180 Degrees Opposite (To be seeking spiritual freedom is to be going 180 degrees in the wrong direction)
Peter to Alan: Thought I would drop you a line and enclose another schematic diagram we finalized last night. It’s literally hot off the press. We have been toying for some time with the idea of a schematic that defined the difference between what we are on about and what the spiritual path is on about. It stemmed from when I first met Richard and he said ‘everyone has got it 180 degrees wrong’ – or words to that effect – and in a flash I remember thinking ‘Of course – that’s why the spiritual world is as fucked up as the real world.’ Since then I have had a good many postings and discussions with many people who blithely insist that the path to Actual Freedom is no different to the spiritual path. Hundreds of thousands of words later there still seems much sincere confusion, as well as blatantly stubborn refusal to acknowledge facts – so we now have the ‘Actual freedom lies 180 degrees in the opposite direction to spiritual beliefs’ diagram. The diagram deliberately points out what initially is the similarity between the path to Actual Freedom and the spiritual path – that they both start with a search for freedom, peace and happiness – but it also clearly indicates that they are, in fact, separate paths and explains in what way they are different. The diagram makes potently clear that continuing on the spiritual path by practicing denial, sublimation and transcendence which results in impassioned delusion, leads one further away from the actual world and actively perpetuates the Human Condition of fighting and suffering. For those determined to go all the way to Actual Freedom the one and only option is to turn around and head 180 degrees in the opposite direction – abandoning and dismantling all of one’s ancient spiritual beliefs – the lot, every morsel – and then one can really start on the path to an actual, down-to-earth freedom. It is this very aspect that is the most daunting for many – because to dare to question one’s cherished spiritual beliefs would seem as though one would have to retreat back to grim everyday reality again. It is here that the memory of the Pure Consciousness Experience is vital, as you then have experienced your potential destiny – Actual Freedom. One then backtracks with gay abandon, scurrying delightedly to rid oneself of the moldy, fear-ridden, ancient beliefs as one sets off on the alternative path to actualizing that potential. Of course, a component of the wide and wondrous path is the sensible and sensate experience, and any moves away from purely cerebral or affective experiencing can only improve one’s life. Thus it is that there will be those who go all the way and those who take on board what they are comfortable with – but even that will bring a degree more of happiness and harmlessness to the person concerned. And there will be a bit more of the genuine product in the world to counter the ancient superstition and beliefs – sort of a flow-on, or rub-off effect. It is most definitely a win-win situation. I do like the schematic. I remember some 2 years ago trying to make sense of the difference between what Richard was saying and what the Gurus were saying and doodling with a diagram – must be my architectural training – and here it is. Good hey. Respondent: Richard, I wonder however how your experience really ‘differs’ from what Buddha or Christ or many of the living teachers experience. From what I understand, they all realize the same thing, a common experience. Richard: Perhaps if I provide a (by no means exhaustive) list of the major ways in which my experience differs it may clarify the situation somewhat. Viz.: Actual freedom: Time and space and form are actual (the timeless, spaceless and
formless reality is a dream). Actual freedom: This physical universe is infinite and eternal (boundless and
limitless). Actual freedom: This physical universe is beginningless and endless (unborn and
undying). Actual freedom: This physical universe is the source of human life (matter gives
rise to consciousness). Actual freedom: One is this flesh and blood body only. Actual freedom: Physical death is the end, finish: mortality. Actual freedom: The soul (by whatever name) is an illusion. Actual freedom: Totally new (modern) wisdom substantiated by rigorous empirical
objectivity (individualistic commonality). Actual freedom: Peace-on-earth is possible as this flesh and blood body. Actual freedom: Suffering is eliminated (via immolation). Actual freedom: Both ‘I’ as ego and ‘me’ as soul are extinguished. Actual freedom: Any ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ dichotomy is not actual. Actual freedom: Love and compassion only exist as long as malice and sorrow
exists (both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ become extinct). Actual freedom: The facts are the key to success and are to be sensately found
in the actual. Actual freedom: A sensate-feeling experience (sensation only) empirically
experienced as a body-mind (human consciousness). Actual freedom: A temporary pure consciousness experience (PCE) such as a peak
experience provides a glimpse of one’s actual destiny. Actual freedom: By being born a separative ‘self’ one lives in a painful
reality (being detached from actuality) and sensuousness ends this detachment with the resultant apperception revealing the actual world. Actual freedom: Total elimination of the rudimentary ‘self’ born of the
instinctual survival passions (due to the altruism inherent in the survival instincts). Actual freedom: Belief, faith, trust and hope play no part. Actual freedom: Intuition, imagination, visualization, prescience, clairvoyance,
telepathy and divination are non-existent in actual freedom. Actual freedom: Actual freedom is consistent: it is neither contradictory nor
hypocritical. Actual freedom: The wide and wondrous path to actual freedom offers incremental
success through methodical moment-to-moment examination of feeling-fed beliefs disguised as ‘truths’ (virtual freedom). Actual freedom: Autonomy and independence (through altruistic ‘self’-sacrifice)
are the hallmarks of actual freedom. Actual freedom: Gratitude is a hindrance on the path to an actual freedom. Actual freedom: Dignity is both the means to the end and the end in actual
freedom. Further related discussions A Down-to-Earth Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless in this Lifetime Richard’s & Peter’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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