(List D refers to Richard’s List D
Vineeto Excerpts of
All-pervading Sweetness For all those who experience an increased outpouring and/or embracing and appreciation of the purity and overarching benignity of the infinite universe (pure intent) and wonder where it might lead to RICHARD: Peter has written an account of the proceedings, at the end of his pioneering journey on the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition, whilst the mutineers were in full-flight. And, as Richard has taken this opportunity to provide his experience of those proceedings, as appropriate to the text (via the mouse-hover/click-hold ‘R’ icons), please be prepared to be either shocked, appalled or delighted (depending upon whether the title ‘The Third Alternative’, and all what it signifies, has been properly understood, in view of the truly magical nature of a PCE, or not). Viz.: Further into the actual world – indeed it was so seductive an experience that I was literally compelled to investigate further. Perhaps an hour or two later in an increasingly intimate ambience between us, I moved over to sit beside Richard on the couch as I wanted to be closer to him rather than talk over the coffee table that separated the two couches.
(www.actualfreedom.com.au/announcement1.htm RESPONDENT: PS: On a more curious line of unobjectified, non-segregated thought, how would you describe the occurrence of ‘weeping for joy’ for Justine, a professed actually free person who you have claimed AF as well? RICHARD: Hmm ... I would, perhaps, be inclined to describe it as being ‘par for the course’ (for those first few, daring, pioneers) if the following extract from a private email Vineeto wrote to another in February last year is anything to go by. (It is an extract as I only have her permission to make it public on the proviso that certain personal details were snipped out). Viz.:
Regards, Richard. Vineeto has written a description of her oh-so-essential validation of the direct route at the end of the (gentrified and utterly safe) wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom from the human condition, pioneered by Peter only seven days previously, which ushers in the new era. (Richard has taken this opportunity to provide his experiential input, as appropriate to the text, via the mouse-hover/click-hold ‘R’ icon). Viz.:
RICHARD to No. 24: It is this simple: a flesh-and-blood body is perfectly safe in regards flying to Australia on a prearranged agreement to meet in person (apart from the regular hazards associated with flight of course) and it is only ‘me’ at the core of ‘my’ being (which is ‘being’ itself) who is at risk. And as the transition from the real-world to this actual world is a seamless transition – all what happens is that an illusion is no more (somewhat analogous to Santa Claus, et al., ceasing to appear real upon the illusion being exposed) – it is thus all much ado about nothing ... literally! It is quite magical, though. RESPONDENT: So it is just a matter of seeing clearly that the real-world is an illusion? I see it but perhaps not clearly enough? I see it most clearly when thinking stops and there is just a sensate body sitting/ laying here. That is the time to have a pce and see the vast stillness of the universe. Is the pce necessary? ps: Is the pce necessary for pure intent to come out of this vast stillness? RICHARD: G’day No. 17, Prior to 11.25 AM (AEDST) on Saturday, the 14th of November, 2009, a pure consciousness experience (PCE) was indeed necessary for pure intent – that benevolence and benignity of the vast and utter stillness of the universe itself – and the reason why a PCE was essential is reported/ described/ explained both on The Actual Freedom Trust website and in ‘Richard’s Journal’. However, since then a PCE has no longer been a vital factor in the process of becoming actually free of the instinctual
passions/the feeling-being formed thereof ... indeed, neither of the persons mentioned, as an example, in that first post of mine (Message No. 10532) Also, what the feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago experienced as an ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’ was experienced by the feeling-being ‘Peter’, on the 29th of December 2009, as [quote] ‘a sweetness that was palpable’ [endquote] and that ‘he’ was [quote] ‘literally being bathed in this sweetness’ [endquote]. (Those quotes are from Peter’s report on the original ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage * Other people have reported experiencing that over-arching benevolence and benignity as a palpable sweetness as well. Pamela, for instance, spoke of it in those terms during the ten minutes or so immediately prior to the pivotal event/the definitive moment when she became actually free of the instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof on the 27th of January 2010. (On another occasion, about three weeks later, she reported experiencing it as being an ‘infinite tenderness’ of such a magnitude as to render her incoherent upon endeavouring to describe it to Vineeto). Vineeto speaks about it thisaway (also on that original ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage):
