Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ while ‘she’ lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom.

Vineeto’s Correspondence on Mailing List D

Correspondent No 10

Topics covered

UG re thought, confused actualists, how to end malice, re-labelling, ‘self’-immolation, unaffected * wrong address


See Richard, List B, No 33


VINEETO: Hi No 10,

RESPONDENT No 1: It amazes me how people want to know; be right about something so badly, they’ll invent all sorts of theories, beliefs, and methods. That need of permanence, as well as the beliefs themselves, is invented from the ego/self in order to guarantee its own survival. Thus, we have an entity of which is neither the ‘self’ nor the ‘soul’ nor the ‘instincts’ doing something, i.e., ‘finding,’ ‘conducting,’ ‘eliminating,’ etc.

There is no one thing we can do to bring on another dimension of living. It is just as you say, No 2, it happens, and there is not even a flash. You are here and then you’re not. That is the unknown and the unexplainable. The key, however, does seem to lie in right living, listening, and non-attachment to any thing. Life comes unwarranted.

VINEETO to No 1: ‘It amazes me how people want to know; be right about something so badly, they’ll invent all sorts of theories, beliefs, and methods. That need of [keeping things unknown], as well as the beliefs themselves, is invented from the ego/self in order to guarantee its own survival.’

Did you ever think about, i.e. become aware of, how you determine what is true for you and what you call another’s belief? The only criteria I used to have for the Truth was if it ‘felt’ right, if it stirred my heart, if it made my soul sing, etc. Yet these same feelings are the very reason why people are ready to kill and die for the Truth, for what they feel is right and for what they passionately believe to be the only real Truth.

Now I rely on facts, provable, demonstrable, verifiable and workable facts. Facts exist without my support, actuality exists without me believing in it or you not believing in it – it doesn’t need any defence at all. A tree is a tree and no belief will change that, a fact is a fact and no belief will change that either. And the actuality that I experience when the ‘self’ is completely absent is so vibrant, so delicious, so pure, so magnificent that every glorious feeling about Truth, the Unknown, the Unknowable, etc. has faded into oblivion.

As it is my life and there is no God to reward or punish me before or after death, I can do with it what I like. And I chose to go for the best – an actual peace on earth in this lifetime.

RESPONDENT No 1: Why do you keep insisting that everyone has a belief in God (except you actualitsts)? Me think you protesteth too much. The ‘unknown’ is creation – the leading edge of the universe. You’re either on the cutting edge or you’re dead.

RESPONDENT: I think it is so because these actualists actually are pretty confused.

VINEETO: Whereas the spiritual world is clear, concise, harmonious, congruent and in total agreement? Not if this mailing list is any gauge.

RESPONDENT: Some of them write high decibel nonsense that can fool even astute people.

VINEETO: I see you come down on the side of the ancients being astute about the true source of human malice and sorrow and the modern empiricists are talking nonsense. But then again, the church has a long and belligerent history of resisting any change.

RESPONDENT: For example, even I was fooled by that ‘actual’ dumb wit Richard for a while.

VINEETO: Yes, at some point you were even inquiring from Richard how to end malice. Vis:

[Respondent]: As long as you nurse malice and sorrow in your heart, there will be no happiness for you, nor will you be harmless to others. This fact is simpler than any of the theories that cropped up earlier. [endquote].

Did you suspect that you had been fooled when you began to understand in your conversation with Richard that peace-on-earth will need a little bit more than merely rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, i.e. changing a few labels and bingo, you are, as you said to No 3 –

[Respondent to No 3]: observing it from this shore, where I am absolutely, unconditionally free [endquote].

Actual Freedom does indeed require much more than thinking, shifting and re-labelling, it requires a pure intent to uncover and sacrifice what one holds most dear – my ‘self’. Vis.

Richard: This is because an actual freedom is gratuitous peace and harmony ... no learning is needed. In the pure and perfect – and gratis – peace-on-earth which is already always just here right now there is no need to redecorate, or renovate, or refurbish, or revamp, or spruce up, or smarten-up, or fix-up, or give a face-lift and so on.

It is indeed a vastly different ‘form of ego’ who sees that voluntary ‘self’-sacrifice (‘self’ as in ‘I’/’me’ who is the root cause of all the wars and murders and rapes and tortures and domestic violence and child abuse and suicides and the such-like) is noble. It is indeed a vastly different ‘form of ego’ who understands that voluntary ‘self’-sacrifice is an altruistic offering, a philanthropic contribution, a generous gift, a charitable donation, a magnanimous present for the human race. It is indeed a vastly different ‘form of ego’ who is willing to cheerfully devote and give over his/her very ‘being’ as a humane gratuity, an open-handed endowment, a munificent bequest or a kind-hearted benefaction for the benefit of each and every body.

It is indeed a vastly different ‘form of ego’ whose exit is a dramatic act ... for it is the ride of a lifetime. Richard to Respondent, [List B, No 33], 26.6.2000

It is so much easier, and cheaper, to say that the other is writing nonsense and settle for the wisdom of the ancient seers, which is a childish fear-ridden fantasy.

RESPONDENT: Now that he has re-incarnated as Vineeto on this forum, I see him in his true colours – much hype and little substance.

VINEETO: False premise – I am a separate person. There is indeed someone who dares what you have yet to do – I dug into my social identity and I investigate into my instinctual passions in order to facilitate ‘self’-immolation.

RESPONDENT: Hi Richard: the best that you can do for the world is short circuit and crash your hard disk. Go!

VINEETO: When I wrote on the list of Rajneesh followers last year I received a similar response – they told me to ‘fuck off and die’. You have only expressed it in more technical terms.

I always considered that I am not actually free when I can be annoyed, irritated, saddened or scared by someone else without there being a physical threat. To become free of these emotional reactions I took up meditation and when meditation proved ineffective and dissociative, I became attracted to investigate into the cause of my social and instinctual programming in order to become free of being affected by other people’s words and actions. Not being affected by other’s sadness makes me unconditionally happy and not being affected by other’s aggression makes me unreservedly harmless.

It’s a great life.



First off I apologize to you for my rude remarks to you. Secondly, I was talking to a clinical psychologist about the pain that a person suffers over the loss of a child (through death or abduction or any other reason). A few interesting points came up during our discussion:

  1. The psychologist told me that human beings react instinctively when they lose a child. A lot of the pain that people experience is of that type and there is not much that they can do about it.
  2. Time, usually, heals such pain.
  3. Belief in God is no guarantee that such pain will go away (quickly or any faster). A believer in God was told that her loss of child was a ‘will of God’ (as she herself had told others in similar situations) and she was MAD at God!

With the above background here are some questions for you:

  1. It appears that instincts do not really get extinguished, but such pain is healed by time (healed in the sense of being lessened, minimized).
  2. If that be the case, I am wondering what is the best coping strategy that one can devise to deal with such loss and pain arising from it.

I will appreciate a specific response to these issues because I already know your views on various things that you have posted on this forum.

Thanks for your time.

VINEETO: You have sent your post to the wrong address. Here is Richard’s address (now invalid).

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Vineeto’s Writings and Correspondence

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