Actual Freedom – Selected Correspondence by Topic

Richard’s Selected Correspondence

On Malice

RESPONDENT: The ending of sorrow is love.

RICHARD: If I may point out? The ending of sorrow is not love ... sorrow is essential for compassion to flourish; without compassion, love has no genesis. Therefore, the ending of sorrow would result in love being stillborn ... and love is the antidote for malice.

Without malice, love has no raison d’être.

RESPONDENT: Are you writing about your experience or just assuming?

RICHARD: I started to empirically encounter this towards the end of 1987 and by about mid 1988 the unfolding of experience came to its inevitable realisation ... but my investigation into compassion had begun in India in 1984 with the Buddhist ‘metta’ (loving-kindness) and ‘karuna’ (pity-compassion). Strangely enough, it was the disclosure of the intrinsically manipulative nature of love in 1987 – and ‘unconditional love’ at that – that triggered the expansion of comprehension and experiential understanding of the composition of the affective faculty ... with the concomitant growth of awareness. It was with Love Agapé being such a ‘sacred cow’ that there had initially been considerable uneasiness about a direct investigation ... hence there was a three year-long gestation period before the fact could be faced squarely.

Nevertheless, it was not until 1992 that it all came to fruition ... there is a vast difference between ‘realisation’ and ‘actualisation’.


RICHARD: Not so ... the elimination of sorrow is not where love begins ... sorrow is essential for compassion to flourish; without compassion, love has no genesis. Therefore, you must sublimate sorrow so that transcendence can result ... then love begins.

Incidentally, the question was: what is the primary cause of ego ... is it really just a product of ‘becoming in time’ or is there a more fundamental cause?

RICHARD: Irregardless of the issue of whether Richard is either egoless or psychotic – or actually free of the human condition as a third alternative – any cruelty, first and foremost, lies in the heart of the ‘giver’ and inevitably turns in on itself as existential sorrow. Thus, in the final analysis, it is the ‘giver’ who suffers the most intimately. As for the ‘receiver’ of any cruelty, it is entirely up to them what they do with it ... apart from physical cruelty, no-one can force their cruelty on another without the other’s acquiescence and compliance. It is a truly and remarkably free world we live in! (Richard, List B, No. 5, 21 September 1999).

RESPONDENT: How do we compare the suffering of the oppressor and the oppressed? We have heard this line before, but usually, as in the case of Socrates or Dostoevski, it is predicated on the existence of a soul.


RESPONDENT: It is the oppressor’s soul, they have said, which is defiled or damaged, ergo greater suffering to the oppressor.


RESPONDENT: Here there is no possibility of such a belief to substantiate the statement. So the term ‘heart’ is substituted.

RICHARD: I have never, ever denied the inner reality of the – very, very real at times – soul in all 6.0 billion peoples alive on this planet today. Indeed, the very presence of ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul is the root cause of any cruelty in the first place. The term ‘in the heart’ is merely following a conventional understanding as to the heart being the seat of the soul ... it was ‘soul’ that I meant by the phrase ‘in the heart’ and was in no way some slippery substitution.

RESPONDENT: That evil prospers while the good suffer is an age old difficulty for all religions. It does not fit well into neat systems of moral thought, which holds out the promise of justice, meaning punishment for what is bad and rewards for what is good.


RESPONDENT: And what is implied when you say that it is the victim’s acquiescence and compliance that makes that victim’s suffering possible? Are you pointing your finger at the tortured as responsible for the torture?

RICHARD: No ... that is a separate subject. I was conveying exactly what the words say: nobody – but nobody – can psychologically or psychically harm me in any way or manner. Both insults and flattery – and indifference – have no effect whatsoever.

RESPONDENT: Are you saying that it is up to the victim whether there is the experience of pain and loss?