She has also reported it as being ‘ambrosial in nature’ and as ‘an ambrosial gentleness’ and has written of it, in a private email, as being ‘an overwhelming sweetness, so overwhelmingly sweet that tears were running down my face. At another time I experienced a tenderness so vast that I was speechless for a good time afterwards’. * I mention these reports so as to demonstrate that what the feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago experienced as an ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’ may not necessarily be exactly the way others experience it. Regards, Richard. RICHARD: [...] what the feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago experienced as an ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’ was experienced by the feeling-being ‘Peter’, on the 29th of December 2009, as [quote] ‘a sweetness that was palpable’ [endquote] and that ‘he’ was [quote] ‘literally being bathed in this sweetness’ [endquote]. (Those quotes are from Peter’s report on the original ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage RESPONDENT: Does the experiencing of the vastness and stillness of the universe bring on the ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’ which then brings on the ‘sweetness’? Iow, does ‘experiencing the vastness and stillness’ of the universe come first? RICHARD: G’day No. 17, My response (above) was both in the context of your query as to whether a PCE is necessary for pure intent and your follow-up explanation to [No. 24] about the last paragraph of ‘Addendum No. 7’ (that to be actually free from the human condition is to be that pure intent). Prior to the physical death of my second wife (de jure) Devika/ Irene a PCE was indeed necessary for pure intent; since then it has no longer been a vital factor in the process of becoming actually free of the instinctual passions/the feeling-being formed thereof as the impenetrable psychic force-field which Devika had established to protect Richard from other people, and which Irene had transmuted into protecting other people from Richard, is no longer in existence (in existence psychically, that is, in the real-world). Consequentially, that ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’, which the feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago experienced [via a PCE] and named ‘pure intent’, became immanently accessible to some select associates during a specific situational setting called ‘The Second Convivium Gathering’, in late 2009/early 2010, and was variously experienced by them as a ‘palpable sweetness’, for instance, and an ‘infinite tenderness’, for example, and has been more generally described as ‘being bathed in intimacy’. It was also accessible at-a-distance (hence the thirty-day trial at that time), as a rather remarkable man on another continent has amply demonstrated, and has been described by him upon meeting in person as a ‘gentle energy’ and a ‘harmless energy’ which is ‘emanating all around (not directional, like a guru to a devotee, and not at all coarse)’. Thus to answer your first question: the direct (as in, immediate or unmediated) experiencing of the vast stillness of this physical universe’s infinitude – where the word stillness refers to there being no movement of time whatsoever (as in ‘this moment has no duration’) – is the way in which the feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago became consciously aware of pure intent [via a PCE] because, back in those days, there had not yet been someone of sufficient naïveté to enable that immaculate perfection to become purity personified. Which means that, these days, when that ‘palpable sweetness’ (for instance) is experienced it is that ‘over-arching benevolence and benignity’ being experienced, by virtue of that immaculate perfection having become manifest in the everyday world as a flesh-and-blood body only, as they are both one and the same thing in essence. Thus to answer your second question: it is the experiencing of that ‘palpable sweetness’ (for instance) which comes first. Regards, Richard. P.S.: As there is now both a male and a female fully here in this actual world, the completely new consciousness (a totally original way of being conscious) for all humankind to avail themselves of is nowadays entirely equitable. And this is truly marvellous. (See the footnote in Message No. 10573 Re: Richard writes about two types of Actual Freedom RICHARD: (...) As the magical prodigy which became known as ‘the quickening’ is a feature peculiar to being the genitor of the completely new consciousness (a totally original way of being conscious) for all humankind to avail themselves of – via that enabling/ facilitating feature – (...) CLAUDIU: Which ‘enabling/ facilitating feature’ are you referring to? RICHARD: I am referring to that feature peculiar to being the genitor of the completely new consciousness (a totally original way of being conscious) for all humankind to avail