Actual Freedom – Selected Correspondence by Topic

Richard’s Selected Correspondence

On Mr. David Icke

RESPONDENT No. 60: (...) These possibilities exist; they are not of my making.

RICHARD: Sure ... the possibility that this flesh and blood body was unknowingly abducted by aliens whilst in deep sleep, and subjected to anal probes such as to occasion pure intent for the identity within, with a resultant six month or so virtual freedom, and a final psychic dissolution, also exists. And that possibility is not of my making (someone seriously suggested it to me, face-to-face, many years ago).

RESPONDENT: LOL. :) That’s a good one.

RICHARD: It was back in 1997, upon initially going on-line with a three-page web site containing some of the first rough drafts of a collection of miscellaneous articles eventually strung-together and published under the title ‘Richard’s Journal’, when being entirely green about matters electronic (I considered getting some of the folding stuff out of an ATM to be quite a major achievement at the time) I enlisted the help of someone whom could perhaps best be described as a computer-nerd to facilitate my comprehension of the processes involved.

In the course of so doing they fell to skimming through what was then on offer and were particularly taken by my then-usage of the term ‘lizard-brain’ to denote the primeval collection of nerve-endings more properly known as the brain-stem and spoke most solemnly about the ‘Lizard People’ (and later sent me reams of stuff by Mr. David Icke, whose latest convention they had just recently attended in a major nearby city, and a couple of URL’s).

At the computer technician’s urging I looked through the content of some of what Mr. David Icke had published (at least ten books) and read up on him on the Internet. Although he too talked of the lizard brain any similarity with what I was referring to ends abruptly. He was what could/would be classified as a PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist). He was also a charismatic public speaker of the ‘Motivational Guru’ type so prevalent in the US. Basically, the world is being run/ manipulated by the ‘lizard people’ disguised as human beings. The day is coming when they will peel of their human skin and reveal their true form: lizard-bodied aliens.

I kid you not.

‘Twas the ‘Illuminato’ thing of yore re-discovered (an even nuttier variation on the ‘Freemasons’/ ‘Club of Rome’ type of thing) … and David Icke’s solution was a combination of consciousness raising and applied love. His ‘Bridge Of Love’ web page was particularly informative … and had a manufactured picture of the current monarch of the UK and associated countries with a partly revealed ‘lizard face’ showing from underneath. He channelled (??) information/ intuitions from aliens and thus had privileged access to what was really going on … I will include some excerpts gleaned from the Internet (further below) back then which give some idea of what motivated him and his modus operandi. For example (in his own words):

• [quote]: ‘(...) this was told to me on March 29th 1990: ‘He [David Icke] is a healer who is here to heal the earth and he will be world famous. He will face enormous opposition, but we will always be there to protect him. He is still a child spiritually, but he will be given the spiritual riches. Sometimes he will say things and wonder where they came from. They will be our words. Knowledge will be put into his mind, and at other times he will be led to knowledge (...) he has been tested and has passed all the tests (...) he had to learn how to cope with disappointment, experience all the emotions, and how to get up and get on with it. The spiritual way is tough and no-one makes it easy. We know he wanted us to contact him, but the time wasn’t right. He was led here to be contacted (...) one man can communicate the message that will change the world. He will write five books in three years. Politics is not for him. He is too spiritual. Politics is anti-spiritual (...) in 20 years [in 2010] there will be a different kind of flying machine, very different from the aircraft of today. Time will have no meaning. Where you want to be, you will be. There will be great earthquakes. These will come as a warning to the human race. They will occur in places that have never experienced them. Taking oil from the seabed is destabilising the inner earth. The centre of the earth will move and the poles will change. The sea spirits will rise and stop men taking oil. The sea will reclaim the land and humans will see that they cannot do these terrible things. They cannot abuse the elements. They have to be treated with respect’ [end quote].

He spoke of ‘Truth Vibrations’ and the ‘Great Awakening’ or the ‘Great Transformation’ that was to happen world-wide in the succeeding ten years ... plus he had just recently aligned himself with an African Shaman.

All in all a fascinating character ... needless is to add that the computer technician saw me as one of those ‘Lizard People’ come to take over the world? They already knew from what I had written that the breakthrough into an actual freedom from the human condition (read ‘transformation into a lizard person’) had happened in a secluded side-glen, of the main valley hosting the main arm of a meandering river running through the mountain ranges hereabouts, and informed me that they would often go far up into the valley, where they had a flat-roofed cottage in the steep and forested hills (purportedly replete with fairies and elves), and lie back spread-eagled on the roof at night endeavouring to communicate with and be abducted by the aliens.

I was further informed that there was a considerable group of specially-chosen peoples in them thar hills maintaining near-constant contact and that the end of the world as we knew it was nigh ... hence the computer technician seriously suggesting to me, face-to-face those many years ago, that this flesh and blood body had been unknowingly abducted by aliens, whilst in deep sleep, and subjected to anal probes such as to occasion my full transformation into a lizard person (aka breakthrough into an actual freedom from the human condition) in the aforementioned valley.

I detail all this as there have been many and varied other (conceptual) possibilities, that many and various other peoples have put to me over the years, other than just this latest rehash of the congenital/acquired neurological disease/illness (conceptual) possibility already discussed in detail with another on this mailing list last December/January.

I can only guess that the simple fact the complete elimination of the entire affective faculty (which includes its intuitive/imaginative facility) was deliberatively, and with knowledge aforethought, sought for primarily as a direct result of war-time experiences upon having just recently had a four-hour pure consciousness experience (PCE) – which demonstrated beyond any doubt whatsoever that the solution to all the wars (and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and suicides and so on) was already always just here right now – is far too prosaic a causal agency to be comprehended as being what really happened to make apparent the already always existing peace-on-earth in this current era.

You see, unless it be an esoteric, or in any other way recondite, reason it is too close to the bone ... if a normal person with a normal birth, a normal upbringing, a normal schooling, a normal job, a normal spouse, a normal house, a normal family, and all the rest, can become actually free from the human condition solely by their own dedication then so too can any other normal person.

‘Tis far safer to propose all manner of special reasons beyond the reach of normal people (in that it allows the proposer to carry on being normal).



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-.  All Rights Reserved.

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