Please note that Vineeto’s correspondence below was written by the actually free Vineeto

(List D refers to Richard’s List D and his Respondent Numbers)


Vineeto’s Correspondence

with Axis on Discuss Actualism Forum

October 15 2024

AXIS: Hello. I have a background in Buddhism and Christianity. I’m an open minded fellow and found that Actualism resonates strongly with a profound experience I had about a month ago. Consequently I’m dropping everything to work on attaining actual freedom. I have read most of the AFT website at this point and will, in due course, ask you gentle fellows for advice as I continue to practice.

VINEETO: Hi Axis. Welcome.

I guess you underestimated The Actual Freedom Trust website a tad, Richard alone has over 2000 pages of correspondence, not counting his Personal Web-page (Richard's Personal Web Page).

AXIS: Okay, what’s the trick to self immolation? The will is here (I think) but the self keeps kicking.

VINEETO: Ha, and as a true-to-form student of consciousness studies you are straight aiming for the ultimate experience with your first question. Don’t worry, most of the actualists I have known have done the same. Feeling being ‘Vineeto’ for instance started off by reading the report of how Richard became actually free many times over, to no avail, of course. Only then ‘she’ started to pay attention to the actualism method and put it into practice, did ‘she’ get some first successes. It is described in Richard’s article This Moment Of Being Alive. (Richard, Articles, This Moment of Being Alive).

As an actual freedom is actual, i.e. ‘physical’, ‘active’, ‘relating to acts’, ‘practical’, ‘a doing’, ‘a thing done’, ‘to drive’, ‘do’, ‘perform’, one eventually has to begin by laying the foundations first, just like when starting to build a building.

The little yellow tooltip right next to the title on the Homepage might possibly give you an introduction to that.

That said, a description of your “profound experience” you said “strongly resonates” for you is most likely a valuable clue.

About 2 months ago I wrote a four-point description of the practice of actualism to someone (who told us that, according to his doctor, he hasn’t much time left to live) about what is the quickest way to reach an actual freedom - it might give you a quick and rough guidance where to start and how to proceed. (Actualism, Actualvineeto, James, 24 July 2024).

However, so as not to confuse yourself, and inadvertently continue what you have done in your previous life, it’s essential to recognize, via contemplation and application of common sense, the patterns of your spiritual practices of "Buddhism and Christianity" which almost automatically will act as an interpretational template for what you read, unless you pay exclusive attention.

All that said, feeling-being ‘Vineeto’ used to say, it’s the best game in town to play and once you get the knack, it’s a lot of fun.

Cheers Vineeto 



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