Vineeto’s Correspondence on the Actual Freedom List Correspondent No 45
VINEETO: Hi, RESPONDENT: I am emailing you again to please you to not answer me. I know what you will tell me. You will brake down my email sentence by sentence and than here we are again. V: Here in actual freedom does not... You said that… You better look in the following link... I have nothing to defend... Fear? There is no fear here to... You did not understood... I never said that... Oxford dictionary... VINEETO: I can understand that you object to answers I have provided to your questions but your attempt to gag me by telling me not to respond to your allegations about me simply won’t wash. I have come across this situation several times before when writing about actualism – when people don’t like the content of what I am saying they start to accuse me of all sorts of things. This tactic does nothing to substantiate their statements, beliefs and opinions. It only signals that they have run out of sensible things to say. RESPONDENT: How can somebody fight with a female energy especially when is passionate about something? I give up. VINEETO: It appears that this is one of the typical strategies of any identity – psychologizing or criticizing the messenger instead of considering the content of the message. This strategy is used by men and women equally and is usually a sign that no further sensible discussion can be had about the topic at hand because the main issue is winning the argument and not in having a fruitful discussion in order to find out the facts. If the whole issue of having a discussion with me is to win a fight then facts are clearly not your concern. As for ‘female energy’ – I am obviously a female but, as I have described the process in
RESPONDENT: From now on I will communicate only with Richard. VINEETO: Richard is certainly the best correspondent you can choose if you want to understand what Actual Freedom is all about, whereas my expertise lies more in the field of the doing of actualism. The only question is – are you at all interested in either? RESPONDENT: And just to create a little bit lighter atmosphere, one advice to Peter. Why you don’t send her here to the Greek islands for a couple of months, so when she comes back you will be free from the human condition and from her as well? Laugh. Just a joke as defined in oxford dictionary. I embrace you both. VINEETO: It is good that you said it was a joke ‘as defined in oxford dictionary’ because you have left out the funny part. You apparently have not read Peter’s Journal otherwise you would know what Peter would say to your proposition –
I will refrain from quoting Peter from his next chapter (Sex) so as to not give you a hard time. RESPONDENT: I am sending you a photo of mine so to make the virtual reality of the computer a little more actual. Be happy. VINEETO: Thank you and I am already happy, because I am harmless as well. RESPONDENT: PS: <snip>And even if reincarnation was truth then we should be more motivated to be free from malice and sorrow, because somebody with the oblivion might become cynical and say I don’t care for anyone, I am going to die, so I will enjoy my life by harming another one. VINEETO: Those who overlook the second half of the phrase ‘happy and harmless’ often confuse
actualism with hedonism and thus completely miss the point. You might be advised to check When you say ‘somebody might become cynical and say … I will enjoy my life by harming another one’ – haven’t you noticed that people are already cynical and are already harming each other despite the fact that almost everyone believes in an afterlife in some form or another, be it recycled back on earth or rejuvenated somewhere else? Facing the fact that physical death means extinction is an essential precursor to devoting one’s life to becoming happy and harmless – and I do mean essential. The materialist’s motto is ‘life is a bitch and then you die’ while spiritual and religious people’s motto is ‘life’s a bitch but if you are a good enough person on earth you will be rewarded in heaven after death’. I always felt cheated by the Christian proposition that I should suffer life on earth for seventy-odd years in order to reap some spurious afterlife reward – a proposition solely based on hearsay, make-believe and nonsensical fairy-tales. When I came across Eastern mysticism and was told that you could experience paradise on earth by becoming enlightened, I gladly dropped my Christian belief in an after-death-reward in exchange for the promise of a here-on-earth reward. However, the longer I pursued enlightenment, the more unlikely it became that this narcissistic pursuit could ever be the solution to all of my problems, let alone to all of the ills of humankind, because it eventually became apparent that even the Enlightened Ones admitted that one’s real and true liberation will only be obtained after death in Parinirvana. When I met Richard and began to practice actualism, my belief in a controlling, punishing