Richard’s Correspondence On Mailing List ‘D’ with Correspondent No. 34 (Please make sure java-scripting is enabled in order for the mouse-hover tool-tips to function properly; mouse-hover on the yellow rectangular image to enlarge; left-click on the image to hold). Re: Chaos at the Overground RESPONDENT No 32: Indeed, the whole spiritual enlightenment thing in India is one of the biggest, corrupt money-making markets out there and every now and then you get to hear some sex-scandal or some other money-making scam exposed by these so called ‘babas’ and ‘gurus’. I’m surely not impressed by any of that. RICHARD to No. 32: Then why on earth are you aspiring to become one of them – as in being awakened/ enlightened – such as to actively participate on another forum where that very goal is (purportedly) the outcome of their practices? RESPONDENT No. 32: My intent is simply to end suffering , whatever it takes me to.. RICHARD to No. 32: With your [quote] ‘end suffering’ [endquote] words you are obviously referring to dukkha-nirodha ... as expressed in, for instance, the Anurādha Sutta. Viz.:
And here are four regular online translations (with the word dukkha re-inserted where they used an English word):
First, I will paraphrase that fourth rendition: Even earlier (in 1997 when I first went online) and now too in 2012 I do *not* point out dukkha and the cessation of dukkha. In fact (to paraphrase all four of them) nowhere at all, on The Actual Freedom Trust website, do I point out and/or proclaim and/or make known and/or describe dukkha and the cessation of dukkha. Never have done and never will do. And in order to explain why not, I will provide an example of your further above sentence with the word dukkha similarly inserted where you used an English word:
Now, quite evidently, when your intent to simply end dukkha succeeds it will take you to nibbāna (because that is the whole point of ending dukkha), right? Put simply: the end of dukkha = nibbāna. Yet, it has already been demonstrated that nibbāna is *not* the actual world (the world of the senses, the sensate world, the sensorial world where flesh-and-blood bodies already reside, as is experienced in PCE’s). Ergo, the end of dukkha does not = the actual world. Put differently, the end of dukkha does not = an actual freedom from the human condition. And because I already knew that, when I first went online in 1997, there was no way I was going to point out and/or proclaim and/or make known and/or describe dukkha and the cessation of dukkha. No way at all. What I went online in 1997 for was to inform my fellow human beings about what lies beyond nibbāna ... namely: this actual world (the world of the senses, the sensate world, the sensorial world where flesh-and-blood bodies already reside, as is experienced in PCE’s). (Incidentally, the English word suffering does not have sufficient explanatory power to be useful for translating the
Pāli dukkha). [...]. RESPONDENT: The DhO seems to be in a sordid state of affairs. Their situations can be readily summarized in three points:
As such their Dhamma-Vinaya can readily be described as the not-Dhamma-Vinaya of the Buddha. What follows is an ordinary account of a DhO experience:
That account is made up but it reads like most DhO accounts. The point is, when it is readily read, there is no Dhamma, Sila, Vinaya or any such related topic you can extrapolate from it. It is nothing but literal mental illness. And completely unrelated from the Dhamma of the Buddha. Furthermore, they hallucinate, experience extreme suffering and have all sorts of bizarre experiences. Yet they still seem convinced... of... IDK, that they are doing something revolutionary, (an old and outdated viewpoint that was done away with when it rapidly became obvious that everyone at the DhO was basically deluded). They have also divorced the goal from its benefits, making the goal, useless. They have also, used the teachings of the Buddha to enforce their viewpoints, whilst ignoring the fact that much of the practice is not found in the Pali Canon but contradicted by it. Vipassana is not found in the canon, the maps are not found in the canon, fruition is not found in the canon, none of it is found in the canon. The canon rarely talks about meditation, but more often talks about right attention, right view and faith. They also ironically banned me, the only authentic Buddhist among them, Viz.:
And just recently realized the nature of dukkha. RICHARD: G’day No. 34, I have positioned the (further above) section of my No. 12054 For the sake of convenience, here again is what I wrote at the end of that (further above) section:
If you could expand upon that ‘just recently realized the nature of dukkha’ report of yours it will be most appreciated. Regards, Richard. Re: How to avoid vibe violence. RESPONDENT: Back when I was in the whole spiritual game, I was immensely aware of the push and pull of affective vibes. Being thus affectively pressured is quite painful, people with degrees of awakening have particularly strong vibes, so the violence experienced from people with inflamed emotional identities is POWERFUL. It actually really hurts, as I can recall from the whole trolling shebang that occurred on the DhO (if you don’t know who I am, then you don’t read enough of the DhO, true story). But when I dropped out of the game, the pain in my chest that plagued me for ‘all eternity’ (hyperbole here) disappeared forever. So the switch from one playing field to another, actually is what lead me to become free from the psychic pressure that followed me all the time before. Of course now I encounter another problem, I’m still an extant entity, and I still experience vibe violence. So, because you guys seem especially good at this stuff, I ask you for some tips to avoid affective-vibe-exchange with other entities. RICHARD: G’day No. 34, Just for starters, I would suggest accessing the following post of mine from June this year: (Message 14538 In the first paragraph of my reply I provide a link to a post by Claudiu (plus a short quote from it) which is well-worth a
re-read in regards to what he called ‘feeling- tones’ or ‘affect’ vis-a-vis the written word (Message 13996 In the second paragraph of my reply I provide a link to another post by Claudiu (plus a short quote from it too) regarding
what he at-the-time referred to as ‘an amorphous blob of whatever (for lack of a better word)’ (Message 13787 In short: that which is crippling lies behind/ under the vibes. RESPONDENT: As this shit, is so powerful that... well it sometimes cripples people, and prevents them from functioning. RICHARD: Indeed so ... it is not for nothing I have oft-times pointed out that the psychic network For instance:
The word ‘involuntary’ is the key to comprehending what takes place behind/ under/ beyond the (affective) vibes ... for
example: can you recall what you experienced viscerally If not, it may be worthwhile making a point of watching out for it, in any future exchanges where the potential exists for a repeat of similar ilk, as it is empowering just to get a handle on what is going on affectively/ psychically. In years gone by it has been helpful, for example, for those peoples I have spoken to extensively who suffered from paranoia to know/be aware that it is not *just* a figment of their imagination, that others are ‘out to get them’, given their experience of same is so real for them ... albeit with imaginary layers added to it (mostly out of ignorance of that extrasensory network). Regards, Richard. RETURN TO MAILING LIST ‘D’ INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The
Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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