Glossary I – Jdictionary definition and accompanying description by Peter ...
| A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | | I | identity | imagination | infinite | infinitude | innocence | instinct | intelligence | intent | intimacy | intuition | I — Used by the speaker or writer referring to himself or herself. A self. The subject or object of self-consciousness, the ego. Oxford Dictionary Peter: In fact there are three I’s and only one is actual –
identity –– The condition or fact of a person or thing being that specified unique person or thing, esp. as a continuous unchanging property throughout existence; the characteristics determining this; individuality, personality. Oxford Dictionary Peter: Consists of two parts – the ego (who one thinks one is) and the soul (who one feels one’s self to be). This ‘unique’ identity is no more than the program of social conditioning that we are instilled with from birth onwards and which overlays our instinctually-programmed innate sense of self . We then assume that we are unique individuals, but, in fact, we are forever bound both to society’s beliefs, morals and ethics and our instinctual animal passions . This dual bondage and the ensuing lack of freedom results in either rebellion against or resentful acceptance of one’s ‘lot in life’. Many people seek to escape from the bondage of ‘real’ world beliefs, morals and ethics and pursue the spiritual path of ‘freedom’ from everyday reality. For some .0001% of spiritual seekers an Altered State of Consciousness (aka Enlightenment) is achieved resulting in a delusionary shift of identity from mortal human to Immortal Divine. For the followers on the spiritual path the adoption of a new spiritual persona – an escape from everyday reality – suffices by imagining ‘mortal earthly life’ a necessary and acceptable passing phase on the way to a better ‘some-where else’, after death . A personal down-to-earth view of identity –
The challenge facing modern humans is to rid themselves of all past identity in order to become free of the Human Condition of malice and sorrow. The first step is to rid oneself of one’s socially instilled identity – all the morals, ethics, values and psittacisms that bind one to be part of the traditional waring groups be they ethnic, tribal, religious, spiritual, social, ethical or political. Stripped of the illusion that the world is a grim place, and stripped of the delusion that there exists a meta-physical world, one is then able to tackle one’s animal instinctual heritage – the innate ‘being’ that is programmed by blind nature to survive at any cost. This program of fear, aggression, nurture and desire needs to be eliminated if one is to achieve one’s destiny – an actual freedom, the like of which has not been possible before. The Human Condition is a transitory stage in the evolution from animal to human, and a method is now available for those who want to achieve freedom from the burden of being a sorrowful and malicious social identity and of being biologically bound to instinctual animal-survival passions. The ‘survival’ phase of human evolution is finishing – the challenge for humans now is to be happy and harmless. To be a pioneer in this process is to be both unique and individual and to evince an Actual Freedom is to be more free than a bird on the wing. imagination –– The action of imagining or forming mental images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. Scheming or devising; a fanciful project. The faculty of fanciful thought. Oxford Dictionary Peter: The human brain with its ability to cogitate, reflect and communicate is the only intelligence known to be currently manifest in the universe . These unique functions, when overlaid over the instinctual rudimentary ‘self ’, produce in humans a much more sophisticated and complex self than in any other animal. Further, this individual self has been painfully aware not only of a ferocious world of wild animals and a harsh environment, but also of the fact that it could die or be killed at any moment. At some seminal moment in evolution, there began a faculty of fanciful thought, an escape from harsh reality and a retreat into the world of imagination. The sun became a thing of awe in the face of fear of darkness, the night skies and stars things of wonder in the face of the hell of life on earth. Thus the world of the heavens was to be eventually seen as populated by good and evil spirits, later to be personified as gods and goddesses, demons and devils. In the face of instinctual fear, humans escaped into a fanciful imaginary world that was to become so strong, so powerful, and so convincing as to be eventually accepted as being as real, and as substantial, as everyday reality. Curiously, this world of imagination is not only confined to the spiritual world but is also rampant in all scientific communities as is evidenced by the meta-physical ruminations of theoretical physics, pure mathematics, psychology, anthropology, psychology, astronomy, etc. Various attempts have been made to crack through, or escape from, the stranglehold this imaginary psychic construct has over humanity, but all have failed to go all the way (up until now). This capacity for imagination is imbibed with mother’s milk – the first stories we are told, and therefore the first world view we have, is of an ‘other-world’ of fairy stories, fictionary romance, heroism, tales of good and