and rewarding God began to crack and finally disappeared and with it the notion of God’s power to grant ‘me’ an my afterlife, also disappeared. All my worries about my bank account in heaven and all my hopes for a better life ‘somewhere-else’ became redundant. With no ‘Scottie’ to ‘beam me up’ out of here, I was free to abandon the waiting game for heaven and life after-death and focus my attention from wanting to be ‘there’ to being interested in being here, from waiting for ‘then’ to being fascinated with what is happening now. In short, as long as you are occupied with paying your soul-insurance for a happy afterlife, you will have neither the motivation nor the necessary intent to do something drastic about your life here-on-earth as this flesh-and-blood body. RESPONDENT No 56: Delirium n : a state of excitement and mental confusion often accompanied by hallucinations. Hallucination n : illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder. Source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) VINEETO to No 56: Ah… actualism is not about silly academic word games, it is a hands-on enterprise. I’m playing for keeps, the real McCoy. Beware, the wide and wondrous path is a one-way street, ‘I’ am instigating my own disappearance for the benefit of this body and that body and everybody. No wonder, you perceive this as ‘delirium’ and ‘hallucination’. From the perspective of those within the human condition the door to an actual freedom has a warning sign on it which says ‘insanity, do not enter here’. But once I had seen through and through, over and over, the madness of what is called sanity, this warning no longer holds sway. Funny, today I perceive the instinctual battle between human beings as ‘delirium’ and the search for a spiritual Higher Self as a particularly mesmerising ‘hallucination … a common symptom of severe mental disorder’. RESPONDENT: The way you put things, means that Richard was under a severe mental disorder for 11 years … VINEETO: Not only Richard, but Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mohan Rajneesh and all the other enlightened beings as well. The difference between Richard and all the other people who have suffered from the delusion of enlightenment was that Richard was suspicious of the narcissistic feelings that accompanied the delusion, so much so that he continued to question and investigate the very state of enlightenment itself. If you read Richard’s story you will see that he had inadvertently fallen into the delusion of enlightenment on his search for the perfection experienced in pure consciousness experiences and because of this the delusion of self-realization did not sit well with him. RESPONDENT: … plus the years he was in the process of becoming enlightened. VINEETO: In ‘the years he was in the process of becoming enlightened’ he was immersed and enmeshed in the madness that is the human condition just like you and me and every other human being on the planet. Just because you don’t perceive the wars and ethnic cleansings and murders and suicides and depression and domestic violence and child abuse as being madness doesn’t mean that it isn’t madness. It is a madness that countries need armies to deter other countries from invading, that communities need an armed police force to maintain law and order amongst its citizens and that many people need medication to help them cope with their anger and depression and in some cases prevent them from committing suicide. RESPONDENT: Are you sure that this mental disorder can be reversed? VINEETO: Not ‘reversed’ but ended. Given that Richard managed to free himself from the hallucination of enlightenment, there is no doubt that any enlightened one could do the same provided they are ready to pay the price – their precious immortal ‘Me’. VINEETO to No 66: Additionally Richard coined the term RESPONDENT: I wonder, if one experience of any kind, call in pure consciousness experience or whatever, has any meaning without the experiencer. VINEETO: If you had followed the provided link and looked up the meaning of the word pure consciousness experience you would have found the following –
In other words, in a pure consciousness experience there is no ‘I’ or ‘me’ present, i.e. there is no affective experiencer present to create his or her own personal self-centred reality, let alone be captivated by the delusion of experiencing an atavistic greater reality of some sort. And this sensate-only unfettered experience of actuality is truly wondrous for the very meaning of life is to be had in the actual intimacy with people, things and events that such an experience engenders. RESPONDENT: Hi everybody, to me the question HAIETMOBA? Has no meaning whatsoever. <snip> VINEETO: If you have no interest in finding out how you are experiencing this moment of being alive, then of course this question has no meaning to you. RESPONDENT: Simply because actual freedom states that they want to be happy and harmless, I asked was mother Teresa, that as far as I know was not one actualist, harmful? VINEETO: You might want to check it out for yourself – RESPONDENT: Hi everybody, to me the question HAIETMOBA? Has no meaning whatsoever. <snip> VINEETO: If you have no interest in finding out how you are experiencing this moment of being alive, then of course this question has no meaning to you. RESPONDENT: This HAIETMOBA is nothing new, is just a new name of passive awareness. A new name just to give the impression that something new is discovered. That’s all. VINEETO: Asking oneself sincerely, each moment again ‘how am I experiencing this moment of being alive?’ with the intent to become free of malice and sorrow is anything but passive. First of all you deliberately and actively take the decision to make being happy and harmless the most important thing in your life. This decision is integral to the method of actualism – in other words if you don’t want to become unconditionally happy and unconditionally harmless then you ain’t practicing actualism. This is the method of actualism broken down in small steps –
This is how one begins to become free from one’s social conditioning, one’s morals and ethics in order to be able to experience and be able to observe the bare instinctual passions but this alone will increase the enjoyment and appreciation of being alive immensely. Becoming free from one’s social conditioning is the necessary preliminary step before one begins to explore the animal instinctual survival passions. However, as long as you are firmly convinced, despite reading the posts from the Actual Freedom mailing list for almost 2 years, that ‘HAIETMOBA is nothing new’ then nothing I have said so far and nothing I will say in future will be of use to you. * PS. Should you consider taking on actualism you will need to take into account VINEETO: You wrote commenting on my reply to No 66 – RESPONDENT No 66: UGK also states that any ‘freedom’ is an illusion because something is always conditioning us – this seems obvious also. These are some questions I have. Thanks VINEETO to No 66: U.G. Krishnamurti’s statement that ‘any ‘freedom’ is an illusion’
is a statement based on his own illusionary freedom and merely goes to show that he has yet to find a non-illusionary actual freedom – a freedom
from one’s social conditioning as well as one’s genetically-encoded instinctual passions. RESPONDENT: You see No 66, the easiness of Vineeto’s answer? She immediately answered through the program that is installed in her brain. She never met the man, she never spoke with him, exchanging ideas etc. VINEETO: I did meet U.G. Krishnamurti at the end of my spiritual search years and I reported Whilst you may not have read that I had met him, there was no way you could know that I hadn’t, short of asking me, i.e. your easy and immediate rejoinder was in fact false. * VINEETO to No 66: U.G. Krishnamurti’s statement that ‘any ‘freedom’ is an illusion’ is a statement based on his own illusionary freedom and merely goes to show that he has yet to find a non-illusionary actual freedom – a freedom from one’s social conditioning as well as one’s genetically-encoded instinctual passions. RESPONDENT: She does not discus the statement. The statement is ‘A priori’ wrong. It in not in the line of actual freedom. <…> At least U.G is authentic, speaks out of his experience and not out of believing, because if I had never taste sugar and I am saying that is a nice thing, means I believed somebody else. VINEETO: Tell me, what is ‘‘a priori’ wrong’ about saying that U.G. Krishnamurti’s statement that ‘any ‘freedom’ is an illusion’ is a statement based on his own illusionary freedom? You yourself say U.G. Krishnamurti ‘speaks out of his experience’ and he himself called ‘any freedom ... an illusion’. I simply pointed out that contrary to U.G. Krishnamurti’s belief that ‘any ‘freedom’ is an illusion’ that a way has now been found to an actual freedom from the human condition, something that surpasses any illusionary freedom of any kind of altered states of consciousness for the simple reason that this freedom is actual. What many people don’t seem to like about an actual freedom is that in order to get onto the wide and wondrous path to an actual freedom one has to actively roll up one’s sleeves and irrevocably change oneself and for many that is too much of a shift from their present comfortable belief that ‘I only need to stop desiring freedom and then I will at least not have to be bothered doing anything at all about my unhappiness, let alone my acrimony’. RESPONDENT: this HAIETMOBA is nothing new, is just a new name of passive awareness. A new name just to give the impression that something new is discovered. That’s all. VINEETO: (explanation of the actualism method snipped) RESPONDENT: Please look we are not fitting and we are not stubborns. When I say that haie ... is not new for me I mean it. <snip> You can not eradicate the self piece by piece, because in every piece you eradicate ten new come on. You