Selected Writings from Peter’s Journal on our Animal Instincts in the Primitive Brain ‘Everybody has got it 180 degrees wrong.’ We had been talking for about an hour. They were the latest of the ‘spiritual people’ who seemed to be coming into my life like a flood at the time. My flat-mate had invited them to dinner and I was curious to listen to their story and hear of what I initially took to be their spiritual experiences and words of wisdom. (...) Broadly, what emerged that I could relate to was that I, as a human being, had been programmed since birth with a set of
beliefs, which formed my social identity, and that by identifying, challenging and investigating these beliefs they could be eliminated. Further,
I had come into the world pre-programmed with a set of instinctual passions, and these instinctual passions too could be similarly eliminated. The
‘I’ that I think I am and that I feel I am, that troublesome psychological and psychic entity, was actually nothing more than the sum total of
these beliefs and instinctual passions! And the whole package could be got rid of! Not transcended as in the spiritual world, but actually
annihilated. It sounded good to me … if a touch scary.
These instinctual passions have been instilled by ‘Blind’ Nature to ensure the survival of the
species and it is common wisdom that ‘you can’t change Human Nature’. ‘Of course you can – why not?’ said Richard, and I liked that.
Why not indeed? The first layer to be tackled is one’s social identity, the set of beliefs one has been taught by well-meaning parents, teachers and peers and that is constantly reinforced by society at large. We are taught to believe what is right or wrong, good or bad, proper or improper, valuable or harmful, true or false, etc. One undertakes a ruthless and relentless investigation into all of these beliefs, testing them against what are the facts, do they work, have they ever worked, is it sensible or silly? By replacing belief with fact one is weakening and demolishing the very need to believe itself, and one’s freedom from one’s socially-imprinted identity is tangible and palpable. This programming of the social identity is the ‘guardian at the gate’ of instinctual passions, its very instilling is designed to suppress, modify and control our instinctual behaviour. As such, it is necessary to incrementally free oneself of the associated beliefs, morals and ethics to be able not only to investigate but to eventually instigate a radical freedom from instinctual behaviour. We also discovered that Vineeto was similarly able to leave the female camp. Women no longer need to allow themselves to be driven by the blind urge to produce children, nurture and protect them, while desperately holding onto their man for survival, or having to instinctually ‘rely’ on any man for that matter. No longer is it necessary to provide comfort and succour when he returns from the hunt. No longer do women need to gather ‘around the fire’ with the children, telling stories with the other women, wondering if the men will return. The modern equivalent of this instinctual protective huddle is the feeling of belonging to the ‘sisterhood’, the blind continuation of which only serves to maintain and reinforce the gender battle-lines. For Vineeto, a major issue was the final dissolution of male authority; of relying on, or rebelling
against, a man’s presence or opinion to guide and protect her in everyday life, or of searching for a strong and powerful man to follow or
worship in spiritual life. Tackling this issue allowed her to eliminate the patterns of dependency and rebellion, expectation and blame,
frustration and withdrawal – and to finally begin to become an autonomous human being, in every aspect of life. What a joy it is to be in the
company of a woman who has done this – I am full of admiration for her courage and common sense. With an end to the social and instinctual
gender divide, at last equity, a vital ingredient for peace and harmony, is possible between man and woman. We went for the jugular and set out to eliminate the very cause of the battle. The answer proved to be 180 degrees in the opposite direction from all the traditional ‘solutions’. The answer lay in thoroughly investigating all the societal beliefs and instinctual passions that have entombed the sexes in separation and isolation. In seeing and fully understanding the appalling consequences of following the ‘tried and true’ there was simply no way to continue on repeating this behaviour. The answer, after all, could not be found in any variations of the old methods, or they would have worked by now! In my case I was challenging and dismantling my very maleness – ‘being a man’ and all that it entails. I was actually eliminating a significant part of the psychological and psychic entity within me. This may appear simplistic and easy, but to understand that ‘I’, the ‘self’ who I think and feel I am, is