RESPONDENT: I really liked this one Richard: [quote]: ‘Hmm ... if I were so foolish as to arrange live dialogues would I have to brush my hair another way, wear a collar and tie, sit up straight and look right into the camera, enunciate each syllable without slurring and not pick my nose/scratch my ear/whatever?’ [endquote]. …/clear your throat/ scratch your balls/ etc/etc. That’s good Richard! I thought you had lost your sense of humour together with your feelings?

RICHARD: Life in this actual world is not the same as science fiction (such as ‘Star Trek’ for example) as the authors/script writers are imagining what it would be like to be an identity sans feelings ... and not a flesh and blood body sans identity in toto (‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’).

This is because imagination is such a poor substitute for the actual.

RESPONDENT: Aren’t you being just a tinny little malicious here?

RICHARD: No, I am being droll.

RESPONDENT: Sorry, I am the one who is being malicious!

RICHARD: Okay. [...]



RESPONDENT: How many times does one [not the ones who have seen it in your page] pronounce the word ‘malice’?

RICHARD: Not as many times as the word ‘evil’ has been bandied about (each time having less and less impact).

RESPONDENT: Is it more ample or meaningful than ‘violence’?

RICHARD: Indeed so ... it being the passion which fuels otherwise unnecessary violence.

RESPONDENT: As malice is not a very common word, you use it for the sake of originality and not to be confused with ‘spiritualists’?

RICHARD: No, as a broad generalised categorisation, the word ‘malice’ (the desire to hurt another person; active ill will, spite or hatred; a deep resentment) is used here as a ‘catch-all’ word for what one does to others (resentment, anger, hatred, rage, sadism and so on through all the variations such as abhorrence; acerbity; acrimony; aggression; anger; animosity; antagonism; antipathy; aversion; bad blood; temper; bellicosity; belligerence; bile; bitchiness; bitterness; cantankerousness; cattiness; crabbiness; crossness; defamation; despisal; detestation; disgust; dislike; dissatisfaction; enmity; envy; evil; execration; grievance; grudge; grudgingness; hard feelings; harm; hate; hatred; hostility; ill feeling; ill will; ill-nature; ill-temper; inimicalness; irascibility; irritability; loathing; malevolence; malignance; malignity; militancy; moodiness; murder; opposition; peevishness; petulance; pique; querulousness; rancour; repulsion; repugnance; resentment; snideness; spite; spitefulness; spleen; spoiling; stifling; sullenness; testiness; touchiness; umbrage; unfriendliness; unkindness; vengefulness; venom; vindictiveness; warlikeness; wrath).

In a similar fashion, and also as a broad generalised categorisation, the word ‘sorrow’ (the desire to hurt oneself; active grief, suffering or melancholy; a deep sadness) is used here as a ‘catch-all’ word for what one does to oneself (sadness, loneliness, melancholy, grief, masochism and so on through all the variations such as agony; angst; anguish; anxiety; apprehension; bereavement; bleakness; crestfallen; deflated; dejected; depression; desolation; despondency; disappointment; disconcerted; disconsolate; discontented; discouraged; disenchanted; disillusioned; displeased; disquiet; dissatisfied; distress; dismay; downhearted; dreariness; edginess; fear; fed-up; flustered; foreboding; fretfulness; frustrated; gloominess; glum; grief; heartache; horror; lament; melancholic; miserable; misery; morose; mourning; nervousness; panic; perturbed; regret; sad; sadness; sorrow; sorrowfulness; suffering; tenseness; terror; thwarted; torment; trepidation; troubled; uneasiness; upset; woe; worry; wretchedness).

This is how I have explained it before:

• [Richard]: ‘I use the generally accepted convention of ‘malice’ and ‘sorrow’ as delineated by most religions and/or philosophies, that fall under the umbrella term ‘The Human Condition’, purely for convenience. In Christianity, for example, the word ‘suffering’ means the same affective feelings as the word ‘sorrow’ does. Similarly, the ‘Golden Rule’ (found in all religions) known in English as ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ points to the feelings covered under the catch-all word ‘malice’. Basically, ‘malice’ is what one does to others (resentment, anger, hatred, rage, sadism and so on) and ‘sorrow’ (sadness, loneliness, melancholy, grief, masochism and so on) is what one does to oneself ... as a broad generalisation.