themselves of ... to wit: the magical prodigy which became known as ‘the quickening’. CLAUDIU: Is that to say that ‘the quickening’ is something that has only happened, and will only ever happen, to the genitor of the completely new consciousness? RICHARD: Purely by virtue of being the first male to become actually free from the human condition it comes with the territory, so to speak, that there be a way of enabling/ facilitating access to the completely new consciousness (a totally original way of being conscious) for all humankind to avail themselves of. CLAUDIU: What prevents it from happening to Vineeto, for example? RICHARD: Given that she is the first female to become actually free from the human condition there is, of course, nothing to prevent it from happening to Vineeto. Indeed she has been interacting with me intensively with that very intention; an existential event of some considerable significance in regard to this intent took place between 3:30 and 4:00 AM on the 28th of August 2011, for instance. For about three weeks prior to this she had been experiencing a near-constant pressure-pain in the nape of the neck, so she knew that something was imminent, as well as experiencing what she referred to as ‘an ambrosial immanence’ filling her up, inasmuch from time-to-time she could bear no more of it (such as to cause her to refrain from interacting intensively for two-three days until it dissipated) due to it being ‘too much’ or ‘too overwhelming’ for her. Then, at the moment she became essentially the same as me (how I have been, on my own, all these years) there was a tremendous upwards surge of that energetic immanence, in and around my head and shoulders region, of such a potency, of such a strength, as would previously (on some occasion) render me utterly passive, completely immobile, and scarcely able to bear with it, to contain its immensity. On this occasion, however, it was able to flow freely – it was as if a circuit had been formed betwixt the two of us – and a second, equally potent, surge of that existential immanence followed the first (again in an upwardly direction in and around my head and shoulders region) a short while later. Regarding that reference to a circuit having been formed, I am reminded of first being shown, as a child in High School, how a magnet produces a magnetic field by holding a sheet of paper over it and sprinkling iron-filings upon its surface; as there is a potent field now operating it is as if the two of us, a male and a female, are the ‘north’ and ‘south’ poles of a magnet; alternatively, the effect could perhaps be likened to the ‘anode’ and ‘cathode’ of a battery generating an electric current (and thus producing an electric field) when a circuit is completed. Be that as it may be: those potent surges were of such a magnitude that a rather remarkable man on another continent experienced what he had earlier reported as being a ‘gentle energy’ (which he had further described, then, as being ‘totally harmless’) pouring into him, transfixing him in a sort of immobility (not of the body) and overwhelming him to such an extent that he communicated with me four days later, via email, and we were able to establish, with all due care taken in respect to time-zone differences, that the two events were congruent. CLAUDIU: I am still curious how ‘the quickening’ differs from a ‘blissful’/ ‘euphoric’ altered state of consciousness/ state of ‘being’. RICHARD: Well, just for starters it is, of course, entirely non-affective. (Contrary to all that made-up stuff circulating pseudonymously/ clandestinely, about a phantom ‘Richard’ of passionate
imagination, this flesh-and-blood body typing these words is indeed as reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust website; for
instance, having never met Mr. John Wilde Second, it is not even remotely similar to such coarse experiences as blissfulness and euphoria; it is of a quality of such fineness that a fine-champagne-bubbles type of word my second wife (de jure) made up all those years ago – ‘tintling’ – seems to be most apt. Third, it all takes place here in this actual world – the world of the senses, the sensate world, the world where
flesh-and-blood bodies already reside, as experienced in PCE’s – whereas a state of ‘being’, as experienced in ASC’s, takes place in the
world of the psyche, the inner world, the world where flesh-and-blood bodies have no footing (as in ‘ettha āpo ca paṭhavī ca tejo vāyo na gādhati’, for instance, in D i.223 & S i.15 Lastly, a ‘‘blissful’/ ‘euphoric’ altered state of consciousness/ state of ‘being’’ could never, ever,
have enabled/ facilitated the epoch-changing events of late 2009/early 2010 Re: Is Actualism Safe? RICK: Hi, Richard! You wrote below:
The part where you said, ‘the direct route being opened by Peter and Richard ... *via a personified pure intent becoming immanently accessible*’: Would you mind re-wording that last bit? RICHARD: G’day Rick, Sure ... first and foremost, as I am using the word immanently (The feeling-being inhabiting this flesh-and-blood body all those years ago – prior to late October/ early November 1992 – could only be existentially aware of pure intent via the direct/ immediate/ unmediated experiencing of the immaculate purity of the vast stillness of this actual universe’s physical infinitude (the ‘everywhere all at once’ source of everything apparent) because there had not previously been someone of sufficient naïveté to have enabled that pristine perfection into becoming purity personified). Thus where I wrote, in an earlier post (Those quotes are from Peter’s report on the original ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage) And it was when feeling-being ‘Peter’, tenderly feeling the utmost caring possible via thereby being the near-innocence of naïveté, gained tactile confirmation of a flesh and blood body actually existing through a compliantly temporaneous rent in the veil – that flimsiest of films enclosing the real-world’s reality (which Peter spoke of the next night, regarding my physical presence, ‘as if behind a veil, i.e. not actually existing’) – that the direct route became opened-up. (See the 2nd java script ‘Tool-Tip’ pop-up – a little yellow rectangle with a capital ‘R’ on it – in Peter’s
report on the original ‘A Long-Awaited Public Announcement’ webpage RICK: Incidentally, I cannot recall what you told me in-person about how and why or wherefrom you came to choose the words ‘pure intent’ when you coined that very term. Would you mind sharing that again here? RICHARD: ‘Twas the feeling-being in residence who named it thataway, circa January/ February 1981, upon realising how only that which was outside of ‘himself’ (i.e., outside of the human condition) could do the trick. The choice of the word ‘pure’ should be self-explanatory by now, from all the above, and the word ‘intent’ is because of the agency-association it had, in ‘his’ mind, with the word ‘destiny’ ... as in, ‘escape one’s fate and achieve one’s destiny’. Viz.:
* Speaking of [quote] ‘what you told me in-person’ [endquote] – you were hovering on the edges of experiencing that immanent purity (‘purity personified’) early one afternoon in the ‘Cafe 29 Restaurant’, after returning to the luncheon-table from the hotel’s restroom, where you explained (somewhat urgently) how the softness you were experiencing as stopping at my shirt needed to extend further out into the world at large as you had just then experienced, by stark contrast, the harshness of the real-world environment whilst weaving your way back betwixt the various tables at which the lunch-hour patrons were seated. Regards, Richard. RESPONDENT № 4: I actually do have an active connection to pure intent ... RICHARD: A rule-of-the-thumb check as to whether an ‘active connection’
currently manifesting is of the
quality of the consummate nature inherent to pure intent, as reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust web site Viz.:
In other words, it is the consummate nature (i.e., the impeccable quality) of the overarching benevolence and benignity inherent to the utter purity of the pristine perfection welling ever-fresh as the vast and utter stillness of this universe’s spatial, temporal and material infinitude which informs, experientially, that a global spread of this completely original consciousness (a totally new way of being conscious) would, ipso facto, be both a non-destructive and non-disruptive transition. Furthermore, there would also be the capacity at-that-moment to similarly apprehend, experientially, how it can now be said
– as I happened to mention on a couple of occasions during the pre-arranged foregathering here, earlier this year, of half-a-dozen subscribers to
this forum – that due to the overarching benevolence and benignity being demonstrably available immanently In general, however, the usual way of verifying whether an ‘active connection’ currently manifesting is indeed pure intent as reported/ described/ explained is to find oneself being sincerely naïve, at the very least, if not to be naïveté itself (i.e., naïveté embodied as ‘me’) – and to be naïveté itself is to be the closest one can come to innocence whilst remaining a ‘self’ (innocence is where ‘self’ is not) whereby one is both likeable and liking for herewith lies tenderness, sweetness and togetherness, closeness – whereupon one is walking through the world in a state of wide-eyed wonder and amazement, simply marvelling at the magnificence of this physical universe’s absoluteness and delighting in its beneficence, its largesse, as if a child again (guileless, artless, ingenuous, innocuous), with a blitheness and a gaiety yet with adult sensibilities (whereby the distinction betwixt being naïve and being gullible is readily separable), such that the likelihood of the magical fairy-tale-like paradise, which this verdant and azure planet actually is, becoming ever-so-sweetly apparent is almost always imminent. [...remainder of email elided...]. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ [4]the pure intent reported/ described/ explained on The Actual Freedom Trust web site: Viz.: [... ...].