have to end or rathe must be ended altogether, how by thought to understand the havoc that creates in the areas that it is not necessary and end. You the thinker can not end thought, because the thinker is a by-product of thought. Without thought there is no thinker. Only with insight then, no effort in the world will do it unless we begin the genetic engineering and begin to alter the brain stems etc with unknown results. Don’t think that there are not free people in the world. Don’t think that these free are in illusion because they are not actualists. Re: How am I experiencing …, 8.5.2004 No is it possible that you are conditioned from the actual freedom method? You depend from it no? So in the moment you depend from it necessarily you are attached to it. You defend it. Is you. All this mechanism is very well known. Although you might be deconditioning your self here and there, in the same moment you are conditioning your self through that method. Re: Actualism, 7.5.2004 Vineeto have you ever thought that you might, be in a state of self suggestion, or self brain wash? You must know how the placebo way works. Re: Inevitability, 8.5.2004 Hi Vineeto, what kind of happiness are you trying to achieve? For Vineeto, 8.5.2004 VINEETO: Given that the only points you have made in these four consecutive posts is to express that you are convinced that actualism is nonsense, not for you, does not work, is not unique, is ‘self suggestion’ or ‘self brain wash’, that only the thinker is the problem and ‘me’ at the core of my being is irrelevant, and that your method of no change is the right approach to the human condition, I can only repeat what I already said to you more than ten months ago –
I have nothing further to add. VINEETO: The reason I had re-posted my previous response was to make clear that I am not writing on this list to theorize or philosophize but to talk about the practical hands-on life experiences of how to become more happy and more harmless. As such I enjoyed your story about how you managed to free yourself from agoraphobia. You have since commented on something I wrote to No 67 – There is a vital difference between the ‘passive awareness’ of Eastern mysticism and the actualism method and that is being guided by pure intent to become happy and harmless, born of the PCE, in the world-as-it-is with people-as-they-are. RESPONDENT: Why you keep repeating this, in the world as it is with people as they are? (…) VINEETO: I am saying this because when I was normal I was busy blaming other people for making me unhappy and either riling against the world or trying to change the world and when I became spiritual I was trying to escape from the world. As an actualist I have the intent to become harmless and happy in the world-as-it-is with people-as-they-are. That means that if I get upset, angry, sad, irritated, melancholic, anxious, worried, etc. about some thing or some event or some person or some group of people then I have something to look at, in me. Unless one understands this and fully takes this on board one can never be happy and harmless in the world as-it-is, with people as-they-are. RESPONDENT: And something else, when you ask how am I experiencing ... inevitably that will drive you to why? VINEETO: Yes, when I find that I am not feeling excellent I will ask why that is so, what is preventing me from feeling excellent. Or to put it another way – when I ask myself how am I experiencing this moment of being alive and I find that I am not feeling happy or that I am not being harmless, I ask myself why not? Or to put it another way – if I become aware that I am not enjoying this moment of being alive, I ask myself why not? RESPONDENT: And the analysis is inevitable. VINEETO: Finding out what prevents me from feeling excellent is not an analytical/psychological process but an experiential inquiry similar to the one you applied in order to free yourself from agoraphobia – I feel the feelings that prevent me from feeling excellent, I label those feelings, I find out which aspects of my identity are linked with these feelings, such as habits, beliefs, viewpoints, morals, values, phobias, etc., and then I do whatever is necessary to get back to feeling excellent again. RESPONDENT: If you feel ok will you make the question? I mean when so feel so called happy, shall toy also make the question of Haietmoba? VINEETO: The question ‘How am I experiencing this moment of being alive?’ is a silent question that runs in the background – once it is up and running it is not something one can turn on or off, nor would one want to. RESPONDENT: Or you making only then in discomfort? VINEETO: When ‘in discomfort’, as you say, I then know that I have something to look at and something to do in order to get back to feeling excellent again. When I am feeling excellent, I then relish the experience of being here in the world as-it-is with people as-they are. RESPONDENT: Because even when you feel happy is still the self feeling happy. VINEETO: Of course. But it beats the ‘self’ feeling miserable or being angry or feeling pious or being sarcastic hands down. RESPONDENT: So you are interesting of eliminating that part of the self that feels unhappy, but it is ok with the self that feels happy. VINEETO: The ‘self’ thrives and flourishes whenever ‘I’ am sorrowful and malicious or pious and righteous and weakens and starves whenever I am happy and harmless. As such, as long as ‘I’ am a ‘self’, i.e. as long as my identity is still in tact, the best ‘I’ can do to weaken the ‘self’ is to disempower the instinctual passions of fear, aggression, nurture and desire by feeling happy and being harmless as much as possible. This is how Richard has explained it –