RESPONDENT: Don’t create new leagues; ‘actualists’ vs. ‘spiritualist’, don’t divide the world even more.

RICHARD: As I am not the enlightened god-man your errors in fact led you to believe your conclusion has no application here.

RESPONDENT: And a few more questions ... what was the difference in experiencing sleep when enlightened compared to your actual present state of consciousness?

RICHARD: In a word: identity.

RESPONDENT: What was the most harmful action you did to other human beings when being a ‘Richard’? What was the most harmful action you did to other human beings when being a Self? I’m referring to an actual harm and not to a potential for harmful action (be it psychological or physical).

RICHARD: The most harmful action in both cases (both being ‘human’ and being ‘divine’) operated twenty-four hours of the day: involuntarily radiating affective vibes and transmitting psychic currents ... and the divine vibes and currents, being so powerful, are the most insalubrious and reprehensible.

RESPONDENT: Have you made no error while living in your present state?

RICHARD: Ha ... I am not infallible (if that is what you mean) and, having nothing to hide, easily correct any error.

RESPONDENT: Do you still have the ability to correct that action when making an error?

RICHARD: As ‘that action’ is no longer extant your query is a non-sequitur.

RESPONDENT: What do you say to your grandchildren when they are hurt, desolate, crying?

RICHARD: The same as I say to any body and every body – no body is special – which is: all mental-emotional-psychic suffering is an unnecessary and self-inflicted wound. Any mental-emotional-psychic viciousness on the part of another, first and foremost, lies in the heart of the ‘giver’ and inevitably turns in on itself as existential sorrow. Thus, in the final analysis, it is the ‘giver’ who suffers the most intimately. As for the ‘receiver’ of any nastiness, it is entirely up to them what they do with it ... apart from physical brutality, no-one can force their cruelty on another without the other’s acquiescence and compliance.

RESPONDENT: Yes, but at what age can you say that to a child? I saw some neat drawings on the companion web site re: amygdala and neocortex that were pretty age specific. What about infants? Toddlers?

RICHARD: At whatever age they are capable of being emotionally and psychically ‘hurt, desolate, crying’ they are also capable of having that said to them – in their lingo – which age generally includes ‘infants and toddlers’ (I was a parent of four children myself).

Physical hurt, of course, requires physical treatment, reassurance and comfort.

RESPONDENT: Thanks Richard, perhaps if we can sort all of this out we could find a mental meeting place for actual conversation.

RICHARD: Good. My part of the conversation has been actual all along and I have been enjoying myself immensely. I guess it will be good for you, too, when it becomes mutual. As for a ‘mental meeting place’, I would suggest setting anything that stands in the way of peace on earth on the agenda for exploration, examination and discovery. Who knows, maybe another 160,000,000 million peoples will not have to be killed in wars by their fellow human beings in this coming century? It is possible.

RESPONDENT: I would suggest that we place peace with ourselves first, for without that no peace on earth will ever happen. We, given our selfish petty minds destroy ourselves first then the destruction of others becomes easy. It is out of our own violence that the collective violence is born.

RICHARD: I am proposing, from my own direct experience, that it is out of the instinctual passions of fear and aggression that the individual violence is born. The collective violence is but individuals gathering together for support so as to be as big – if not bigger – than the collection of individuals that they are fighting.

RESPONDENT: What causes our own personal violence towards ourselves?

RICHARD: The instinctual passions of fear and aggression and nurture and desire ... which give rise to malice and sorrow and thence all the other cultivated feelings and emotions are the result of socialisation.

What do you propose as being the cause of ‘our own personal violence towards ourselves’?