evil – all totally imaginary and having no relevance to the physical, actual world of people, things and events in which we live. We are, in fact, inducted into believing the imaginary world to be primary and real, and consequently to regard the physical, actual world as secondary and illusionary. This primary imaginary world includes both a ‘real’ world-view and its associated ‘spiritual’ world-view, neither of which are actual. This obsession with imagination, belief, trust, faith and hope offers a continuing haven of denial of the facts of the Human Condition and prevents us from getting up off our bums, or up from our lotus position, and taking the necessary action that will lead to the eventual elimination of malice and sorrow from this fair planet. Related Discussions infinite –– Having no limit or end; boundless, endless; immeasurably great in extent, duration, degree. Oxford Dictionary Peter: Seems pretty clear to me, but in the dictionary there was also the following quote from a leading cosmologist, Paul Davies – ‘ Measuring the infinite must rank as one of the greatest enterprises of the human intellect. ’ So the scientists are busy trying to measure infinity, but if it can be measured, surely then it is not infinite. No wonder they get their ‘knickers in a twist’. If the universe is not infinite, then it must have an edge – or a hole – and what lies beyond the edge? Is ‘what is beyond the universe’ then infinite or does that, in turn, have an edge. To follow the theories, imaginations and fairy-tales of the theoretical cosmologists clearly involves leaving fact and common sense behind and indulging in eastern mysticism. To contemplate the fact that the physical universe is indeed infinite and that there is no ‘outside’ to it, neither physically nor metaphysically, has profound implications for us as human beings. To accept the unerring challenge that facticity offers, results in the most thrilling journey of discovering ‘what’ one is as a human being, rather than blindly accepting the imaginations, illusions, myths, beliefs, deceptions and biological programming that form ‘who’ one thinks and feels oneself to be. Related Discussions: infinitude –– The quality or attribute of being infinite or having no limit, extent, amount; boundlessness. A boundless expanse; an unlimited time, immensity, vastness, indefinitely great amount, unrestricted, lasting for ever, never-ending,; infinite in past and future duration. Limitless, illimitable, unbounded, endless, unending, never-ending, without end; inexhaustible, unceasing, everlasting; immeasurable, measureless, incalculable, unfathomable, fathomless, indeterminable, inestimable, extensive, innumerable, countless, numberless, inexhaustible, bottomless. Eternal, perpetual, abiding, enduring, non-stop, incessant, ceaseless, constant, continual, continuous, uninterrupted, enduring, permanent, immutable, indestructible, imperishable, persistent, perpetual. Oxford Dictionary
There is a distinct difference between the word ‘eternal’ and the word ‘timeless’. The word ‘timeless’ is very explicit ... no time (just like ‘selfless’ means no self ) as in not subject to time, not affected by the passage of time, out of time, without reference to time and independent of the passage of time. The word ‘eternal’ means all time, as in that which will always exist, that which has always existed, that which is without a beginning or an end in time, that which is everlasting, permanent, enduring, persistent, recurring, incessant, indestructible, imperishable, constant, continuous, continual, unbroken and thus interminable and valid for all time. However, just as there are those who corrupt ‘selfless’ into meaning ‘a not selfish self’, there are those who corrupt ‘timeless’ into meaning ageless, ceaseless, changeless ... which are time-words more applicable to ‘eternal’. Even dictionaries do this. However, when viewed honestly, the word ‘timeless’ selfishly means ‘undying and immutable’ as in ‘immortal and deathless’. Take the modern physicists, for an example of honesty, when they posit their ‘nothingness’ prior to their mathematical ‘Big Bang’. Even though influenced by the pervasive eastern mysticism, they still have enough intellectual rigour to mostly resist using the word ‘eternal’ to refer to that ‘before time began’ fantasy ... they usually say ‘timeless’. Thus by being here now as-this-body one finds that this moment in time has no duration as in now and then – because the immediate is the ultimate – and that this place in space has no distance as in here and there – for the relative is the absolute. One always here and it is already now. innocence –– Freedom from sin or guilt in general; the state of being untouched by evil; moral purity. Freedom from specific guilt; the fact of not being guilty of a charge; guiltlessness. Freedom from cunning or artifice; guilelessness, artlessness, simplicity, lack of suspicion; lack of knowledge or sense, An innocent person or thing. Harmlessness, innocuousness. Oxford Dictionary
