Actual Freedom ~ Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Difference between Reality and Actuality?

not understand exactly what you are saying. Actuality is not always ambrosial.
RICHARD: You are talking about reality – an affective experience of the world of people,
things and events – whereas I am using the word ‘actuality’ to refer to the sensate world only. It is this sensual experience that is
ambrosial. By actual, I do not mean the real-world of normal human experience. Actuality is only seen by people in glimpses ... it is as if
everyday reality is a grim and glum veneer pasted over the top of this actual world of the senses. When ‘I’ vanish in ‘my’ entirety
– both the ego and the soul – this ‘normal’ everyday reality disappears and the underlying actuality becomes apparent. It was here all
along. To experience the metaphysical Reality – usually with capitalisation – is to go further into the illusion of normal everyday
reality, created by ‘I’, and to create a supernatural ‘True Reality’ ... which one could call an abnormal reality.
Thus normal everyday reality is an illusion and the abnormal metaphysical Reality is a delusion
born out of the illusion ... a chimera, as it were. This is why only .000001 of the population ever become enlightened ... it is extremely
difficult to live in a hallucination permanently. Speaking personally, I was so deluded, that for eleven years I lived in humanity’s
greatest fantasy, before the dissolution of ‘me’ as soul finally brought salubrity through release from the human condition itself.
My questioning of life, the universe and what it is to be a human being all started when I was
nineteen years of age. I was in a war-torn foreign country, dressed in a jungle-green uniform and carrying a loaded rifle in my hands. This
was to be the turning point of my life, for up until then, I was a typical western youth, raised to believe in God, Queen and Country.
Humanity’s inhumanity to humanity – society’s treatment of its subject citizens – was
driven home to me, there and then, in a way that left me appalled, horrified, terrified and repulsed to the core of my being with a sick
revulsion. I saw that no one knew what was going on and – most importantly – that no one was ‘in charge’ of the world. There was
nobody to ‘save’ the human race ... all gods were but a figment of a feverish imagination. Out of a despairing desperation, that was
collectively shared by my fellow humans, I saw and understood that I was as ‘guilty’ as any one else. For in me – as is in everyone –
was both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ... it was that some people were better at controlling their ‘dark side’. However, in a war, there is no
way anyone can control any longer ... ‘evil’ ran rampant. I saw that fear and aggression ruled the world ... and that these were instincts
one was born with. Thus started my search for freedom from the Human Condition.
My attitude, all those years ago was this: ‘I’ was only interested in changing ‘myself’
fundamentally, radically, completely and utterly.
‘I’ was not alone in this endeavour because ‘I’ tapped into the purity and perfection of
the infinitude of this physical universe with a pure intent born out of a pure consciousness experience (PCE) that ‘I’ had during a peak
experience in 1980. Pure intent is a palpable life-force; an actually occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the
vast and utter stillness that is the essential character of the universe itself. Once set in motion, it is no longer a matter of choice: it is
an irresistible pull. It is the adventure of a lifetime to embark upon a voyage of exploration and discovery; to not only seek but to find.
And once found, it is here for the term of one’s natural life – it is an irreversible mutation in consciousness. Once launched it is
impossible to turn back and resume one’s normal life ... one has to be absolutely sure that this is what one truly wants.
Eighteen years ago ‘I’, the persona that I was, looked at the natural world and just knew that
this enormous construct called the universe was not ‘set up’ for us humans to be forever forlorn in with only scant moments of reprieve.
‘I’ realised there and then that it was not and could not ever be some ‘sick cosmic joke’ that humans all had to endure and ‘make
the best of’. ‘I’ felt foolish that ‘I’ had believed for thirty two years that the ‘wisdom of the real-world’ that ‘I’ had
inherited – the world that ‘I’ was born into – was set in stone. This foolish feeling allowed ‘me’ to get in touch with ‘my’
dormant naiveté, which is the closest thing one has that resembles actual innocence, and activate it with a naive enthusiasm to undo all the
conditioning and brainwashing that ‘I’ had been subject to. Then when ‘I’ looked into myself and at all the people around and saw the
sorrow and malice in every human being, ‘I’ could not stop. ‘I’ knew that ‘I’ had just devoted myself to the task of setting ‘myself’
and ‘humanity’ free ... ‘I’ willingly dedicated my life to this most worthy cause. It is so delicious to devote oneself to something
whole-heartedly – the ‘boots and all’ approach ‘I’ called it then!