RESPONDENT: As often repeated to the children here, if I could make anyone anything, I would make them happy and smart ... alas, I can not bring about, guilt, happiness, intelligence nor malice in anyone.

RICHARD: You do not have to bring about malice ... the passionate survival instinct endowed per favour of genetic inheritance sees to that. As for guilt ... well-meant but uninformed peer-group conditioning, parental conditioning and social conditioning does that for you (and the pusillanimous pacifist gets a ego-boosting free ride on said conditioning). And, as happiness, harmlessness and a freed intelligence comes about upon the elimination of the cause of malice and sorrow, so long as you maintain your godly delusion ... Alas! and Alack! your hands are tied. So much for ‘infinite responsibility’ ... it must be such a shame that omnipotence did not come with the package, eh?

RESPONDENT: That I have chosen to be soldiers, Richards, pacifists, apes, fishes, Ghandi’s, criminals, and lady bugs (that is our new dog’s name by the way! She is Lovely. A retired greyhound. She is only two years old. Believe it or not, she didn’t even know how to walk up steps when she came to us! She is an interesting partner for our bull mastiff ‘Manfred’) is alright with me. That, as you, I have chosen to lock doors and windows and keep money in the bank is fine.

RICHARD: Are you really saying that all the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and sadness and loneliness and grief and depression and suicides ‘is alright with me’ ? Do you not care about the plight of your fellow human being at all? There is a name for this uncaring and callous attitude (which shows through despite all the delusions of grandeur dressed up as divine indifference): fatalism.

RESPONDENT: What is malice and why do we have it?

RICHARD: Malice is a catch-all word I have chosen to cover the full range of emotions and passions like those in this, by no means exhaustive, list that I plucked at random out of the thesaurus: abhorrence, acerbity, acrimony, aggression, anger, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, bad temper, bellicosity, belligerence, bile, bitchiness, bitterness, cantankerousness, cattiness, crabbiness, crossness, defamation, despisal, detestation, disgust, dislike, dissatisfaction, enmity, envy, evil, execration, grievance, grudge, grudgingness, hard feelings, harm, hate, hatred, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, ill-nature, ill-temper, ill-will, inimicalness, irascibility, irritability, loathing, malevolence, malignance, malignity, militancy, moodiness, murder, opposition, peevishness, petulance, pique, querulousness, rancour, repulsion, repugnance, resentment, slaying, snideness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, spoiling, stifling, sullenness, testiness, touchiness, umbrage, unfriendliness, unkindness, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, warlikeness, wrath and so on and so on.

You have malice because you are a human being. Blind nature endowed you – like all sentient beings – with fear and aggression and nurture and desire as survival instincts. These instincts are affective ... that is they are passionate feelings and emotions.

RESPONDENT: Has it not been projected onto us by our predecessors to begin with?

RICHARD: No. There is a simple way to check the credibility of this theory: If what you say were to be correct, then who projected malice and sorrow into the first sentient being to emerge on this planet?

RESPONDENT: How was it transported from them to us, or do you think we were merely born with malice and sorrow?

RICHARD: All sentient beings are born with fear and aggression and nurture and desire ... which give rise to malice and sorrow. All the predecessors reinforced and refined them into the multitudinous emotions and passions we have to this present day.

RESPONDENT: Let’s give some random examples to clarify the problem. You are insulted and called names by other children in school. One of your parents is abusive to you, insulting you and saying you are always going to be a failure. Your mother establishes her nature in you in a mutual support group devoted to hating your father. You are beaten and perhaps even sexually molested. You are cheated out of money. You are lied to and betrayed by people who were supposed to be your friends or family. All of these things are likely to elicit a hostile and angry response. In this reaction, the nature of the violator is transmitted into the victim and projected forth into the future, creating a situation destined for misery, cruelty and suffering. Once this judgmental and negative nature is established, it does not resolve itself so easily. If projects forth onto the people we come into close contact with and spreads endlessly through the generations, coming down through the family to the children. It even actively seeks out people of a corresponding nature to maintain itself and continue to grow in judgment and hostility.

RICHARD: What you are describing is the reinforcing and perpetuation of all those emotions and passions that arise out of the basic instinctual passions. A baby are not the ‘Tabula Rasa’ (or the ‘Little Buddha’) that more than a few people would like to believe.

RESPONDENT: Now you appear to be saying that this nature, so deeply established, can be dumped easily, without much self discovery apparently, and we will be instantly in a paradise.

RICHARD: Aye ... one does not have to endlessly analyse one’s childhood for ever and a day. One does not have to do endless therapies wherein one expresses oneself again and again. One does not have to do any meditation, any yoga, any chanting of mantras, any tai chi, any breathing exercises, any dietary regimes, any praying, any surrendering, any trusting, any fasting, any flagellations, any ... any of those ‘Tried and True’ inanities.

RESPONDENT: This approach is appealing in that it bypasses all of the looking and suffering involved in self discovery.

RICHARD: Yes indeed ... the only good thing about suffering is when it ends ... permanently. However, please do not overlook my oft-repeated counsel that this route one travels is not for the faint of heart or the weak of knee ... it requires nerves of steel to delve deep into one’s psyche. For one is entering into taboo territory ... which is why an actual freedom has never been found before. One is entering into the stygian depths of the Human Condition.

RESPONDENT: Third thing: later in your post to No. 4 you seem to divide feelings into three categories: [Richard]: ‘If one minimises the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ feelings (as explained above) and activates the felicitous/ innocuous feelings – happiness, delight, joie de vivre/ bonhomie, friendliness, amibility and so on – in conjunction with sensuousness, then the ensuing sense of amazement, marvel and wonder can result in apperceptiveness’. [endquote]. There are ‘good’ feelings, ‘bad’ feelings’ and ‘felicitous’ feelings? I am confused about this categorisation. How do you define which feelings are appropriate and which are good or bad?

RICHARD: I have no intention of providing either a limited or an exhaustive list ... there are literally hundreds of feeling-words listed in the dictionary. For example, last year someone asked, on another list, what ‘malice’ was ... and I spent five minutes in the Oxford’s thesaurus and provided what they could have produced themselves if they had any nous:

• [Respondent]: ‘What is malice?’

• [Richard]: ‘Malice is a catch-all word I have chosen to cover the full range of emotions and passions like those in this, by no means exhaustive, list that I plucked at random out of the thesaurus: abhorrence, acerbity, acrimony, aggression, anger, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bad blood, bad temper, bellicosity, belligerence, bile, bitchiness, bitterness, cantankerousness, cattiness, crabbiness, crossness, defamation, despisal, detestation, disgust, dislike, dissatisfaction, enmity, envy, evil, execration, grievance, grudge, grudgingness, hard feelings, harm, hate, hatred, hostility, ill feeling, ill will, ill-nature, ill-temper, ill-will, inimicalness, irascibility, irritability, loathing, malevolence, malignance, malignity, militancy, moodiness, murder, opposition, peevishness, petulance, pique, querulousness, rancour, repulsion, repugnance, resentment, snideness, spite, spitefulness, spleen, spoiling, stifling, sullenness, testiness, touchiness, umbrage, unfriendliness, unkindness, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, warlikeness, wrath and so on and so on’.

It is so much fun finding out for oneself ... is it not?

RESPONDENT: You have outlined the malice pretty well.

RICHARD: Not only malice ... but sorrow as well. Malice and sorrow are intrinsically connected and constitute what is known as ‘The Human Condition’. The term ‘Human Condition’ is a well-established philosophical term that refers to the situation that all human beings find themselves in when they emerge here as babies. The term refers to the contrary and perverse nature of all peoples of all races and all cultures. There is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in everyone ... all humans have a ‘dark side’ to their nature and a ‘light side’. The battle betwixt ‘Good and Evil’ has raged down through the centuries and it requires constant vigilance lest evil gets the upper hand. Morals and ethics seek to control the wayward self that lurks deep within the human breast ... and some semblance of what is called ‘peace’ prevails for the main. Where morality and ethicality fails to curb the ‘savage beast’, law and order is maintained ... at the point of a gun.