Related Discussions: instinct –– Innate impulsion; a natural propensity to act without conscious intention; spec. an innate. Fixed pattern of behaviour in most animals in response to certain stimuli. Oxford Dictionary Peter: All sentient beings are born pre-primed with certain distinguishing instinctual passions, the main ones being fear, aggression, nurture and desire. They are blind Nature’s rather clumsy software package designed to give one a start in life and to ensure the survival of the species. While absolutely essential in the days of roaming man-eating animals, rampant disease, high infant mortality, these very same instinctual passions now threaten the survival of the species. The instinctual passions only ‘care’ for the survival of the species – the strongest, most aggressive, the crudest. Further, blind nature gives not a fig for your happiness or well-being. We are relentlessly driven, despite our good intentions and moral codes, to act instinctually in each and every situation in our lives and this is the cause of all our angst and confusion. The instinctual program is located in the primitive ‘lizard’ brain and the almost instantaneous thoughtless automatic instinctual response is termed the ‘quick and dirty’ response. The primitive area of the brain (feelings) makes an initial quick scan of all sensorial input and, if an instinctive reaction is required, the instinctually-sourced feelings produce a hormonal chemical response almost instantaneously flooding the body and neo-cortex (thoughts), which then inevitably causes an automatic and unfettered emotional response – hence an instinctive thoughtless reaction becomes an instinctual passionate reaction. Thus one is ‘overcome’ by feelings of despair or sadness, ‘overwhelmed’ with rage or anger, ‘compelled’ to blindly defend one’s ‘own’ and relentlessly ‘driven’ by sexual urges – regardless of the sensibleness and appropriateness of the action. Fear hobbles us with a desperate need to huddle together, belong to a group, to seek solace in tradition and the past, to cling on to whatever possessions and beliefs we hold dear to ourselves, to frantically resist change and, as death approaches, desperately seek immortality. Aggression causes us to fight for our territory, our possessions, our ‘rights’, for those we consider our ‘own’ and for our treasured beliefs. We fight for power over others lest they have power over us, or throw our lot in to fight for someone who offers us their power and protection. We lash out at others for no apparent reason and when control breaks down the innate lust to kill, maim and torture readily surfaces as is evidenced by the fact that 160,000,000 people have been killed in wars this century alone and repression, torture, domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, persecution, corruption, murder and suicide are endemic to the Human Condition. Nurture causes us to care for, comfort and protect those we consider our ‘own’ and leads to dependency, jealousy, empathy, duty, sacrifice and needless heroism. When nurture fails within the species, as it inevitably does, we turn to animals, pets, trees, ‘endangered’ species, ‘mother’ earth and other non-reciprocating, safe objects. Desire drives us to sexual avarice and a blind urge to impregnate, procreate and reproduce ourselves – come what may. The relentless desire to accumulate, amass, covert, dominate, control and obliterate is the direct cause of poverty, corruption, hunger and famine. The Holy pretence of rising above the animal-instinctual mortal into the good, Divine and immortal is but a delusion and has failed to curb the ongoing instinctual violence and suffering of sentient human beings. The belief that instincts are a constant fixed program ‘you can’t change human nature’ or we are feeling beings’ is forever dooming this planet to the human-made hell it really is, as directly experienced by the many or watched in comfort and comparative safety on TV reports by the few. Contrary to popular belief instinctual passions are not ‘hardware’ but ‘software’ and as such they can be deleted – thereby paving the way for the possibility of actual peace on earth. The time is now ripe and most humans, given sufficient will and intent, are now capable of weakening the chemical stranglehold that instinctual passions have on their thoughts and behaviour to such an extent that they can become virtually free of their influence. Then, and only then, is it possible that their elimination will occur through a mutation in the brain-stem causing a total and complete disconnection from their source in our primitive animal brain. intelligence –– The faculty of understanding; intellect. The action or fact of understanding something; knowledge, comprehension. Oxford Dictionary Peter: The human brain represents the pinnacle of intelligence developed thus far in the universe . This intelligence has allowed us to fashion from the materials of the earth extraordinary machines to transport people across the land, through the air, beneath the sea and even to the moon. The technological advances of this century in medical procedures, communication systems, engineering, computing, agriculture, etc. are quite amazing. This has been directly and obviously the result of human intelligence only. But, of course, the litany of failure of human ‘intelligence’ is equally staggering – 160,000,000 killed in wars this century alone, and poverty, disease, illiteracy, repression, torture, domestic violence, sexual abuse, corruption, murders, suicides, depression, loneliness and despair are ever rampant. For all our supposed intelligence we still await peace on earth to happen as if by magic. Many religions foster this belief while even more prophesize a violent ‘end’ to life on earth and all peddle a belief in a golden after-life . This nonsense has shackled human intelligence to date but, thankfully, it is now possible to evince a change. Only when human intelligence is freed of the act of believing that the wisdom of the past has any validity whatsoever then we can move on to tackle and eliminate the instinctual malice and sorrow in each of us. Related Discussions intent –– Firmly resolved on a purpose, inclination, will; what is willed, one’s desire. Oxford Dictionary Peter: The driving force in the search for freedom from the Human Condition is intent. Only relatively few humans have sufficient interest or desire for freedom, while most remain content with the ‘normal’ pursuits of life . Up until now there have been only two choices – either remaining normal or pursuing the traditional spiritual path to an ‘other-worldly’ freedom of Enlightenment . Hundreds of millions of seekers have spent thousands of years pursuing the spiritual path with profoundly selfish intent yet the success in terms of those becoming Enlightened seems to number only in the thousands – an appallingly bad success rate. The intent of the spiritual seeker is always a tainted intent in that his or her goal is the Truth, the Good and Immortality for one’s soul, with its inherent promise of power, authority and glory. The pure intent of Actual Freedom comes from the peak experience or PCE wherein one has a glimpse of the purity and perfection of the physical universe untainted by any ‘self’-ish and ‘self’-produced meta-physical imaginations. With pure intent as one’s guideline one will not settle for the ‘ego’-less Altered State of Consciousness that leads to the delusion of Divinity known as Enlightenment. One will settle for nothing less than living the ‘self’-less Pure Consciousness Experience of actual purity and perfection, 24 hrs. a day, every day. Richard: Pure intent is derived from the purity of the PCE (which is when ‘I’ spontaneously cease to ‘be’) and everything is experienced to be perfect as-it-is at this moment and place ... here and now. Diligent attention paid to the peak experience gives rise to pure intent and with pure intent running as a ‘golden thread’ through one’s life, reflective contemplation about being here doing this business called being alive rapidly becomes more and more fascinating. When one is totally fascinated, reflective contemplation becomes pure awareness ... and then apperception happens of itself. It is the quality of pure intent which pulls one forward with impunity ... pure intent transforms into action one’s determination to live a life full of gladness, peace and harmony with oneself, with a person of the other gender, and with all peoples. Pure intent produces total dedication – it is experienced as an irresistible enticement – and it makes it impossible not to do what is required (or to sweep an issue under the carpet and to let sleeping dogs lie) and to continue to conform to the long-failed dictates of the status-quo. Pure intent is not to be confused with being a ‘do-gooder’, or being full of ‘righteousness’, or being ‘moralistic’ or being ‘principled’. Pure intent is the quality that encompasses what morals and ethics aspire to but never reach. Pure intent is a manifest life-force; a genuinely occurring stream of benevolence and benignity that originates in the perfect and vast stillness that is the essential character of the infinitude of the universe. Freed by pure intent from the very necessary social constraints – designed to control a wayward ego and a compliant soul – one can have generosity of character without striving. Pure intent guides one in each and every situation and circumstance – it is an essential prerequisite to ensure a guaranteed passage through the psychic maze – until the primacy of ‘me’ as a psychological or psychic entity withers away. With pure intent one will not rest until one has gone all the way. intimacy –– Intimate friendship or acquaintance; close familiarity. Intimate or close connection. Closeness of observation or knowledge. Oxford Dictionary Peter: Intimacy is a word that is commonly interchanged for love or friendship. This intimacy is a fickle thing as it is but a feeling and not a factual sensate experience. As such, it is subject to all the deceits and deceptions that result when one lost, lonely, frightened and very cunning soul vainly attempts to ‘connect’ or bridge the gulf that is always felt with other similarly lost souls. However for those willing to dismantle the alien entity inside, both ego and soul, the rewards of discovering an actual intimacy brings constant delight and wonder. Freed of fear and aggression and any separate ‘self’ whatsoever, a direct intimacy is possible with all people, things and events. The hallmarks of this intimacy are an immediacy, directness, innocence and purity that leaves feelings such as love or compassion for dead. Related Discussions: intuition –– Immediate apprehension by the mind without the intervention of reasoning. Immediate insight. Spiritual insight or perception. Oxford DictionaryPeter: A form of psychic radar employed in an attempt to ‘feel’ out the other situation or person. It usually involves relying on one’s own fear-based interpretations based on past emotional pains or assumed future pains. It is held in higher esteem than an accurate common-sensical appraisal of the facts as perceived by the physical senses. Controlled testing of intuitive perception or ESP (to use the scientific term) demonstrates that rarely, if ever, does it produce better results than guesswork – about fifty percent. Intuition has as its basis the instincts of fear, aggression, nurture and desire, and these operate automatically in driving and colouring our perception of all people, things and events. Further overlaid on this ‘hard wiring’ are the disillusions of childhood – of being bullied, deceived, lied to, falsely accused, harassed, smothered, ignored, etc. When we finally emerge into the world from the bosom of the family and the training ground of school we are in fact lost, lonely, frightened and very cunning with good reason. To intuit or be on ‘psychic guard’ is the only method of survival open to us, but therein lies the seeds of our own imprisonment. Living in fear simply locks us away from the possibility of directly experiencing the delight and magic of the physical actual world. To drop this ‘shield’ is considered as sheer madness or naïve in the extreme, but the proof that it is not only possible but highly desirable is experienced in the peak experience . To be without one’s ‘guard’ up, even for a brief time as in the ‘self’-less state of a PCE, allows an intimacy, purity and innocence to be experienced which is fairy-tale like in its magic. One glimpses, for a brief period, one’s destiny. The wide and wondrous path to actual freedom offers a sure-fire way of living free of fear and, as such, the need for any intuitive defences or attacks simply fall by the wayside. Good hey... | A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | | judgement | judgement –– 1 The action of trying a cause in a court of justice; trial. 2 In some faiths: the judgement of humankind by God expected to take place at the end of the world, when each is rewarded or punished according to his or her merits. 3 A divine sentence or decision; (joc.) a misfortune or calamity regarded as a divine punishment or as a token of divine displeasure. 4 The pronouncing of a deliberate (esp. adverse or critical) opinion on a person or thing; an opinion so pronounced. 5 In biblical translations: a justice, righteousness b a divine decree or ordinance; c a sentence or decision in a person’s favour. 6 The formation of an opinion or notion concerning something by exercising the mind on it; an opinion, an estimate. 7 a The function of the mind by which it arrives at a notion of a thing; the critical faculty. b Good judgement; discernment. A person having (good) judgement. d Reason, senses, wits. 8 Logic. The action of predicating or mentally apprehending the relation between two objects of thought; a proposition, as formed in the mind. Oxford Dictionary Peter: Whenever Vineeto and I talk or write of becoming free of the Human Condition, we are often seen (judged?) as being judgemental or attacking and not tolerant or respectful of the other’s position. In considering this, the only sense I make of it is that we are threatening in that we are putting into practice the concept that one can become free of the Human Condition – i.e. how human beings think, feel, believe and imagine themselves to be and how they are instinctually programmed by blind nature to function. Now any sensible investigation of the Human Condition involves observation, investigation, comparison, contemplation, consideration and judgement. One has to come to a conclusion as to what is silly and what is sensible, otherwise the whole exercise is merely intellectual wanking. Having made a judgement as to what is best, then action is required – one is compelled to action, unless one wants to settle for second-best – but that’s another story. So no bleatings of ‘you’re being judgemental’ will work with me – it’s a furphy that’s been bandied around since morals and ethics were first chiselled in stone and devised to silence the sensible. ‘Judge ye not’ is a platitude invented by God-men and other charlatans in order that no one would question the rest of their inane platitudes. It is one of many dimwitacisms, passed off as Guru-wisdom, that have no other meaning or purpose than to keep their followers and disciples under control, humble, grateful, loyal and, above all, non-thinking. But if anyone wants to remain as they are, second-rate, rooted in the past, or off in la-la land, then fine. Somewhere there is a Peter or a Vineeto who might appreciate a bit of ‘judgemental’ straight talking, a first hand account about becoming free of the Human Condition, what it’s like to challenge all beliefs, what it’s like to leave one’s ‘self ’ behind. I strongly recommend being judgemental – making a judgement, an evaluation, a discernment, a decision, a finding, an appraisal, an assessment, a conclusion. At the very least one practices thinking, at best it may provoke action, at worst you may be inaccurate and need to re-assess. This is the process of learning called trial and error. One simply proceeds to what is sensible and what works, and one finds one has discovered a fact. And one can rely on a fact . It takes a little practice but eventually ‘you’ become redundant in the game as the facts start to speak for themselves. | A | B | C | D | E | F | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U-V | A Down-to-Earth Freedom from the Human Condition – Happy and Harmless in this Lifetime Peter’s & Richard’s Text ©The Actual Freedom Trust: 1997-. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer |