDENT: Also the question of whether a PCE type experience can become permanent appears to be answered in the affirmative by an increasing number of individuals, some not directly associated with Richard. RESPONDENT No. 6 to Respondent: I have been made to understanding that AF is not ‘PCE type experience’ becoming permanent. [...]. I am sure that what is going on in ASC-cum-Peak experiences-renamed-PCE and also ASC-cum-Actual Freedom as propagated and written about by Mr. Richard is that due to lifting of *conditioning* a person’s *pure* instincts get exposed. In that *pure* state of being, the goodness, lovely and peaceful instincts take over the opposite instincts, because the very aim of the person in trying to get into that state is to be good, lovely and peaceful. However this extreme subjective state of being is unstable because the opposite instincts have the tendency to come to surface too, that is why the goodness, loveliness and peace does not last and the person experiences receding of this state. What happens in case of people who claim that they have been able to stabilize it is that they embrace a delusion where they keep on, consciously, harping on the good, lovely and peaceful, while unconsciously denying the appearance of opposite – whence they are angry, for example, but incapable now to either ‘feel’ it, recognize it, hence able to discern their own behaviour. RESPONDENT: Have no idea what the *pure* instincts are that your talking about or what their relationship to instinctual passions is. Same with ‘good, lovely and peaceful’. Your attempt to add deluded qualities similar to those of Richard’s take on enlightenment ie sublimation, sounds farcical. RICHARD: G’day No. 24, If only it were all but a farce (as in ‘farcical’), eh? However, for your co-respondent it is anything but a farcical matter because, as she unambiguously states (further above in direct reply to your response on the subject), she has been made to understand – albeit by someone as yet unnamed – that an actual freedom from the human condition (aka being actually free of the instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof) is not, in effect, a pure consciousness experience (PCE) made permanent. Here it is once again for clarity (from message No. 10xxx):
Now, as she has never been made to understand by me, of course, that being actually free is not, in effect, a PCE made permanent (either by my written or spoken words) then the question arises as to just who it was who made her understand it that way, non? And this is not a trivial question as her entire case – that ‘Richard & his associates’ have a ‘license to trifle with life of people’/ have ‘trifled with life of a person’ – stems from/ depends upon/ revolves around her having been made to understand that, as PCE’s are really ASC’s (altered states of consciousness), an actual freedom from the human condition is, therefore, not a PCE type experience becoming permanent. (In other words, and put succinctly, her entire case is that actualism/ actual freedom is not, in everyday life life, what is reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust website but is an (unstable) ASC type experience instead ... hence ‘trifle with life of people’ because it is therefore not something new to human experience/ human history after all). Plus, and as she is on record (in the Yahoo Group forum archives) as stating she cannot recall ever having had a PCE, the question as to just who it was who made her understand it that way is what is crucial to that entire case of hers against ‘Richard & his associates’. Also, and given that No. 25’s expression ‘toying with his fellow humans’ conveys the same sentiment as ‘trifle with life of people’ and ‘license to trifle with someone else life’, that crucial question relates to the essence of more than just a few other persons’ case against ‘Richard & his associates’ as well. Viz.:
Now, as No. 2 (who is also on record in the Yahoo Group forum archives as stating he cannot recall ever having had a PCE) has categorised an actual freedom from the human condition as being ‘Mahasamadhi’ (in the Yahoo Group forum archives) and ‘Parinirvana’ (on his ‘Remains of the Day’ web-log), there is not going to be any prize issued for guessing just who that person is whom she had [quote] ‘been made to understanding’ [endquote] that an actual freedom from the human condition was not a PCE type experience becoming permanent but, instead, an (unstable) ASC type experience, eh? Viz.:
Now, I know for a fact that when I flew out of India to Australia, in early September 2010, she entertained no such notions that a PCE was ‘just another form of ASC’ (for example) let alone that she was, up to that point in time, ‘sure that what is going on in ASC-cum-Peak experiences-renamed-PCE and also ASC-cum-Actual Freedom (...) is that due to lifting of *conditioning* a person’s *pure* instincts get exposed’. And, look, nobody has to take my word for it (regarding what did not take place whilst I was in India) as she says so herself. Viz.:
Note well she says *after* Richard’s (6-month) visit to India she came across what she states are some ‘facts’. As they are *not* facts – that PCE’s are really ASC’s and that actualism/ actual freedom are not what ‘Richard & his associates’ report/ describe/ explain on The Actual Freedom Trust website – the question immediately arises as to just whereabouts it was, or by whose direction, that she came across those so-called ‘facts’. Here is another instance:
Note well she says she had *absolutely* no suspicion whilst Richard was in India (in 2010) ... and that, *in fact*, it was the very opposite to that when Richard was actually there, physically, in person, as a flesh-and-blood body. (Hence my public renewal of my ‘blank cheque’ invitation to fly to Australia – just as she had previously planned on doing, prior me flying out in September, back in December 2010 – so that she could find out for herself, in person, just what are actually the facts ... but someone as yet unnamed warned her she might have to face grave consequences, such as with her life, if she does so). Here is another example:
Note well she says she had no suspicion of Richard *at all* when Richard was actually present, physically, in India in 2010 ... and that even then, for a long time afterwards, she could not believe that a person could be so deluded, so cold-blooded (and all the rest which, perforce, follows-on from having come across those ‘facts’ that, because PCE’s are really ASC’s, actualism/ actual freedom is not a PCE type experience becoming permanent). Here is an example of what she publicly wrote, at the time, on the Google Groups forum:
* To summarise: 1. By whom has she [quote] ‘been made to understanding’ [endquote] that an actual freedom from the human condition is not a PCE type experience becoming permanent? 2. By whom has she been warned that she might have to [quote] ‘face grave consequences, such as with my life, if it comes to that’ [endquote]? 3. Just who is it who is really taking ‘license to trifle with life of people’? The following is probably the most blatantly obvious clue to emerge to date. Viz.:
How come [No. 2] has now taken it upon himself to speak in such a paternalistic manner on behalf of [quote] ‘the sharer itself’ [endquote] when she is, and quite evidently so, eminently capable of speaking for herself, in one or more of her many guises, both before and after he posted his above oratorical crowd-swaying harangue? Viz.:
‘Tis quite fascinating to observe how [Respondent No. 2] is somehow (presciently?) able to warn everyone, at 2:56 pm on the 21st of February, 2012, to beware of a person identifying as [quote] ‘From: No. 6 (Sock Puppet ‘H’) (and possibly others)’ [endquote] as being a sock-puppet of ‘Richard & Associates’ a full ten minutes before the person identifying as [No. 6 (Sock Puppet ‘H’) posted their above epistle (at 3:06 pm on that 21st day of February, 2012) ... and, furthermore, how he is somehow (miraculously?) able to do that in response to a post of his own – with the one-word text ‘Beware’ in its body – which is manifestly time-stamped as having being posted 5 hours and 27 minutes later (at 8:23 pm on that quite remarkable 21st day of February, 2012). Viz.:
If it were not for the fact they are messing with other peoples’ minds – and in a really big way (as in [No. 15’s] ‘agonising doubt’, for instance, and his ‘postactualism’ recovery list) as well – it would indeed be, as you said much further above, all quite farcical. (Or, as you went on to write after that, albeit immediately below now, how you are left wondering whether her ‘attempt to add deluded qualities similar to those of Richard’s take on enlightenment ie sublimation’ onto actualism/ actual freedom is something she is serious about or just using for ‘humorous effect’). RESPONDENT to No. 6: Due to your having detailed prior knowledge about AF I am left wondering whether are you actually serious in using this conceptualisation/ terminology or are using it for humorous effect?? RICHARD: Just for the record, then, here is an example of what you characterised, albeit much further above now, as ‘Richard’s take on enlightenment ie sublimation’ (copy-pasted directly from the homepage on my portion of The Actual Freedom Trust website). Viz.:
As I have already observed twice, in previous posts, [No. 2] is so way, way out of his depth in theses matters it is a wonder he is still breathing. Consequently, I will leave off with the following instance of a direct result of his meddling in other peoples’ lives for all those affected to ponder upon during their ‘postactualism’ recovery period. Viz.:
Regards, Richard. RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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