RESPONDENT: So how do you expect to eliminate the self in the moment the biggest piece of it, the one who wants to be happy, will always be there reinforcing its self? VINEETO: This body is naturally and effortlessly happy – it is ‘me’, the social-instinctual identity inside this flesh-and-blood body, that is the spanner in the works. This is evidenced in a ‘self’-less pure consciousness experience where one is able to experience the perfection of this actual physical universe because there is neither an ‘I’ as an ego nor ‘me’ as a soul present to spoil the already always existing peace and purity. ‘The biggest piece’ of the ‘self’ is not ‘the one who wants to be happy’ but is ‘me’ who is continually objecting to being happy and unable to live in harmony with one’s fellow human beings. RESPONDENT: This part of the self is the one who is the desire, and when you said that, there is a difference between passive observation (awareness) and AF and this difference is the pure intent, this pure intent is the maximum of desire, and this is the most difficult part of the self (THE DESIRE) to deal with. VINEETO: Eastern mysticism has us believe that it is desire – to be precise, the desire to be born in the first place – that is responsible for sorrow. What Richard discovered is that it is ‘me’ – the feeling ‘being’ who arises from the instinctual passions – who inevitably feels forever separated from the splendour, succulence and perfection of actuality and that one can become actually free from this instinctual feeling ‘being’ in toto. What ‘I’ can do to become free from this instinctual ‘self’ is to commit unequivocally to become free from both malice and sorrow – this is what is called pure intent. This pure intent to free this flesh-and-blood body from the genetically encoded instinctual passions is
something entirely different to wanting to be free from the (supposed) desire of the unborn soul to be (re-)born into flesh – 180 degrees
opposite in fact. (Editorial note: Pure intent is, of course, a manifest life-force; a genuinely occurring stream
of benevolence and benignity that originates in the perfect and vast stillness that is the essential character of the infinitude of the universe.
See RESPONDENT No 66: I have just finished reading about ¾ of the UGK page with all his books for free. Now, there are some clearly crack-pot things about this man. 1) after ‘awakening’ to his ‘naturalness’ he became hermaphroditic! 2) his eyes no longer blink. One can check this out by viewing his videos. (I have paid close enough attention to this – I will later) 3) he is sometimes unable to recognize objects, like a chair (I’m not sure what example he gave). 4) he is a very irascible/angry old man – just watch the videos. And the list could go on, but I think that’s enough. Now, all that being said, his statement that the very search for happiness causes unhappiness seems very sensible. VINEETO to No 66: Apparently those crack-pot things haven’t deterred you from accepting U.G. Krishnamurti’s authority and from thinking that his statement ‘that the very search for happiness causes unhappiness seems very sensible’. I say this because when I began to question my spiritual beliefs I discovered that I had accepted the authority of certain people because they were well-known and famous within the spiritual tradition despite the fact that I knew from observation that their lives weren’t worth emulating. RESPONDENT No 66: What the? Why do you think I accept his authority. VINEETO to No 66: You appeared to have accepted U.G. Krishnamurti’s authority because you find
his statement ‘that the very search for happiness causes unhappiness’ ‘very sensible’ on one hand whilst you regard him as ‘very
irascible/angry’ on the other. By your own observation, surely it is apparent that he lacks any expertise about the nitty-gritty business of