made up of nothing other than these societal beliefs and instinctual passions, and then to actively challenge them, and dismantle them, such as to actualize a change in one’s behaviour, is a process that most lack the courage to tackle. I was actively and knowingly dismantling and eliminating part of my ‘self’, and I was to tackle not only my fears but the atavistic fears of billions before me who lived with this same fear. This fear is felt most strongly as a fear not only of leaving the herd and striking off on one’s own, unprotected, but of being actively ostracised and punished by one’s peers. This is, in the end, doing it ‘cold-turkey’, against all of society’s values and morals, and without the salve of the spiritual – but it works. An important point to make here is that in becoming free of the beliefs and instinctual passions, which make us either ‘man’ or ‘woman’, we are now free to choose whatever is appropriate and pleasurable. A man could well be husband, father, provider, home-carer, or businessman – whatever he desires. A woman could well be a wife, mother, provider or pursue a career if she wants to. In a virtual freedom – there is such an ease and delight in just being sensible, in not being instinctually driven or socially constrained and bound. What we found in our investigations has been quite shocking – a blow to that insidious feeling of pride that inevitably causes human beings to refuse to admit that their behaviour is just plain stupid and that ultimately prevents any possibility of radical, effective change. How could I have been so stupid? But the facts spoke for themselves. How could I have believed that simply because ‘everybody behaves that way’, I should also behave that way? How could I believe that everybody else was ‘getting it wrong’, and not me? Was I going to endlessly try and change every woman I was with or somehow try and find the ‘right one’ amongst the billions? How could I not see that the only one who l could possibly change was me? But now, I have discovered that it is possible to change – to rid myself of the beliefs of who I
‘think’ I am – my social identity relative to others; and the instinctual passions of who I ‘feel’ I am – the ‘self’ as in
self-preservation, fame. Now I am closer to ‘what’ I am: a sensate, thinking, flesh and blood body able to reflect on what an amazing universe
this is – perfect, except for human beings, and even that is now possible to change. Not merely to superficially change or alter one’s human
behaviour but to eventually become actually free of the Human Condition in its entirety – to become both happy and harmless. Over the following weeks we delved into exactly what love is; recounting all the experiences that had caused such difficulties between us, as well as our experiences with others in the past. The ‘falling in lust’ syndrome is an obvious one and sexual attraction or arousal causes a well documented instinctual surge in the body – and directly experienced as an emotional response. This response, particularly when it occurs simultaneously in both parties can cause the ‘flash’ known as the ‘love at first sight’ syndrome. The other interesting discovery was that falling in love is usually a decision made, whether it is a ‘Yippee’, a ‘Yes’ or a ‘… might as well’. But by far the strongest factor in the feeling of love is the instinctually-fuelled hormonal response. Over the centuries we humans have formalized these instinctual functions of procreation, protection and nurturing into the institution of marriage. Strangely enough the concept of romantic love seems to have only come to real fruition in the Middle Ages when it was idealised in ballads, mythical tales and fables. The beliefs and myths surrounding love are mammoth, but I was only interested in the facts of how this ideal translates into human emotions and behaviour – and mine in particular. Those facts were that I had wanted to possess, control and manipulate this woman. I would make her into ‘my’ ideal, ‘my’ woman. This behaviour is strange indeed, because one of the things that attracted me to her in the first place was her strength of will, her independence. I remember clearly in past relationships when the battle of wills would surface as a ‘‘tis / ‘tisn’t’, right / wrong undercurrent which would occasionally arise over the pettiest of issues. There would also be a subtle (or with some people not so subtle) putting down of the other, as though trying to keep the other from getting stronger than me, or getting more than me. If the other was getting more attention than me, jealousy would enter. If there was a hint of another man around her then jealousy raged up like some out-of-control monster and I would find myself driven to do utterly stupid things, or be driven to the brink of madness as my mind raced out of control. Crimes of passion and lovers’ suicides are horrific extremes of the destructive power of jealousy.