This entailed finding the source of ‘myself’ ... and I discovered that ‘I’ was born out of
the instincts that blind nature endows all sentient beings with at birth. This rudimentary self is the root cause of all the malice and sorrow
that besets humankind, and to eliminate malice and sorrow ‘I’ had to eliminate the fear and aggression and nurture and desire that this
self is made up of ... the instincts. But as this self was the instincts – there is no differentiation betwixt the two – then the
elimination of one was the elimination of the other. One is the other and the other is one. In fact, with the elimination of the instincts,
‘I’ ceased to exist, period.
So, I can freely say that I, as I am today, did nothing to become free of the Human Condition. It
was ‘I’ that did all the work. Consequently I find myself here, in the world as-it-is, as this flesh and blood body. A vast stillness lies
all around, a perfection that is abounding with purity. Beneficence, an active kindness, overflows in all directions, imbuing everything with
unimaginable fairytale-like quality. For me to be able to be here at all is a blessing that only ‘I’ could grant, because nobody else
could do it for me. I am full of admiration for the ‘me’ that dared to do such a thing. I owe all that I experience now to ‘me’. I
salute ‘my’ audacity. And what an adventure it was ... and still is. These are the wondrous workings of the exquisite quality of life –
who would have it any other way? Thus I find myself to be this infinite and perfect physical universe experiencing itself as a sensate,
reflective human being.
This is totally different to eastern spiritual enlightenment ... this is actual. 

RESPONDENT: Also now you suggest that an ‘I’ is
an illusion (i.e. something that does not have any substantial true existence), which is different than: [Richard to No. 19]: ‘But I do not
deny ‘self, soul, etc.’ ... you must be confusing me with No. 22. I fully acknowledge their very real existence and clearly state that the
‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul are the source of all human problems. I have said this over and over again to the point of tedious
repetition ... do you not read what I write?’ [endquote]. It sounds as if your point of view is evolving.
RICHARD: My ‘point of view’ is not evolving at all. I have always maintained, in all
my posts, that whilst the ‘I’ is real – sometimes very real – it is not actual. I have also made clear – to the point of almost
tedious repetition for some people – that I draw a sharp distinction between the those two words, as any dictionary gives ‘real’ and ‘actual’
the same meaning. As various peoples over the years tried to tell me that their god was real, I abandoned the word and settled upon ‘actual’,
for no one has been able to tell me that their god was actual. If people stop using the word ‘real’ in the way they do, then I am quite
happy to go back to using it. Its etymological meaning is as the word ‘actual’: truly existing. So therefore, if god is real ... then the
‘I’ is real. However, just as any god is an illusion, similarly the ‘I’ is an illusion. Now, everybody’s experience of everyday life
– called reality – is also an illusion. Therefore I talk about an actuality that this everyday reality – as a veneer pasted over – is
obscuring. In order to escape from this reality – which is grim and glum – people seek a greater reality (what you call ‘essential
nature’ other people call ‘greater reality’). As this is self-aggrandisement, I call it a delusion ... a delusion born out of the
illusion. I have been consistently saying this since my first post to this List five months ago.
RESPONDENT: I see. You distinguish between real and actual things the
same as between illusory and actual things. It seems very unclear considering their definitions.
RICHARD: Not so unclear when one considers that people say that their god is real to them. They
use the word ‘real’ like some people use the word ‘apparent’ . The word ‘actual’ is unambiguous ... it is a sensate word
RESPONDENT: In any case, since no thing labelled real or actual has
any truly independent ongoing substantial existence, we can say that its existence is apparent.
RICHARD: And here you go ... proving my point so well. You use words in such a slippery fashion
that you can fool most people some of the time ... but in the long run you are only fooling yourself. I actually exist as this flesh and blood
body ... I am not seemingly here.
RESPONDENT: Clinging to the notion of some truly existing ‘me’ or
some truly existing actual thing or physical body or physical universe seem to be an expression of the same fearful clinging.