being happy and harmless let alone being even interested in doing something about his irascibility. RESPONDENT: I can’t follow your logical coherence here. U.G states that ‘the very search for happiness causes unhappiness’ and U.G is ‘very irascible/angry’. What has the statement that ‘the very search for happiness causes unhappiness’ has to do with U.G being angry? If I was stating that ‘the universe is experience it’s self AS human beings’ or that ‘actualism is the perfect method’ and I am angry, should you disagree with my statements? Of course not, because these statements are convenient to you. U.G is right, because you can not be happy when you are striving to be something. Is hope that keeps you going otherwise you should be very unhappy. VINEETO: Perhaps if I put it this way – have you not noticed by your own observation that it is impossible to be happy whilst one is being angry? – they are two contradictory and conflicting emotions. Therefore it makes sense that I find it somewhat odd for someone to give credence to comments on the validity of searching for happiness from someone whom the person regards as being very irascible/ angry. It also makes sense that unless you want to be happy, and unless you strive to be both happy and harmless, you will never be happy – in exactly the same way that unless you want to be free of a fear such as agoraphobia, and strive to be free of it, and be prepared to do whatever is necessary to become free of it, that you will never be free of it. RESPONDENT: Tell me something, is not the self that decides to be happy and more happy? Can you disagree with that? Is it possible for any human being on this planet having the average IQ to disagree that is the self that wants to be happy and is the self that wants to immolate itself for becoming more happy? So the hole process of this method is strengthening the self. The self might have another mask, but behind the mask is the same self. VINEETO: Ah, misconception No 16. I recommend RESPONDENT: By repeating to No 66, that he told that U.G is an angry old man, is this no malice? Is not malice speaking bad for another man? VINEETO: Malice is the desire to injure another person whereas I was simply comparing No 66’s observation of U.G. Krishnamurti’s behaviour (irascible/angry) with his evaluation of U.G. Krishnamurti’s clichéd wisdom as seeming very sensible. RESPONDENT: Even if is No 66 who said that, by you repeating and agreeing with that, is not malice? VINEETO: You must be kidding. Is the mere act of pointing to a contradiction malicious? RESPONDENT: And you say that you are free from malice? Do you see your hypocrisy? VINEETO: Given that my statements were not malicious there is no hypocrisy. RESPONDENT: You have changed authorities, before was Osho now Richard. You can not live without authorities, you are a second hand human being. The funny thing is that being so much depressed by authorities in your life, now you want to be one. You are a leader. VINEETO: I am neither a follower nor a leader but a fellow human being sharing my experiences about the very pragmatic process of freeing myself from the human condition. What you do with my report is, of course, your business but I am amazed how much you persist in psychologizing and fantasizing about me – nothing I said so far has apparently changed your preconceived ideas about me or about actualism. RESPONDENT: Tell me please. You wanted to be happy. That means that you was not happy. Because if you were happy, you should not want to become happy. Is impossible for you to disagree with that, without making your self ridiculous. Now in the moment you was not happy, how do you know that happiness exist? Somebody else told you that. You believed him. Became one authority for you. And now you say to as that we must not have authorities and beliefs. You see for once more your camouflaged hypocrisy? VINEETO: I did not need Richard to tell me if I was happy or not happy. In the forty-four years before I met Richard I had observed myself enough and was honest enough to know that I was neither happy nor harmless. I simply took a straightforward stocktaking of my life as-it-was at the time – as you would know, this is an act of sincerity, not hypocrisy. As for knowing what happiness is – that is very simple. There were sufficient moments in my life when I was happy, both in my childhood and in my adult life, for me to know what happiness is but those moments of happiness were always fleeting and usually conditional. Richard simply rekindled my search for a happiness that is both unconditional and lasting – the same desire for happiness that had initially set me off on the spiritual path in my twenties. * RESPONDENT No 66: I do not. That is an absurd statement. I read his books with these eyes and thought about them with this brain and certain things were perceived as logical and obvious. VINEETO to No 66: If you perceive that ‘the very search for happiness causes unhappiness’
is logical and obvious then it inevitably follows that you will regard the actualism method of eliminating malice and sorrow from one’s life to
be an absurdity. It is pertinent to remember that actualism represents a complete break with the revered wisdom of the past – the wisdom that has