By freeing ourselves of most of our societal beliefs and by diminishing the power of the instinctual passions which had prevented us from living together in peace and harmony, the pure natural delight of freely enjoyed sex was revealed, step by delicious step. The very process of investigating the Human Condition and putting the issues on the table to be mutually resolved rather than fearfully coveted, allowed us to penetrate this most personal, most intimate of subjects. More than this, we also dug deep to tackle the instinctual behaviour patterns that ultimately doom human sex to failure, resulting in disappointment, resentment and eventual abandonment. What an utter tragedy these patterns of behaviour are as one can have such extraordinary sensory delight from the pure physical sexual play between a man and a woman. It requires, though, a thorough investigation of the taboos, mystique and conditioning which have been largely imposed by the priests and gurus – the very same priests and gurus who declare sex to be sinful or to be eventually transcended – abandoned on the path to Enlightenment. For centuries they have practised their denial and celibacy with monumental hypocrisy and torturous selfishness. They obviously have not a clue when they talk about sex … and yet it is their Wisdom that we follow! Very curious. Peter’s Journal, ‘Sex’ It is very interesting what happens with this method of ridding oneself of beliefs and instinctual passions. It actually works! I had been around the spiritual/therapy world for years, had probably heard parts of this before, done ‘work’ or groups on the issue before, but here I was able to go straight for the jugular. This was the core of the problem, it was in the road between us, and I needed to be free of it! After all, it was preventing my happiness and enjoyment of life now! I recognised the behaviour and feelings in myself, saw the appalling consequences both to my happiness and that of others … and then they simply disappeared. The complete and total understanding of a belief and its accompanying emotions actually results in their elimination. It took a little time, a lot of diligence, introspection and plain ‘self’-obsession – and the will to keep going, to find out. It was often very fearful and I found myself not only dealing with my fears but also with the fear of all humans now and who ever have been. And then, as though by magic, one day I realised I was no longer driven. It had been a gradual process but it had come to an end – it worked. The sex drive, or instinctual passion, had virtually disappeared from my life. It was extraordinarily freeing to no longer be led around by my dick, to no longer revert to fantasy and imagination, to no longer eye off other women. And I am free of the seductive power of women, that ultimate power that women exert over men. Of course, it was not merely an intellectual understanding and it translated gradually over the months into a free enjoyment of sex with Vineeto. With fear, guilt, imagination and blind nature no longer interfering, the physical act of sex reveals its delights – with a real woman, lustily sexual, eyes open, delicious, tactile, sensual, immediate, body-tingling pleasure. The actual physical pleasure of sex revealed was to far exceed the imaginative and fantasy world of sex I had previously lived in. Peter’s Journal, ‘Sex’ Digging into the female sexual instinctual passions also proved illuminating. Although Vineeto had largely come to terms with the desire to have children and had been sterilised when quite young, the instinctual behaviour still continued. We contemplated the fact that blind nature has equipped the female of the species with an instinct to procreate. This means she needs to attract a man to impregnate her, and preferably a physically strong one, in order to then protect her and the offspring. Then comes the need to keep the man around to provide food, shelter and defence. To accomplish this, being physically weaker in general, women had to develop what is known as feminine guile – a series of emotions, games, seductions, ploys, etc. Even if a woman had a man, this offered no security, so she had to continuously hone and test her seductive powers on other men in case they were needed at any time. She knew that when these powers failed, when beauty faded, when old age set in, she was useless, on the scrap heap. This behaviour is all too evident in current times: women’s magazines bear testimony to this, with their endless beauty and seductive tips. The threat of failure or loss of male protection meant that the support of the other women around the campfire was all she could ultimately fall back on; hence the woman’s loyalty to the ‘sisterhood’ is much stronger than her loyalty to her man. The elimination of the beliefs and taboos around sexuality and their related emotions meant that each of us had to give up all that we thought was essential and set in concrete in the end. My very maleness and her very femaleness. The results of this investigation are indeed quite interesting. We have discovered a heightened sensual pleasure in sex. We have stripped away almost all of the emotions, fears, blockages, hesitancies, guilt, and any withholding that occurs around sex. Now it is simply a matter of when to comfortably fit it in to the day; we generally prefer the morning, as the resulting sensations can last for hours. It’s that ‘Wow’ or ‘Hmmm’ that we can get at the coffee shop later on that is so good. It is usually obvious when it is a good time to jump into bed, and not being driven takes all the ‘will we – won’t we’ nonsense away. It simply happens whenever it suits us both. Without the sex drive dominating we are able to enjoy the whole of the sexual act; it is not a blind mindless rush to orgasm. We enjoy the heightened physical pleasures of touch, smell, sight and sound, the senses building and building to become purely sexual. Peter’s Journal, ‘Sex’ Since I met Richard I have been challenging the very act of believing itself, and I am actively dismantling the beliefs that I find so as to strip away the veil of misery and sorrow, which they maintain and constantly reinforce. No longer seeing the world through grey or rose coloured glasses, no longer with my head in the sand or in the clouds, means that I am different from other people. I actually experience the world as it is as a near-perfect place (except for human beings, of course). It requires no belief, faith, hope or trust to see that this is the case; the physical universe simply is perfect, pristine, pure, infinite, and happening this very moment. Human beings have just been programmed, socially and instinctually, into believing that this is not so. This programming consists of the instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire that we are born with, overlaid with the beliefs we have been indoctrinated with since birth – in total called the Human Condition. Further the advice of parents, teachers, priests, gurus, philosophers – indeed all of the human Wisdom – is founded on the belief that you can’t change Human Nature. Not only is life on earth a sick joke, but there is no cure possible! The Mother of all beliefs! It is only a belief-system, but it is very insidious. It creates an imaginary world, made of beliefs, that is so dense, so elaborate and so convincing that it seems real. But it is not actual or factual. And when one first peeks through a crack in the door out from this world it can look overwhelming fearful – that is why one needs to be guided by pure intent and a certain courage to tackle the journey out. Peter’s Journal, ‘People’ My investigations into fear were most revealing. What I came to discover was that human beings are born with an instinctual passion of fear. I only had to observe the animal world to observe fear in action.