RESPONDENT: What is your solution to ending this malice? Thanks for your time, patience, and a very interesting posting.

RICHARD: For starters ... the ending of malice and sorrow involves getting one’s head out of the clouds – and beyond – and coming down-to-earth where the flesh and blood bodies called human beings actually live. Obviously, the solution to all the ills of humankind can only be found here in space and now in time. Then the question is: is it possible to be free of the human condition, here on earth, in this life-time, as this flesh and blood body?

Which means: How on earth can I live happily and harmlessly in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are whilst I nurse malice and sorrow in my bosom?

RESPONDENT: I go forward. I was reflecting on the state of malice that exists around me. The malice seems unintentional.

RICHARD: Both malice and sorrow are, at root, involuntary aspects of ‘me’ ... behind all active vibes (to use a colloquialism) lie the psychic currents, or energies, which is where the real power-play takes place.

RESPONDENT: I was in a meeting on low income housing issues for the elderly and realized that malice was being distributed by those with a lot of money, because they could not shift their thinking to embrace a solution outside what is already known to not work. Is this malice really ... theirs or mine?

RICHARD: With practice one can usually ascertain just where a particular occurrence of malice is coming from ... initially it is difficult to discern and one does need to be scrupulously honest with oneself lest all occasions get duck-shoved onto someone else.

Sincerity is the key to unlocking such self-honesty.

RESPONDENT: It did not seem intentional. It just existed as an impasse between us. Does awareness provide any lubrication for improving a situation between two parties?

RICHARD: You may find the attentiveness expressed in the following provides for a felicity/innocuity that far exceeds any social lubrication:

• [Richard]: ‘Before applying the actualism method – the ongoing enjoyment and appreciation of this moment of being alive – it is essential for success to grasp the fact that this very moment which is happening now is your only moment of being alive. The past, although it did happen, is not actual now. The future, though it will happen, is not actual now. Only now is actual. Yesterday’s happiness and harmlessness does not mean a thing if one is miserable and malicious now and a hoped-for happiness and harmlessness tomorrow is to but waste this moment of being alive in waiting. All one gets by waiting is more waiting. Thus any ‘change’ can only happen now. The jumping in point is always here; it is at this moment in time and this place in space. Thus, if one misses it this time around, hey presto, one has another chance immediately. Life is excellent at providing opportunities like this.
What ‘I’ did, all those years ago, was to devise a remarkably effective way to be able to enjoy and appreciate this moment of being alive each moment again (I know that methods are to be actively discouraged, in some people’s eyes, but this one worked). It does take some doing to start off with but, as success after success starts to multiply exponentially, it becomes progressively easier to enjoy and appreciate being here each moment again. One begins by asking, each moment again, ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive’?
Note: asking how one is experiencing this moment of being alive is not the actualism method; consistently enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive is what the actualism method is. And this is because the actualism method is all about consciously and knowingly imitating life in the actual world. Also, by virtue of proceeding in this manner the means to the end – an ongoing enjoyment and appreciation – are no different to the end itself.
This perpetual enjoyment and appreciation is facilitated by feeling as happy and as harmless as is humanly possible. And this (affective) felicity/ innocuity is potently enabled via minimisation of both the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ feelings. An affective awareness is the key to maximising felicity and innocuity over all those alternate feelings inasmuch the slightest diminishment of enjoyment and appreciation automatically activates attentiveness.
Attentiveness to the cause of diminished enjoyment and appreciation restores felicity and innocuity. The habituation of actualistic awareness and attentiveness requires a persistent initialisation; persistent initialisation segues into a wordless approach, a non-verbal attitude towards life. It delivers the goods just here, right now, and not off into some indeterminate future. Plus the successes are repeatable – virtually on demand – and thus satisfy the ‘scientific method’.
So, ‘I’ asked myself, each moment again: ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive’?
As one knows from the pure consciousness experiences (PCE’s), which are moments of perfection everybody has at some stage in their life, that it is possible to experience this moment in time and this place in space as perfection personified, ‘I’ set the minimum standard of experience for myself: feeling good. If ‘I’ am not feeling good then ‘I’ have something to look at to find out why. What has happened, between the last time ‘I’ felt good and now? When did ‘I’ feel good last? Five minutes ago? Five hours ago? What happened to end those felicitous feelings? Ahh ... yes: ‘He said that and I ...’. Or: ‘She didn’t do this and I ...’. Or: ‘What I wanted was ...’. Or: ‘I didn’t do ...’. And so on and so on ... one does not have to trace back into one’s childhood ... usually no more than yesterday afternoon at the most (‘feeling good’ is an unambiguous term – it is a general sense of well-being – and if anyone wants to argue about what feeling good means ... then do not even bother trying to do this at all).
Once the specific moment of ceasing to feel good is pin-pointed, and the silliness of having such an incident as that (no matter what it is) take away one’s enjoyment and appreciation of this only moment of being alive is seen for what it is – usually some habitual reactive response – one is once more feeling good ... but with a pin-pointed cue to watch out for next time so as to not have that trigger off yet another bout of the same-old same-old. This is called nipping it in the bud before it gets out of hand ... with application and diligence and patience and perseverance one soon gets the knack of this and more and more time is spent enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive. And, of course, once one does get the knack of this, one up-levels ‘feeling good’, as a bottom line each moment again, to ‘feeling happy and harmless’ ... and after that to ‘feeling perfect’.
The more one enjoys and appreciates being just here right now – to the point of excellence being the norm – the greater the likelihood of a PCE happening ... a grim and/or glum person has no chance whatsoever of allowing the magical event, which indubitably shows where everyone has being going awry, to occur. Plus any analysing and/or psychologising and/or philosophising whilst one is in the grip of debilitating feelings usually does not achieve much (other than spiralling around and around in varying degrees of despair and despondency or whatever) anyway.
The wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition is marked by enjoyment and appreciation – the sheer delight of being as happy and harmless as is humanly possible whilst remaining a ‘self’ – and the slightest diminishment of such felicity/ innocuity is a warning signal (a flashing red light as it were) that one has inadvertently wandered off the way.
One is thus soon back on track ... and all because of everyday events.

RESPONDENT: Richard, why do you say you are free of malice ...

RICHARD: For no other reason than, being sans the entire affective faculty/ identity in toto, it is impossible for any emotional/ passional feelings whatsoever to occur.

RESPONDENT: ... [why do you say you are free of malice] when you make the decision to occasionally say something to someone on this list that would obviously insult/ upset/ piss off?

RICHARD: Just for starters, I do not make any such decision – either occasionally or otherwise – and the following is a classic example of it making no difference whatsoever anyway how I might couch my responses:

• [Co-Respondent]: ‘You are a malicious sod, a repulsive cyber guru that gets me nausea because my feelings are not extinct and listening your shit is too much for my ego. Was not clear that you are a pure fallacy, was not clear my meaning?
• [Richard]: ‘Am I to take it that, because you feel nausea (and, previously, repugnance) when reading my words, these feelings then prove that I am ‘a pure fallacy’? In other words, your feelings are to be taken as being the arbiter of what I am? Are you really telling me that I am to be guided by your feelings?
I did not spend eleven years, delving deep into the depths of ‘my’ psyche (which is the ‘human’ psyche) exposing, and thus eliminating through the exposure, anything whatsoever that was insalubrious ... only to be run by your feelings when I came onto the internet to share my discoveries with my fellow human being.
Look, it is this simple: for as long as you continue to be as you currently are then I am sure you will find, as a consequence, that other people’s responses will have the self-induced effect on you of you feeling nausea, repugnance or whatever other feeling that you may thus activate in that entire repertoire of feelings you nurse to your bosom’.