it that it is impossible to be happy and harmless in the world as-it-is with people as-they-are. RESPONDENT: I think that you don’t know what you are speaking about. May be you are speaking about what Osho told you, but not other wise people. VINEETO: An actual freedom from the human condition represents a complete break with the revered wisdom of the past – with all of it, both Western and Eastern. * RESPONDENT No 66: UGK also states that any ‘freedom’ is an illusion because something is always conditioning us – this seems obvious also. These are some questions I have. Thanks VINEETO to No 66: U.G. Krishnamurti’s statement that ‘any ‘freedom’ is an illusion’
is a statement based on his own illusionary freedom and merely goes to show that he has yet to find a non-illusionary actual freedom – a freedom
from one’s social conditioning as well as one’s genetically-encoded instinctual passions. RESPONDENT: This is your assumption only. Who told you that? VINEETO: Nobody needs to tell me that – it is obvious that when U.G. Krishnamurti states that any freedom is an illusionary freedom that he is yet to encounter an actual, non-illusionary freedom. U.G. Krishnamurti is of the old school – he is firmly rooted in the spiritual tradition in that he offers nothing else but a nihilistic version of spiritualism. He knows nought about an actual freedom. RESPONDENT: Do you continue to beat Peter? VINEETO: Ha, you might know how to ask a loaded question but in this context it makes no sense at all. * RESPONDENT No 66: This brain doubts you know his freedom or lack thereof no matter how much you think you do. VINEETO to No 66: Ah well, then that is the end of this conversation. Why bother to ask questions
if you already know the answers, ‘no matter’ what I say? RESPONDENT: This is the definition of fascism. VINEETO: Again you regard the act of pointing out a fact as something other than it is – the fact that No 66 doubts my knowledge and expertise ‘no matter’ what I think and say. If one aspires to be open-minded about the possibility that actualism might well be what we say it is – brand new in human history – then it is important to read what is written with both eyes open and take what is said at face value. If one is not willing to do this or at least to try to do this, then it makes sense not to bother asking questions or to bother feigning to ask questions. * VINEETO to No 66: For further inquiry you may find the RESPONDENT No 66: I’ve already read these and they don’t really answer my questions; neither did this email unfortunately. VINEETO to No 66: Why do you say ‘unfortunately’ – it is apparent that whatever you
have taken on board from others prior to reading what is on offer here is far more appealing to you than the answers you will find on the Actual
Freedom Trust website or that you will receive when you write to me. When all is said and done, it is you who reaps the rewards and pays the dues
for the decisions you make in your life. RESPONDENT: Put well in you mind Vineeto, that with a method nobody can arrive psychologically nowhere. VINEETO: Given that this is your conviction from the moment you entered this list – a list that is about elucidating just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition – I wonder why you are still writing here. RESPONDENT: The use of this method is the result of your greediness. You want more of something. The use of this method was the result of your comparing. Greediness and comparing create fear. The use of this method, is the movement of your unhappiness and the result will necessarily be the result of the movement of the unhappiness. VINEETO: Did you use this logic when you set out to rid yourself of your agoraphobia? According
to what you say above your ‘greediness and comparing’ should have created enough fear to never even try and rid yourself of your
agoraphobia and yet you ‘took the car and went on a round’ RESPONDENT: And the movement of the unhappiness can only produce more unhappiness, does not matter in what illusory state drives you and independently of what state you think you are. VINEETO: Did ‘the movement of the unhappiness’ – when you ‘took the car and went on a round’ – ‘produce more unhappiness’ as you predict for me or did it rather result in your freedom from this particular fear which in return meant less unhappiness in your life? RESPONDENT: Put well in you mind Vineeto, that with a method nobody can arrive psychologically nowhere. VINEETO: Given that this is your conviction from the moment you entered this list – a list that is about elucidating just what is entailed in becoming free of the human condition – I wonder why you are still writing here. RESPONDENT: The use of this method is the result of your greediness. You want more of something. The use of this method was the result of your comparing. Greediness and comparing create fear. The use of this method, is the movement of your unhappiness and the result will necessarily be the result of the movement of the unhappiness. VINEETO: Did you use this logic when you set out to rid yourself of your agoraphobia? According