But we present-day humans are also ‘wired’ with that very same instinct to survive and as such are forced to go on repeating the same patterns even if it is no longer necessary – even if it is harmful to ourselves! I see this in documentaries of animal behaviour – some of the great migrations in animals are actually suicide runs where birds will fly for thousands of kilometres over areas of good feed and climate to go to some particular spot, and only a tiny percentage survive. But the pattern is repeated again and again and again – for generations and millennia. And it is not only taught to the siblings but comes pre-wired as an instinct. Similarly I was born with a set of instinctual passions that in present times are not only redundant but are actually harmful in that they cause malice and sorrow in me. Blind nature – the animal instinct in me – cares not for my happiness and wellbeing: in fact, it is the very cause of my misery and pain! Of course it gets a lot more complex than that, because humans have a highly sophisticated brain, able to reflect and communicate, and also a rudimentary ‘self’. This ‘self’ has developed into a cunning and perverse entity, layered with beliefs, myths, morals, fears, fairy stories, gods and devils. The psychic world was born and flourished in fear and superstition, peddled by the witches, shamans, priests and God-men. A world of spirits – the spirit-ual world of Good and Bad. The world of ritual and ceremony, prophecy and divination, belief and faith, charms and omens. Supreme in this world on the side of the Good are the saints, popes, and the Enlightened ones, not to mention a few thousand Gods. And a continual battle is fought against Evil, the non-believers, the heathens and the godless. It is all fought out in the ‘cosmos’ – some sort of ancient mythical version of cyberspace. And it is fought over vast eons of time in alternate universes, on different planes or astral dimensions. The Heaven I was told about as a kid – and thought to be silly – has nothing on this! The whole world is increasingly becoming a psychic battleground as New?-Age bookshops, and the magazines, therapists and gurus provide the ammunition. They are selling medicine and remedies for fear, while at the same time actively fuelling people’s fears, as it is good business to do so. The predictions and prophecies of doom and gloom, the stories of suffering and mental anguish are insidiously spread, reinforced and embellished to actively promote and maintain fear. Peter’s Journal, ‘Fear’ It is now time for an evolutionary change that will simply make the past beliefs and animal instincts not only archaic and redundant but silly. The way is now open for a new species of human beings to supersede the old. The method to achieve this is simple, direct and straightforward; the results immediate, actual and apparent. When you are ready to give up on the idea that there is ‘someone’ or ‘something’ else that is going to fix you up, then you are ready and able to do it yourself. As it begins to work it becomes obvious that no-one else could do it anyway. A confidence gathers, soon an obsession takes over and it quickly becomes the adventure of a lifetime. The fact is that every human brain has been wired with a particular societal belief system and a set of instinctual passions. Long ago they were necessary for the survival of the species but now they are redundant. It is now time for a human evolutionary change and it is fascinating to be here, on earth, at this time and being aware of the re-wiring happening in my brain and watching it happen in others around. It is fascinating to begin to be alive as a sensate, thinking, human being doing this thing and being able to write and describe it as well! Peter’s Journal, ‘Evolution’ Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless Peter’s Text ©The Actual Freedom
Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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