Australian Bird Photos ~ White-Breasted Sea-Eagle

Sound: White-Breasted Sea-Eagle (Birdpedia)


White-Breasted Sea-Eagle

White-Breasted Sea-Eagle

White-Breasted Sea-Eagle after a big meal White-Breasted Sea-Eagle still chewing
Male Sea-Eagle dishevelled after a fight ... ... or a bonk?
White-Breasted Sea-Eagle with broken leg ... balancing cautiously ...
One Night there were not just 2 Eagles in the tree ... but three ~ 2 females and a male
10 days later 2 of them had a fight, female top left she kicked him down
He was taken by surprise and plunged straight down She has the tree to herself for now ...
White-Breasted Sea-Eagle courting female White-Breasted Sea-Eagle male (left) & female
White-Breasted Sea-Eagles' Tête-à-tête disturbed

Sea-Eagle's Nest

White-Breasted Sea-Eagle couple

White-Breasted Sea-Eagle couple

Sea-Eagle couple at dusk

White-Breasted Sea-Eagle


Male Sea-Eagle

Male Sea-Eagle at dusk

Female Sea-Eagle at dusk

Sea-Eagle eating a Flathead