RICHARD: Speaking personally, I am not ‘clinging’ to anything at all. This flesh and
blood body is actual ... it is a fact, just like this physical universe is. There used to be a ‘me’ inside this body, clinging to the
realisation that it was ‘essential nature’ (in the metaphysical sense) but it became extinct in October 1992. Simultaneously that
much-prized ‘essential nature’ disappeared. It too was an illusion ... yet to you it is real.
Do you see what I mean about the word ‘real’, now? 

RESPONDENT: When a person is not experiencing
either ASC or PCE, what is one experiencing?
RICHARD: Put simply: the normal, everyday reality that 6.0+ billion identities are pasting
as a veneer over actuality.
RESPONDENT: Is the ‘actual’ person NOT seeing the ‘actual’
world? NOT hearing the ‘actual’ world? NOT smelling, tasting, and touching the ‘actual’ world?
RICHARD: The flesh and blood bodies – all 6.0+ billion of them – are seeing, hearing,
smelling, tasting, touching (and proprioceptively sensing) the actual world.
RESPONDENT: I haven’t noticed people walking into walls or
failing to respond when called. What’s happening?
RICHARD: The facsimile walls and calls (the veneered reality) are sufficient for the purpose
RESPONDENT: I won’t presume that my understanding based on my
experience matches yours, but I find it intriguing that you used the phrase ‘pasting as a veneer over actuality’. I understand that all
6B+ persons are experiencing the ‘actual’ world ...
RICHARD: All 6.0+ billion *flesh and blood bodies* are experiencing the actual world
... the entity, or being, residing in the body can only experience their ‘outer world’ reality. Here (from the footnote in this e-mail you
are responding to):
• [Richard]: ‘(...) ‘I’/’me’, a psychological/ psychic entity, am busily creating an
inner world and an outer world and looking out through ‘my’ eyes upon ‘my’ outer world as if looking out through a window, listening
to ‘my’ outer world through ‘my’ ears as if they were microphones, tasting ‘my’ outer world through ‘my’ tongue, touching ‘my’
outer world through ‘my’ skin and smelling ‘my’ outer world through ‘my’ nose. This entity, or being, residing in the body is
forever cut-off from the actual – from the world as-it-is – because its inner world reality is pasted as a veneer over the actual world,
thus creating the outer world reality known as the real world ...’. [endquote].
RESPONDENT: ... but in addition to that, like a veneer, imagine and
project concepts such as social relationships.
RICHARD: The identity residing in a body does much, much more than merely imagine and
project concepts (such as social relationships): the entire outer world which the identity experiences – the normal, everyday reality that
6.0+ billion identities experience – is that veneer.
RESPONDENT: These concepts are experienced as ‘real’, but are
experienced only as long as we believe in the concept.
RICHARD: The normal, everyday reality that 6.0+ billion identities experience – their
outer world – will be experienced for as long as identity remains in situ ... only altruistic ‘self’-immolation, in toto, will bring
that outer world reality to an end.
RESPONDENT: In this way, ‘PCE’ is always available, in fact
occurring now, and is experienced when we cease believing in concepts and/or free our attention from them.
RICHARD: Whilst a pure consciousness experience (PCE) is indeed always available it will
only occur, and therefore be such an experience, when the identity in toto goes into abeyance.
RESPONDENT: But, damn, they [concepts such as social relationships]
are enticing.
RICHARD: What is fundamentally enticing is, of course, the very instinctual passions the
identity is (‘I’ am ‘my’ feelings and ‘my’ feelings are ‘me’).
RESPONDENT: And that too is part of the world, not ‘actual’,
not ‘virtual’, not ‘real’ – the world.
RICHARD: The world of the instinctual passions/ the identity formed thereof is the world of
the psyche.
RESPONDENT: The universe is one stuff.
RICHARD: The universe which the identity experiences, being but a veneer pasted over the
actual universe, has no existence in actuality. Here (from the top of this page):
• [Respondent]: ‘When a person is not experiencing either ASC or PCE, what is one experiencing?
• [Richard]: ‘Put simply: the normal, everyday reality that 6.0+ billion identities are pasting as a veneer over actuality’. [endquote].
Actual Freedom
Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless
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