[... ...]. ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ [5]being demonstrably available immanently in human consciousness, nowadays both masculinely and femininely. Viz.:
▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Which means that, these days, when that “palpable sweetness” (for instance) is experienced it is that ‘over-arching
benevolence and benignity’ being experienced, by virtue of that immaculate perfection having *become manifest in the everyday world* as a
flesh-and-blood body only, as they are both one and the same thing in essence. [emphases added]. MARTIN: Hi Richard, from what I understand, pure intent is the over-arching benevolence and benignity which can be experienced temporarily in a PCE, and is still experienced by an actually free person but now on an ongoing basis (and that benevolence and benignity inheres to the purity and perfection of the vast stillness of the infinitude of the universe - that vast stillness being the stillness / non-movement of time). Naivete can result in a benediction (which acts as a connection with the purity and perfection mentioned above), but which can result in an immanent manifestation / variation of this pure intent as a “palpable sweetness” an “infinite tenderness” or “being bathed in intimacy”. RICHARD: G’day Martin, The first half of your second sentence obviously refers to the 1998 extract in Footnote № 4 Inadvertently running the two differing experiences together, with your “but which...” second half, is what has confused the issue somewhat. MARTIN: I’m curious what made you equate these two experiences (the two forms of pure intent) as being “both one and the same thing in essence”? RICHARD: The short answer: as that which each particular *then-existent identity* was experiencing (i.e., that immaculate perfection and purity personified) via those differing ways each feeling-being has of experiencing it, whilst interacting intensively in late 2009/ early 2010, is identical (as in, “one and the same thing in essence”, that is) to that very-same immaculate perfection and purity which was previously experienceable only in a PCE – albeit then directly experienceable as-it-is due to *identity being in abeyance* – then no such equating is needed. Also, it is inherent to the benedictive/ liberative nature itself, of that immaculate perfection and purity personified which they were having those differing experiences of, that it be the one and the same thing, in essence, as that immaculate perfection and purity which was previously experienceable, albeit directly, only in a PCE. It is, of course, primarily by virtue of this apperceptive flesh-and-blood body typing these words being the personification, the manifestation in the everyday world, of that immaculate perfection and purity which they were experiencing in those differing ways, that it is intimately knowable/ intrinsically ascertainable that it be identical, in essence, to that immaculate perfection and purity which the identity in residence all those years ago formed an active connection with, per favour numerous PCE’s, and which ‘he’ named pure intent. (I have couched my central involvement in those events in that long-winded way – as in, “this apperceptive flesh-and-blood
body typing these words”, that is – so as to pre-empt an involuntary automorphism (...) In this context, then, as the term ‘pure intent’ refers to an intimate connection betwixt the near-purity of the sincerity of naiveté and the pristine-purity of that actual innocence which is inherent to living life as a flesh-and-blood body only (i.e., sans identity in toto/ the entire affective faculty) then the benedictive/ liberative impetus, or agency as such, stems from and/or flows from that which is totally other than ‘me’/ completely outside of ‘me’ (this factor is very important as it is vital that such impetus, such agency, be not of ‘me’ or ‘my’ doings) and literally invisible to ‘me’ ... namely: that flesh-and-blood body only being thus apperceptively conscious (i.e., apperceptively sentient). Now, as a flesh-and-blood body is the same-same stuff as the very stuff of the universe itself – inasmuch each and every one
of its constituent elements And this is truly wonderful. This intimate experiencing of an immaculate perfection and purity welling ever-fresh as the vast and utter stillness of this universe’s spatial, temporal and material infinitude is of a distinctive quality in that an impeccable benevolence and benignity (intrinsic to those properties as in pertaining to the very nature of absoluteness as qualitative values) is all-pervading. Around a decade ago I laid-out the properties, qualities and values inherent to the universe in a vaguely technical manner. Viz.:
Hence my short answer, rearranged and enhanced somewhat, should now make more sense: being the personification, or the manifestation in the everyday world, of this universe’s absoluteness/ of its infinitude itself, it is intimately knowable/ intrinsically ascertainable that it is implicit to the benedictive/ liberative nature, of what my fellow human beings experienced whilst interacting intensively in late 2009/ early 2010, that those differing experiences be of the one and the same thing, in essence, as was previously experienceable only in a PCE. MARTIN: Do other actually free people experience benevolence and benignity on an ongoing basis? RICHARD: Upon a full actual freedom from the human condition MARTIN: Has that replaced the experiences of palpable sweetness? RICHARD: Upon a full actual freedom ... yes (essentially); living a basic actual freedom ... no. I say “essentially” as there are occasions, when interacting intensively with fellow residents of Terra Actualis,
where a particularly exquisite form of that ambrosial intimacy (sweetness, tenderness, togetherness, gentleness, softness, and so on) – with the
nature of being utterly precious and first referred to by Grace as a ‘preciousness’ beyond compare – is most wondrously dynamic. These
particularly marvellous occasions, being situational and not developmental, are part-and-parcel of life here in the fairytale-like magical paradise
this verdant and azure planet actually is. RICHARD: There is something precious in living itself. Something beyond compare. Something more valuable than any “King’s ransom”. It is not rare gemstones; it is not singular works of art; it is not the much-prized bags of money; it is not the treasured loving relationships; it is not the highly esteemed Blissful States Of ‘Being’ ... ... it is not any of these things usually considered precious. There is something ultimately precious. It is the essential character of the infinitude of the universe … which is the life-giving foundation of all that is apparent. That something precious is me as-I-am ... me as I actually am as distinct from ‘me’ as ‘I’ really am.
I am the universe’s experience of itself. The limpid and lucid perfection and purity of being here now, as-I-am, is akin to the crystalline perfection and purity seen in a dew-drop hanging from the tip of a leaf in the early-morning sunshine; the sunrise strikes the transparent dew-drop with its warming rays, highlighting the flawless correctness of the tear-drop shape with its bellied form. One is left almost breathless with wonder at the immaculate simplicity so exemplified ... and everyone I have spoken with has experienced this impeccable purity and perfection in some way or another at varying stages in their life. Is it not impossible to conceive – and just too difficult to imagine – that this is one’s essential character? One has to be daring enough to live it ... for it is both one’s audacious birth-right and adventurous destiny. When one lives the magical perfection of this purity twenty-four-hours-a-day; when one has ceased being ‘I’ and is being genuine, one can see clearly that there is no separation between me and that something which is precious. The purity of life emerges from the perfection that wells up constantly due to an immense stillness which is utterly immense in its scope and magnitude. This stillness of infinitude is that something which is precious. It is the life-giving foundation of all that is apparent. This stillness happens as me. This stillness is my essential disposition, for it is the principle character, the intrinsic basis of everything. It is this universe at its genesis. It is not, as it might commonly be supposed, at the centre of everything ... there is no centre here. This stillness, which is everywhere all at once, is the be all and end all of life itself. I am the universe experiencing itself as a sensate, reflective human being. Richard’s Journal, 1997, Article Twenty-five. (image: Ravi Kant, finding it: Geoffrey).
Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual
Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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