Australian Bird Photos ~ Young & Juvenile Osprey

Sound: Osprey (Birdpedia)


Young Osprey defends his food against Seagull

Young Osprey (quite fluffy)

Young Osprey with a sticky fish tail

Young Osprey ... cross-eyed

Young Osprey still struggling with fish tail

Young Osprey

Young Osprey with a sticky fish tail

Juvenile Osprey
Juvenile Osprey
Juvenile Osprey Juvenile Osprey

Juvenile Osprey (brown necklace)

Juvenile Osprey - six months later

Immature Osprey miscalculated his distance and struggled to get back up
Immature Osprey with half a fish ... oops, witnesses!

Immature Osprey (chest whitening)

Juvenile Osprey in Flight
Immature Osprey in Flight (brown collar, lighter wings)
