Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Why the Actual Freedom Website?

RESPONDENT: Tell me, what is the
point of telling people about actualism?
RICHARD: Has it ever occurred to you that if nobody passed-on what they discovered we would
all still be sitting in caves or bough shelters, dressed in animal skins and covered with lice, gnawing on raw brontosaurus bones?
Here are a few examples of how I have responded to such a question (you can take your pick):
• [Richard]: ‘All I have ever wished for is for the words and writings of an actual freedom
from the human condition to exist in the world so that they are available long after I am dead. This is so that a third alternative to being
either ‘human’ or ‘divine’ is available for anyone who comes across it, in any indeterminate future, to draw confirmation and
affirmation from ... for anyone to avail themselves of if it be in accord with their own experience and/or aspirations. That is, it is a
confirmation that their experience is not only valid but an affirmation in that a fellow human being has traversed this territory in an
eminently satisfactory way. For nineteen years I have scoured the books ... to no avail. Now the information exists – and has taken on a
life of its own – and I am well content and having so much fun.
• [Richard]: ‘What would you have me do? Keep my mouth shut? That is, I can discover something
that no one else has found – as far as I have been able to ascertain – that eliminates the cause of all the wars and rapes and murders and
tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and sadness and loneliness and grief and depression and suicide ... but I am not to pass this
information on to my fellow human beings to do with as they will? Would it not be self-centred – selfish – to keep it to myself?
I like people ... and I care for my fellow human being. I am simply passing on my experience of life. What they do with this information is
their business. There is no need in me to do this because I have no problems whatsoever. Why I do it is because other people tell me that they
are suffering so I explain how I ended suffering in myself. One of the triggers that started me on this voyage into the psyche was the
realisation that human beings are driven to kill their fellow human beings ... and I was one of them.
Now I am not ... and I share that what triggered me because it may trigger them.
• [Richard]: ‘I am a fellow human being sans identity (which was ‘being’ itself). As such,
this flesh and blood body is apperceptively aware ... and the already always existing peace-on-earth is apparent all about. It being so
perfect I wish to notify my fellow human beings of its existence ... what they do with this information is their own business.
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Why would you want to notify other people of its existence?
• [Richard]: ‘Because my fellow human beings tell me that they are (a) suffering ... and (b) wanting to know the meaning of life.
• [Co-Respondent]: ‘Thank you for your time. May I know why you are on this list?
• [Richard]: ‘To participate in the facilitation of global peace-on-earth.
• [Richard]: ‘What I do is sit at my computer, when the whim takes me, and share my discovery
with my fellow human beings ... being retired, and on a pension, instead of pottering around in the garden I am pottering around the internet.
It is a leisure-time activity, a retirement pastime-come-hobby, as it were, and a very pleasant thing to do indeed.
I am having a lot of fun here at this keyboard.
RESPONDENT: I would think that sitting on the back porch, listening
to birds, looking at the wind blow through trees, and sipping on some herbal tea would provide a much better series of moments than the ones
spent haggling with so many dolts who have it 180 degrees wrong.
RICHARD: As an actual freedom from the human condition is an unconditional happiness and
harmlessness no such conditions are required. Vis.:
• [Richard]: ‘… it [individual peace-on-earth] does not require anybody else’s cooperation
... mutuality and reciprocity (…) neither adds to perfection nor does their absence detract from perfection.
In short: I like my fellow human being … no matter what mischief they get up to. 

expressed as ideas, and your ideas are extremely complex, and not only that, but conflicted. For example, you say you have no emotion, no
love, no feeling, and yet you constantly bring up the plight of 6 billion sentient beings on this earth as if you had concern for them.
RICHARD: Not ‘as if’, I actually like my fellow human being and wish the best for
each and every one ... and the best is already always here now.
RESPONDENT: A person with no feelings
surely doesn’t care about anything, let alone ‘best wishes’ for his fellow humans.
RICHARD: Well, I do.
RESPONDENT: What is the concern for the plight of the people from a
person who has no feeling, no emotion, no caring, no nurturing, no love?
RICHARD: Are you saying that the feelings – the emotions, passions and calentures – that
are born out of the instinctual passions of fear and aggression and nurture and desire are the essential ingredients to care about one’s
fellow human beings? Even though it is those very same feelings that are causing all the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic
violence and child abuse and suicides in the first place?
RESPONDENT: No, I’m not saying that at all because emotions are
not born out of fear and aggression.
RICHARD: Okay, I will use your language then: Are you saying that the feelings – the
emotions, passions and calentures – that are ‘learned traits as a result of responding to the environment via the central nervous
system that humans are born with’ are the essential ingredients to care about one’s fellow human beings? Even though it is those very
same feelings that are ‘learned traits as a result of responding to the environment via the central nervous system that humans are born
with’ which are causing all the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and suicides in the first
RESPONDENT: No, it is not the same feelings that are causing the
wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and suicides in the first place – absolutely NOT!
RICHARD: Okay ... what feelings are causing the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and
domestic violence and child abuse and suicides in the first place if it is not the feelings that are the ‘learned traits as a result of
responding to the environment via the central nervous system that humans are born with’?
RESPONDENT: I still don’t understand your ‘concern’ for the 6
billion abused people if you have no feelings.
RICHARD: I enjoy and appreciate being alive and being here in this amazing physical world ...
and I take particular delight in spending time with my associate adventurers on this grand escapade we are all intimately involved in. We are
all fellow human beings who find ourselves here in the world as it was when we were born. We find war, murder, torture, rape, domestic
violence and corruption to be endemic ... we notice that it is intrinsic to the human condition ... we set out to discover why this is so. We
find sadness, loneliness, sorrow, grief, depression and suicide to be a global incidence ... and we gather that it is also inherent to the
human condition ... and we want to know why. We report to each other as to the nature of our discoveries for we are all well-meaning and seek
to find a way out of this mess that we have landed in. Whether one believes in re-incarnation or not, we are all living this particular life
for the very first time, and we wish to make sense of it. It is a challenge and the adventure of a life-time to enquire and to uncover, to
seek and to find, to explore and to discover. All this being alive business is actually happening and we are totally involved in living it out
... whether we take the back seat or not, we are all still doing it. I, for one, am not taking the back seat.
I like being here. 

RESPONDENT No. 18: ... and certainly if No. 23
deliberately is being vague about his cult fear claiming to have good reasons for not disclosing anymore information as to his previous
memberships of organisations labelled by him as being cults methinks that there is fair risk that this list is moving into the bullshit zone
RICHARD: I can assure you, for whatever that is worth, that I am entirely sincere in wanting
clarification so that it will become clear to me just what it is that certain peoples are trying to tell me. Look, are we not fellow human
beings who found ourselves (when we first noticed what was going on) having been born into the human world as it was ... a mess? And do we not
all seek to find a way through this mess ... and share our findings with one another? And if I have made a mistake by going public to share my
discovery and understanding is it not beneficial that someone else will point that out to me? I can benefit from such interaction as much as
the other ... we all benefit.
VINEETO: Richard, if you had ‘made a mistake by going public to
share [your] discovery and understanding’ then it is too late now.
RICHARD: True ... but others can benefit, nevertheless. That is, if somebody else ever
discovers the already always existing peace-on-earth they will now know, because of my mistake, that if they share this discovery with their
fellow human beings then any discussion about it will not be cultic unless their fellow human beings become interested enough to want to live
in that already existing peace-on-earth themselves.
I would guess, therefore, that this next discoverer will phrase the sharing of their discovery in a
similar fashion to the way Mr. Uppaluri Krishnamurti has shared what he is experiencing.
‘Tis only a guess, though. 

RESPONDENT: Richard, have you ever thought of offering different
translations of your website, for non-English speaking folk?
RICHARD: I do not have a website ... any notion of offering different translations of The Actual Freedom Trust web
site (currently weighing in around 170 MB’s and growing daily) would be a matter for the directors, either current or future, of The Actual
Freedom Trust to consider.
I have never personally entertained any such notion.
RESPONDENT: I would certainly like to see your writings available to anyone who can read
(in whatever language).
RICHARD: I would suggest accessing the following URL:
It is a webpage which lists the numbers 1-10 in 5,000 non-English languages ... and, as those few numbers alone
constitutes a 1.1 MB file, I will leave it to you to do the maths.
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
Richard's Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust:
1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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