to what you say above your ‘greediness and comparing’ should have created enough fear to never even try and rid yourself of your
agoraphobia and yet you ‘took the car and went on a round’ RESPONDENT: And the movement of the unhappiness can only produce more unhappiness, does not matter in what illusory state drives you and independently of what state you think you are. VINEETO: Did ‘the movement of the unhappiness’ – when you ‘took the car and went on a round’ – ‘produce more unhappiness’ as you predict for me or did it rather result in your freedom from this particular fear which in return meant less unhappiness in your life? RESPONDENT: I should like only to tell this: To get rid from the agoraphobia, which of course is one conditioned reflex in the brain, you know that from the Pavlov experiments, I did not practice a method. I simply done nothing. I think this is the opposite of a method. Now if you consider doing nothing a method, this is another story. VINEETO: This is how you described your action at the time – Re: How am I experiencing ..., Sun 9/05/2004 11:46 PM AEST ( ![]() As I read your report, you became aware of the intense feeling you had, you were very clear that the feeling you were feeling was fear and had no trouble in labelling it as such. As a result you had an insight about your feelings of fear and then, following your insight, you made a deliberate decision to act. You took the car and went for a round, something you had been afraid to do for many years, and you did it because you had the intent to be free from this fear. Taking your words at face value, this is far from ‘doing nothing’. What you interpret as ‘I simply done nothing’ is what I call paying attention, labelling, analysing the problem and taking action on one’s realization with a clear intent to become free from the problem – and I found that this course of action is indeed repeatable, and it works every time. I simply used my attentiveness in order to become harmless which meant that I was more able to be happy which in turn meant I was more effortlessly able to be harmless which in turn meant I was more readily able to be unconditionally happy. Actualism is so utterly simple. RESPONDENT: Hi Vineeto, how do you know that you are existing? Do you know not existence like a referent point so you can say that you are existing? Your mind told you that you are existing and your mother and father told you that you are born in such and such a day, which you translated as existence and you believed them. If you can understand that is enough. VINEETO: How do you know that I exist? Well, you are writing a letter to me which indicates that you presuppose that I exist. Is this because ‘your mind told you’ that I exist or do you have any other ‘reference point’ than what your mind is telling you – the fact that you are reading these words that I typed on my keyboard in response to your question, perchance? Or maybe you are wondering if I am but a figment of your own imagination RESPONDENT: Hi Vineeto, how do you know that you are existing? Do you know not existence like a referent point so you can say that you are existing? Your mind told you that you are existing and your mother and father told you that you are born in such and such a day, which you translated as existence and you believed them. If you can understand that is enough. VINEETO: How do you know that I exist? Well, you are writing a letter to me which indicates that you presuppose that I exist. Is this because ‘your mind told you’ that I exist or do you have any other ‘reference point’ than what your mind is telling you – the fact that you are reading these words that I typed on my keyboard in response to your question, perchance? Or maybe you are wondering if I am but a figment of your own imagination? RESPONDENT: You missed the whole point. Somewhere you spoke about existence and oblivion. And I am asking you, if you don’t know the latter, how you know the former? You exist and you know you exist and you know that you know you exist, to the infinite. Is this for you a game of thought, or a game of consciousness? If consciousness is involved in the above, I think you must redefine your definition of consciousness. VINEETO: Now that you have provided ‘the whole point’ I am happy to answer your question. I do know oblivion – as in the non-existence of ‘me’, the social and instinctual identity – from numerous PCEs. In a PCE, ‘I’ am absent and the actual world becomes apparent and this gives me the necessary reference point. Just as you know health once you have been sick and satiation once you have been hungry, I know that there exists an identity inside this flesh-and-blood body because on numerous occasions this identity has temporarily disappeared. And just a note, I am not talking philosophically here but from direct experience – an experience that has been verified by the reports of other’s pure consciousness experiences. Vineeto’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved.
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