Introducing Actual Freedom

Actual Freedom – The Third Alternative

Please note that the entire text of the Introduction was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ while ‘he’ lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free.

Asking the question ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive?’ is the means to firstly ascertaining how one is doing relative to one’s aim in life and the key to finding out what is inhibiting one from being happy and harmless this very moment. This process gives ‘me’ something to do – ‘I’ clean myself up as much as possible by rigorously and remorselessly examining all that constitutes the Human Condition – all the truths and beliefs that constitute my social identity – and all the instinctual passions that constitute my instinctual ‘being’.

The path to Actual Freedom delivers the goods – one progressively eliminates the impediments to one’s happiness and harmlessness incrementally and, as such, one has incremental success. One continually raises the bar to allow more of the perfection and purity of the actual world to become apparent and obvious in one’s life. This process, if undertaken with a pure intent, will inevitably lead to a virtual freedom.

When one is virtual free from malice and sorrow one goes to bed at night time having had a 99% perfect day, knowing tomorrow will be equally perfect. In virtual freedom the immediate and the actual becomes one’s focus as this is, after all, the only moment I can experience of being alive.

Virtual freedom is a readily obtainable, realistic goal available for anyone – and is an essential step on the path to Actual Freedom. Whilst an actual freedom from malice and sorrow is the goal, the end and the means are the same – one needs to do whatever it takes to be both happy and harmless this very moment.  Unless one is willing to contemplate a virtual happiness and harmlessness, to be virtually free of malice and sorrow, 99% of the time – then one might as well forget the whole business. If someone is not willing to make this level of ‘self’-sacrifice then any interest in an actual freedom would remain a purely cerebral exercise, wishful thinking and a useless self-deception.

Virtual freedom is available for everyone, and anyone, who has a sincere intent to be happy and harmless.

The path to an Actual Freedom is not only non-spiritual but it is down-to-earth and practical – you are in fact experientially exploring the Human Condition by delving into your own psyche and the very act of investigation, combined with sincerity will inevitably bring about radical change. Provided pure intent is operating any deviations or diversions on the path will be clearly seen for what they are, any obstacles will be seen as opportunities, any grubbiness, power-plays or self-deception will become painfully obvious both to yourself and others and any fears encountered will but add to the thrill of discovery.

The first essential step on the path to aim for is living virtual free of malice and sorrow for a substantial period. This stage allows for the further cultivation of naïveté, firmly based on actual experience.

One is then able to become apperceptively aware as the brain is freed of its ‘self’-centred neurosis, resulting in both clarity of thought and peace of mind. As the senses are freed from the clutches of the emotions and passions a veritable smorgasbord of sensual delight becomes readily apparent and one lives in a state of almost constant near-peak experience.

Serendipity abounds and a fascination with life activates delight and sensuousness as one does all one can to mimic the perfection and purity that becomes increasingly apparent all around in the physical actual world. One has a resounding and unequivocal YES to being here in the world as-it-is, with people as-they-are. One’s mind, more and more freed of imagination and the chemical influence of the instinctual passions, is capable of great clarity and, as apperceptive awareness replaces self-centred neurosis, one knows one’s days are numbered.

One is literally and figuratively coming to one’s senses and is less and less affected by feelings and emotions arising from the animal instinctual passions. A total and sincere dedication to what is actual, pure and perfect, allows one the confidence to let go of control, so to speak, whereupon the very process of ‘self’-immolation is set in motion – then it is not a process that one has any control over, it is happening by itself.

‘What I am’ has always been here, it is just that it has been obscured and totally dominated by ‘who I am’ – and it is only by systematically and methodically daring to peel back the layers of social conditioning, beliefs, morals, ethics, psittacisms and instinctual passions that ‘what I am’ is more and more able to become apparent. ‘What I am’ thus becomes incrementally freed, strengthened, gaining confidence from the surety of facts, increasingly unfettered intelligence and unmediated senses – all actual, down-to-earth, sensible and verifiable experiences.

‘What I am’ is not a new creation, a new identity – it is simply what remains when ‘who I am’ disappears, in total.

One is then left with a final moment, to …

[Richard]: The day finally dawns where the definitive moment of being here, right now, conclusively arrives; something irrevocable takes place and every thing and every body and every event is different, somehow, although the same physically; something immutable occurs and every thing and every body and every event is all-of-a-sudden undeniably actual, in and of itself, as a fact; something irreversible happens and an immaculate perfection and a pristine purity permeates every thing and every body and every event; something has changed forever, although it is as if nothing has happened, except that the entire world is a magical fairytale-like playground full of incredible gladness and a delight which is never-ending.

Put succinctly: ‘my’ demise was as fictitious as ‘my’ apparent presence; I have always been here, in this actual world of sensorial delight, one realises, for it was that ‘I’ only imagined ‘I’ existed; ‘my’ presence had been but an emotional/ passional play in a fertile imagination; an emotional/ passional play which fuelled actual hormonal substances, however, triggered off from within the brain-stem by the instinctual emotions/ passions bestowed per favour blind nature. Thus the psyche – the entire affective faculty born of the survival instincts themselves – is wiped out forever and one is finally what one has actually been all along: a sensitive and reflective flesh-and-blood body simply brimming with sense organs revelling in this sensuous world of immediate experience.

As this flesh-and-blood body only one is this infinite, eternal, and perdurable universe experiencing itself as an apperceptive human being ... as such it is stunningly aware of its own infinitude.

And this is truly wonderful.

(for more see here).

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