Put succinctly: it is what is being said, and not how it is being said, which gets up some people’s noses.

RESPONDENT: Just very recently you told No. 53 that he might not be able to understand grown-up words ... remember?

RICHARD: In all of my experience I cannot recall any teenager feeling insulted/ upset/ annoyed when it was suggested they may have to ask an adult what certain words/ concepts mean – or, for that matter, that they look them up in a dictionary/ encyclopaedia – as it is all part and parcel of the learning process.

If (note ‘if’) one was to have such a chip on their shoulder as to feel that way about learning something new then that contrariousness is their business, not mine, as I did not go public just to be run by another’s feelings about any advancement of or improvement to their knowledge, their rationality, their discussional skills, and so on, and so forth.


RESPONDENT: I didn’t know that No. 53 is a teenager. Is this a fact?

RICHARD: No adult – or, at least no adult in their right mind, that is – would type out and send to this mailing list what juveniles usually daub on the walls of public lavatories ... for just a few instances (cropped and edited for reasons of space):

• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘That deluded arrogant slut, Vineeto ...’. (Thursday, 22/04/2004 1:34 AM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Vineeto .... you pathetic, arrogant, deluded slut!’ (Thursday, 22/04/2004 12:34 AM AEST)
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘You are a nauseating, ignorant, deluded slut’. (Saturday, 24/04/2004 8:09 PM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘... arrogant, deluded, sick slut’. (Saturday, 24/04/2004 8:09 PM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Yeah Vineeto, you are just soooo different now aren’t you? You dumb slut ...’. (Friday, 21/01/2005 12:09 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Only an oxygen deprived slut would tout how much everyone likes her and brag how she gets on well with everyone/people as they are ...’. (Thursday, 9/12/2004 4:37 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Dump that useless bag of endless drivel and dribble ---> Vineeto. How you put up with that annoying slut has got to be one of the wonders of this world (...) your sperm receptacle aka Vineeto’. (Wednesday, 8/12/2004 2:23 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘... the slut and her pimp, Mr. Codswallop’. (Friday, 15/10/2004 10:53 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘ ... that mega-self-conscious slut of spirituality and now actualism herself, Vinotatallneeto ...’. (Friday, 8/10/2004 12:18 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Personally, I like sluts, except annoying, self-absorbed ones like Vinotsoneeto’. (Monday, 4/10/2004 9:24 AM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Vineeto, the slut to end all sluts (no offence to pros and amateurs alike) and her boyfriend, the desperado pimp ...’. (Tuesday, 28/09/2004 11:59 AM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘... either dump that bitch who incessantly rambles on & on & on at the push of her actualist buttons; or slap her rambling on & on ass silly. How you can put up with that warty outgrowth of the human survival package has got me beat’. (Friday, 17/12/2004 9:34 PM AEDST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Vineeto you dumb slut ... when you give one blow job and one ball massage to one of your clients ...’ (Monday, 11/04/2005 5:44 AM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘You dum dumb slut ...’ (Sunday, 24/04/2005 1:46 AM AEST).
• [Respondent No. 53]: ‘Yo, you lying bitch (...) Ok you lying kunt (...) The next time you feel a need to puke your nonsense from your oral organ all over these pages or to any other fellow human being that happens to be in your crossfire, just unzip Peters pants and put your kisser to work’. (Monday, 12/04/2004 1:00 AM AEST).

RESPONDENT: Wow! But still, didn’t you know that to say what you said when you said it would make him mad?

RICHARD: Here is a useful link:



The Third Alternative

(Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body)

Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one.

Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-.  All Rights Reserved.

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