Richard’s Selected Correspondence On Mr. Tony ParsonsRESPONDENT: Here then are last night’s/this morning’s questions. I have written a helluva lot here. I realise it will take a long time to answer them all (guilt/ hope surfaces ... plough on) ... if the universe is experiencing itself through this flesh and blood body ... RICHARD: If I may interject? The universe experiences itself *as* this flesh and blood body (and the distinction is not trivial). RESPONDENT: ... and if actual pleasure comes from just being that experience without possession or identity, doesn’t it follow that the end of the flesh and blood body leaves behind something which continues in some way to experience itself (in other forms)? RICHARD: No. RESPONDENT: And if that, is it not possible to say that in some way ‘I’ continue after the flesh and blood body dies? RICHARD: No. RESPONDENT: I don’t mean ‘I’ as a psychic or spiritual entity, a ‘realised state’, rather ‘the universe experiencing itself’ continues; ‘the experience of this’ that is actually known remains. RICHARD: No. RESPONDENT: Many spiritual teachers say in a similar (although, I don’t know, perhaps a subtly and vitally different) way to you that there is a difference between the spiritual or deeply psychic ‘realisation’ and consequent (and stunningly subtle) false identity, and an actual and real enlightenment where all identity disappears. RICHARD: Any spiritual teacher who says that [quote] ‘all identity’ [endquote] disappears upon spiritual enlightenment/mystical awakenment is being disingenuous. RESPONDENT: Could it be that when they have used words that you reject, Self, God and so on ... RICHARD: I do not reject words such as Self, God and so on ... I lived that/was that, which those words aptly refer to, night and day for eleven years, and found it wanting. RESPONDENT: ... [Could it be] that sometimes they are referring to the same state as you? RICHARD: No, it could not be ... not at all. RESPONDENT: If not, why? RICHARD: Because of this (for instance):
Or this (for another instance):
And this (just in case there still be some ambiguity):
RESPONDENT: Tony Parsons for example, while pointing to a crucial event in his life (a ASC? a PCE?) ... RICHARD: An altered state of consciousness (ASC). RESPONDENT: ... and while using words like enlightenment, liberation, fulfilment, freedom, oneness and so forth, all of which might be evidence of his misguidedness, says that ‘the open secret’ is in fact absolute death of ‘I’. RICHARD: Oh? How about this, then:
RESPONDENT: I’m not sure that [the end of suffering being previously considered to be only possible after physical death] is true. I’ve found many teachers who claim that the end of suffering is possible now ... RICHARD: I have already provided four referenced quotes (on Tuesday 14/06/2005 1:19 PM AEST) from one
of the teachers you mentioned who clearly said [quote] ‘emotions arise in this body/mind’ [endquote] in the third one ... here
is another, even more explicit, one: [Questioner]: ‘When I was five years old, it was so easy. I remember thinking about what
would happen when I’m dead and I found myself in this space. Then I wanted to go back to my grandparents, and I came out of the
space. There was no fear. [Mr. Tony Parsons]: ‘When this is a living thing, *fear can still arise*, though, because in
the end there is no separate island here. Living in oneness there is an at-one-ness with everything, and in everything there can
be fear as well’. [emphasis added]. If the continued arousal of emotions in general, and fear in particular, after awakening
constitutes an ‘end of suffering’ (editorial note RESPONDENT: (...) in your Tony Parsons quote, there is the idea that here and now there is a ‘oneness’ and a union that surpasseth understanding, and all of that. RICHARD: Never mind the [quote] ‘idea’ [endquote] you postulate as being in Mr. Tony Parson’s
words above ... do you see that one of the many teachers you found explicitly reports that fear can still arise after awakening
(despite your assertion they claim that ‘the end of suffering’, albeit a mistranslation of ‘dukkha’, is possible
now)? RETURN TO RICHARD’S SELECTED CORRESPONDENCE INDEX The Third Alternative (Peace On Earth In This Life Time As This Flesh And Blood Body) Here is an actual freedom from the Human Condition, surpassing Spiritual Enlightenment and any other Altered State Of Consciousness, and challenging all philosophy, psychiatry, metaphysics (including quantum physics with its mystic cosmogony), anthropology, sociology ... and any religion along with its paranormal theology. Discarding all of the beliefs that have held humankind in thralldom for aeons, the way has now been discovered that cuts through the ‘Tried and True’ and enables anyone to be, for the first time, a fully free and autonomous individual living in utter peace and tranquillity, beholden to no-one. Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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